SEP - Spring Hill Primary School Re-Design

  • 状态: Closed
  • 奖金: $35
  • 参赛作品已收到: 48
  • 获胜者: fidreesra


I need a PDF flyer done. Please use the existing PDF as a template and change the following text to:

Statement 1: When we use Affective Statements and Interactions we model and create positive, respectful and safe relationships between all members of the community.
Statement 2: When we apply the Restorative Continuum consistently, all students and staff understand its purpose and value thus creating a strong restorative culture.
Statement 3: When we model Restorative Practices, we empower students with the skills to engage in the process independently.
Statement 4: When we engage with whole school systems and practise school wide expectations we support staff to ensure the effective implementation of Restorative Practices.

Please update the colour scheme of the flyer to match the school logo:
- Website for colours -

Please update the name of the school and logo appropriately.

Please update the value to below:
- Values - Learning together, growing together.

Everything else can remain the same. Need it ASAP.

Please also provide the final flyer in JPEG format.



“great work!”

个人主页照片 voigty72, Australia.






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