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Φιλτράρισμα κατά:
Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
2,000 multi user chat client εργασίες βρέθηκαν

...can search for boats using various criteria such as location, dates, boat type, etc. • Boat Details: Each boat should have a detailed page displaying specifications, photos, dimensions, and related information (such as associated base, company, and shipyard details). • Reservations: Customers can select dates, make reservations, and, if applicable, complete payments directly through the site. • User Account Management: Customer registration and login, with access to reservation history and profile management. 2.2 Administrative (Back-End) Features • Boat & Reservation Management: Admins can add, edit, or delete boat listings, manage reservations, and monitor payment statuses. • Data Synchronization with MMK API: The system must automatically synchroni...

€469 Average bid
€469 Μέση Προσφορά
9 προσφορές
multi-vendor marketplace
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Γειά σας. Ονομάζομαι Παναγιώτης Παπάζογλου και ενδιαφέρομαι για συνεργασία με developer , ο οποίος: α) θα αναλάβει να συνεχίσει το multi-vendor marketplace με διεύθυνση URL Το site στην π&alpha...

€47 / hr Average bid
€47 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

...τη δεύτερη σεζόν και ο αγαπημένος μου ήρωας είναι ο Ζιγκς. Μου αρέσει πολύ ο τρόπος που περπατάει στις Αρένες της ΔικαιοσRύνης. Θα ήθελα να δωρίσω μια αμφίεση ...

€19 Average bid
€19 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές

Θα ήθελα την κατασκευή ιστοσελίδας / πλατφόρμας όπως ακριβώς είναι το με κάποιες αλλαγές στο design και το περιεχόμενο. Η λογική είναι ότι ο χρήστης να μπορεί να &kappa...

€3311 Average bid
€3311 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές

We need to create a web-based interface for our operators to use at the office. We need the interface to be connected with the WooCommerce...with the WooCommerce of our site so it can exchange information through WP API. The needs for the interface are the following : 1) They need to know every car that has been booked from the website with all the info that woocommerce has on the order 2) They need to edit these informations and update the Woo with it 3) They need to make from a different tab on the interface a registration for a client that comes to the office or via phone and update woo about that order 4) The interface must be web-based . PHP website , part of the WP that we use for the WOO or ASP.Net site. 5) You have to communicate with Woo from and for the interface through ...

€469 Average bid
€469 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές
κατασκευή mobile app
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κατασκευή mobile app με προωθητικές πρόσφορες, βάση CLIENT GEO IP

€359 Average bid
€359 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές

Κατασκευή σελίδας chat μεταξύ αγνώστων. Υπάρχει σελίδα για παράδειγμα. Σχεδόν έτοιμο front end που θα πρέπει να τροποποιηθεί και να γίνει λειτουργικό.

€407 Average bid
€407 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές

σας παρακαλω προτιμω ελληνα προγραμματιστη θελω να μετατρεψω την εφαρμογη Voice video Chat 2.6 την γνησια απο τιν σελιδα απο flash kai flash actionscript 2 σε html5 και με καποιες αλλαγες π&omicro...

€591 Average bid
€591 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές

σας παρακαλω προτιμω ελληνα προγραμματιστη θελω να μετατρεψω την εφαρμογη Voice video Chat 2.6 την γνησια απο τιν σελιδα απο flash kai flash actionscript 2 σε html5 και με καποιες αλλαγες π&omicro...

€436 Average bid
€436 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

Πτυχιακή Εργασία-ΟΛΟΚ...γραφτεί πλάνο για το πως ακριβώς θα δουλεύει το εργαλειο αλλά και τι ακριβώς χρειάζεται να γίνει. Επίσης αναφέρεται οτι πρέπει να χ&...

€535 Average bid
€535 Μέση Προσφορά
4 προσφορές
Project for mhortis
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Καλησπέρα, Επικοινωνώ εκ μέρους εταιρείας. Μας εδιαφέρει το ενδεχόμενο συνεργασίας στα πλαίσια ενός Android Project (Custom Telnet Client). Σε περίπτωση που ενδιαφέρεσαι, παρακαλώ ε...

€640 Average bid
€640 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Εφαρμογή jquery-ui plugin (jquery-ui autocomplete / )σε html φόρμα για καλύτερο user experience. Το plugin αντλεί πληροφορίες από βάση δεδομένων mysql μεσω jquery/ajax. Το backend ειναι σε php.

€111 Average bid
€111 Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές

Καλημέρα ZCoder, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, αλ&lam...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Καλημέρα Χρήστο, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδ...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Καλημέρα Alex, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, αλ&lambd...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Καλημέρα ArtistCoder, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, α&lambda...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Καλημέρα, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, αλλά &...

€23 / hr Average bid
€23 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Καλημέρα Άγγελε, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Καλημέρα Billymar, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, αλ&l...

€7 - €7 / hr
€7 - €7 / hr
0 προσφορές

Καλημέρα Chefarov, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, αλ&l...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Ψάχνω άτομα κάνουν την εξής απλή (αλλά χρονοβόρα δουλειά): Να κάνουν πολλαπλές εγγραφές στην ιστοσελίδα μου. Αναλυτικά η διαδικασία της δουλειάς είναι η εξής:...

€478 Average bid
€478 Μέση Προσφορά
21 προσφορές

Ψάχνω άτομα κάνουν την εξής απλή (αλλά χρονοβόρα δουλειά): Να κάνουν πολλαπλές εγγραφές στην ιστοσελίδα μου. Αναλυτικά η διαδικασία της δουλειάς είναι η εξής:...

€472 Average bid
€472 Μέση Προσφορά
24 προσφορές

Hi Guys I have a client the is an alternative therapy school and want to be on the first page on google (Greek Google). The page is made on , The keywords are :Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία, κρυσταλοθεραπεία,ρείκι,ρεικι,βιοενενέρεια,λόμι λόμι,λομι λομι,μαθήματα μασαζ,μαθηματα μασαζ,μαθή&...

€262 Average bid
€262 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές
java project
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...από έναν οποιοδήποτε client ο χρήστης θα μπορεί να δηλώσει ένα ή περισσότερα αρχεία τα οποία θέλει να αποθηκευτούν στον server. Τα ονόματα των αρχείων μπορούν να αφορούν είτ&e...

€100 Average bid
€100 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
ptuxiaki android - repost
Έχει λήξει left

...ο χρήστης θα επιλέγει την θέση που θέλει με την οθόνη αφής του κινητού του. Οι πιασμένες θέσεις θα εμφανίζονται στην εικόνα και δεν θα μπορούνε να επιλεχθούν&epsi...

€313 Average bid
€313 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές
ptuxiaki android
Έχει λήξει left

...εκεί ο χρήστης θα επιλέγει την θέση που θέλει με την οθόνη αφής του κινητού του. Οι πιασμένες θέσεις θα εμφανίζονται στην εικόνα και δεν θα μπορούνε να επιλε&chi...

€185 Average bid
€185 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ πολύφυλλα έγγραφα ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΗΣΗ σε sql server...καταχώρησης αλλά και με λέξεις από τα κείμενα των εγγράφων. Οπότε θα πρέπει να υπάρχει και δυνατότητα OCR σε ελλη&...

€238 Average bid
€238 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΑ πολύφυλλα έγγραφα ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΗΣΗ σε sql server...καταχώρησης αλλά και με λέξεις από τα κείμενα των εγγράφων. Οπότε θα πρέπει να υπάρχει και δυνατότητα OCR σε ελλη&...

€186 Average bid
€186 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

Good morning, for a client of mine we need to do this work: • Set-up of tracking pixels (and API) for Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok in the Google TAG Manager platform • Set-up of events, attribution models and conversion windows in Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok • Connection between the platform for the consent management banner for analytics tracking with the tag trigger in GTM. • Resolution of data loss due to the non-acceptance of the banner in GA4 (90% drop in users per site). • Overcome the difficulty in collecting and measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e.  up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinterest, GA4, Google

€401 Average bid
€401 Μέση Προσφορά
8 προσφορές
Need NodeJS Backend Developer for Data Processing
6 μέρες left

...clients. 4. There have been no significant issues and the app runs without issue. # What the app is for: The app is built for clients in the recruitment industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates jobs from various sources 2. For each company, picks the 'best' job based on a select criteria (based on an algorithm/script), and then 3. Forwards the job to another platform for further processing. # We are looking for a senior-level NodeJS dev: 1. To help us iteratively build the app based on the clients’ needs. 2. We’ll defi...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
16 προσφορές

...conversion-focused layout while also improving site speed and cleaning up the HTML/CSS for better performance. The goal is to enhance the homepage design, improve user experience, increase lead generation, and ensure fast loading speeds across all devices. Project Requirements: 1. Homepage Redesign Features ✅ Modern, Clean, and Professional Look ✅ High-Quality Hero Section – Large banner image or background video with a strong Call-to-Action (CTA) ✅ Clear & Compelling CTA Buttons – "Get a Free Quote," "Schedule an Inspection" ✅ Overview of Services – Brief service descriptions with links to service pages ✅ Customer Testimonials Section – Showcase client reviews for credibility ✅ Fast Loading & Mobile-Optimized – T...

€217 Average bid
€217 Μέση Προσφορά
54 προσφορές
Develop complete Travel website using AP
6 μέρες left

Looking for some companies who previously worked on travel website - flights/hotels/cars booking it should support multi payment gateways full website build custom all api integration for data Looking for someone who have worked integrating through APIS

€79 Average bid
€79 Μέση Προσφορά
28 προσφορές
Social Media User Profile Data Collection
6 μέρες left

I'm looking for someone who can extract specific details from user profiles on Facebook and Instagram. Details to be gathered: - Platforms: Facebook and Instagram - Type of data: User profiles - Specifics: Bio and contact info Ideal skills and experience would include social media data mining, familiarity with Facebook and Instagram's user interface, and proficiency in data organization and analysis.

€102 Average bid
€102 Μέση Προσφορά
22 προσφορές

- Custom logo designs that reflect your brand's identity and vision. - Expertise in creating unique, memorable, and versatile logos. - Proficient in various styles, including minimalist, vintage, modern, and more. - High-quality vector-based designs that ensure scalability. - Collaborative approach to ensure client satisfaction and brand alignment. **Photo Editing:** - Professional photo retouching to enhance quality and aesthetics. - Color correction, background removal, and image manipulation. - Image restoration and enhancement for both digital and print media. - Expertise in working with portraits, product photos, and landscapes. - Creative touch-ups to give photos a polished, professional look. **Copywriting:** - Crafting engaging and persuasive copy for websites, blogs,...

€192 Average bid
€192 Μέση Προσφορά
20 προσφορές

website see chat 06 March 2025

€224 Average bid
€224 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
SSL Certificate & Route 53 config in AWS
6 μέρες left

You have the background needed to resolve the following AWS Certificate Manager error. I'm inviting you to bid for this job that needs immediate reso...AWS Certificate manager Consider AWS instructions found here for a potential solution to (1 above): Add custom subdomains managed by Amazon Route 53. Ensure each subdomain resolves to a start-up website in the OdooServer Review the backend and overall platform structure. Recommend changes needed to establish a true multi-company subscription platform for the current Odoo offering. This will inform the next project phase. NOTE: This is a lumpsum project. Please bid a specific amount and indicate how long it will take to complete the milestones above. Thank you.

€211 Average bid
€211 Μέση Προσφορά
16 προσφορές
Freelance Sales Consultant
6 μέρες left

...and close deals. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world. Key Responsibilities: • Identify and engage with potential clients who need assistance with company registration and documentation in Saudi Arabia. • Present and explain Link Solutions' services to prospective clients. • Build and maintain strong client relationships. • Negotiate and close deals with clients. • Collaborate with our team to ensure client needs are met and services are delivered efficiently. • Meet and exceed sales targets. Requirements: • Proven experience in sales, preferably in the legal, documentation, or business services sector. • Excellent communication and negotiation skills. • Ability to work indepen...

€433 Average bid
€433 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές
Steel Products Sales App Development
6 μέρες left

I'm looking for a skillful app developer to create a sales app ...products. - Order Tracking: A reliable system for tracking customer orders is a must. - Customer Reviews: A section for customer reviews to foster engagement and trust. User Roles: - Primarily, the app will be used by our customers and management. The design should cater to a seamless user experience for both. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform app development. - Previous experience with e-commerce app development, preferably in the B2B sector. - Understanding of creating multi-tier approval systems and user roles within an app. Please note, the app needs to have a registration-based access system with multi-level approvals. The ideal candidate would be a...

€647 Average bid
€647 Μέση Προσφορά
61 προσφορές

I have a GPT chat model that needs to be deployed on a cloud service provider. This project involves the deployment of the AI model that supports text chat interaction. The ideal freelancer for this task should have experience in AI model deployment and cloud services. Familiarity with GPT models and their deployment intricacies will be a huge plus. Please provide evidence of previous similar projects you've completed.

€455 Average bid
€455 Μέση Προσφορά
13 προσφορές

this task is to make fixes the layout of HTML+CSS on printing I'm looking for someone to help me add a consistent header and footer to a multi-page, text-heavy HTML and CSS document no js or jquery. The header and footer should include the following elements: - Page number (optional) - Document title - Company logo Please note that the header and footer will not need to differ on the first page compared to the others. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in HTML and CSS, with prior experience in creating multi-page documents. Attention to detail and the ability to follow specific design guidelines will be crucial for this task. Please ensure your bid reflects your understanding of the project requirements. In attached html header of second...

€18 Average bid
€18 Μέση Προσφορά
49 προσφορές
Web Development Opportunity Finder
6 μέρες left

I'm looking for someone who can identify businesses in the Retail, Restaurant, and Hospitality sectors that currently have no online presence. Key Responsibilities: - Research and compile a list of businesses in the specified industries that lack a website. - Evaluate potential for online sales capability in these b...potential for online sales capability in these businesses. - Reach out, Bring me only businesses that are interested. Ideal Skills: - Market research - Data analysis - Understanding of web development necessity - Good communication skills for presenting Clients This project could lead to ongoing work as I continue to need websites developed for these businesses. I'm offering to pay 20% for every client able to pay above $399 and 15% for clients that pay b...

€153 Average bid
€153 Μέση Προσφορά
5 προσφορές
Trendy and user friendly Redesign Needed for Website
6 μέρες left

I'm looking for a professional web designer to give my website a much-needed facelift. Currently...connects users with online teachers and offers a range of learning materials. However, I want to shift the focus more towards our material services and enhance the overall user experience. Key Requirements: 1. Update the site design to prominently feature our material services over the teacher services. 2. Implement a modern, clean, and user-friendly design. Your design should reflect a trendy aesthetic. The ideal candidate will have experience in web design, particularly for educational sites or e-commerce platforms, and a strong portfolio of modern, clean designs. Creativity, attention to detail, and understanding of user experience design will be key to successf...

€56 Average bid
€56 Μέση Προσφορά
56 προσφορές
Connect User Data to MySQL
6 μέρες left

I'm working on a team project and need assistance connecting user information data to MySQL in Gitlab. Key Tasks: - Transfer user information from SQL Server to MySQL - Ensure all data is accurately connected and accessible Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MySQL and SQL Server - Experience with Gitlab - Data migration and database management skills Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.

€15 Average bid
€15 Μέση Προσφορά
11 προσφορές
Advertising Industry Salesmen Needed -- 5
6 μέρες left

I'm searching for persuasive salesmen with a knack for closing deals. The focus wi...and cater to corporate needs - Track record of closing deals - Proficiency in sales strategies and techniques Your task is to be able to sell squares on the website. Each square is for sale at 100$/ Year. Each square is 10x10 pixels. There are 10,000 slots available for sale. Commission rate is 50%. You will get paid depending on your performance only. Milestone and payouts will be released once client actually buys squares. NOT hiring project manager, fullstack developer, web developer, seo specialist, ad specialist, social media manager or related fields. ONLY HIRING SALESPEOPLE current website social media page

€197061 Average bid
€197061 Μέση Προσφορά
10 προσφορές
3 Month SEO work
9 μέρες left

✅ Google Rank Visibility | ✅ SEMrush Error Solutions | ✅ Live Quality Backlinks | ✅ Increased Traffic Elevate Your Online Presence with SEO4Ranking Solutions! Dear Sir/Madam, We’re excited to share the outstanding results and client testimonials we’ve recently achieved: Client Results. At SEO4Ranking, our mission is to drive quality traffic to your site while ensuring it thrives with no risk of penalties from search engines. Our Monthly SEO Goals Include: ✅ Enhanced Google Rankings ✅ 200+ Quality Backlinks ✅ Increased Traffic & Conversion Rates On-Site Optimization: 1. Title Tag Optimization 2. Meta Description Tag Optimization 3. H1 & H2 Tag Optimization 4. URL Optimization 5. Italic/Bold Tag Optimization 6. Non-index Attribute Analysis 7. ...

€232 Average bid
€232 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

¿Te gusta chatear y tienes habilidades persuasivas? ¡Conviértelo en tu trabajo! Estamos buscando personas con talento para la conversación y la venta, que deseen generar ingresos de manera estable desde casa. ? Sobre el Puesto: Como agente de ventas por chat, tu trabajo consistirá en mantener conversaciones con clientes a través de plataformas en línea, fomentar su fidelización y guiarlos estratégicamente para maximizar las ventas. No se requiere experiencia, te capacitamos en todas las técnicas necesarias para triunfar. ? Lo que Ofrecemos: ✅ Trabajo 100% remoto con jornada laboral fija de 8 horas diarias. ✅ Sueldo base de $3 USD/hora. ✅ Bonos e incentivos grupales por cumplimiento de objetivos. ✅ Capacitaci&oa...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
4 προσφορές
Freelancing & Social Media Manager Needed
6 μέρες left

...candidate will be responsible for: -Bidding on relevant projects across freelancing platforms - Cold emailing and cold calling to generate leads - Managing customer inquiries and providing top-notch customer service - Handling lead generation and client acquisition strategies - Optimizing our social media presence for better engagement and visibility - Updating and optimizing our freelancer profiles and bios across all platforms Requirements: - Minimum of 2 years of experience in freelancing platform management, lead generation, and client acquisition - Strong communication and negotiation skills - Proven track record in successful bidding and closing deals - Experience in social media management, profile optimization, and digital marketing is a plus ...

€276 Average bid
€276 Μέση Προσφορά
23 προσφορές
GUI for Vector Design Manipulation
6 μέρες left

...view and select a layout. - Text and Artwork Editing: Users should be able to replace text and artwork within the layouts. Modifications to curved text or multi-layered graphics should align with the original layout. - Keyword-Based Search: Utilizing keyword tags on my art, users can edit text and clipart (e.g., replace a car with a monkey from my library) through a keyword search. - Additional Functions: A few more functions will be needed, but they essentially mirror the primary tasks. - Art Library Access: I'm also interested in a separate site that allows users to search and download from my art library. There will be no need for user authentication, making the application straightforward to access and use. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience...

€1986 Average bid
€1986 Μέση Προσφορά
15 προσφορές
Comprehensive Multi-Platform Betting Site
6 μέρες left

I'm looking to develop a robust and interactive betting site that incorporates a wide array of features. Key Features: - Diverse Betting Options: The site should cater to Sports betting, Casino games, and E-sports betting. - Sports Inclusion: The sports betting section should cover Football/Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, and Cricket. - Live Betting: A crucial aspect of this project is the integration of live betting features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing betting sites is highly preferred. - Strong understanding of sports, e-sports, and casino game betting will be an advantage. - Proficiency in implementing live betting features is a must. - Knowledge of incorporating diverse betting options on a single platform is essential. If you have the required...

€390 Average bid
€390 Μέση Προσφορά
26 προσφορές

I'm seeking a professional to create a comprehensive client contacts (about 1,000 contacts) database for my real estate business. This database will be pivotal in helping me manage and understand my client interactions better. Key Requirements: - The database should store the following information about each client: - Client names and contact details - Client property preferences - Client transaction history - Clients should be categorized primarily by their property type interest. Be able to be uploaded to email apps like Mailchimp,etc Need to be able to create mass mailings and address envelopes. Need to be able to upload by using .csv Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in database creation and management - Experience in th...

€57 Average bid
€57 Μέση Προσφορά
16 προσφορές