Hi there, I can update your app with flutter for IOS and Android.
I had implemented features as following with flutter
- Implement Social Login(Google, Facebook)
- Rest API integration(http, dio)
- State Management by Provider(provider)
- International Language(localization)
- QRCode Scan(qrscan package)
- Audio Player from server(flutter_media)
- Chat feature with firebase(flutter_block)
- State Management(redux, flutter_redux)
- Bloc pattern(flutter_block)
- GPS tracking
If you want, I can share Github for my past working.
If I have chance to help you, I am available to work now
Looking forward to meeting you.
Flutter frontend:flutter_block(BlocBuilder, BlocProvider), redux(StoreBuilder), flutter_redux(StoreProvider, StoreConnector), GraphQL, Dio,Http library(api integration)
Backend: Laravel, CodeIgniter, Node.js, Firebase
Database: MySql, MongoDB, Sqlite, Firebase.
Thanks, Dinh P