Convolutional neural network python tensorflowεργασίες


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    Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
    2,000 convolutional neural network python tensorflow εργασίες βρέθηκαν

    Συνεχομενη υποστηριξη σε scipts σε python (for scaping) . Ο προγραμματιστης που τα εγραψε θα παρεχει βοηθεια, εφοσον χρειαστει, απομακρυσμενα. Θα πρεπει να μιλατε ε&lambda...

    €218 Average bid
    €218 Μέση Προσφορά
    12 προσφορές

    Ενδιαφερομαι για καθαρη εφαρμογη του παραδειγματος που δειχνει στο ακολουθο link: Θα σας στειλω εγω το mail μου και τον κωδικο ωστε να ερθουν σε ...

    €30 Average bid
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    Θα χρειαστώ την ανάλυση με python. Υπάρχουν στοιχεία και δεδομένα διαθέσιμα για να αναπτύξεις τον κώδικα. Επισυνάπτεται αρχείο με τη μεθοδολογία που πρέπει να &alpha...

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    ...τους αναλυτές για τη βελτίωση του λογισμικού Απαιτήσεις Αποδεδειγμένη εμπειρία σε θέση προγραμματιστή Full stack ή σε παρεμφερή θέση Εμπειρία στην ανάπτυξη εφαρμ&...

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    Εργασία σε Python
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    Να δημιουργηθεί μια web εφαρμογή ...(ή αντίστοιχα τους χρόνους χρήσης) των αιθουσών αλλά και να βλέπει μετρικές για την συνολική χρήση του συστήματος. • Ο τελικός &ch...

    €217 Average bid
    €217 Μέση Προσφορά
    13 προσφορές

    Πρόγραμμα σε γλώσσα python με 5 συναρτήσεις

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Project for Aristotelis L.
    Έχει λήξει left

    Καλημέρα Αριστοτέλη!Ονομάζομαι Ευθυμία. Έχω μπει σε ένα project στη σχολή μου που θα αποτελέσει εν δυνάμει και διπλωματική. Έχει να κάνει με μία καινούρια βιβλιοθή&ka...

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Project for Narola Infotech -- 2
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    Create a web application using Python

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Είμαι αρχάριος προγραμματιστής και θα ήθελα βοήθεια στην εγκατάσταση των λογισμικών Parallel Studio της Intel, Python και Matlab.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    python script
    Έχει λήξει left

    Έχουμε ενα script σε python σε fast food. To fast food διαθέτει ηλεκτρονικο κατάστημα. - Συνδεεται καθε λεπτό στο mysql server του ηλεκτρονικου καταστήματος - κανει query, αν υπάρχει ΝΕΑ παρα&gamma...

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές

    2 Exercises- Practices Α) Computer Network Design and Β) High Speed ​​Networks, for univercity. Answer on .docx or .doc

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    Έργασία 1: Γράψτε ένα κώδικα σε Python ο οποίος συνδέεται στο twitter (χρησιμοποιείστε το tweepy) και επιλέξτε τα 10 τελευταία tweets του χρήστη που θα σας δηλώσει ο χρήστης. Εμφανίσ...

    €49 Average bid
    €49 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Python Help With 5 Tasks
    Έχει λήξει left

    Εργασία1: Γράψτε ένα κώδικα σε Python ο οποίος συνδέεται στο twitter (χρησιμοποιείστε το tweepy) και επιλέξτε τα 10 τελευταία tweets του χρήστη που θα σας δηλώσει ο χρήστης. Εμφανί...

    €69 Average bid
    €69 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    Επιλυση 2 εργασιων
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    Επιλυση 2 εργασιων σε ψευδογλωσσα ή Python ή Java σχετικα με παραλληλο και κατανεμημενο προγραμματισμο. Η εργασια ειναι για τις 30/09 στις 13.00-15.00. Ανεβαζω σχετικα ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Δείγματα αρχείων βίντεο: ένα βίντεο από το Youtube το οποίο να είναι απλό. Εάν το βίντεο είναι 1 λεπτό, αρκεί να κρατήθει 5 δευτερόλεπτα με ένα open source video editor, θα επιλεχθούν κάποια frames κα&...

    €216 Average bid
    €216 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    Ψάχνω προγραμματιστή, για δημιουργία σχετικά απλού δυκτίου blockchain και εντολές smart contracts. the application of the network will be on real estate industry. and will calculate the outcomes of the apartments and with the smart contract usage will automatically cover the payments specific day, every month, transparently and secure 1000 % with the signature of the blockchain security .

    €998 Average bid
    €998 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    classification σε Python
    Έχει λήξει left

    ...μικρό ρόλο παίζει αυτό. O αλγόριθμος που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για το classification μπορεί να συζητηθεί, αναλόγως και με τις δυνατότητες σας. Ύστερα αυτό θα πρέπει να αποτυπώ&nu...

    €998 Average bid
    €998 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές
    Κατασκευή Front-End React
    Έχει λήξει left

    Ενδιαφέρομαι για την κατασκευή Front-End σε React. Είναι έτοιμο το back-end με swagger κατασκευάσμενο με python για να γνωρίζει όποιος το αναλάβει, και θα είναι ένα site με μηχανές αναζήτησε&iota...

    €494 Average bid
    €494 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές

    Πρόκειται για μια εφαρμογή κινητού γραμμένη σε C++ και python η οποία λαμβάνει τα μηνύματα μεταξύ κινητού και δικτύου. Μέχρι στιγμής η εφαρμογή λαμβάνει 3g + 4g μηνύματα. Στόχος είν&a...

    €309 Average bid
    €309 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    app τιμολογησης
    Έχει λήξει left

    προγραμμα τιμολογησης σε cloud περιβαλλον ανεξαρτητου γλωσσας προγραμματισμου θα προτιμουσα python αλλα δεν εχω προβλημα

    €2603 Average bid
    €2603 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    Οι παροχές θα είναι για Google Ads (PPC - Search Network και Display Network αρχικά) + Facebook Ads. Στόχοι θα συμφωνηθούν. Προτεινόμενα ποσά συνετού και αποδοτικού budget που πρέπει να ζητήσουμε να διαθέτει ο πε&...

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    Έχει λήξει left

    Το Fieldoo δίνει στους ποδοσφαιριστές μια τεράστια ευκαιρία να έρθουν σε επαφή με τους ανιχνευτές και τους πράκτορες από όλο τον κόσμο και επίσης βοηθάει του...

    €1991 Average bid
    €1991 Μέση Προσφορά
    15 προσφορές
    Project for Kostas K.
    Έχει λήξει left

    Καλησπερα, εχω να υλοποιησω μια παραλλαγη του αλγοριθμου bfs για ενα γραφημα. Εχω να το κανω σε γλωσσα python. Θα με βοηθουσε αν μου εδινες και κατι σ&eps...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    ...γίνουν προεκτάσεις του προγράμματος. Το πρόγραμμα είναι έτοιμο, πλήρως λειτουργικό και έχουν γiνει tests σε iOS (testflight) και Android (Alpha Tests) Εν ολίγοις εφόσον πληροί τις γνώσεις &gamm...

    €856 Average bid
    €856 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Εργασία python
    Έχει λήξει left

    Για την εργσία : Χρειαζεται ένα πρόγραμμα, το οποίο να διαβάζει ένα κείμενο στα αγγλικα και να μας δινει όλα του τα ρήματα και να τα χωριζει σε μορφηματα. Για πα&...

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    medinNew improve -- 2
    Έχει λήξει left

    Need to fix some bugs in a program made in Access 2003. The major bug is the absence of proper connections in some fields (need discussion) and after fixing this the fine tuning of the workstations in a network environment that consists of around 20 or more users. Access is split to front/back but I need the opinion of the programmer if sql is more safe/quick. I have installed sql on win server Program should need more improvements but this will be discussed, in a new project, with the chosen coder after testing the above basic steps I have to point out that I do not release any milestone until the coder do some work

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Χρειάζομαι ένα λογότυπο μιας εταιρείας που ασχολείται με αγροτικά προϊόντα. Η σκέψη μου είναι το λογότυπο να παρουσιάζει ένα δίκτυο (network) που να προσομοιάζ&epsil...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές
    zoi social scientists network
    Έχει λήξει left

    Είμαι κοινωνιολόγος - ψυχολόγος και τώρα κάνω το μεταπτυχιακό μου στην εγκληματολογία. Επίσης επειδή διαβάζω πολύ έχω και γνώσεις πιστοποιημένες για άλλ&al...

    €241 - €724
    €241 - €724
    0 προσφορές

    ...Clearly document development processes, code, and architecture decisions. Required Skills and Qualifications: Proven experience in developing AI applications using LLMs (e.g., GPT, BERT, etc.) and generative AI frameworks. In-depth understanding of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and its practical applications. Strong programming skills in languages such as Python, and familiarity with relevant AI libraries (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow, Hugging Face Transformers). Experience with API development and integration (RESTful APIs, GraphQL, etc.). Ability to write clean, well-documented code and work in a collaborative, agile environment. Preferred Qualifications: Experience deploying AI models to cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, or Azure). Prior involvement in end-to-end product...

    €7 - €17
    €7 - €17
    0 προσφορές
    Cloud-Based Firewall Configuration
    6 μέρες left

    I am seeking a cybersecurity expert with a focus on network security, specifically in the configuration of a cloud-based firewall. Key Requirements: - Expertise in network security with a specific focus on firewall configuration. - Experience with configuring cloud-based firewalls. - Knowledge of best practices in cybersecurity to ensure the firewall is optimally configured for security. Ideal Skills: - Cybersecurity certifications (e.g., CISSP, CEH). - Proven track record of firewall configuration. - Strong understanding of network security principles. Your role will be to assess my current cloud-based firewall setup, make necessary adjustments, and ensure the system is secure from potential threats.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a Python script that can download photos from specific pages on a site similar to Troostwijk Auctions. The script should save the photos as JPEGs. Key Requirements: - The script should be able to navigate to specific pages and extract photos. - It should save the downloaded photos in JPEG format. - and download photos in a specific folder Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python, with particular experience in web scraping and automation. - Knowledge of handling and processing image files in Python. Please note that the specifics of which pages to extract photos from and the method of executing the script will be clarified after the initial bid selection.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Μέση Προσφορά
    18 προσφορές

    I need a professional to develop a Bayesian Network for a decision support system. The primary goal of this project is to leverage the Bayesian Network's capabilities to assist in making informed decisions. Key Requirements: - Integration of existing data sets I have, which are in CSV format. - Expertise in developing and implementing Bayesian Networks. - Experience in creating decision support systems. Please, submit your bid if you have the relevant skills and experience. I look forward to collaborating with you!

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    19 προσφορές
    Website Data Extractor
    6 μέρες left

    I need a skilled professional to create a website crawler for me. The primary goal of this crawler is data extraction from a single website. The data I need to be extracted includes text content, images, and links. Ideal skills for the job would include: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and programming languages (e.g., Python, Beautiful Soup, Scrapy) - Knowledge of data extraction techniques - Experience in handling and organizing large volumes of data - Understanding of ethical data scraping practices and website terms of service Please, when bidding, provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.

    €114 Average bid
    €114 Μέση Προσφορά
    26 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a logo for the Youth Empowerment Network (YEN) that embodies a classic and timeless style. The logo should incorporate: - A symbol or icon that represents youth empowerment - Our tagline or slogan - Well-designed text The color scheme should prominently feature blue and white. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in creating minimalist classic logos, with experience in incorporating symbols and taglines into their designs. A deep understanding of color theory and typography is essential.

    €5 Average bid
    107 συμμετοχές

    I'm looking for an experienced freelance goal-getter who will lead sales process and close deals for IoT powered energy efficiency solution. The individual or Sales Agency must have strong industry contacts, network in Canadian energy sector. The focus is primarily B2B Clients acquisition and sales closing. This is a highly rewarding role that comes with leadership responsivities', sign-on bonus, sales commission with possibility of profit only equity. Key requirements: - Candidates must have a strong sales track record and deep industry knowledge and ready clients. - Primary sourcing location is Ottawa or Gatineau. - Strong communication in English and french and networking skills are crucial. - Candidates with electrical electronics background or sales background will...

    €19302 - €48256
    €19302 - €48256
    0 προσφορές

    Project Overview: AI@Home is an open-source initiative aimed at creating a decentralized, federated AI network where users contribute computing power to collaboratively train AI models. This project will focus on a minimal yet functional version of federated learning with a lightweight AI model and simple Mastodon bot integration. The concept is inspired by volunteer-computing projects like SETI@home and Folding@home but differs in its focus on training Large Language Models (LLMs) rather than processing scientific data. Scope 1. Training of a Lightweight AI Model Implement training using a lightweight model like DistilBERT. Optimize for decentralized training with minimal computational overhead. Ensure training can run efficiently on CPU-based nodes. 2. Basic Federa...

    €4305 Average bid
    €4305 Μέση Προσφορά
    26 προσφορές
    Python AI Code Review and Fix
    6 μέρες left

    I have some automation-related Python code that was generated by an AI. Unfortunately, there are some syntax and logical errors that need to be resolved. I am looking for an experienced Python developer with a strong grasp on automation coding to verify and fix this code. Please provide your relevant experience with Python and automation in your bid. The code to be reviewed is less than 100 lines.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    27 προσφορές

    We are a growing Indian export company looking for a dynamic Sales & Marketing professional to help expand our international customer base. This is a commissio...products in global markets - Develop business strategies to increase sales - Build and maintain strong client relationships - Provide regular sales updates and market insights Who Can Apply? ✔️ We encourage freshers and experienced candidates to work with us ✔️ Strong communication and negotiation skills ✔️ Self-motivated and goal-oriented professionals ✔️ Candidates with an existing network of importers/buyers preferred ✔️ Individuals with experience in exports, international sales, or marketing is a plus If you're a results-driven sales expert looking for a high-earning opportunity, apply now!

    €2783 - €5566
    €2783 - €5566
    0 προσφορές

    ...Tailored ChatGPT API prompts will be used to analyze, summarize, and extract key details for each report section. - AI-generated content should be automatically inserted into a pre-formatted Word template using python-docx. - The final report should be convertible into a PDF using FPDF. - The solution must include secure API handling and proper credential management. - A potential web interface development using Flask should be considered to ensure user-friendliness and adherence to security protocols. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in Python, particularly with libraries such as python-docx and FPDF. - Experience with ChatGPT API. - Skilled in web and desktop interface development. - Knowledge of building standards and the Building Code. - Understanding of...

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Μέση Προσφορά
    13 προσφορές

    *** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Western Balkans in ...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές

    ...Required*: 1. *Camera-Based Learning App*: - Develop a smartphone app that uses the camera to recognize objects and display their names and pronunciation in Chinese. - The app should support features such as: - Image recognition using AI. - Displaying correct pronunciation of words. - Adding example sentences containing the word. - Suggested technologies: TensorFlow, OpenCV, or other suitable libraries. 2. *Augmented/Mixed Reality (Without Glasses)*: - Develop an augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) app that displays interactive information about China (e.g., culture, history, or language) when the camera is pointed at specific objects. - The app could include virtual tours of Chinese cities using 360-degree technology. ...

    €1322 Average bid
    €1322 Μέση Προσφορά
    31 προσφορές

    I'm seeking a seasoned business developer to secure contracts for my logistics company, specifically for long-haul tra...clientele is predominantly large corporations within the manufacturing sector. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and approach potential corporate clients in the manufacturing industry - Negotiate and secure long-haul transportation contracts - Leverage industry connections to enhance business growth Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in business development, particularly in logistics - Strong network within large corporations and the manufacturing industry - Excellent negotiation skills - Understanding of long-haul transportation and its logistics. Your expertise will play a crucial role in expanding our reach and boosting our profitability. Looking forwar...

    €54 / hr Average bid
    €54 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές

    ...certification. Payment & Incentives: We pay ₹400 per successfully certified MSME. No limit on the number of MSMEs you can onboard – higher conversions mean higher earnings. Additional bonuses for achieving targets. Who Can Apply? Freelancers with experience in MSME consulting, sales, or government schemes. Field agents, business consultants, and marketing professionals. Individuals with a strong network in the MSME sector. Work Location: Flexible (Work from Home or Field Work). How to Apply: Interested freelancers can send their details (name, location, experience) to [7354083666]. Let me know if you want any modifications!...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    ...FlashAttention-2 for Efficient Model Training • RWKV for Adaptive Long-Form Writing • Graph Databases for Deep Storyline Memory • Multi-Agent AI with Adaptive Self-Improvement • ReAct Prompting for Dynamic Decision-Making • In-Context Learning (ICL) for Adaptive Style Matching • Diff Model Text Refinement for Enhanced Editing • Bypass 18+ Filters for Unrestricted Content Generation • Quantum-Inspired Neural Networks (QINN) for Advanced Pattern Recognition • Quantum Probabilistic Models for Multi-Path Story Evolution • Hybrid Quantum-Classical AI for Efficient Large-Scale Computation • Quantum Entanglement Techniques for Deep Story & Character Relationships • Dynamic User Feedback Loop for Personalized AI Adaptation &...

    €4584 Average bid
    €4584 Μέση Προσφορά
    20 προσφορές

    I'm seeking assistance to install the Browser-Use project from GitHub on my Windows computer. The repository can be found here: I have some development tools already installed, specifically Git and Python, but I could use some expert help to ensure everything is correctly set up. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in Windows OS - Experienced with GitHub - Familiar with Browser-Use project - Knowledgeable about Python and other development tools - Able to troubleshoot installation issues.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Μέση Προσφορά
    14 προσφορές
    General Public Social Network Development
    6 μέρες left

    I'm looking to create a new social network aimed at the general public. The platform should be user-friendly and engaging, with key features including: - User profiles: Each user should be able to create and customize their profile, detailing their interests, posts, and interactions. - Messaging system: A built-in messaging system to facilitate direct communication between users. - Content sharing (posts, images, videos): Users should be able to share various types of content, from text posts to images and videos. Ideal candidates for this project should have strong experience in social network development, with a proven track record of creating interactive and accessible platforms. Skills in UI/UX design, security measures implementation, and knowledge of the latest s...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    42 προσφορές

    Create 500 Blog Article with our CustomGPT and post with schedule on our blog. (No Python or other automation allowed)

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Μέση Προσφορά
    49 προσφορές
    MVP Development: Python Engines & UI Split
    6 μέρες left

    I'm in need of an experienced software engineer well-versed with Python, PostgreSQL, and UI development with Tailwind and Bootstrap. The project entails working on our MVP for a product. Key tasks include: 1. Splitting our two Python engines and UI, currently housed in a single GitHub repository, into three independent repositories based on module type. It's critical that all three repositories function independently post-split. 2. Enhancing the UI, where most SQL tables are already feeding. This involves: 2.1. Mirroring three additional tables. 2.2. Incorporating more advanced filtering options, as well as enabling users to edit, save, and export data. 2.3. Cleaning up user groups, specifically 'Admins' and 'Regular users'. 2.4. Ad...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    49 προσφορές

    Create 500 Blog Article with our CustomGPT and post with schedule on our blog. (No Python or other automation allowed)

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Μέση Προσφορά
    45 προσφορές

    I'm looking for a skilled writer and PR expert to create and distribute 25 individual guest blog posts for m...personal stories centered on our experiences. These narratives should capture the essence of our 4wd experience and engage the reader. - Distributing these posts to high-volume, reputable sites that accept guest contributions. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional storytelling and writing skills, with the ability to create compelling personal narratives. - Proven experience in guest blogging and PR, with a network of high-volume sites for distribution. - Understanding of SEO and its importance in blog post visibility and website traffic increase. I want these posts to not only drive traffic, but also to build a connection with readers, making them interested in our unique loc...

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    15 προσφορές