Hi There! I really like the description in your ad. It would be a great pleasure to create that vibrant Gif logo/icon with bright and vibrant colors for you. My name is Carlos, I am 29 years old and I am a graphic designer with 5+ years of experience and I also have a solid understanding of digital marketing.
You can view my portfolio at: https://www.freelancer.es/u/carlosjrdgzc
I am proficient in a wide range of design tools, including: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Lightroom, Corel DRAW and more.
I am looking to build a reputation on the platform in order to get more and better jobs, for this reason, I am willing to work very hard for a low price. If you choose me, I guarantee you highly professional results, you will be very satisfied with my work. Thank you very much for considering my proposal, your trust would be a great help in growing within this community.
Best regards, Carlos.