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2,000 letter of introduction for job εργασίες βρέθηκαν

Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Creation of a logo for an olive mill museum. - 06/05/2024 11:19 EDT'

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

έτοιμο αρχείο 100 σελίδων με βιβλιογραφία, να μετατραπεί σε επιστημονικό άρθρο 10 σελίδων ready file of 100 pages with bibliography, to be converted into a scientific article of 10 pages 100-page bibliography file, to be converted into a 10-page scientific article

€126 Average bid
€126 Μέση Προσφορά
16 προσφορές

In the context of a research project I would like to write an abstract of a ~500 words scientific article on a bioethics issue, which would concern the bioethical dimension of the use of artificial intelligence applications in the field of theranostics. The language of writing will be English. The abstract should state the topic and its importance, the questions asked and the research methods/tools. Most importantly, a search of databases of authoritative literature (Pubmed, Scopus) should be carried out in order to find recent developments in the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of theranostics (perhaps some concretisation will be done afterwards) and where the regulatory framework is currentl...

€314 Average bid
€314 Μέση Προσφορά
47 προσφορές

Ετοιμασία (βιντεοσκόπηση και editing) ενός βίντεο τύπου συνέντευξη. - concept: θα υπάρχουν συνολικά 5-6 ερωτήσεις που θα γίνουν σε 5-6 άτομα. Το κάθε άτομο θα απαντά την ερώτηση δ&iota...

€389 Average bid
€389 Μέση Προσφορά
5 προσφορές
Next JS of Nuxt Js
Έχει λήξει left

προγραμματιστές NetxJS ή Nuxt Js που μπορούν να μετατρέψουν έναν υπάρχοντα ιστότοπο Angular σε Next Js ή Nuxt Js. Κυρίως εργασίες front-end για να αποκτήσεi γρήγοραδα στον ιστότοπο για την Google. Δεν είνα&i...

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
10 προσφορές

Δείγματα αρχείων βίντεο: ένα βίντεο από το Youtube το οποίο να είναι απλό. Εάν το βίντεο είναι 1 λεπτό, αρκεί να κρατήθει 5 δευτερόλεπτα με ένα open source video editor, θα επιλεχθούν κάποια frames κα&...

€207 Average bid
€207 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

...διαφορετική αρίθμηση) είναι επιθυμητή και συμβάλλει στην καλύτερη κατανόηση του κειμένου. Vector alignment Description: Find two transforms for the vectorial alignment op with the y-axis unitary y vector, where the center of the coordinate system and p is given a 3d point. Then implement them by applying them to various archaeologists. General instructions 1. Documentation ranges from 4 to 10 pages. 2....

€143 Average bid
€143 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

when trying to edit title in wordpress website the following error appears Updating failed. Error message: The response is not a valid JSON response. Title that needs to be changed: from: Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο τηλ. 70009300 για περισσότερες πληροφορίες. change to: Κυβερνητικό Σχέδιο Απόσυρσης και Αντικατάστασης Π&...

€20 Average bid
€20 Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές

ΣΤΑ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ Να σταλεί ένα τμήμα της εργασίας (ένα κεφάλαιο) στις 31/7

€405 Average bid
€405 Μέση Προσφορά
15 προσφορές

Διεθνές Πανεπιστημίου Ελλάδας, τμήματος επιστήμης τεχνολογίας. Το θέμα είναι "Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costs of green roofs in Southern Europe". Την όλη δομή-κεφάλαια θεματολογίας θα τα οργανώσω και σε &sig...

€503 Average bid
€503 Μέση Προσφορά
4 προσφορές
Cover letter
Έχει λήξει left

Για πανεπιστημια

€68 Average bid
€68 Μέση Προσφορά
24 προσφορές

Καλησπέρα, Θέλω μια ιστοσελιδα κλώνο εαν γίνεται του (εννοείται χωρίς τα στοιχεία των συγκεκριμμένων καθηγητών, θα βάλω τα στοιχεία των δικών μου).

€44 Average bid
€44 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
Translation of services
Έχει λήξει left

Μετάφραση από ελληνικά στα αγγλικά

€41 Average bid
€41 Μέση Προσφορά
5 προσφορές
Job for nickorfas
Έχει λήξει left

Καλησπέρα Νίκο. Θα με ενδιέφερε να συζητούσα ένα project μαζί σου. Περιλαμβάνει τη δημιουργία web application. Θα χαρώ να σου δώσω περισσότερες πληροφορίες μέσα από το chat εδώ. Φυσι&kappa...

€8 Average bid
€8 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
Design a map of world
Έχει λήξει left

Θέλω έναν σχεδιαστή να μου σχεδιάσει έναν παγκόσμιο χάρτη (σε Α3) στον οποίο θα σημειώσει: 1. Τις ηπείρους 2. Τους ωκεανούς 3. Τα σημεία επικοινωνίας των ωκεανών -Β&epsil...

€37 Average bid
€37 Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές

Ψάχνω Έλληνα SEO expert για να προωθήση σελίδα που απευθείνεται σε ενήλικες. Στην πρόταση σας παρακαλώ να κάνετε σαφές το ποσό της αμοιβής που ζητάτε για τις υπηρεσί&ep...

€240 Average bid
€240 Μέση Προσφορά
13 προσφορές
One Day Job
Έχει λήξει left

50 Ευρώ για το πολύ 15 λεπτά εργασίας μόνο μία φορά για μία μέρα. Προφίλ: όχι ντροπαλότητες, πειθώ και ευχέρεια λόγου. Η εργασία θα γίνει στην Πάτρα τη Δευτέρα 25/5/2015.

€44 Average bid
€44 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές

Πρεπει να δημιουργηθει γλωσσα προγραμματισμου, compiler, με την ANTLR στην eclipse. Στην αγγλικη γλωσσα. Ολες οι λεπτομερειες περιγραφονται στο αρχειο.

€225 Average bid
€225 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές

Καλημέρα Alex, ενδιαφέρομαι να προσλάβω part-time κάποιον για να κάνουμε develop αλγόριθμους High Frequency Trading (HFT) για betting exchanges όπως το Betfair. Οι αλγόριθμοι είναι γραμμένοι και τεσταρισμένοι manually ήδη, αλ&lambd...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Ψάχνω άτομα διατεθειμένα να μιλήσουν μπροστά σε κάμερα και ικανά να βιντεοσκοπήσουν τον εαυτό τους. Ο σκοπός του πρότζεκτ είναι να σας δώσω ένα κείμενο, το οπ&om...

€21 Average bid
€21 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

We have written a number of fairy tales in Greek for children of age 5 to 10. Can you please do the art work ie front covers, back covers, and inside pages? However, the problem is that you can only do this if you speak Greek hence to understand the meanings… Please advice further. ie, a story could start as follows: Η Μάνα Γή μας ταΐζει Πριν από πολλά χρόνια, οι άνθρωποι αγαπούσαν πολύ τη γη. Γιατί η γη, μας έδινε τ...

€161 Average bid
€161 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές

Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Copy editing of a 700 words article'

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

I'm in need of a modern letterhead and stamp design for my mines and minerals company. The design should incorporate realistic depictions of mountains, a yellow sun, and other mine-related elements. Initially, I will need the design for a letterhead, but upon awarding the project, I will also require modifications for a logo and a stamp. This should in the top of letter head as well as letter head background covering 30% of letter head area in the center. Key Requirements: - A modern design style - Realistic depiction of mountains - Incorporation of a yellow sun and other mine-related elements - Prominent use of black and gold colors - 3 colors usage.

€46 Average bid

I'm seeking a professional designer to create a vibrant and engaging A5 package insert for our 'self-adhesive shelf product'. The insert will be double-sided, featuring a welcome letter & discount offer as QR code on one side and installation tips & a QR code for video instructions on the other side. For side where welcome letter is printed, it should have welcoming and soothing colors, for the side that has installation tips we want the customer definitely take a look, i want to have warning colors, like yellow or something bright which the customer will not ignore. I am attaching the word documents which contains the full contents of the insert, the designer have to be creative to try and fit the content in the A5...

€21 Average bid
€21 Μέση Προσφορά
13 προσφορές

Needs to hire 50 Freelancers - Translate short small mobile page(s) from English. - Languages Needed: Spanish (Latin America) Spanish (Spain) French Czech German Portuguese (Portugal) Hungarian Ukrainian Indonesian Italian Japanese Arabic (Standard) Korean Romanian Vietnamese Polish Thai Turkish Greek Russia...hire 50 Freelancers - Translate short small mobile page(s) from English. - Languages Needed: Spanish (Latin America) Spanish (Spain) French Czech German Portuguese (Portugal) Hungarian Ukrainian Indonesian Italian Japanese Arabic (Standard) Korean Romanian Vietnamese Polish Thai Turkish Greek Russian - Good translator can become our "go-to" translator for these kind of projects in that language. Message the number below on WhatsApp for more inform...

€413 Average bid
€413 Μέση Προσφορά
90 προσφορές

English CRM Setup and Configuration for Legal Services with WordPress Frontend Be careful! Read the Brief carefully. We’ve tried to be as specific as possible: do not send low initial offers and then increase them in chat later on, you will be discarded like a used potato chip! I’m not a technician, but I have colleagues who manage everything with autoresponders and low-quality CRMs, so don’t try to make it complicated. We appreciate and select only those who tend to simplify the language. And we take into account the speed of chat responses and the value of content. If you ghost us and reply after 12 hours to seem busy, your application will end up in the trash! :) PROJECT OVERVIEW This project aims to develop a web platform integrated with a C...

€1178 Average bid
€1178 Μέση Προσφορά
100 προσφορές

Needs to hire 50 Freelancers - Translate short small mobile page(s) from English. - Languages Needed: Spanish (Latin America) Spanish (Spain) French Czech German Portuguese (Portugal) Hungarian Ukrainian Indonesian Italian Japanese Arabic (Standard) Korean Romanian Vietnamese Polish Thai Turkish Greek Russia...hire 50 Freelancers - Translate short small mobile page(s) from English. - Languages Needed: Spanish (Latin America) Spanish (Spain) French Czech German Portuguese (Portugal) Hungarian Ukrainian Indonesian Italian Japanese Arabic (Standard) Korean Romanian Vietnamese Polish Thai Turkish Greek Russian - Good translator can become our "go-to" translator for these kind of projects in that language. Message the number below on WhatsApp for more inform...

€392 Average bid
€392 Μέση Προσφορά
74 προσφορές

Hello, This job is for 10 posts of about 600 words. 10x 600 words. I have a travel website and I would like to find a freelance copywriter to produce posts for it. I am looking for posts of around 600 words on topics such as travel tips, best beach holidays for 2025, best hotels in Bali - stuff like that. I am looking for fun, informative, easy to read articles. They could follow the format - Title ("Top tips for..." or "top beaches in..." - Short introduction - 5-6 paragraphs with example per paragraph - Short conclusion It needs to be relevant, current, interesting topics that would get the website rank well and have people visit oragnically from search engines. With every post, I woul...

€138 Average bid
€138 Μέση Προσφορά
37 προσφορές

We are an Australian based ERP software company called VS1 Cloud, that is moving into the US Market and we need partners to work with. These Partners must be local. We have clients where they need help with maintaining their ...software company called VS1 Cloud, that is moving into the US Market and we need partners to work with. These Partners must be local. We have clients where they need help with maintaining their books and understanding our software suite and we can’t support them correctly as our time zones puts us in the middle of the night. We are offering up to $80 per hour for online work from the office or home, with very flexible hours. This is a long-term position, with enormous opportunity for growth Fully paid training is given and you will be work...

€47 / hr Average bid
€47 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές
Manual Review of Company Names in Excel
6 μέρες left

I have an Excel file with thousands of rows where the first column contains a few sentences mentioning local companies, while the second column contains the company name identified by a pre-trained language model. I need a freelancer to manually review the accuracy of the detected names and make corrections where errors occur. Key requirements: - Manual review for 600,000 rows - Correction of identified errors - Adherence to a standardized format for company names Please provide a bid for the total cost and an estimate of how long this task will take. Your attention to detail will be crucial in ensuring the quality of the output.

€568 Average bid
€568 Μέση Προσφορά
41 προσφορές
Garment Factory Sourcing Representative in Dhaka -- 2
6 μέρες left

...with manufacturers. Job Responsibilities: -Identify and contact garment factories to discuss potential partnerships. -Schedule and coordinate meetings with factory representatives. -Visit factories in person to conduct meetings via video conference with our team. -Communicate with factories on our behalf in Bengali and English (other languages are a plus). -Assist in receiving and handling parcels that we ship to them for factory demonstrations or evaluations. -Provide detailed reports and feedback on factory capabilities, pricing, and production timelines. Requirements: -Must reside in Dhaka, Bangladesh. -Must have a good computer and a reliable internet connection. -[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin] -Must have reliable transportation to travel within the city for...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Square 110 x 110 to alternate colours: E7FE9C E8E0D5 6884E8 382C14 D44012 I guess the contest is for the best transition or other animation that looks great / cool Gif or other animated format suitable for web.

€9 Average bid
Logo Color Enhancement
6 μέρες left

I'm looking to modify my logo with some color adjustments. The modifications will specifically involve adding new colors to one letter of the logo. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and logo editing - Experienced with color theory and application - Able to deliver high-quality work in a timely manner - Downloadable different size of Logo - Removing Tagline from Logo

€11 Average bid
€11 Μέση Προσφορά
30 προσφορές

I'm seeking a qualitative analysis expert who can conduct thematic analysis on my interview data using NVivo software, following the Braun and Clarke approach. Key Details: - The data consists of text transcripts from 11-20 interviews with smart home users. - The goal is to uncover themes and insights relevant to this user group. Ideal Qualifications: - Proficiency in NVivo software - Experience with qualitative analysis and thematic analysis - Familiarity with the Braun and Clarke approach - Prior work with smart home or technology user data is a plus. I have already conducted the interviews and have the text transcripts ready. Your task will be to analyze this data and help me understand the overarching themes.

€41 Average bid
€41 Μέση Προσφορά
25 προσφορές

I need a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming job interview. The primary focus of the presentation will be showcasing my personal achievements, specifically my skills and competencies. I would like the presentation to include visual elements such as photos to highlight these skills and competencies. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in creating professional PowerPoint presentations - Excellent understanding of how to effectively communicate skills and competencies visually - Ability to creatively present personal achievements in a compelling way - Strong graphic design skills to incorporate photos seamlessly into the presentation.

€38 Average bid
€38 Μέση Προσφορά
58 προσφορές
Trophy icon Logo Valpessence
2 μέρες left

I am launching a line of dietary supplements called VALPESSENCE. The name comes from Vitality / Swiss Alps / Essence. The supplements are Swiss Made, natural, organic, of high quality, and will be linked to skin, beauty, timelessness, and well-being. I would like a modern, premium, high-end, impactful, and unique logo, but one that remains light and stands out from current logos. I really like pastel colors, beige, gold or golden (without being shiny). A reference to the Swiss mountains in the logo could be a good idea, but it is not a requirement. I would like to be surprised by something unique. I love fine, modern fonts, with possible letter manipulations to create a logo within the logo or to intrigue.

€9 Average bid
166 συμμετοχές

I'm looking for a talented 3D designer to create an intricate rendering of a large, luxury-style wardrobe wall in a specific theme. This design will need to be printed on life-size panels, measuring 8 meters in length, so quality and attention to detail are paramount. A 12K rendering or similar high-quality solution is necessary for this project, as the final product will be viewed from a short distance. Key Components of the Project: - The wardrobe images should depict both closed and opened views. - The interior of the wardrobe should include hanging clothes, shoes, and accessories. - The overall design should reflect a curtain theme. I can provide examples for inspiration. In terms of style, the wardrobe should be in a luxury des...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
63 προσφορές

...This task also involves integrating a pre-existing app I've created into the customized version. Key Areas of Modification: - User Interface: I need a complete overhaul of the app's interface to incorporate our color scheme and branding. This includes redesigning the layout and navigation to suit our needs, as well as creating custom forms and fields. Access to data needs to be tailored for each team member, with certain information restricted for some. I really like the look and feel of the List view from Asana. - Functionality: I want to implement automated workflows to streamline our processes. The app should also be able to seamlessly integrate with our other tools. A crucial aspect of the app's functionality is its ability t...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
97 προσφορές
Transcription of 12,000 Words from Dictionary
6 μέρες left

I need a freelancer to transcribe approximately 12,000 words from a digital dictionary. The data is in a PDF file. Key Requirements: - Transcription needs to be accurate, particularly with diacritic marks. - The final product should be delivered as a CSV. - The dictionary includes words in a non-Latin script, so familiarity with such scripts is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Excellent transcription skills. - Attention to detail. - Experience with non-Latin scripts and phonetic markers/ diacratic marks

€117 Average bid
€117 Μέση Προσφορά
160 προσφορές
Friendly Voice Over for Engineering Intro
6 μέρες left

I'm seeking a voice over artist to lend a professional and conversational tone to a 4-minute introduction video for my structural engineering company. This video serves primarily as a brand introduction. Key Requirements: - Professional voice over experience - Ability to deliver a friendly and conversational tone - Background or understanding of engineering is a plus Please provide samples of your previous work demonstrating a friendly and conversational tone.

€17 Average bid
€17 Μέση Προσφορά
8 προσφορές

We are looking for an expert in artificial intelligence and digital platforms to provide consulting services for the feasibility and structuring of an AI-powered system designed to support real estate renovation projects and tenant profile analysis. ? Note: This phase is strictly consulting only. No development is required at this stage. The AI model should be capable of performing two key functions: 1️⃣ Automated Reports for Real Estate Renovation Projects: The AI should generate detailed reports with essential insights for decision-making, including: ✅ Project overview ✅ Feasibility analysis (technical, financial, and operational) ✅ Financial assessment ✅ Market demand analysis ✅ Render generation (optional but desirable) 2️⃣ AI-Based Tenant ...

€1452 Average bid
€1452 Μέση Προσφορά
21 προσφορές

I need a skilled freelancer to design a formal and professional offer letter in JPG format. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Professional Writing - JPG Format Expertise Please note, the specifics such as recipient details, salary, job responsibilities, and start date will be provided upon project commencement. Your creativity and attention to detail will be key in creating a visually appealing and professionally formatted document.

€10 Average bid
€10 Μέση Προσφορά
18 προσφορές

I'm seeki...creator to produce a compelling promotional video for my wholesale spare parts website. The primary goal of this video is to attract and introduce new customers to my site. Key Requirements: - A mix of live-action and animation: I prefer a dynamic promo video that combines both animated sequences and real footage. - Website Introduction: The video should effectively introduce my website to potential customers. It should highlight key features and benefits of shopping with us. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video production and editing. - Experience in creating engaging, high-quality promo videos. - Ability to seamlessly blend live-action and animation. - Understanding of e-commerce and wholesale industry is a plus. Please inclu...

€76 Average bid
€76 Μέση Προσφορά
10 προσφορές
Exact Replica of Calculator.net
6 μέρες left

I'm looking for a developer who can create a website identical to calculator.net. It should house all the calculators found on the original site, specifically the standard calculator, mortgage calculator, and BMI calculator. Key Requirements: - Website development skills - Experience with creating interactive calculators - Ability to replicate existing websites - Attention to detail to ensure the site is 'exactly the same' as Please note, I do not require any modifications or customizations to the calculators. They should function in exactly the same way as on the original site.

€47 Average bid
€47 Μέση Προσφορά
23 προσφορές

...the format (mm/dd/yyyy).". and "The app returned "This field is required. Please complete the following fields: First, Last.". I have tried a million options to fix this problem with Zapier formatters, but it is still not resolved. As a result, the Facebook Leads, via Zapier, are not automatically populating the Gravity Forms on my WordPress site. This is a problem because without the population of the Gravity Forms, my automated email marketing will not be triggered. See attachments. Key Requirements: - Integrate Facebook Leads with Gravity Forms through Zapier - Ensure all captured leads are directed to my CRM system Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using Zapier - Hands-on experience with Facebook Leads and Gravity Forms - WordPress expertise - Knowledgeab...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
64 προσφορές
Job Site improvment
9 μέρες left

Job site as discussed in the chat. and agreed.

€354 Average bid
€354 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
Technical Product Catalog Creation
6 μέρες left

We are looking for an experienced freelancer to design a technical product catalog. The catalog should have a modern, minimalist, and professional look. Project Scope: - 1 Page Company Introduction - 1 Page Product Description (advantages, product feature etc.) - 11 Pages of Product Details (inserting of existing drawings and tables) -- please find example in attachement - 7 Product Renderings (3D Model will be provided) Materials Provided: • Ready to use content • Ready-to-use catalog drawings in the appropriate format • Tables with technical details for each product page • 3D models for rendering Design Requirements: • The catalog and renderings should follow the RAL 5009 (Azure Blue) color scheme I will provide func...

€114 Average bid
€114 Μέση Προσφορά
64 προσφορές

...in the energy sector. Key Requirements: - Development of a corporate website, primarily aimed at informing visitors about the company and lead generation. - Design a modern, corporate, and user-friendly website - Develop content for the website - SEO integration and keyword management - Pages to be included: Home, About Us, Service Offering, Product Description, Blogs and Resources, Company Updates, Value Proposition, Leadership and Expertise, Contact Us - Primary call-to-action: brand building and lead generation Please note, the specific sections of the website have yet to be finalized Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Previous experience in building corporate websites for lithium energy batt...

€701 Average bid
€701 Μέση Προσφορά
21 προσφορές

Job Title: Social Media Manager Location: Delhi Job Type: Full-time Company Overview: Polytek Synergy Limited is one of the leading global and innovative Polyurethane manufacturers and suppliers. We operate a fully integrated Polyurethane and Specialty Chemical business with backward and forward integration. Job Description: We are looking for a creative and strategic Social Media Manager to oversee our social media presence. The Social Media Manager will be responsible for developing and implementing social media strategies to increase our online presence, engage with our audience, and drive traffic to our website. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in social media management, excellent communication skills. Key Responsibilities:...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
12 προσφορές