
Οι πρόσφατες αναζητήσεις μου
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    Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
    2,000 section 508 of the rehabilitation act εργασίες βρέθηκαν

    Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Creation of a logo for an olive mill museum. - 06/05/2024 11:19 EDT'

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    έτοιμο αρχείο 100 σελίδων με βιβλιογραφία, να μετατραπεί σε επιστημονικό άρθρο 10 σελίδων ready file of 100 pages with bibliography, to be converted into a scientific article of 10 pages 100-page bibliography file, to be converted into a 10-page scientific article

    €131 Average bid
    €131 Μέση Προσφορά
    16 προσφορές

    In the context of a research project I would like to write an abstract of a ~500 words scientific article on a bioethics issue, which would concern the bioethical dimension of the use of artificial intelligence applications in the field of theranostics. The language of writing will be English. The abstract should state the topic and its importance, the questions asked and the research methods/tools. Most importantly, a search of databases of authoritative literature (Pubmed, Scopus) should be carried out in order to find recent developments in the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of theranostics (perhaps some concretisation w...

    €329 Average bid
    €329 Μέση Προσφορά
    47 προσφορές

    Ετοιμασία (βιντεοσκόπηση και editing) ενός βίντεο τύπου συνέντευξη. - concept: θα υπάρχουν συνολικά 5-6 ερωτήσεις που θα γίνουν σε 5-6 άτομα. Το κάθε άτομο θα απαντά την ερώτηση δ&iota...

    €407 Average bid
    €407 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές

    Hello everyone, we are an artificial intelligence company, in order to develop software, we want to recruit hundreds of Greek to record Greek audio for us, we need to record 1050 sentences, each sentence is 2-8 seconds, the pass rate Must reach 96.5%. without violating any of your privacy. If you're interested in helping us record audio, please contact me! Note: Those who have participated in the recording of the startask application cannot participate in this work. Γεια σε όλους, είμαστε μια εταιρεία τεχνητής νοημοσύ&n...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Next JS of Nuxt Js
    Έχει λήξει left

    προγραμματιστές NetxJS ή Nuxt Js που μπορούν να μετατρέψουν έναν υπάρχοντα ιστότοπο Angular σε Next Js ή Nuxt Js. Κυρίως εργασίες front-end για να αποκτήσεi γρήγοραδα στον ιστότοπο για την Google. Δεν είνα&i...

    €26 / hr Average bid
    €26 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές

    EBARCHITECTS is the leading consulting firm in Greece in the field of Building Information Modeling technology. We have designed a series of plug ins for Autodesk Revit and Navisworks and we are looking for a programmer to undertake development. -C#

    €28 / hr Average bid
    €28 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές

    Ψάχνω ένα άτομο που να έχει εμπειρία με το λογιστικό sofware - Χρειάζομαι να κάνω το set up του λογαριασμού για την εταιρία μου μαζί του - Χρειάζομαι tutoring + καθοδήγηση για τα πρώ&tau...

    €30 - €250
    €30 - €250
    0 προσφορές

    Καλησπέρα σας Πρόκειται για μια ιστοσελίδα η οποία θα περιέχει προπονητικό υλικο σε μορφή βίντεο σχετικά με το άθλημα του χαντμπολ. Τα βίντεο είναι ήδη ανεβ&...

    €205 Average bid
    €205 Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές

    I am looking for a Greek video producer who will be able to film clips of a guy/girl asking questions about sex to passengers. Please check this clips to get an idea of what I am looking for: Το πρότζεκτ απευθύνεται ΜΟΝΟ σε Έλληνες, γι' αυτο παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου στα Ελληνικά. Θα πρέπει να έχετ...

    €87 Average bid
    €87 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    python script
    Έχει λήξει left

    Έχουμε ενα script σε python σε fast food. To fast food διαθέτει ηλεκτρονικο κατάστημα. - Συνδεεται καθε λε...είναι : Όταν κανουν επανεκκινηση στο router (κλεισιμο / ανοιγμα, γινεται σπανι&a...

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές

    Καλησπέρα σας, Θα ήθελα να μου πείτε εάν μπορείτε να αναλάβετε την παραμετροποίηση ενός έτοιμου Template για HireJob που αγόρασα. Μπορείτε να το δείτε στην διεύθυνση https://orderego.gr. &T...

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Ζητείται προγραμματιστής για δημιουργία εφαρμογής virtual reality, επικοινωνία στο [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    €1291 Average bid
    €1291 Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές

    Δείγματα αρχείων βίντεο: ένα βίντεο από το Youtube το οποίο να είναι απλό. Εάν το βίντεο είναι 1 λεπτό, αρκεί να κρατήθει 5 δευτερόλεπτα με ένα open source video editor, θα επιλεχθούν κάποια frames κα&...

    €216 Average bid
    €216 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    when trying to edit title in wordpress website the following error appears Updating failed. Error message: The response is not a valid JSON response. Title that needs to be changed: from: Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο τηλ. 70009300 για περισσότερες πληροφορίες. change to: Κυβερνητικό Σχέδιο Απόσυρσης και Αντικατάσταση...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές

    Χρειάζομαι κάποιον/-α που να γνωρίζει και να μου δείξει τα βασικά της χρήσης του λογισμικού ποιοτικής ανάλυσης nvivo ([Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions])

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές

    ΣΤΑ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ Να σταλεί ένα τμήμα της εργασίας (ένα κεφάλαιο) στις 31/7

    €424 Average bid
    €424 Μέση Προσφορά
    15 προσφορές

    Διεθνές Πανεπιστημίου Ελλάδας, τμήματος επιστήμης τεχνολογίας. Το θέμα είναι "Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costs of green roofs in Southern Europe". Την όλη δομή-κεφάλαια θεματολογίας θα τα οργανώσω και σε &sig...

    €526 Average bid
    €526 Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές
    Project for Ioannis M.
    Έχει λήξει left

    Γεια Ioannis M., παρατήρησα το προφίλ σου και θα ήθελα να σου προσφέρω την εργασία μου. Μπορούμε να συζητήσουμε τις λεπτομέρειες στο chat. [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    €189 Average bid
    €189 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Καλησπέρα, Θέλω μια ιστοσελιδα κλώνο εαν γίνεται του (εννοείται χωρίς τα στοιχεία των συγκεκριμμένων καθηγητών, θα βάλω τα στοιχεία των δικών μου).

    €180 Average bid
    €180 Μέση Προσφορά
    14 προσφορές

    Καλησπέρα, Θέλω μια ιστοσελιδα κλώνο εαν γίνεται του (εννοείται χωρίς τα στοιχεία των συγκεκριμμένων καθηγητών, θα βάλω τα στοιχεία των δικών μου).

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    The first step
    Έχει λήξει left

    Εφαρμογή Android Το χρειάζομαι σχεδιασμένο και χτισμένο

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές
    Translation of services
    Έχει λήξει left

    Μετάφραση από ελληνικά στα αγγλικά

    €42 Average bid
    €42 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές
    Design a map of world
    Έχει λήξει left

    Θέλω έναν σχεδιαστή να μου σχεδιάσει έναν παγκόσμιο χάρτη (σε Α3) στον οποίο θα σημειώσει: 1. Τις ηπείρους 2. Τους ωκεανούς 3. Τα σημεία επικοινωνίας των ωκεανών -Β&epsil...

    €39 Average bid
    €39 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές

    Πρεπει να δημιουργηθει γλωσσα προγραμματισμου, compiler, με την ANTLR στην eclipse. Στην αγγλικη γλωσσα. Ολες οι λεπτομερειες περιγραφονται στο αρχειο.

    €236 Average bid
    €236 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές

    Ψάχνω άτομα διατεθειμένα να μιλήσουν μπροστά σε κάμερα και ικανά να βιντεοσκοπήσουν τον εαυτό τους. Ο σκοπός του πρότζεκτ είναι να σας δώσω ένα κείμενο, το οπ&om...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές
    SEO Tie the Knot
    Έχει λήξει left

    Εχω μια καινουρια ιστοσελίδα: , υπαρχει εδω και ενα μήνα,και θα ήθελα να την αυξήσω την επισκεψιμότητα της.

    €872 Average bid
    €872 Μέση Προσφορά
    13 προσφορές

    Απαγορεύεται αυστηρά η λογοκλοπή (copy paste) Παρακαλώ όπως μας δώσετε κόστος εκπόνησης για την παρούσα εργασία Είναι επείγον παρακαλώ να δοθεί κόστος το συντο&mu...

    €199 Average bid
    €199 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    We have written a number of fairy tales in Greek for children of age 5 to 10. Can you please do the art work ie front covers, back covers, and inside pages? However, the problem is that you can only do this if you speak Greek hence to understand the meanings… Please advice further. ie, a story could start as follows: Η Μάνα Γή μας ταΐζει Πριν από πολλά χρόνια, οι άνθρωποι αγαπούσαν πολύ τη γη. Γιατί η γη, μας έδιν&...

    €168 Average bid
    €168 Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές

    Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Copy editing of a 700 words article'

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    ...sophisticated website for my upscale holiday home. The site should not only facilitate bookings but also showcase the home's features in an appealing way. Key Aspects of the Website: - A dedicated section for showcasing the holiday home's standout features - A comprehensive photo gallery that highlights the property's amenities and beauty - An interactive virtual tour for potential guests to explore the home - A section featuring guest testimonials to build credibility and appeal - A section showcasing nearby attractions and activities for potential guests. - Detailed descriptions of luxurious amenities provided, such as a private pool, sauna, or home theater. - A virtual concierge feature to as...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    21 προσφορές

    I'm looking for freelancers to translate a 150-page document from English to: - Spanish - Portuguese Requirements: - Must be new in the translation field. - Complete the translation within 3 days.

    €614 Average bid
    €614 Μέση Προσφορά
    15 προσφορές
    Long Term UI/UX Figma Designers needed urgently
    6 μέρες left

    I'm in search of a seasoned UI/UX designer who specializes in Figma, to work on personal/portfolio website designs. This is a long-term project. Key Responsibilities: - Designing user-friendly and visually appealing personal/portfolio websites using Figma. - Incorporating a Blog section, Photo gallery, and Contact form into the designs. - Ensuring all designs are responsive and adhere to UI/UX best practices. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing websites, particularly personal/portfolio sites. - Proficiency in Figma with a strong portfolio. - Understanding of UI/UX principles and responsive design. - Experience in designing for a Blog section, Photo gallery, and Contact form. If you're passionate about creating top-notch website de...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    32 προσφορές
    WordPress News Site Development
    6 μέρες left

    I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to build a comp...page that encompasses various sections, prominently featuring 'Car news'. - Ensure the site is responsive, SEO-optimized, and easy to navigate. - Implement necessary plugins for news updates, social sharing, and user interaction. - Include functionality for users to subscribe to a newsletter to receive the latest news updates. - Create a section dedicated to breaking news to keep users updated in real-time. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress development, particularly for news sites. - Strong understanding of SEO and responsive design. - Excellent UI/UX skills. - Familiarity with car news and the automotive industry would be a plus. Include a comment...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    191 προσφορές
    Webflow Developer & SEO Expert Needed
    6 μέρες left

    ...four websites, three of which are marketing sites and one e-commerce site. The theme for all sites has already been purchased; I just need them built. Marketing Websites: - Features: Each site should have a contact form and a section for client testimonials. E-commerce Website: - Key Functionalities: This website will need a product catalog, a payment gateway integration, and a section for customer reviews. SEO: - All four websites need to be optimized for search engines. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Webflow and website development - Experience with e-commerce website creation - SEO expertise - Ability to implement client testimonials and contact forms - Knowledge of payment gateway integration and product catalog setup ...

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Μέση Προσφορά
    106 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a modern and sleek website for my luxury towel catalog. The website should feature: - A grid layout to display the entire catalog of various luxury towels. - An informative section that articulately lists our services, which include: - Custom towel orders - Wholesale options - Gift wrapping services - B2B Services - Contact us form The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio in e-commerce website development, ideally in the luxury goods sector, and be skilled in creating modern and sleek designs. Quality content writing skills would be a plus to ensure our services are well articulated on the website.

    €137 Average bid
    €137 Μέση Προσφορά
    40 προσφορές
    HVAC Take-Off Engineer Needed
    6 μέρες left

    I need a professional plans take-off engineer, this engineer will do the take off for the HVAC section (air conditioning only). All I need is an itemized list of all parts needed within the projects (such as a/c system, duct work, duct size, copper lines, PVC lines and so on) for a residential/commercial building with a square footage of 2000 to 50,000 sq ft. The engineer should not have any specific brand bias as I am open to all brands. Prior experience with HVAC take-offs is highly desired, particularly for residential and commercial buildings. The ideal freelancer would be able to provide a detailed and accurate list of all necessary components for the project.

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές

    I'm in need of a structural engineer who can work with an architect to develop a stamped CD structural design and details for a 3-story wood frame dormitory apartment. The project is currently in the conceptual design stage. Key Requirements: - Collaborate with an architect to finalize the design - Create detailed stamped CD structural designs - Ensure all designs meet necessary structural standards and codes Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience in structural engineering - Proven track record with stamped CD designs - Familiarity with wood frame structures - Ability to work collaboratively with architects - Experience with modern design aesthetics The expected timeline for completing this project is 3-6 months.

    €15212 Average bid
    €15212 Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές
    Display Cart Content on Category Pages
    6 μέρες left

    My WooCommerce site currently shows cart content on the main shop page but not on the category inside pages. I need the cart content to be displayed on these pages as well, above the product listings. Attention: we will work via teamviewer or anydesk. No direct connections to clients website!!!! Just working along with me. Ideal Skills: - WooCommerce Expertise - PHP, HTML, CSS Knowledge - WordPress Development Experience Requirements: - Modify the category pages to include the cart content - Ensure the cart content appears in a separate section above the product listings - Maintain the existing layout and functionality of the site

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Μέση Προσφορά
    44 προσφορές
    Overhaul of www.loadmate.in Website
    6 μέρες left

    ...my website, www.loadmate.in. The primary purpose of this site is to serve as an informational hub. Key Components: - Home page, About us, Contact us: These sections need to be included, just like the existing website. - Blog, FAQ section, Testimonials: These additional features should also be part of the new design. - Services Page: Detailed descriptions of the services offered, including cost and delivery options. - Portfolio/Gallery: Showcase of past projects or products to demonstrate the quality and scope of work. - Live Chat: Real-time chat support to assist visitors with any queries they might have. Ideal Skills: - Web development - UX/UI design - SEO optimization Experience: - Prior experience with in...

    €256 Average bid
    €256 Μέση Προσφορά
    62 προσφορές

    ...Marketplace Platform: A Comprehensive Overview This document outlines the features and functionalities of a comprehensive B2B marketplace platform, encompassing both the front-end user experience and the back-end administrative capabilities. The platform is designed with a focus on user-friendliness, robust functionality, security, and SEO optimization. I. Front-End (User-Facing) Features: A. Core Functionalities: Sign Up/Login: Secure registration and login functionality using email/password, social media integration (Facebook and Google+), and a "Forgot Password" option. Home Page (Page Builder): A dynamic landing page customizable via a page builder, featuring multiple banners with slides, sub-banners with links, new arrivals secti...

    €453 Average bid
    €453 Μέση Προσφορά
    20 προσφορές

    need an illustrator to illustrate a can for me. I will send the images, it needs to be vector as I will need to make it large here are the two images I need this in 24 hours and budget is $25

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Μέση Προσφορά
    14 προσφορές

    ...developer to build an AI-powered chatbot for my business. The bot should have the following features: • Answer Business-Related Questions: The bot should provide information about my company, such as services offered, opening hours, and general inquiries. • Calendar Integration: The bot should access my calendar to check availability. • Automated Appointment Booking: Users should be able to schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments via the bot. • Integration with Existing Tools: The solution should connect to calendar and booking systems (e.g., Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or a custom booking system). • Scalability: The architecture should allow for future expansions, such as CRM integration or AI-d...

    €529 Average bid
    €529 Μέση Προσφορά
    51 προσφορές

    I have an Excel with 5 soccer leagues and I would like the games and the position in the classification of each team to be updated every day. It would be to associate Excel with the Internet and refresh the sheet with a button. My budget is 15 euros.

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Μέση Προσφορά
    30 προσφορές

    I am looking for a talented 3D designer to create and visualise 83 intricate cachepot models using Blender or SketchUp. Visualisations should be presented with a front view on a tr...to create and visualise 83 intricate cachepot models using Blender or SketchUp. Visualisations should be presented with a front view on a transparent background. Key Requirements: - Create 83 highly detailed 3D models of cachepots. - Visualise each model with a front view on a transparent background - Provide all assets on time Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Blender or SketchUp. - Extensive experience in creating highly detailed 3D models - Strong understanding of 3D visualisation Additionally, a more detailed terms of reference will be provided. Please provide examples of simil...

    €360 Average bid
    €360 Μέση Προσφορά
    78 προσφορές

    ...visualizer to create a high-quality rendering of a modern twin-tower development on an 80m x 70m urban plot. Project Details: -Towers: Two different towers, each 30m x 40m, rising 40 stories above a 4-story podium covering the full 80m x 70m plot. The towers should feature terraces with masses projected for landscaping and trees areas. -Materials: The design should showcase selected materials, cladding, and facade details. -Rendering: A basic rendering is required for proposal submissions to demonstrate understanding of the massing and material selection. Deliverables: Proposal Submission (First Stage): A general massing model with basic materials and a low-detail render. Final Delivery (Upon Selection): A high-quality render of one prima...

    €29 Average bid

    ...website for me. The site will primarily showcase my work, so it needs to be visually compelling and user-friendly. Key Requirements: - Design a 'Gallery/Projects' section that effectively showcases my work - Create a 'Contact Info' section that is easy for visitors to use - Overall design should be 'Creative and colorful', contrasting with the more subdued 'Professional and corporate' or 'Modern and minimal' styles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing portfolio websites - Strong creative and colorful design skills - Excellent understanding of user-friendly web design - Ability to create visually compelling layouts Please add a 'Client Testimonials' section...

    €31 / hr Average bid
    €31 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    146 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a professional full stack developer to create a multi-page blog for me. The blog will need to include several key features and components to enhance user interaction and engagement. Key Features: - Comment Section: I want to encourage discussion and interaction on my blog posts. - Social Media Sharing Buttons: It's essential for my blog to have social media integration for easy sharing of posts. - Subscription Form: A way for my readers to stay updated with the latest posts is crucial. - Landing Page: The blog will need a well-structured landing page. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in both front-end and back-end development, with a strong portfolio of developing similar proje...

    €494 Average bid
    €494 Μέση Προσφορά
    166 προσφορές
    Comprehensive Real-Estate Website Development
    6 μέρες left

    ...real-estate website for me. The primary function of this website will be to serve as a platform for property listings, covering both residential and commercial properties. Key Features: - Property Listings: The website should have a robust property listing section, featuring both residential and commercial properties. - Search Filter: A user-friendly search filter that allows users to search properties by price and location. - Interactive Map View: An engaging interactive map view for users to visually explore property locations. - Property Comparison Tool: A tool that enables users to compare different properties side by side. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in designing property listing w...

    €483 Average bid
    €483 Μέση Προσφορά
    187 προσφορές

    ...is my chosen platform for the website. - The website needs to have an appointment booking system, a service portfolio, and a section for customer testimonials. - Knowledge and experience in mobile app development will be crucial. Ideal Skills: - Web development, particularly on WordPress - UI/UX design - Mobile app development - E-commerce and service-based business understanding - Customer testimonial integration I'm looking for a professional who can guide me through this process and help me establish a strong online presence. The project should be completed within 3 months. The design should be colorful and vibrant. The mobile application should include an appointment booking system. Please include ongoing support and maintenance aft...

    €1016 Average bid
    €1016 Μέση Προσφορά
    187 προσφορές