Virtuemart add cart button doesnt workεργασίες
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- virtuemart add cart button doesnt work
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Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
Το συγκεκριμένο project αφορά ένα online κατάστημα πώλησης προϊόντων κομμωτηρίου. Το έχω φτιάξει με joomla 2.5 CMS και virtuemart 2. Έχω εγκαταστήσει κάποια εξτρα extensions για ασφάλεια δεδομένων και π&...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done within some hours. Got those photos and i want you to add a label on them that will say: 1st image: "10 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "9 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 1st image: "8 days left" and somewhere "Ανοί&gamm...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done within some hours. Got those photos and i want you to add a label on them that will say: 1st image: "10 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "9 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 1st image: "8 days left" and somewhere "Ανοί&gamm...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done within some hours. Got those photos and i want you to add a label on them that will say: 1st image: "10 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "9 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 3rd image: "8 days left" and somewhere "Ανοί&gamm...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done within some hours. Got those photos and i want you to add a label on them that will say: 1st image: "10 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "9 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 1st image: "8 days left" and somewhere "Ανοί&gamm...
Ψάχνω άτομα κάνουν την εξής απλή (αλλά χρονοβόρα δουλειά): Να κάνουν πολλαπλές εγγραφές στην ιστοσελίδα μου. Αναλυτικά η διαδικασία της δουλειάς είναι η εξής:...
Ψάχνω άτομα κάνουν την εξής απλή (αλλά χρονοβόρα δουλειά): Να κάνουν πολλαπλές εγγραφές στην ιστοσελίδα μου. Αναλυτικά η διαδικασία της δουλειάς είναι η εξής:...
Καλημέρα, Το συγκεκριμένο project αφορά μεταφορά e-shop από πλατφόρμα του papakishop σε joomla virtuemart site. Κατηγορίες,κείμενα,φώτο κλπ παραμένουν ως έχουν με μια μικρή πρόσθεση προϊόντων από το πρ&o...
Θελω μερικες αλλαγές στο site Τα ονόματα σο συγγραφέων να φύγουν να μπορώ να βλέπω εγώ και οι συγγραφείς τα views τους και να μου βγάζει πόσα άρθρα έπιασαν το goal (πχ αν &ta...
Καλησπέρα Έχω σετάρει ένα virtuemart e-shop version 2.x σε 2.5.x. Έχω δημιουργήσει ένα table στη database όπου έχω τ.κ., state, περιοχή, περιγραφή και ένα special id, βάσει του οποίου θέλω να κάνω το customization. Μέσα στο virtuemart έχω δημ&iot...
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'create dns entries and private nameservers on dedicated server'
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Simple MatLab Excercise (Urgent)'
Καλησπέρα.. Δεν είμαι εξοικειωμένος με την πλατφόρμα. Μπορούμε να chat εδω με κάποιον τρόπο ? Ευχαριστώ
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Academic essay'
Θέλω να συνδεθεί το λογιστικό πρόγραμμα του φυσικού καταστήματος μου με το ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα, έτσι ώστε να ενημερώνεται αυτόματα το ηλεκτρονικό κατάσ&ta...
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Professional & attractive desing of an existing website'
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Copy editing of a 700 words article'
I need a 4 second Lottiefile animation for my app's loading screen. The style should be cartoonish with human characters demonstrating ...screen. The style should be cartoonish with human characters demonstrating a P2P payment using a mobile app. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating Lottie animations - Strong understanding of cartoonish design - Experience with character animation - Ability to convey complex actions simply and engagingly The image is what I want to animate. The left hand should move downward and tap the app button This will initiate the flow of a few bills towards the receiver. The receiver gives a thumbs up, indicating payment received. Above the animation wording should pop-up: - payez tout marchand - payez vers tout portefeuille - recevez depuis tou...
...user load on an e-commerce website, perform performance testing, analyze results, and suggest improvements. Application Under Test: Website: Will provide it after connecting it. Key functionalities to test: Homepage, Product Search, Product Details, Add to Cart, and Checkout. Tasks: Create a JMeter Test Plan: Simulate user actions: Homepage Load (100 users), Product Search (50 users), Add to Cart (30 users), Checkout (20 users). Use HTTP Samplers, Timers, and CSV Data Set Config for realistic testing. Configure Listeners & Assertions: Add View Results Tree, Summary Report, and Graph Results. Use Response Assertions to verify HTTP status and expected text. Execute Performance Tests: Ramp-up: 60 seconds, Loop Count: 2, Duration: 5 minutes. Save ...
I'm looking for a talented web developer to create a comprehensive E-commerce website on WordPress using the WooCommerce platform. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: A user-friendly and efficient shopping cart is a must. - Product Reviews: Integration of a product review system to enhance customer interaction and trust. - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and seamless payment gateway integration for hassle-free transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce - Prior experience in developing E-commerce websites - Strong understanding of integrating shopping carts, product review systems and payment gateways. - Ability to create an interactive and user-friendly interface.
I need an expert in “Learnpress” to teach me how to manage the student’s participation. 1. How to monitor student progress 2. How to extend completion, or expiry date 3. How allow to retake a particular module 4. How to change the student’s password, and expert in “Learnpress” to teach me how to manage the student’s participation. 1. How to monitor student progress 2. How to extend completion, or expiry date 3. How allow to retake a particular module 4. How to change the student’s password, and email address, without the student’s permission. Basically, to end access, without deleting student. 5. New registrant, how to add a course without going through “Shopping-Cart” This is a very simple, specific task...
...--Save A Rescue web Challenges: FYI: Our listings results are based on Zip Codes ~ showing Services in the communities near the visitor to our site is seeking dog/cat Services. Work Needed Fixing ASAP [there will be lots more work on going/these are immediate needs]: 1] Our lists are not displaying results correctly based on Zip Codes and in alphabetical order. 2] Our Google maps is ‘down’ claiming Billing issues? We are a nonprofit, do not pay for Google maps and has been this way for 13 years. It’s a mistake needing fixing. Should be an easy fix, as the Amateur must have hit/deleted a button that caused this issue, and therefore map functionality problems. 3] Database errors ~makes us unable to upload or new listings in CSV...
I am seeking an experienced SEO professional to help increase the website traffic and improve the search engine rankings of my unique niche business. The business operates without a traditional e-commerce cart, so creativity and out-of-the-box thinking will be paramount. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective SEO strategies - Increase website visibility and traffic - Improve search engine rankings Content Focus: - I am open to various types of content for SEO, including but not limited to: blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. Your expertise will inform our content strategy. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with SEO marketing - Strong understanding of unique e-commerce business models - Excellent content strategy skills - Ability to think creativ...
MULTISITE DEVELOPERS ONLY APPLY DON'T BID IF YOU WILL HIRE ANOTHER TO COMPLETE THE TASKS - VERY DISHONEST!!! +++ Budget $40 ++++ PLEASE RE...COMPLETE THE TASKS - VERY DISHONEST!!! +++ Budget $40 ++++ PLEASE READ ENTIRE DETAILS BEFORE YOU BID!!! Main and Subdomain have DIFFERENT products and USING TWO THEMES - Main - Porto Theme (Membership and Forum) Subdomain - HiStudy Theme (Courses and Events) 1. Cart Issues: - No payment option shows despite Stripe is installed and configured in Main Site. - Global Cart PLUGIN (One Cart Checkout for purchases on domain and subdomain) is installed and configured. 2. Orders in Customer Profile - All orders should show in both main and subdomain customer dashboard Skills Required
PLEASE chaeck the attached file AND share similar previous work in your bid I Want to create a personal freelancing website. I provide analytics services. the site will be after my name The site content should follow the attached presentaiton. Also it should have a book now floating button leading to a calendar (using calendly). Also it should have a whatsapp chatting popup that leads the people to contact me directly on my phone. the colour threme should be white blue and lime with a balance of tech style and business style
...WireGuard. The script should be capable of automatic installation and configuration on two separate Ubuntu servers (22.04 - 24.04) and ensure seamless traffic forwarding. The system should work as follows: A client connects to Server 1 (entry point). Traffic is forwarded to Server 2. The client appears to be connecting from Server 2, although they initially connected to Server 1. Additionally, the system should be integrated with a Telegram bot, which allows users to: Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clicking a button in Telegram. Upload configuration files manually or via script to update the available IP pool. Requirements: ✅ Develop a Bash (.sh) script or another suitable method ...
...outstanding financial dues or if the report has not been signed by the lab manager. 2️⃣ Ability to add multiple branches without requiring a Google API Key. 3️⃣ Add mathematical formulas in medical reports for tests that rely on calculations. 4️⃣ Adjust the display of the Normal Range to automatically change based on age and gender. 5️⃣ Redesign medical reports for a more professional and clear presentation. 6️⃣ Display patient history by showing previous results of the same test in the medical report. 7️⃣ Improve the Complete Blood Count (CBC) report by adding a Histogram Chart. --- ? Additional Major Enhancements: 8️⃣ Modify colors of expired and non-expired fields to better distinguish data. 9️⃣ Add a checkbox for each element in reports and invoices to contr...
Work on interfaces of products and pictures of social media sites to introduce your product or work and also work on doing free business cards that contain work information such as phone number, place and work name ... Vicet card
...Integrate Bunny Net CDN – For faster content delivery. Add Product Labels – Display Quality, Autonomy, Weight in the mobile app. Modify Categories & Subcategories – Update categories and add an extra selection option. Remove Unnecessary Features – Remove the Reviews section and Wishlist from the app. Authentication Update – Enable login only via phone number (remove email login). UI Change – Move the "Support" button to the bottom main menu. Video Support – Enable video uploads and display, same as on the website. Sync Bank Payment Method – Ensure the bank payment method works correctly across the website and app. API Check & Testing – Verify that all necessary API endpoints work correctl...
...under the main gallery - Bullet points - A slick bar below the buy box, moving to the left - Features listed with icons - Badges on bundles for savings - A 'Free delivery and free returns' box below the buy now button - Zoom in feature for the featured image Additional key features 1. Menu on mobile/desktop - information for free shipping and free returns at the bottom - categories has images - best seller - button to “all product page” 2. Cart drawer - in the cart drawer, added information for free shipping and free returns - graphic image with payment options under go to checkout button 3 Checkout - I want this "steps" in the checkout page (progress bar) - want this to be quick process, with only essential informat...
I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'Business Stationery Design Using Existing Designs'
...retail. This system should encompass key features such as: 1. Add , Edit, Delete staff and assign roles by admin 2. Products-Add , Edit, Delete Products. Add, Edit, Delete –Brand & Group, Category, Variance, Supplier and address, Supplier list . Products list and inventory with customized search options including recently added list. - 3. Sales – Opening Balance Add, Edit, Delete Sales. Sales Invoice List. Add new products button Discount/On Sales; Discount based on quantity/weight etc Quotation(Print/Share with e-mail, whats app etc) Sales Return Sales Exchange/Partial exchange Sales statement Cash break Break value Cash pull Due • Due list • Partial payment adjustment • Remainder ...
I'm looking for a developer to implement a feature on my Adalo-built website. The task involves capturing the names of ticket holders based on the quantity of tickets selected in the cart. This information should be collected during the checkout process through text input fields. Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with Adalo platform - Proficient in eCommerce website development - Knowledge in implementing custom checkout features - Strong understanding of user interface design
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a modern and clean shopping website for physical products. This ...and Javascript/React for the frontend, and Firebase for the backend. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly interface using modern and clean design principles - Implementation of essential features such as a shopping cart and product search - Experience with using Firebase for backend development Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Javascript/React - Prior experience in developing shopping websites - Strong understanding of modern web design principles - Familiarity with Firebase Please ensure your portfolio includes relevant examples of your work, particularly any shopping websites you've developed in the past. I look forwar...
... - After goal celebrate 5 seconds with option to skip - If match creator leaves, ownership passes to next person in lobby - Appoint a user as Referee with ability to: (issue Red/yellow card, use Vanishing spray foam line, Blow whistle) Main Menu: Notifications (icon) Updates and events Display / full description (back button/exit on all pages) Drone view of stadium (icon) - user controls drone Weather settings (icon) Weather types: Morning / afternoon / evening Rain / snow / wind Light / medium / heavy (Realistic game conditions to be applied once selected) Calibration (icon) Mute (icon) On/off Online friends (icon) Show if friends are online ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a robust retail website for food, grocery, and clothing. Key Features: - Online Shopping Cart: The site should have a user-friendly online shopping cart. It should be capable of handling a diverse range of products and providing an effortless shopping experience. Payment Integration: - The website should support payments via Credit/Debit Card and UPI. Please ensure the payment gateway is secure and reliable. Home Page Prioritization: - The homepage should primarily showcase food items. It should be designed to draw attention to food products, while still providing visibility to grocery and clothing items. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in eCommerce web development - Experience with secure payment gateway integration - ...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer with a solid understanding of Google Tag Manager. My website, a quiz app, has a couple of buttons that need tracking. Specifically, I need tracking set up for a download button which links to a ZIP archive. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Tag Manager - Web development experience - Understanding of e-commerce tracking - Familiarity with quiz app functionality - Able to set up tracking for specific buttons Your task will be to set up Google Tag on the download button so that I can monitor its usage. This will help me understand user engagement with the download functionality of my site.
...Features to Customize in Laravel Admin: - User Management: I need a robust system that can handle multiple user profiles and permissions. - Report Generation: This feature will allow users to generate reports based on their activities within the platform. Report Generation: - Users should have the capability to convert reports into PDF format for sharing. Here are some of the features i want to add...the items #are those features currently available on the platform; Objective: To develop a comprehensive, cloud-based HSE&S management platform that enables real-time data collection, reporting, analysis, and communication for improved workplace safety, compliance, and operational efficiency across multiple projects and clients. Key Features & Functionalities: 1. Client/...
...Social proof elements (customer reviews, testimonials, etc.). Collection Pages: Dedicated pages for different collections with immersive visuals and storytelling elements. Blog & Journal: Section to share articles, craft stories, styling tips, and sustainability practices. Contact Us: Interactive form, Google Maps integration, and social media links. E-commerce Functionality: Secure shopping cart and seamless checkout process. Integration with payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). International shipping support with dynamic shipping rates. Inventory management and product availability indicators. Wishlist and save-for-later features. Interactive Elements: Hover effects, micro-interactions, and subtle animations. Short, autoplaying video content on the homepage....
I need a modern, clean e-commerce site to sell my dry fruits laddoo and granola mixture. The website must include a seamless shopping cart and checkout system. I am looking for a web developer with experience in creating e-commerce sites and a strong understanding of modern web design principles. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
Make 2 WP pages from XD so we can edit the content and images etc. and it looks like the design in XD with all zoom ans scroll features etc.
...e-commerce application. The design should be suitable for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Screens to Design: - Login and Registration Screens: These should be user-friendly and intuitive, promoting a seamless onboarding process. - Product Listing and Details Screens: The design should provide clear visibility and accessibility of products, with an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. - Shopping Cart and Checkout Screens: These screens need to facilitate a smooth and hassle-free checkout process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in UI/UX design, particularly for mobile applications. - Proven experience in designing for e-commerce platforms. - Proficiency in designing for both iOS and Android. - Ability to create clean, minimalist designs. - Excellent unde...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that redirects users to a random link from a database upon button click. Key Requirements: - The links should be stored in a Supabase database. - The extension should be user-friendly, triggering the redirection with a simple button click. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Chrome extension development. - Experience working with Supabase. - Strong understanding of user interface design for ease of use.
I'm launching a streetwear brand named 'Eternal Threads' and need a professional Shopify store set up urgently by this Sunday. The store must be visually appealing, user-friendly, and ...must be visually appealing, user-friendly, and mobile-optimized. Key Requirements: - Create a clean, attractive design that aligns with streetwear aesthetics. - Implement essential features like shopping cart and checkout. - Develop engaging product pages with detailed descriptions. - Integrate social proof and influencer partnerships. - Ensure a seamless, engaging checkout process. Ideal Skills: - Expert in Shopify with a strong portfolio in fashion retail. - Excellent UI/UX design skills. - Experience in streetwear brand development is a plus. - Ability to deliver high-quality ...
I'm seeking an experienced cryptocurrency professional to help me add liquidity to a new crypto token on PancakeSwap. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), particularly PancakeSwap. - Familiarity with adding liquidity and creating token pairs. - Prior experience working with USDT pairs. Skills and Experience: - Cryptocurrency trading and investment background. - Proficiency in blockchain technology. - Strong understanding of market dynamics and liquidity needs.
I'm looking for an expert to optimize my Facebook setup with respect to the pixel and to set up ads for my campaigns. The primary goal of the Facebook ad campaign is to generate leads. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Facebook ad campaigns and lead generation. - Proven track record of successful lead generation campaigns.
I'm looking for a proficient web developer who can create a fully functional e-commerce website for my clothing store, which caters to both men and women. Key Features: - Shopping cart: The heart of any e-commerce site. - Customer reviews: I want to build trust and engagement with my customers. - Designs: I need a visually appealing site with a keen focus on design. Payment Integration: - The website should support Credit/Debit Card transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in e-commerce platform development. - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles. - Experience with secure payment gateway integration. - Knowledge of SEO best practices would be a plus. I'm looking for someone who can not only deliver a fully functional site, but also one that i...
I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'MOCO Vibe: Luxurious Podcast Brand Design (2 Variations)'