Instalar Certificado SSL
$10-30 USD
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Instalar certificado SSL, que já foi contratado, em site wordpress.
Ταυτότητα Εργασίας: #17827301
Σχετικά με την εργασία
Ανατέθηκε στον:
Olá, como você está? Meu nome é Neto, trabalho a mais de 10 anos com programação e infraestrutura de servidores. Já fiz a instalação de vários certificados nos mais diversos ambientes. Tenho certeza que posso deixa Περισσότερα
17 freelancers κάνουν προσφορές κατά μέσο όρο $25 για αυτή τη δουλειά
hello kailash, i will install ssl certificate and configure wordpress to use the ssl certificated. i will also make sure that the green padlock is visible across all pages without any mixed content warnings. I have do Περισσότερα
Hello, Please provide me cpanel and admin details so I will do it for you. No issue award and pay me on completion. Thank you
Hi I will install ssl certificate as per your requirement and have expertise in the relevant field. I have 9 years of experience. Regards
I will get the SSL certificate installed on your WordPress based website in a day. Please get in touch to discuss further and start ASAP
Hi, As per your requirement, I have expertise in SSL. I can help you in that I have 5 years of experience in this domain and I have done this type of projects much time for my local and remote client.s I have compl Περισσότερα
Hello sir, I have good experience in SSL setup. Can you hire me now then i can start setup right now. I need to setup this ssl service .wp admin login details, SSL control panel, Cpanel details. Thanks
hola estoy interesado en ayudarte a cumplir las metas para tu proyecto y asi puedas lograr tus objetivos
Hello, how are you? My name is Erlan Carreira and I work with website development and systems for web, do this service.
Olá, tudo bem? Me chamo Lindomar, sou formado em Sistemas de Informação e trabalho na área de desenvolvimento web alguns anos. Estou disponível para realizar o trabalho agora ou em data combinada.
Olá, amigo! Sou bacharel em Engenharia da Computação, graduado pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, desde 2013. Tenho vasta experiência na área de desenvolvimento de sistemas, com ênfase nas linguagens C, C+ Περισσότερα