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    2,000 wwwall free cop car games εργασίες βρέθηκαν


    €434 Average bid
    €434 Μέση Προσφορά
    9 προσφορές


    €1691 Average bid
    €1691 Μέση Προσφορά
    22 προσφορές

    I aim to build a navigation app for iOS / Android specificly for electric car owners. It may require "pairing" two different APIs together alongside the interface development to produce the desired result. Greek freelancer prefered but not hard requirment

    €319 Average bid
    €319 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές

    εμπειρία στο social media management, engangement με τους users, φαντασία για δημιουργία διαγωνισμών event κτλ, επιθυμητή γνώση στα games και στο streaming γενικότερα.

    €107 Average bid
    €107 Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές

    ...που πρόσφατα άρχισε να μαθαίνει τις παραπάνω γλώσσες. Επίσης καλό θα ήταν στους κώδικες σε όλα τα αρχεία να υπάρχουν σχόλια στα ελλήνικά και για μένα και για τ&omicro...

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Rewriting report. (English Greek)
    Έχει λήξει left

    We need to make a 50 pages report for ''Games or Tactics to anticipate public speaking phobia.'' Θα δωθεί υλικό που μπορεί να τροποποιηθεί ώστε να βγεί εύκολα το αποτέλεσμα.

    €67 Average bid
    €67 Μέση Προσφορά
    9 προσφορές
    Copywriting report(Greek English)
    Έχει λήξει left

    We need to make a 50 pages report for ''Games or Tactics to anticipate public speaking phobia.'' Θα δωθεί υλικό που μπορεί να τροποποιηθεί ώστε να βγεί εύκολα το αποτέλεσμα.

    €42 Average bid
    €42 Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές

    We need to create a web-based interface for our operators to use at the office. We need the interface to be connected with the WooCommerce of our site so it can exchange information through WP API. The needs for the interface are the following : 1) They need to know every car that has been booked from the website with all the info that woocommerce has on the order 2) They need to edit these informations and update the Woo with it 3) They need to make from a different tab on the interface a registration for a client that comes to the office or via phone and update woo about that order 4) The interface must be web-based . PHP website , part of the WP that we use for the WOO or ASP.Net site. 5) You have to communicate with Woo from and for the interface through the WP API

    €465 Average bid
    €465 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές
    Project for Artur S. -- 2
    Έχει λήξει left

    Καλημέρα, Θα θέλαμε αλλο ένα logo αν έχεις χρόνο. Ανοιγουμε ταυτόχρονα και ένα μαγαζί car audio με τοποθετήσεις ηχοσυστημάτων σε αμάξια κλπ. Επειδή ότι παρόμοιο κυκλο&p...

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Project for Diamantis F.
    Έχει λήξει left

    Γεια σου Διαμαντή! Το όνομά μου είναι Στέλιος από Αθήνα και στήνω ένα site για έναν φίλο. Car Rental site είναι. Το κάνω με wordpress (δεν διαθέτω γνώσεις προγραμματισμού και ήθελε κάτι φθηνό). ...

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Project for Christina G.
    Έχει λήξει left

    Γεια σου Χριστίνα, Ψάχνω για εναν/μια επαγγελματια που γνωρίζει απο WP. Θελω να φτιαξω ενα ον λαιν ευρετηριο. Εχω αγορασει ηδη τα domains and the business plan from WP και εβαλα ενα fr...

    €43 Average bid
    €43 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Project for Christos G.
    Έχει λήξει left

    Καλησπέρα, Ψάχνω για εναν επαγγελματια που γνωρίζει απο WP. Θελω να φτιαξω ενα ον λαιν ευρετηριο. Εχω αγορασει ηδη τα domains and the business plan from WP και εβαλα ενα free template for directory για να &...

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Make a Video
    Έχει λήξει left

    ...γυρισμάτων) να μπαίνουν σκηνές στη σωστή σειρά (συνήθως βέβαια θα είναι σε χρονικό sequence που θα φαίνεται από το όνομα των αρχείων) Διόρθωση χρωμάτων και ήχου Εναλλαγές &sigma...

    €83 Average bid
    €83 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Create a Video
    Έχει λήξει left

    ...expertise. Contractor will be receiving raw files of video from a DSLR / GoPro / Iphone etc (categorized into folders named after the certain subject) of up to 60 minutes and contractor will be responsible for : Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips. Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements. Creating transitions between clips. Adding free royalty music if needed. Adding intro and outro (ready made from us or a new one we can talk about it) Delivering a video ready to use of 720 or 1080 quality of up to 20-30 minutes of each subject. end of english text Χρειαζόμαστε έναν άνθρωπο να μα&sig...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Art poem and free mind
    Έχει λήξει left

    Ασχολουμαι με την Μαγειρικη σε γνωστο Εστιατοριο, ζωγραφιζω comic και γραφω ποιηματα.

    €141 / hr Average bid
    €141 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    Together free press
    Έχει λήξει left

    Γράψτε μερικά άρθρα Μηνιαίο free press που διατίθεται στη Δ.Μακεδονία με θέματα ποικίλης υλης και , ανθρωποκεντρικου ενδιαφεροντος που σχετίζονται με τον πολ&io...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές
    Build a Website
    Έχει λήξει left

    Hello name is konstantinos and i have a consulting f.b page regarding vehicles...I advise people to choose the appropriate car which is ideal for their needs..This is the basic concept...I want to run a web page as well, in order to look more pro related to my services and be able to put advertisements..I would like this web site to be updated with f.b every time i upload something. I WANT IT TO BE GREEK AND ENGLISH...

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Ανανέωση online shop
    Έχει λήξει left

    Θα μας ενδιέφερε η ανανέωση / αναβάθμιση του υπάρχοντος online shop σε φιλικό προς φορητές συσκευές online shop κατά προτίμηση μέσω Wordpress. Με απλά λόγια ένας κλώνος του παλιού σαίτ ( Virtue Mart) &s...

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές
    Write a tag line/slogan
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    Looking for a free lancer for creative writing in greek language

    €65 Average bid
    €65 Μέση Προσφορά
    12 προσφορές

    Στο component vik rent a car στην 3 σελίδα των βημμάτων για την κράτηση να μπει η ημερομηνια και οι μέρες κρατήσεων ωστε να τισ βλέπει ο πελάτης πριν προχωρήσει στο 4ο και τελευται...

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    Vik Rent A car joomla extra plugin
    Έχει λήξει left

    Στο component vik rent a car στην 3 σελίδα των βημμάτων για την κράτηση να μπει η ημερομηνια και οι μέρες κρατήσεων ωστε να τισ βλέπει ο πελάτης πριν προχωρήσει στο 4ο και τελευται...

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές
    Vik Rent A car joomla component
    Έχει λήξει left

    Στο component vik rent a car στην 3 σελίδα των βημμάτων για την κράτηση να μπει η ημερομηνια και οι μέρες κρατήσεων ωστε να τισ βλέπει ο πελάτης πριν προχωρήσει στο 4ο και τελευται...

    €217 Average bid
    €217 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές

    Θα ήθελα στον οδηγό escorts να ξεχωρίσω στο φίλτρο VIP και Free τις πληρωμένες από τις δωρεάν αγγελίες. Θα ήθελα να εμφανίζονται οι VIP μόνο στην πρώτη σελίδα που είναι και ο&iot...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές

    Γραφίστας με γνώσεις Photoshop, illustrator , corel για την παράγωγη ψηφιακών εκτυπώσεων , ταπετσαρία τοίχου ,λογότυπα ,outdoor and indoor application ,car warp,πινακίδες , display stand κ.α . σε περιβάλλον Mac και pc θερμη θεσ/νικη ...

    €450 Average bid
    €450 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    I am a project manager for a software company responsible for designing and engineering slot machines. We are launching a new family of games and we are looking for a sound designer to remake and engineer sound for this new family.

    €908 Average bid
    €908 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές

    Your tasks are: - Upgrade to latest sdk version for my 3/4 small game. (Fruit connect legend, onet animal - memory puzzle, tile connect legend) - make an in-game ads to my other games. Simple make an area which show my other games for users to see and download my other games. Make it to my 4 gamesz (fruit connect legend, onet animal - memory puzzle, tile connecy legend, tile connect travel). And this area is started by a button in the game playing area. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android Studio - Experience in developing puzzle games, particularly Match-3 mechanics - Knowledge of Google Play Store's publishing requirements - Ability to implement engaging game mechanics and features - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail That ...

    €124 Average bid
    €124 Μέση Προσφορά
    21 προσφορές

    I need someone to run a GitHub project for me about road lane line detection. This project should be able to determine road curvature and car distance. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python as this is the primary language of the project. - Experience with GitHub projects, particularly in running and executing them on a local machine. Please note, there's no need for modifications to the original GitHub project, just a straightforward execution.

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Innovative Travel App: Designer Wanted
    6 μέρες left

    Title: Dynamic Travel Solution App Designer Needed (Innovative Design like Ola, Uber, Rapido) Description: I am looking for a skilled and innovative application designer to create a dynamic and user-friendly travel solution app. The app will provide bike and car solutions for public needs, inspired by unique features used by travelers in China and Japan. Key Features: Route Optimization: Help working professionals traveling the same routes daily. Cost Savings: Enable users to save daily travel expenses by sharing rides or using their vehicles. Innovative Design: Incorporate unique features like real-time tracking, smart route suggestions, and user-friendly interfaces. Scalability: Design a scalable app that can grow with user demand. Requirements: Proven experience in design...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Μέση Προσφορά
    20 προσφορές

    I'm on the lookout for an experienced game developer to create an engaging, action-packed, top-down mobile game. This project entails...project entails: - Designing, coding and testing a top-down action mobile game. - Ensuring the game is exciting, challenging and user-friendly. - Implementing high-quality graphics and sound effects that match the action. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Prior experience in developing mobile action games. - Strong knowledge of top-down game design. - Proficient in using game development software and tools. - Able to create visually appealing games. - Good understanding of mobile gaming trends and user preferences. If you have a passion for game development and are able to deliver a high-quality product, I�...

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Smart Entertainment System Development
    6 μέρες left

    ...users). • Play retro and Android games using USB controllers. • Listen to music, with a section for sponsored artists to promote their work. • Browse restaurant, nightclub, and taxi service details. • Access a marketplace for users to offer services and sell items. • Check lottery results, updated weekly for online users. The system must function seamlessly in both modes, but I anticipate higher demand for the offline version due to the target market conditions. ⸻ Responses to Your Proposed Features: - Custom Android TV Launcher & UI/UX: • I want the UI to be simple, intuitive, and optimized for remote control navigation. • The interface should work smoothly on both low and high-resolution displays. • I agree with having dedicated t...

    €2055 Average bid
    €2055 Μέση Προσφορά
    87 προσφορές

    ...and configure the platform to showcase our inventory, manage orders, and facilitate online reservations with delivery options. Project Details: Platform: Work exclusively within Booqable's template-based system. We have already begun customizing a template, and you will complete the build-out. Scope of Work: Product Setup: List and organize our entire inventory (e.g., baby strollers, cribs, car seats, etc.) with accurate descriptions, images, pricing, and availability. Ensure each product is set up for rental, including details like rental periods, deposit requirements, and any special conditions. E-commerce Integration: Configure the ordering system so customers can easily select rental items. Set up a user-friendly shopping cart for rental reservations. Integrate payme...

    €434 Average bid
    €434 Μέση Προσφορά
    115 προσφορές

    ...for learners. ✅ Admin Panel (Easy Content Management) • User-friendly backend to add/edit lessons, quizzes, flashcards, and multimedia • Categorization of lessons by difficulty level (beginner, intermediate, advance) ✅ Subscription System & Payment Integration • Free Trial: Limited access for 1 week • Pro Version: Unlocks full content & features Payment Integration: • PayPal • Credit Card (via Stripe or another payment gateway) • QRIS (Indonesia Popular Payment System) for local transactions • Auto-detection for free vs pro users and restriction after trial ends • Transaction history & billing page ✅ Tech Stack Preference: ? Open to suggestions! Possible options: • WordPress (plugin) for ease of c...

    €157 Average bid
    €157 Μέση Προσφορά
    41 προσφορές
    Trophy icon Pet Waste Removal Logo Design
    6 μέρες left

    1. About the Business • Business Name: Poop Hunt • Industry: Pet Waste Removal Service • Target Audience: Homeowners, pet owners, property managers, and businesses that need a clean outdoor space. • Brand Personality: Fun, professional, trustworthy, and eco-friendly. 2. Logo Style & Preferences (IF YOU HAVE BETTER IDEAS FOR THE LOGO FEEL FREE TO SUBMIT ANY AND ALL DESIGNS! ARTISTIC FREEDOM IS WELCOME) • Color Scheme: Blue, Yellow, and White (must be usable in both color and black-and-white formats). • Design Style: Clean, modern, and slightly playful but not too childish. • Logo Layout Preference: • Primary: Icon to the left of the name. • Secondary: Icon above the name (stacked format for social media and merchandise). &bu...

    €46 Average bid
    568 συμμετοχές
    Modern Logo Design for Evolution Flooring
    6 μέρες left

    I'm starting a new flooring company called "Evolution Flooring" and I need a modern, professional logo designed. Key Requirements: - The logo should be high resolution and come in all formats including vector - It should have a modern style - I need 1 advertisement image designed as well, with the words "Free Estimates" on it, and the listed things below as well. ( We Offer) -Laminate Flooring -Luxury Vinyl Plank -Porcelain Tile -Ceramic Tile -Carpet Flooring -And More! (Reasons to Choose Us) 20 Years Experience Superior Quality & Craftsmanship Competitive Pricing Without Sacrificing Quality Premium Materials & Wide Selection Please note that revisions will be needed.

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Μέση Προσφορά
    139 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a full-fledged gambling website featuring both cricket betting and a diverse array of casino games. The site should be capable of accommodating numerous casino game variants, with a particular emphasis on user engagement and entertainment. Key Features: - Live Betting: The platform should facilitate real-time cricket betting, providing users with a thrilling and interactive experience. - Virtual Gaming: The inclusion of virtual gaming options is essential. This will not only diversify the gaming options but also enhance user retention. - User Account Management: A robust and secure user account management system is critical. This should encompass easy account creation, secure log-in processes, transaction histories, and respons...

    €1635 Average bid
    €1635 Μέση Προσφορά
    37 προσφορές
    Retrieve Cached Car Ad from Google
    6 μέρες left

    I need help retrieving a deleted car advertisement from Google Cache. I have the exact URL of the advertisement and I accessed it via Google Chrome. Your task will be to find the cached page for me. Ideal skills for this project include experience with web archiving services and a strong understanding of Google's caching system. Please note, the project is urgent and requires prompt delivery.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές
    6 μέρες left

    ...brands inside want to see you thrive, and this is your opportunity to build real connections with them. How to Use This Box: Use the products – Each item was selected to enhance your performance and lifestyle. Tag the brands – Share how you’re using the products on social media and tag each brand. Engage & Connect – Brands notice athletes who consistently showcase their products. This is more than free gear—it’s practice for potential brand partnerships. Show up, stay consistent, and make an impact. #AthleteBrandBox #LevelUp Design Notes for the Flap: The message should be clear and easy to read. Use a bold, modern font for key phrases like “Use the products” and “Tag the brands.” Consider adding simple icons ne...

    €37 Average bid
    20 συμμετοχές
    Live Chat Integration for WordPress Site
    6 μέρες left

    I'm looking for a developer to create a Live Chat system for my WordPress site. The functionality should be similar to the LiveChat plugin, covering: - Chat and Monitoring - Asynchronous Communication - Statistics and Reports - Engagement - Customization - Management The chat system should also be accessible via a mobile app, allowi...mobile app, allowing support agents to respond to client inquiries on-the-go. Access to the chat functionalities will be required for: - Customer Support Agents - Admins - Students Experience with WordPress plugin development and mobile app integration is essential. Understanding of customer service software and chat systems will be a significant advantage. I want to develop the chat to make it free to use as the chat plugins generally have...

    €442 Average bid
    €442 Μέση Προσφορά
    130 προσφορές
    Interactive Educator-Driven Adventure Game Web App
    6 μέρες left

    I'm looking for a professional and sleek web app that serves as a real-time, group, choose-your-own-adventure game. This app will allow educators to create scenarios, guiding students through a journey where they vote on the next steps with their mobile devices. Key Requirements: - Compatibility: The web app should work seamlessly on bo...view learner previous choices, percentage correct, award badges to learners - Features to generate reports based on student interaction and performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - web app development. - Proven track record in creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. - Familiarity with designing for both desktop and mobile platforms. - Experience in developing realtime cross platform games are a large advantage. Looking forwar...

    €471 Average bid
    €471 Μέση Προσφορά
    45 προσφορές
    Online Game Exploit for In-Game Currency
    6 μέρες left

    ...an expert who can find an exploit in an online game that would provide access to an unlimited (or desired) amount of in-game currency. The ideal candidate for this project would be skilled in reverse engineering or packet tracing and have extensive experience with online games. Please note that this project is strictly for personal use, and I do not intend to use any exploit for malicious purposes or to harm the gaming community. Key Requirements: - Proficient in reverse engineering - Extensive experience with online games - Able to find an exploit for in-game currency - Capable of delivering this in a timely manner - Providing a detailed report at the end for simulating the attack again Please note: This project is strictly for personal use, and I do not intend to use a...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Μέση Προσφορά
    12 προσφορές

    I'm seeking an experienced web developer to create a WordPress site for selling stock photos. Key features should include: - Dual account registration: Users should have the option to sign up using either an email/password or their social media accounts. - Setting up account configurations: This includes user roles, permissions and features available to free vs paid accounts. While the client did not specify, a proposal that includes a suggested payment method setup will be viewed favorably. Experience in eCommerce and WordPress is essential, with a portfolio of similar projects to showcase.

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Μέση Προσφορά
    33 προσφορές

    ...Traditional, classic (e.g., Times New Roman, Vogue) Sans-Serif Fonts – Modern, clean (e.g., Helvetica, Google) Script Fonts – Creative, stylish (e.g., Coca-Cola, Instagram) Custom Fonts – Unique and brand-specific 6. Tools for Logo Design Adobe Illustrator – Professional vector design CorelDRAW – Vector-based designing Canva – Easy for beginners Figma – UI/UX design and vector art Inkscape – Free vector designing tool 7. Logo Design Process 1. Research & Brainstorming – Understand brand values and target audience 2. Sketching & Idea Development – Create rough drafts on paper or digitally 3. Creating a Digital Version – Design the final logo using software 4. Choosing Colors & Fonts &n...

    €200 Average bid
    €200 Μέση Προσφορά
    17 προσφορές
    RPM Alert LED for Cars
    6 μέρες left

    I'm seeking an expert to help me create a simple yet effective device: an LED that can be installed in a car, which lights up when the engine RPM crosses a set limit (5000 RPM in this case) Key Features: - A small, fixed marker is placed at the 5 on the RPM gauge to help detect the red needle movement. - The LED is powered by a battery. - The LED can change into different colors via an infrared remote, which I can also change. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge in LED circuitry and car compatibility. - Experience in creating battery-operated devices. - Proficiency in designing remote-controlled devices, particularly with infrared technology. - Ability to create a user-friendly interface for color change. This project requires attention to detail and a clear un...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές
    E-course Creation
    6 μέρες left

    ...✔️ Skilled in **LMS platforms** (Teachable, Kajabi, Thinkific, etc.) ✔️ Knowledge of **interactive learning techniques** and gamification ✔️ Ability to create **visually appealing and engaging content** ✔️ Understanding of **business and entrepreneurship topics** (preferred) ### **Scope of Work:** ? Design course structure and interactive elements ? Develop worksheets, quizzes, and games ? Assist with video creation (editing or animations) ? Set up the course on an LMS platform If you're passionate about creating engaging learning experiences and can bring this course to life, I’d love to hear from you! **Please send your portfolio and rates.** --- Here is the course outline: ### **Course Structure: Building Your Yoga Business Plan** #### **M...

    €530 Average bid
    €530 Μέση Προσφορά
    122 προσφορές

    Are you a results-driven closer who loves the game of golf? We’ve developed an innovative, app-free live scoring platform that’s simpler and more affordable than Golf Genius. Clubs can easily organize tournaments, automate scoring, and display real-time leaderboards—no more manual scorecards or wasted time chasing down missing scores. Why Join Us? Competitive Commission Structure: Earn 15% on the client’s first-year subscription, plus 5% on renewals—build a steady income stream with every deal you close. Hot Market: Golf courses and event organizers are seeking user-friendly tech to modernize tournaments; our solution is exactly what they need. Easy Sales & Demos: We provide training, marketing materials, and a clear script, so you can...

    €2152 Average bid
    €2152 Μέση Προσφορά
    22 προσφορές
    Graffiti Hunter - Mobile App Game
    6 μέρες left

    I'm looking to develop a mobile puzzle game called 'Graffiti Hunter'. The primary aim of the game is to locate graffiti artists' work. Key Features: - Players wil...graffiti pieces scattered across different virtual landscapes. - The game should feature a wide range of graffiti styles to keep the gameplay interesting and challenging. - As players progress, they will encounter more complex puzzles, increasing the game's difficulty level. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development and game design. - Previous experience in creating puzzle games will be highly beneficial. - A deep understanding and appreciation for graffiti and street art will enhance the game's authenticity and appeal. - Strong skills in UX/UI design to create ...

    €389 Average bid
    €389 Μέση Προσφορά
    35 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a car auction website similar to copart.com. This website should feature real live bidding, connected to the Copart live bidding window, with the ability to track user bids in real-time Also possiblelity to make local auction and add cars and photos for local cars from local dealers and have local timed auction and local live auction trough this website Key Features: - User authentication and profiles - Email or SMS notifications - Payment integration - A design similar to This is another one it is my website with my logos - A dashboard with real-time updates for tracking bids and bidder information The ideal candidate should have experience in developing

    €1078 Average bid
    €1078 Μέση Προσφορά
    104 προσφορές
    Logo Design for Used Car Dealer - 10/03/2025 19:10 EDT
    6 μέρες left

    I'm looking for a unique and professional logo for my used car dealership. The logo should be minimalist yet catchy, suitable for the automotive industry. It will primarily serve as the face of my company on various platforms, including our website and marketing materials, so it needs to be versatile and easily recognizable. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Understanding of the automotive industry Experience: - Previous work with automotive companies or dealers would be an advantage. - A strong portfolio of minimalist design.

    €9 - €28
    €9 - €28
    60 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a unique and professional logo for my used car dealership. The logo should be minimalist yet catchy, suitable for the automotive industry. It will primarily serve as the face of my company on various platforms, including our website and marketing materials, so it needs to be versatile and easily recognizable. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Understanding of the automotive industry Experience: - Previous work with automotive companies or dealers would be an advantage. - A strong portfolio of minimalist design.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Μέση Προσφορά
    66 προσφορές