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Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
Project Specification for a Boat Rental Website Using Laravel 1. General Project Description Project Title: Development of a Boat Rental Website Overview: We require a web platform built with Laravel that allows customers to rent boats (yachts, sailing vessels, etc.). The website should enable customers to search for available boats, view detailed specifications (including images, dimensions, manufacturer details, etc.), make reservations for specific dates, and complete the rental process online. In addition, the system must automatically synchronize its local database with data from the MMK Booking Manager API, ensuring that data (e.g., countries, bases, boats, reservations) is up-to-date. ________________________________________ 2. Business Functions & Fe...
Αναζητώ Content Creator για multibrand eshop ρούχων: Καθήκοντα : -Επίσκεψη στα καταστήματα και επιλογή πριόντων για τη δημιουργία περιεχομένου. -Δημιουργία engaging βίντεο που θα αναδεικνύο&up...
Ψάχνω ένα άτομο να έχω σαν μόνιμο συνεργάτη, που να με βοηύθήσει με τα post στην σελίδα στο fb/insta καθώς και με το logο, με βασικές γνώσεις γραφιστικής. Θα ήθελα να είναι σε θέσ...
...υποβάλετε την πρότασή σας. I am looking for a SEO writer who specializes in creating content related to casinos and sports betting in Greek. This project is for an existing business and I need each piece of content to be more than 1000 words in length. Payment is 0,01 EUR per word and the amount of words is 10,000-15,000 weekly. Also this person should upload the content in wordpress. Key requirements for this project include: - Fluency in Greek and a deep understanding of the casino and sports betting industry - Proven experience in writing SEO-friendly content that dri...
Συμμόρφωση 2 ιστοσελίδων ώστε να εξυπηρετούν τις ανάγκες ατόμων με αναπηρία, σύμφωνα με το διεθνές πρότυπο Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), έκδοση 2.0 σε επίπεδο ΑΑ. Οι ιστοσελίδες πρέ&pi...
Χρειάζομαι συνεργάτη για αντιγραφή κείμενων και φωτογραφιών ( και συμπλήρωση όπου χρειάζεται) από sites/ ehops συνεργατών, και δημιουργία νέων listing στο marketplace theactivist.gr. Πληρωμή 4€ η καταχ...
In the context of a research project I would like to write an abstract of a ~500 words scientific article on a bioethics issue, which would concern the bioethical dimension of the use of artificial intelligence applications in the field of theranostics. The language of writing will be English. The abstract should state the topic and its importance, the questions asked and the research methods/tools. Most importantly, a search of databases of authoritative literature (Pubmed, Scopus) should be carried out in order to find recent developments in the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of theranostics (perhaps some concretisation will be done afterwards) and where the regulatory framework is currently located. The deadli...
υπάρχουν ήδη τα mockup με το concept καθώς και ...χρωματική παλέτα, το project ωστόσο απαιτεί μια τελική αισθητική και τον σχεδιασμό των pdf The project concerns a market place for industrial products. First we need the logo. We can provide the graphic designer with suggested icons, colors, google fonts. Then we can send 5-6 pages tha...
υπάρχουν ήδη τα mockup με το concept καθώς και η ...χρωματική παλέτα, το project ωστόσο απαιτεί μια τελική αισθητική και τον σχεδιασμό των pdf The project concerns a market place for industrial products. First we need the logo. We can provide the graphic designer with suggested icons, colors, google fonts. Then we can send 5-6 pages...
As a writer I have the ability to speak and, of course, to write correctly and appealingly. From small papers to scientific articles! I'm here to help you put your thoughts on paper, on screen, on your typewriter! Want a little story for your Language and Literature class? A summary perhaps? You are in the right place!
Γεια σας, Ψάχνουμε για έναν έμπειρο συγγραφέα περιεχομένου για ένα έργο στα ελληνικά σχετικά με το Περιεχόμενο Καζίνο. Θα παρέχουμε μια δομή περιεχομένου κ&...
Hello, We are looking to find the SMEs (small-medium enterprises) in a specific geographical area, to collect data. 1) The SMEs should be (cafe, hotels, restaurants, bars, beach bars) 2) The area is designated on the attached google map. 3) Those SMEs could be inside a city or at the countryside. We are focusing to the countryside mainly so we want quality and thorough research (for example a restaurant on the mountain). 4) They have their own parking for customers 5) The SME is located to an autonomous or semidetached building (for example a café on the basement of a multistore building doesn't interests us) 6) Deliverable is the location of the SMEs on a google maps list for our android phones as per picture. If at any case that i...
Αναζήτηση content writer για websites, με SEO skills και κατά προτίμηση να μπορεί να γράψει σε ελληνικα, αγγλικά.
...ομαδικό πνεύμα που απολαμβάνει τη συνεργασία με συναδέλφους καθώς και άνεση στο να μοιράζεται τη γνώση. Ευγένεια, δημιουργικότητα, συνέπεια, ακρίβεια και ...
Ζητώ για συνεργασία κειμενογράφο που να μπορεί να δημιουργήσει άρθρα στην Αγγλική και την Ελληνική γλώσσα σε σχέση με software development / software solutions. Απαραίτητη προηγούμενη εμπει&...
Δημιουργία περιεχόμενου μέσω αρθρογραφίας για θέματα που αφορούν κάθε τύπου επιστολών, σημειωμάτων, δηλώσεων, βιογραφικών κλπ. Τα άρθρα θα αποσκοπούν στο ν&alpha...
Γεια σου arissu, είδα το προφίλ σου και θα ήθελα να σου μιλήσουμε για κάποια συνεργασία.Είμαι και εγώ writer και έχω κάποια άρθρα σε ελληνικά blog με κάποιες πρωτιές σ...
Αναζητώ άτομο για σταθερή συνεργασία στην δημιουργία content.
...κειμένου. Vector alignment Description: Find two transforms for the vectorial alignment op with the y-axis unitary y vector, where the center of the coordinate system and p is given a 3d point. Then implement them by applying them to various archaeologists. General instructions 1. Documentation ranges from 4 to 10 pages. 2. Part of the documentation should consist of at least the following chapters: Inscription, Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapters or Modules Representing each question, Conclusions, Epilogue, References or Bibliography, Index. THE the source code of the art, if any, is attached to the documentation both in an appropriate appendix and as a stand-alone file. 3. Record all sources used (...
Δημιουργία video με 3d προβολή θα διαφημίζεται κινητό τηλεφωνο , αυτό θα προβάλεται κυρίως για διαφήμιση στο facebook , σ...3d προβολή θα διαφημίζεται κινητό τηλεφωνο , αυτό θα...
Ενδιαφερόμαστε για άρθρα για το blog μας > στα Ελληνικά και σχετικά με είδη κήπου - είδη σπιτιού και εργαλεία
...ασθενούς, φύλο, εθνικότητα, ημερομηνία γέννησης, διεύθυνση κατοικίας, τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας, ημερομηνία επίσκεψης στο νοσοκομείο, διάγνωση, θεραπεία κλπ. Γ&io...
Χρειάζομαι έναν copywriter / content writer για αρθρογράφηση πολλαπλών άρθρων για την ιστοσελίδα μου , όπως και για την ανάρτηση αυτών σε τρίτα site. Το θέμα θα είναι γύρω από τα γυναικεία &rho...
Θα ήθελα ένα site στο οποίο θα απευθύνονται για να πάρουν συμβουλές για θέματα νομικά και ψυχικής υγείας, πχ συμβουλές για παιδιά, αυτο βελτίωση κτλ Θα είναι &t...
NO AUTOBIDS - WILL BE IGNORED AUTOMATICALLY. We are about to run a contest where the people are going to send their novel of maximum 1.500 words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professional. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας τ&...
NO AUTOBIDS - WILL BE IGNORED AUTOMATICALLY. We are about to run a contest where the people are going to send their novel of maximum 1.500 words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professional. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας τ&...
NO AUTOBIDS - WILL BE IGNORED AUTOMATICALLY. We are about to run a contest where the people are going to send their novel of maximum 1.500 words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professonal. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας το...
Θέλω κάποιον να γνωρίζει συγγραφή κειμένων για content writing για seo, επίσης να μπορεί να διαχειριστεί τα κείμενα από joomla και να κάνει μερικές αλλαγές σε σελίδα με διαχειρι&si...
We need to find a content writer in Greek, highly skilled, no mistakes, juicy stile
DEADLINE 14/6 English version Visibility problem Consider, for example, calculate the size of the visibility that one has when looking at different buildings amounting to a certain point, or rather, not playing the role position of the point from which the looks, to either side of the plane. You are given a flat map in which the underside (x coordinates) is south, on the left (y coordinates) is the West, and in which there are marked N rectangles that represent buildings with different heights possible. Buildings have sides are always parallel to the axes of coordinates and their heights are known and indicated on the map. So the map consists of a total of n + 1 lines where the former is only the number N and the next are five numbers: f...
Γεια dawngopi, παρατήρησα το προφίλ σου και θα ήθελα να σου προσφέρω την εργασία μου. Παρακαλώ, ρίξε μια ματιά στην περιγραφή της εργασίας και μετά, μπορούμε να συζητήσ&omic...
Εργασια ως freelancer writer, συγγραφη άρθρων ποικίλων θεμάτων, επιμέλεια και διόρθωση κειμένων ελληνικών, αγγλικων καθώς και γαλλικών. Ακαδημαϊκή συγγραφή, μεταφράσει&si...
Ψάχνω ένα freelancer με που να πληροί τα εξής χαρακτηριστικά: 1. Καλός γνώστης της Αγγλικής γλώσσας 2. Υψηλή ικανότητα γραφής άρθρων/κειμένων 3. Καλός γνώστης του ΕυρωπαΙκού π&omicro...
I'm seeking a Python expert to backtest a technical analysis-based strategy on 10 stocks and 3 indices for me. Key Requirements: - Utilization of daily candlestick and daily closing price chart in the backtest - Inclusion of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks - Proficiency in Python and experience with stock market backtesting - Knowledge in technical analysis and relevant indicators Your expertise in these areas will ensure a comprehensive and effective backtest of my strategy.
I have a list of around 2,000 vehicle products, and I need high-quality PNG images for each. Your task will be to find and provide images that meet the following requirements: ✅ Image Size: 1000px width × 452px height ✅ Inner Gap: Around 32px for consistent spacing ✅ Angle & Consistency: Must match the sample image I provide ✅ Shadow Effect: Required for a professional look ✅ Accurate Details: The make, model, and body type must exactly match the provided Excel sheet I will supply the list in an Excel file along with a sample image for reference. Your job is to ensure all images maintain the same angle and style for uniformity. Ideal candidate should have: - Experience in image sourcing and edi...
AI Employee TrainingGet your team confidently using AI tools in their daily work. We teach practical, hands-on AI skills that make your employees more productive and your business more It DoesOur custom training program helps your team:Learn the exact AI tools they'll use in their jobsCreate better work faster using ChatGPT and other AIAutomate routine tasks to save hours each weekHandle customer service more efficiently with AIUse AI safely and ethically in their daily workHow It Helps YouReal examples of what your team will do after training:Sales teams write proposals in minutes instead of hoursCustomer service staff use AI to draft perfect responsesMarketing teams create content much faster with AI helpManagers automate routine tasks and reports...
I'm in need of an expert who can assist me with the registration and installation of an SSL certificate on my Hostinger account. I currently have hosting services with Hostinger, but I'm unsure about generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Key Responsibilities: - Register the suitable SSL certificate (DV, OV, or EV) - Guide me through the understanding of the chosen SSL certificate - Generate and install the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Hostinger - Strong understanding of SSL certificates - Excellent communication skills to explain technical terms in a simple way
I'm looking for a translator to translate a business proposal from English to Japanese. The document is approximately 30 A4 pages and must be completed by the firm deadline of Sunday 16th March. We would provide the final document to you on Friday 14th March. Your role will include: - Translating the document while maintaining a formal tone - Ensuring the translated document matches the original format Ideal candidates should: - Be fluent in written Japanese and English - Have experience with formal business translations - Be able to meet the firm deadline Please provide examples of similar work you've completed when applying.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can compile a comprehensive list of all moving companies across Canada. The list should include: - Names of the companies - Phone numbers - Email addresses - Physical addresses (if available) The information needs to be sourced from credible online directories, company websites and business listings. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in data compilation and web research. Familiarity with Canadian moving companies is a plus. Timeliness and attention to detail are crucial for the successful completion of this task.
I'm looking for a creative web designer or profile coder who can design an eye-catching, 'just for fun' profile on a pixel website. The main goal of this project is to design a profile that simply looks cool, cute, and awesome without being tied to any specific purpose like showcasing artwork, creating an interactive experience, or serving as an advertising tool. Key requirements: - Creative and innovative web design skills - Experience in designing for pixelated websites - Ability to design a visually appealing profile with aesthetic vibes - Can use CSS, Java, or HTML Ideal candidates for this project are those who can think outside the box and have a knack for creating cool, engaging web profiles.
I'm looking for a WordPress professional who can develop a website strictly following a Figma design. The project entails: - Full Figma Design Replication: The website must be developed 100% according to the provided Figma design. - Multi-file Upload Support: The site should support uploading multiple files at once, with a maximum of five files. - Diverse Content Submission: The website must allow users to submit various types of content, including text and voice inputs, as well as file uploads. - API-ready Frontend: As we currently don't have a backend, the focus will be on developing a frontend that can easily interface with a future backend via API, eliminating the need for redesign or rebuild later. - Dynamic Frontend: The frontend d...
I run a Shopify store based in the US. I've recently updated my profile on Google Merchant Center for Free listing, but I've received an error stating that my "Website or online store needs improvement." I need an experienced professional in Google Merchant Center to help me fix this issue. The error is related to policy violations, and I suspect that it pertains to the assessment of my website or online store. I need someone who can: - Analyze my Shopify store from the perspective of Google Merchant Center - Identify specific areas that Google has flagged - Provide actionable recommendations to bring my site up to standards - Assist in resolving any policy violations Ideal candidates for th...
Looking for a professional to create manufacturing drawings for a shell and tube heat exchanger. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing shell and tube heat exchangers - Proficiency in creating detailed manufacturing drawings - Familiarity with ASME standards Necessary Inclusions: - Material specifications - Assembly instructions - Dimensional tolerances Ideal Candidates: - Mechanical engineers with heat exchanger design experience - Professionals with a strong understanding of ASME codes - Detail-oriented individuals who can ensure all necessary specifications are included.
We are in need of a quotation for a technician to replace a network switch for our client based in Hobart Australia The switch will be a 24-port Power over Ethernet (PoE) switch. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with: - Replacing PoE network switches. - Liaising with remote technicians to ensure connectivity Works to be completed mid-March Please ensure that you have the necessary skills and experience before bidding.
...seeking a professional who can assist with formatting my Quranic book content in both English and Arabic. The design style should be modern. ( Experiencne to Book manuscript and publication is very important ) I have already finished 75% work, need to do some rework copyingn existing with similar fonts and style. The project involves: - Chapters and main content - Appendices and supplementary materials - Various elements such as headers, footers, titles, subtitles, and highlighted content including Quranic Ayat and Urdu Poetry. - Prepare kindle publications ready book version Key aspects to be designed with proper color code: - Headers and footers - Chapter titles and subtitles - Highlighted content like Quranic Ayat or Urdu Poetry - ...
I'm looking for a .NET Core developer to integrate the WhatsApp Cloud API or Twilio into my system. The core functionality of the integration will be facilitating two-way messaging. Key Requirements: - .NET Core expertise: The integration needs to be seamless and functional within the .NET Core framework. - WhatsApp API or Twilio Familiarity: Prior experience with either of these platforms will be a significant advantage. - Real-time Messaging Capability: The integration should support real-time, two-way communication. The messaging will be free-form - no need for predefined templates or specific types of interactions. The scope of the messages is strictly text only, so no need for image or file handling. Ideal candidates will have a strong background ...
I'm seeking a skilled Flu...Collect Buying Agent data and send forms to complete on app - Data Storage: It should offer a reliable data storage system for user information and task-related data. - Notification System: The app needs to have a built-in notification system to remind users of their buying forms and notify us of form completion etc.. The target audience for this application is individual users. As such, the app should be user-friendly, intuitive, and appealing to a wide range of non-technical users. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in FlutterFlow - Experience in developing utility applications - Understanding of task management app features - Ability to create a simple, engaging UI for individual users - Knowled...
...and professional listener who can provide emotional support to adults. The focus of our sessions will encompass stress and anxiety, relationship issues, and personal growth and development. Key responsibilities: - Listen attentively and empathetically to my concerns and feelings - Provide emotional support during stressful times - Help me navigate relationship issues - Guide me through personal growth and development discussions Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in offering emotional support or counseling - Excellent listening skills - Ability to maintain confidentiality - Patience and understanding - Knowledge in personal development strategies Your role as a listener will be crucial in helping me cope and grow. Please, only apply if ...