Figma apiεργασίες
...μεγαλύτερες και πιο δυναμικές εταιρείες επενδυτικών υπηρεσιών στην Ελλάδα. Αυτήν τη στιγμή αναζητούμε έναν Back End Developer που μπορεί να βοηθήσει σε ένα project που βρίσκετ&alp...
I would like to integrade MailerLite with my Yetiforce crm through api key. Θα ήθελα να συνδέσω το MailerLite με το Yetiforce crm In the end I would like to be given a guide so that I can apply it to other yetiforce crms or create a Module ready for import
Χρειάζομαι έναν προγραμματιστή λογισμικού VB.Net στην Ελλάδα για τη βελτίωση και επέκταση ορισμένων λειτουργιών ενός υπάρχοντος λογισμικού. Οι βασικές εργασί&...
Καλησπέρα. Έχουμε κάποιο Χρηματιστηριακό Πρόγραμμα το οποίο ως πρωτόκολλο επικοινωνίας στηρίζεται στον Athex Gateway (ODL API) και με βάση οδηγίας από το Χρηματιστήριο θα πρέπ&ep...
I would like to inegrade my crm Yetiforce and mailchimp through api. Θα ήθελα να συνδέσω το yetiforce με το mailchimp ή οποία άλλη πλατφόρμα email marketing
Υλοποιήση mobile εφαρμογής, με τεχνολογίες όπως : Javascript , React Native , Google Maps API etc.
...παιρνουμε απο εκει 2) Αποθηκη προιοντων 3)Tιμολογηση προιοντων και υπηρεσιων της εταιρειας 4)Δημιουργια αιτησεων (εχω τις χειρογραφες αιτησεις τω&n...
...παιρνουμε απο εκει 2) Αποθηκη προιοντων 3)Tιμολογηση προιοντων και υπηρεσιων της εταιρειας 4)Δημιουργια αιτησεων (εχω τις χειρογραφες αιτησεις τω&n...
...Twig-Template χρησιμοποιώντας το SASS. Η επικοινωνία μεταξύ του Headless και του Satellite πραγματοποιείται μέσω μιας διεπαφής API. Συνεπώς προκύπτουν τα ακόλουθα πακέτα εργασίας: 1. Υλ&omic...
Αναζητώ τη βοήθεια ενός προγραμματιστή, για την ολοκλήρωση μερικών στοιχείων του marketplace του οποίου προσπαθώ να φτιάξω. Το marketplace έχει δημιουργηθεί χρησιμοποιώντας τη&nu...
Καλησπέρα φίλε, ψάχνουμε έναν προγραμματιστή για να βγάλει το feed api της 365 σε json, για αντίστοιχο site.
Καλησπέρα Παναγιώτη, είδα το προφίλ σου στα αποτελέσματα για Ελλάδα. καθώς με ενδιαφέρει η εκπόνηση μίας εργασίας. Αφορά ανάπτυξη API με τη χρήση lavarel ή node.js κατά προτίμηση ή ...
Καλησπέρα. Θα ήθελα να συνδέσω API από Betburger (live value sport betting), ώστε με τις ενδείξεις που θα δίνει να κανω αυτόματο στοιχηματισμό σε live value bets, στο Θα πρέπει όμως η απόδοση που παίζετ&alp...
...οποίος συνδέεται στο twitter (χρησιμοποιείστε το tweepy) και επιλέξτε τα 10 τελευταία tweets του χρήστη που θα σας δηλώσει ο χρήστης. Εμφανίστε τις 5 μεγαλύτερες λέξεις κ&alph...
...κρυπτονομίσματα (όνομα) που έχει ένας χρήστης και πόσα από αυτά. Χρησιμοποιείστε το API για να βρείτε σε τι ποσό σε ευρώ αντιστοιχούν. Εργασία 3: Γράψτε ένα κώδικα σε Py...
We need to create a web-based interface for our operators to use at the office. We need the interface t...need the interface to be connected with the WooCommerce of our site so it can exchange information through WP API. The needs for the interface are the following : 1) They need to know every car that has been booked from the website with all the info that woocommerce has on the order 2) They need to edit these informations and update the Woo with it 3) They need to make from a different tab on the interface a registration for a client that comes to the office or via phone and update woo about that order 4) The interface must be web-based . PHP website , part of the WP that we use for the WOO or ASP.Net site. 5) You have to communicate with Woo from and for the interface through ...
Σε σελίδα με στοίχημα, χρειάζομαι στατιστικά δεδομένα συνδεδεμένα με το καθημερινό πρόγραμμα αγώνων τα οποία υπάρχουν σε μορφή api.
Αναζητούμε Full Stack Developer για συνεργασία σε αναπτυξη API driven, RNG-based παιχνιδιού για online gaming project. Tα product specs θα παρασχεθούν με όλες τις λεπτομέρειες. Πολύ ενδιαφέρον project και δυνατότητα μόνιμης &...
Θα ήθελα να μπορέσω να διασυνδέσω τη βαση δεδομένων zoho crm που χρησιμοποιώ με το viber για να μπορέσω να επικοινωνώ με τους πελάτες μου. I would like to be able to link the zoho crm database I use with viber to be able to communicate with my clients.
Θέλουμε να κάνουμε τροποποιησεις και σημαντικές αλλαγές σε design σto υπάρχων website καθως και να συνδεθεί με api απο channel manager . Αφορά ιστοσελίδα με τουριστικά καταλύμα&tau...
χρειάζομαι έναν προγραμματιστή για api intergration εργασία 2 ωρών
Ζητούνται προγραμματιστές στον Εύοσμο θεσσαλονίκης για πλήρη εργασία, ή και απομακρυσμένη (όταν είναι εφικτό). Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: - PHP, CSS, JavaScript - Java / C++ - Rest API Θα εκτιμηθούν γνώσ&eps...
Ζητούνται προγραμματιστές στη θεσσαλονίκη για πλήρη εργασία, ή και απομακρυσμένη (όταν είναι εφικτό). Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: - PHP, CSS, JavaScript - Java / C++ - Rest API Θα εκτιμηθούν γνώσεις: - CMS (Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla) -...
Δημιουργίας custom πλατφόρμας τύπου airbnb με τις εξής δυνατότητες: 1. Δημιουργία λογαριασμού χρηστών 2. Οι χρήστες θα έχουν 2 δ...ενοικιαστή. Ανάλογη ενημέρωση στο calendar του δα&nu...
Δημιουργίας custom πλατφόρμας τύπου airbnb με τις εξής δυνατότητες: 1. Δημιουργία λογαριασμού χρηστών 2. Οι χρήστες θα έχουν 2 δ...ενοικιαστή. Ανάλογη ενημέρωση στο calendar του δα&nu...
Μέσω μιας third party platform θέλω να κάνω intergate ενός API, στο δικό μου domain ,ώστε τα notification emails μετά από sign up πελάτη ,να στέλνονται μέσω του δικού μου domain και όχι από τη third party platform. Το API calls της πλατφόρμας είναι GET και POST &kappa...
γεια σας εχω τα στοιχεια api του amazon και θελω να κατεβασω καπου στα 10.000 προιοντα απο το μονο σε μορφη csv αρχειου θελω καποιον προγραμματιστη να κανω αυ...
Σε μία σελίδα του website, χρησιμοποιούμε το API της Foursquare για να εμφανίσουμε τις επιχειρήσεις που υπάρχουν γύρω από Πανεπιστήμια. Η συγκεκριμένη σελίδα εμφανίζεται π&om...
Καλησπέρα Μπάμπη. Καταρχήν συγγνώμη για τα $10 απλά ήθελα να μιλήσουμε για ένα wordpress plugin και αν μπορείς και θέλεις να το αναλάβεις θα δημιουργήσω ένα σωστό project με ότι συμφωνήσ&o...
Καλησπέρα Μπάμπη. Καταρχήν συγγνώμη για τα $10 απλά ήθελα να μιλήσουμε για ένα wordpress plugin και αν μπορείς και θέλεις να το αναλάβεις θα δημιουργήσω ένα σωστό project με ότι συμφωνήσ&o...
...καθυστέρηση) σε διεύθυνση RSS Feed – XML για να χρησιμοποιηθούν σε πινακίδα Led Ticker. Πιθανή μέθοδος μπορεί να είναι και το Web Scraping και με χρήση αγορασμένου προγράμματος Web Scraping. Άλλο&sigma...
...Development: Strong skills in both frontend and backend technologies like React, Vue, Angular, or similar frameworks. • API Development & Integration: Expertise with RESTful and GraphQL APIs development. • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Including Firebase, App Engine, Cloud Functions. • Android Development: Both native Android development using Kotlin and hybrid solutions using Flutter or React Native. • Hybrid App Development: Optimizing applications for both iOS and Android platforms. --Project Requirements: • Develop a cross-platform MVP supporting mobile and web iterations. • Build a secure and scalable backend architecture inclusive of seamless API integrations with third-party services. • Create a us...
I'm in need of a skilled software developer experienced with SIP and RTP protocols for our VoIP application 3cx. This application will primarily focus on facilitating calls directly out of a 3CX server to a phonenr. A second line needs to be setup out of server towards the 3cx app. If the the firs...facilitating calls directly out of a 3CX server to a phonenr. A second line needs to be setup out of server towards the 3cx app. If the the first line connects the secondline should take over the first line. Key requirements: - Expertise in SIP & RTP protocols - Proven experience in developing VoIP applications - Skills in Linux OS software development - Familiarity with 3CX server operations and API , IS A MUST If you can create a seamless, efficient solution, I would lov...
Connect ibkr tws API Fetch data API
We will start a new mobile project and our expectation : We need a scaffolder(Well project folder design) İt should have typescript. And also login application should have login login page. We will give login request and response type but it will not call real api inside.
...catálogos y procesos necesarios. **2. Alcance del Proyecto** El sistema estará diseñado para facilitar la generación, validación y almacenamiento de facturas electrónicas, permitiendo a las empresas cumplir con las regulaciones gubernamentales. Se proporcionarán los esquemas JSON, formatos en PDF de las facturas electrónicas, así como los requisitos para la firma digital y la integración con la API correspondiente. ### **Módulos Principales:** #### **2.1. Gestión de Empresas y Usuarios** - Registro de múltiples empresas dentro del sistema. - Asignación de usuarios a empresas con roles y permisos específicos. - Al inicio de sesión, el usuario seleccionará con ...
De acordo com este protótipo do figma, faça um jogo em Java para Web, usando os padrões de projeto Mediator, Factory method, State, Command, Observer e Singleton. As informações como Professores, alunos, turmas e os cadastros devem ser salvos em um banco de dados. A montagem dos modelos são baseadas nas imagens fornecidas, que são recortadas em pecas para serem montadas livremente. Link para o figma:
...purchase history. A keen understanding of how to structure and manage this data will be essential. - Performance and UI/UX Improvements: I'm looking for a developer who can enhance the performance and speed of the new application, as well as modernize the UI/UX design. Previous experience with React and UI/UX design will be a significant advantage. Add more areas of focus Data Migration Strategy API Integration Authentication Logic The website will need to allow users to query our database tables for individual record counts, purchase records to download, and manage users and their data credits in an admin panel. Currently, we're migrating from InforbrightDB (MySQL compatible) to ClickhouseDB, so familiarity with this database transition would be beneficial. Please...
...automatically. Ensure proper email scheduling, tracking, and bounce handling. Implement logic to pause sending if company data is missing/incomplete. Store email history in FluentCRM for follow-ups and tracking. 4. Ensure Workflow Scalability & Performance Optimize API calls to prevent rate limiting. Make the workflow scalable for bulk outreach (handling thousands of emails). Provide documentation or a short Loom video explaining the final setup. Ideal Skills & Experience: ✅ Flowise Automation & AI Integration ✅ FluentCRM Setup & API Integration ✅ APIs & Web Scraping (Google Custom Search, LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Clearbit) ✅ AI Prompt Engineering (Optimizing AI-generated email personalization) ✅ WordPress & CRM Automation Experience Deliverables: ? F...
We are looking for a talented UI/UX designer to convert an existing mobile app design into a responsive web application design using Figma. The goal is to maintain the app's core functionality and visual identity while optimizing the user experience for larger screens, ensuring consistency across different devices. Pleas go through the attached doc and short video for better understanding. Scope of Work: Review Existing Mobile App Design : - Analyze the current design structure, features, and user flow. - Understand the design system, color palette, typography, and branding guidelines. Web Design Adaptation: - Translate the mobile app layout into a user-friendly and visually appealing web design. - Create wireframes and high-fidelity mockups for desktop, tablet, and other...
...developer to collaborate with me on crafting top-notch SaaS applications. Your expertise with , TRPC, TypeScript, and the complete T3 stack is crucial for this role. Key Responsibilities: - Develop SaaS tools with functionalities including: - User authentication - Real-time updates - Payment processing - Full stack development - Oversee backend requirements: - Database management - API development - Authentication mechanisms Ideal Candidate: - You possess a strong expertise in , TRPC, TypeScript, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. - You have solid backend knowledge including APIs, databases, and authentication. - You demonstrate the ability to work independently and take ownership of projects. Desirable Qualifications: - Experience with AWS, Vercel, CI/CD, and Docker. - P...
...our existing web application, pulling data from an API we will provide. Key Features: - Data Entry: Users will input text fields and numeric values into a grid format. - User Authentication: The app will require a simple username and password for user authentication. - Signature Feature: Users can sign off on submissions. - Offline Mode: Vital for field use, the app should allow data entry and creation of new lines, even without internet connectivity. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android development. - Experience with cross-platform app development. - Skills in API integration. - Knowledge in implementing offline functionality. Please note, no additional integrations are required apart from our existing API. Your main task is to ensur...
...preferences) Push notifications (Alerts & task updates) 2. Cloud Backend & API Serverless backend (Firebase Functions / AWS Lambda) User & agent management system AI query processing (Handle user queries, categorize tasks) Payment processing (Stripe API for subscriptions & transactions) Secure data storage (User profiles, chat logs, transaction history) 3. AI & Personalization AI chatbot (Handles task automation & recommendations) User profile learning (Basic personalization based on past interactions) Smart recommendations (Restaurants, travel, shopping, etc.) Basic AI memory (Stores preferences & past interactions) 4. Payments & Transactions User subscription management (Free & premium tiers) Secure payment handling (Stripe API...
Vision To develop a B2B SaaS platform enabling businesses to capture, analyze, and report climate data (Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions). The platform will offer robust reporting capabilities (BRSR, GRI), sector-wise peer benchmarking, and customizable dashboards to empower organizations in achieving their sustainability goals. 2. Target Audience Primary Users: Sustainability teams, ESG analysts...Home Tab. Select Scope (1, 2, or 3). Upload file (drag-and-drop or browse). Submit data for the checker to validate it. Checker validation to sent it for analysis 7. Deliverables for UI/UX Team Wireframes for all screens. High-fidelity prototypes for key screens (Home, Data Upload, Analyze, Reporting). Design style guide (colors, fonts, buttons, etc.). Interactive prototype for user testing in ...
...succesfull repair appointment but also 1 or 2 hours before the repair is planned as a reminder. - The amount of brands and models should be updateable by new plugin updates to keep adding new devices. - Prices of each and every repair that is listed should be changable in the backend for users to be able to selected their own prices and margins per repair. - Plugin needs to be able to take feed and/or api data from multiple wholesale suppliers to suggest prices per repair. - Backend should be able to select wich brands, wich models and wich repairs to show and wich not to show. - All data needs to be stored into mysql, so that we can use all data, prices, models, brands, appointment and customer data and so on, for our next project, wich is a standalone multi user repair managing...
I'm in search of a seasoned UI/UX designer who specializes in Figma, to work on personal/portfolio website designs. This is a long-term project. Key Responsibilities: - Designing user-friendly and visually appealing personal/portfolio websites using Figma. - Incorporating a Blog section, Photo gallery, and Contact form into the designs. - Ensuring all designs are responsive and adhere to UI/UX best practices. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing websites, particularly personal/portfolio sites. - Proficiency in Figma with a strong portfolio. - Understanding of UI/UX principles and responsive design. - Experience in designing for a Blog section, Photo gallery, and Contact form. If you're passionate about creating top-notch website designs and can ...
...20-25) to maintain consistency and elevate the overall app experience. • User-Centricity: Ensure all designs are user-centered, accessible, and follow mobile UI/UX best practices (iOS and Android). • File Preparation (Final Deliverables): All final design work must be delivered in Figma. • Collaboration: Communicate effectively and be prepared to explain your design choices and rationale. Candidate Qualifications: • Be Creative: A passion for innovative design solutions is a must. • Figma Expertise: Strong Figma skills for design and prototyping are essential. • Design Trends & Best Practices: Familiarity with current design trends and best practices in mobile UI/UX. • UX/UI Principles: A solid understanding of UX/UI principle... startup info and link of the application form - Utilize ChatGPT API to answer questions not covered in my startup info What I will provide: - Information about my startup: company description and history; employee and team details - Web URLs of application forms Please note that the application forms we will be targeting include both grants and funding opportunities. The ideal candidate should have experience with UiPath, knowledge of automation and AI tools, and preferably should have a good understanding of startup funding processes. A familiarity with ChatGPT API would be a significant advantage. Note: Please mention in your bid, how much time you think you need for the above task of automation of form filling with API integration with chatgpt. Future task...
I need a skilled UI/UX designer to create a Figma design for my app. The specifics of the app, including its purpose and target audience, are yet to be fully defined, so I am open to your professional input and suggestions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Figma - Strong UI/UX design skills - Experience in E-commerce, Social Networking, and Productivity apps - Ability to create modern, minimalistic, bright, colorful, and professional designs - Excellent understanding of design catering to various target audiences
I'm looking for a professional who can configure the ServiceNow inbound REST API in our development environment. This configuration should ensure that the certificate check is enforced with MTLS (Mutual Transport Layer Security). The API should not return data if a certificate is not passed. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with ServiceNow - Knowledge in implementing MTLS for security Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Your expertise will help us ensure our API is secure, efficient, and ready for our external clients.