Click marker load google mapsεργασίες
Θα ήθελα έναν διαχειριστή για τις διαφημίσεις ενός e-shop σε social media και google ads.
Έχω ένα e shop με κοσμήματα και αναζητώ έναν συνεργάτη να αναλάβει τις διαφημίσεις σε meta και google. Παράλληλα θα ήθελα μαζί να μπορούμε να δούμε και άλλους τρόπους να βελ&tau...
θέλω να δημιουργηθεί μία λίστα σε excel με τα στοιχεία από κέντρα λογοθεραπείας, εργοθεραπείας, ψυχοθεραπείας που υπάρχουν στην Ελλάδα. Η λίστα αυτή θα έχει &Epsilon...
Αναζητώ expert για Google ads , social media ads για το eshop (σε πλατφόρμα Wordpress )
θελω να διορθωσουμε τα προιοντα και να κανουμε μια καμπανια ειμαι σε νεα πλατφορμα σε shopify
Έχω ένα eshop και χρειάζομαι έναν συνεργάτη να με βοηθήσει με τη στρατηγική των διαφημίσεων
Θα ηθελα την δημιουργια προσχεδιου για Α5 η Α6 για σταντ γραφειου για αξιολογηση google.
I have an e-shop with more than one shipping zones. Google Merchant Center always disaproove my settings and i think it is because multiple shipping zones. I need an expert technitian to fix this problem.
Έχουμε ένα eshop, που αφορά προϊόντα για επιχειρήσεις, και χρειάζομαστε μια ανανέωση στις διαφημίσεις μας και μια βελτίωση. Καθώς δεν είχαν γίνει οι απαραίτητες ε&n...
Πώς να βελτιώσω τις κριτικές Google Business profile; Οδηγίες και βοήθεια για την αύξηση της βαθμολογίας. Θα προτιμηθούν freelancers από Ελλάδα ή Κύπρο
Αναζητώ κάποιον να τοποθέτηση google ads στην σελίδα μου ώστε να εμφανίζεται περισσότερο στην αναζήτηση google.
Υλοποιήση mobile εφαρμογής, με τεχνολογίες όπως : Javascript , React Native , Google Maps API etc.
Θέλω να αναθέσω τις διαφημιστικές εκστρατείες της επιχείρησης για το google ads σε κάποιον ενδιαφερόμενο. Dsa campaigns, brand protect , Search manual etc . Η επιχείρηση είναι το καο θέλω να βελτιστοπ&...
Καλησπέρα σας. Ψάχνω για προγραμματιστή-ές με εμπειρία σε apps για χάρτες (Arcgis, Qgis ή άλλο). Το πρότζεκτ αφορά τη συλλογή δεδομένων επιχειρήσεων από χάρτη (google base maps ή άλλη βάση δεδ&om...
Αναζητώ προγραμματιστή για ανάπτυξη extension για google chrome.
...beach bars) 2) The area is designated on the attached google map. 3) Those SMEs could be inside a city or at the countryside. We are focusing to the countryside mainly so we want quality and thorough research (for example a restaurant on the mountain). 4) They have their own parking for customers 5) The SME is located to an autonomous or semidetached building (for example a café on the basement of a multistore building doesn't interests us) 6) Deliverable is the location of the SMEs on a google maps list for our android phones as per picture. If at any case that is not feasible inform us before the initiation of the project. 6) Excel with data for those SMEs that are not located in google maps as business and found through other means (...
..., και ασχολούμαστε με την εμπορία και τοποθέτηση επίπλων κουζίνας, ντουλάπας και συνθέσεις σαλονιού. Στο τέλος του μήνα ανοίγει και η έκθεση μας, όπου οι &pi...
ενδιαφερομαι να προωθησω μια ιστοσελιδα με το google ads
Έχω φτιάξει μια google form και θέλω να προσθέσουμε ένα hyperlink που να κατευθύνει στην σελίδα αξιολόγησής μας στην google.
Θέλουμε κάποιον να δημιουργήσει μία google campaing.
Είμαστε μια εταιρία με 20 χρόνια λειτουργίας στο λιανικό εμπόριο και 6 χρόνια στο ηλεκτρονικό . Θα θέλαμε για την υποστήριξη του e-shop κάποιον expert πάνω σε όλες τις εφα&...
θα ήθελα να γίνει set up σε μερικές καμπάνιες στο google ads
Αναζητούμε τον καλύτερο τρόπο διαφημιστικής προβολής του online καταστήματος μας, μέσω της μηχανής αναζήτησης Google, για την προώθηση του εμπορικού μας καταλόγου ~500 &kapp...
Διαφημιση στην μηχανη αναζητησης google & δημιουργια καμπανιας & διαχειριση λογαριασμου google adwards με μηνιαια παρακολουθηση καμπανιας.
Διαφημιση στην μηχανη αναζητησης google & δημιουργια καμπανιας & διαχειριση λογαριασμου google adwards με μηνιαια παρακολουθηση καμπανιας. Καινουργιο στησιμο &upsilon...
Δημιουργίας custom πλατφόρμας τύπου airbnb με τις εξής δυνατότητες: 1. Δημιουργία λογαριασμού χρηστών 2. Οι χρήστες θα έχουν 2 δυνατότες, είτε να είναι δανειστές είτε ενοι&kapp...
Δημιουργίας custom πλατφόρμας τύπου airbnb με τις εξής δυνατότητες: 1. Δημιουργία λογαριασμού χρηστών 2. Οι χρήστες θα έχουν 2 δυνατότες, είτε να είναι δανειστές είτε ενοι&kapp...
Kαλησπέρα, έχω μια σελίδα σε wordpress το Mαζί με τον player έχω 2 widget, που ανανεώνουν τα δεδομένα ανάλογα με πιο κανάλι παίζει. Για κάποιον λόγο μετά από 1 ώρα το 2ο widget παγώνει και δεν αν&alp...
Υλοποίηση web εφαρμογής για την επισήμανση δημοφιλών θεμάτων σε μέσα κοινωνικ...επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να παρατηρούν ποια θέματα συζητούνται από χρήστες μέσων κ&omicro...
Έχω Joomla sites. Απο τότε που έχω αλλάξει template παρατηρήθηκε αρκετή μείωση στην επισκεψημότητα μου. (, , , ) και πιστεύω δεν είναι μόνο αυτό.
...Μπάμπη. Καταρχήν συγγνώμη για τα $10 απλά ήθελα να μιλήσουμε για ένα wordpress plugin και αν μπορείς και θέλεις να το αναλάβεις θα δημιουργήσω ένα σωστό project με ότι συμφωνήσουμε. Χρ&epsilon...
...Μπάμπη. Καταρχήν συγγνώμη για τα $10 απλά ήθελα να μιλήσουμε για ένα wordpress plugin και αν μπορείς και θέλεις να το αναλάβεις θα δημιουργήσω ένα σωστό project με ότι συμφωνήσουμε. Χρ&epsilon...
I want an inventory database for a gynecological clinic. The click have ward rooms surgery rooms etc. the clinic is complete.
Καλησπέρα, έχω ένα wordpress site στο οποίο έχω εγκαταστήσει ένα music-player plugin το οποίο υπάρχει σε μπάρα στο κάτω μέρος της σελίδας. Το πρόβλημα μου είναι πως κάθε φορά που κάνεις load ένα &k...
Θέλω μία εφαρμογή (με δικό μου εικονίδιο) για όλα τα smartphones που θα την κατεβάζει ο χρήστης και το μόνο που θα κάνει με ένα click είναι να οδηγεί σε ένα δικό μου URL. Δεν θέλω η &eps...
I'm looking for an expert in Google Ads and Meta Ads to help promote my Instagram reels. The primary objective is to increase sales, targeting new customers specifically. Key Requirements: - Proficient in both Google Ads and Meta Ads - Strong understanding of sales-driven ad strategies - Experience in targeting and optimising ads for new customer acquisition - Knowledge of Instagram's ad integration - Ability to create engaging ads suitable for Instagram Reels Please include examples of previous work that aligns with this project.
Sto cercando un esperto di Zapier che possa configurare un automatismo per me. Questo zap deve cercare nella mia casella Gmail in tempo reale e salvare tutti gli allegati delle email in una cartella specifica di Google Drive. Dettagli del progetto: - Salvare tutti gli allegati delle email, senza distinzione di tipo - Utilizzare una cartella di Google Drive già esistente - Eseguire la ricerca di nuovi allegati in tempo reale Competenze e esperienze ideali: - Esperienza approfondita con Zapier - Conoscenza pratica di Gmail e Google Drive - Capacità di lavorare via Anydesk
PLEASE, do NOT bid or apply unless you are engineer in power (pulsed) electronics! I'm seeking an experienced engineer to develop a pulsed power electronics system for high-current, sub-nanosecond pulse generation. This system will be integrated into industrial testing equipment. A partial reference schematics and input data for the assumed load etc. will be provided to selected candidate. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a pulsed power electronics system capable of generating high-current, sub-nanosecond pulses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in pulsed power electronics. - Proven track record in high-current, short pulse generation. - Proven track with design in LTspice or similar design tool. Before possible hiring candidate will be interviewed...
Assumption: HTML with JavaScript internals Assumption: No react or another “framework” Tasks 1) Create responsive UI similar to above 2) Populate the UI using the sample JSON scene 3) Swap between tiles (red, black) and four-color (red, blue, black, green) tiles 4) Milestone: approve UI and sample load 5) Load the full JSON sample 6) Switch to the next scene in the array every 60 seconds if no response 7) Accept user’s response 8) Compare that response in terms of the answer data in the same JSON scene 9) Option to change the duration per scene from default 60 seconds (90, 60, 30, 15) for the training 10) Milestone: Approve the basic action 11) Allow user to switch between card decks, below and tiles 12) Allow the user to pause and resume every 50 scenes 13...
...professional with extensive experience in Google Ads, SEO, and Google Maps to help my construction company. - **Primary Goal with Google Ads**: The main aim is to generate more leads. I want to reach potential clients who are in need of construction services. - **SEO Services Needed**: I require a comprehensive SEO approach that covers On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO. The goal is to enhance my website's visibility and ranking on search engines. - **Geographical Target**: The focus of this project is a local one. My construction company caters to a specific locality and thus, the ads and SEO efforts should be aimed at boosting our presence in this area. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven track record in managing Go...
...inform about new offers. • Customizable alert system based on user-defined rules. 4. Automated Offer Capture • Implement an auto-accept bot that selects the most profitable offers within the configured parameters. • Speed control and usage patterns to avoid account bans on Spark. • Security mechanisms to prevent incorrect order acceptance. 5. Route and Time Optimization • Integration with Google Maps or Waze API to calculate the most efficient route. • Real-time traffic analysis to optimize delivery planning. • Alternative route suggestions to minimize waiting times. 6. Performance Analysis and Reports • Dashboard to visualize earnings statistics, completed orders, average delivery time, and hourly income. • Comparis...
...Job status (New, Ongoing, Completed) ✅ Automatically generate a unique job number (e.g., 2340 - WC Replacement / stockholm) ✅ View and manage job status ✅ See which contractor has taken a job ✅ View completed jobs Contractor Features: ✅ Secure login for registered firms ✅ View a list of available jobs ✅ Click on a job to claim it, which: Removes it from the available job list Assigns it to the contractor Changes the status to "Ongoing" ✅ View "My Jobs" section with claimed jobs ✅ Click "Mark as Completed" to finalize a job ✅ Job status changes to "Completed" and becomes visible to the admin Automation & Workflow: When a job is posted → It appears in the "Available Jobs" list When a contractor claims a job &...
I've been having issues with my Google Merchant Center. The first issue is that my landing page, which is built on Magento 2, is not working properly. I need someone who is able to troubleshoot this issue and fix any broken links or images. The second issue is a misrepresentation problem. Ideal skills for the job include: - Extensive experience with Google Merchant Center - Proficiency in Magento 2 - Strong troubleshooting skills - Excellent attention to detail - Experience with fixing broken links/images and troubleshooting server issues.
I'm looking to enhance my WordPress website with a plug-in that allows me to upload files for viewer download, as well as photos. The system should enable me to create and easily edit multiple albums, with the ability to load more photos and files over time. Key Requirements: - The ability for visitors to download documents and some media files. - An organizational structure for images, categorized and then sorted into albums. - A grid layout for album display on the site. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with WordPress and its various plug-ins. - An understanding of file and photo management systems. - A knack for creating user-friendly, organized interfaces.
...Testing (UAT) Evaluate the application from an end-user perspective. Identify gaps between expected behavior and actual behavior. Provide recommendations for improving usability. ✅ Usability Testing Assess user-friendliness, accessibility, and UI consistency. Identify navigation issues that could affect the user experience. ✅ Performance & Load Testing Analyze page load times and responsiveness. Simulate multiple user sessions to test system performance under load. Deliverables The freelancer is expected to provide the following: Test Plan – A document outlining: Testing methodology Tools to be used Scope and coverage of testing Test Scenarios & Test Cases – Including: Step-by-step test cases with expected vs. actual results Edge cases and ...
...consistently using Affinity Photo 2 - Possibly automating this process as only tedious mouse clicks and copy paste is required (the actual color balancing is already setup for you) The color balancing is already done for you simply need to watch "Face Texture Cleanup " video in full and follow the instructions. Per 1 Face Diffuse Map file the process creates 4 images total. 24 Face Diffuse Maps should create 4 images a piece = 96 images total (Don't panic these are simple to generate and takes only a couple of hours to complete) Summary of steps: Step1: Run the "Head Paint " file creates 1 new image Step2: Run the "Bod 1 " file process creates 1 new image with Pinetools and Step3: Run the "Arm 1 " file process create 1 new image St...
...conducive for SEO. - Mobile Responsiveness: With a growing number of users accessing sites via mobile, I need to confirm that my site is optimized for mobile viewing. - Page Load Speed: Site speed plays a crucial role in user experience and SEO ranking, so I need a comprehensive evaluation of my site's speed. - Indexing Issues: I need to understand why some of my pages are not being indexed. - Favicon Visibility: I have noticed that my Favicon doesn't show up in Google search, and I need to figure out why. Tools: - Google Search Console: I would like to utilize this tool for assessing my site's health and performance. - Google Analytics: This will be used to analyze my site's traffic and user behavior. - Customized SEO Audit Report: At th...
I need a seasoned Google and Facebook Ads expert to breathe new life into my marketing campaigns. My Google Ads account has been dormant for a couple of years and is in dire need of a full overhaul. The primary goal of this campaign is to boost sales, targeting the local carpet cleaning industry. Key Tasks: - Revamping the Google Ads account and strategizing a new campaign. - Analyzing the current Facebook Ads performance and providing suggestions for improvement. - Reusing existing assets from the Google Ads account including ad copy, images, videos, and landing pages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in Google and Facebook Ads. - Strong understanding of local marketing strategies, particularly in the carpet cleaning sector. - Ability t...
I'm looking for an expert in Google Ads to help a custom home builder in rural Colorado generate leads. The campaign should specifically target surrounding small towns where potential clients could be located. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Google Ads campaign focused on lead generation. - Target the Search platform to reach potential clients. - Highlight the unique selling proposition of high-quality craftsmanship to attract leads. - Optimize the campaign for maximum reach and lead conversion. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads campaigns, particularly for lead generation. - Ability to create compelling ads that highlight the unique selling proposition. - Knowledge of the Search platform and techniques to effectively target ...