all options needs working full shop
you get from me frontend and backend templates
the frontend templates should work all. there are 4 home designs possible to use from backend selected theme.
possiblity to disable enable features on frontend home page
possiblity to change footer etc.
frontend templaete url:
[login to view URL]
main features frontend
- user login/register/reset pass/ dashboard/ create ticket,order history, adres manegement, change profile, invoice
- contact page with maps option and show company things
- product in style type of variant and none variant style
- view cart, checkout, confirmation payment
- track order, show order details by email and trackno combination
- wishlist
- guest checkout
main features backend
backend template: there is already most features added
[login to view URL]
- dashboard show > counting blocks with total orders, registered clients, total products, tickets
- show last 10 orders, last 10 registered clients, last 10 tickets, last 10 transactions
- show product low quanatity 10 products with auto navigation page 1 2 3 etc
- show anaylistcs site, sales, total users on site, new unique users etc using google analsitcs codes gtag etc
- products category (coollections style selectable multi) when is setup, then show that style categorys
- products, product variable option, colors etc, multi picture option, tags, seo, slug, hide unhide product (publish/unpublish) stock count, tax type (none tax or with tax wich type tax)
- categorys, create/delete change, add category image, description and text. same for sub categorys
- clients, show clients, see client info, client orders, refunds, client tickets, etc, ban/unban client with reason
- ban reason management, create reasons and select when banning user the reason
- report system, fully sales reporting products etc
- tax management, none tax, added tax options
- stock management, show low product inventory
- flash sale option
- change able text in frontend
- footer management, change type footer, sort categorys/ urls etc, add payment logos, text changes
- faq option - create faq categorys, add a&q in type category of faq
- reviews option / moderated or auto aproved, reply to customer
- shipping management, creat cariers, carierlogo, minim order amount for free shiping, shipping price options, tracking url options
- order management, show new orders, ongoing orders, canceled, refunded orders, change order status / add shipping send mail client shipping
- smtp settings, for processing order system messages/ place order/create order/forget pass/ order complete etceverhiting.
- site setiings/ seo / logos/ keywords/ meta things/ social settings, company vatnumber, registration number, phone numbers/ store adres, etc
- ticket management, create departments, see open tickets from users, change ticket status
- coupon management, create/edit/disable coupon, fixed price/percentage option, specific category usable coupon option, limit usable, one time customer option, limit one coupon etc
- payment api options mollie/ safepay/ stripe enable/disable also guest shopping enable disable
- newsletter management, remove user from newsletter, send mail to all users in newsletter, unsucribe newsletter auto link in mail
- cookiebar notification text
- language management > multi language option possible to add languages for frontend and backend so + select default language + option hide other languages (disable/enable
- whatsap connection phone/ standard text
- privacy policy, terms usage pages,about us page
- user roles, administrator role all options, sales role option can see only reports, moderator role can create/edit products/categorys, user normale client
possible to disable/enable parts in frontend like
> static category blocks
> special products (trendy collectons) block
> flash sale products block
> top brands block
> newsletter block
> instagram follow block
The e-commerce store will be built on the Laravel platform.