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  • iphone proxy web browser
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Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
2,000 iphone proxy web browser εργασίες βρέθηκαν

Κατασκευή Εφαρμογής για Android και iPhone με τις βασικές λειτουργίες του efood

€3520 Average bid
€3520 Μέση Προσφορά
15 προσφορές

Ενδιαφέρομαι για την κατασκευή IOS και android εφαρμογής με τα παρακάτω χαρακτηριστικά. • Ο χρήστης ανοίγει την ε...την κατασκευή IOS και android εφαρμογής με τα παρακάτω χαρα&kappa...

€134 Average bid
€134 Μέση Προσφορά
4 προσφορές

Αναζητώ άτομο για δουλειά από το σπίτι για καταχώρηση προϊόντων στη Βάση δεδομένων μου. Η βάση είναι σε cloud erp και μπορεί να ανοίξει άμεσα σε έναν απλό browser, είναι κατασκευ&alpha...

€99 Average bid
€99 Μέση Προσφορά
10 προσφορές
Project for Nikolaos Dimitrios K.
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Καλησπέρα Νίκο, κάτι έγινε με το λογαριασμό μου στο freelancer και δεν μπορώ να κάνω login. Αν θυμάσαι είχαμε φτιάξει ένα reverse proxy πάνω στο DigitalOcean το bookrev.managinng.com. Έχω πρόβλημα με to free ssl. Μάλλον έληξε. Το πρέ&p...

€10 - €10
€10 - €10
0 προσφορές

Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad Μόνο iPhone Το χρειάζομαι σχεδιασμένο και χτισμένο Ένα iPhone με καλύτερη κάμερα και μπαταρία

€463 Average bid
€463 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad iPhone και iPad Έχω ήδη ένα σχέδιο Καλησπέρα ενδιαφέρομαι να φτιάξω μία εφαρμογη για ios κάτι σαν τουριστικό οδηγό, ήδη ετοιμάζετε η ιστοσελίδα και εφαρμογή Android

€937 Average bid
€937 Μέση Προσφορά
9 προσφορές
Hire a Mobile App Developer
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Καλημερα. Ειμαι ο Γιαννης και ψαχνω προγραμματιστη απο Αθηνα. Θελω να χτισω μια εφαρμογη για android και iphone η οποια εχει να κανει με social networking τουλαχιστον. Η ιδεα π...

€26 Average bid
€26 Μέση Προσφορά
5 προσφορές

Υπάρχει ένας windows server που τρέχει μια εφαρμογή java σε jboss και MS sql express. Το σύστημα είναι πίσω από ένα apache reverse proxy σε linux. To ζητούμενο είναι να δημιουργηθεί και να δοκιμαστεί μια διαδικασία λή&p...

€26 / hr Average bid
€26 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad Μόνο iPad Το χρειάζομαι σχεδιασμένο και χτισμένο Idiotikos ipalilos .se kafeeeee

€607 Average bid
€607 Μέση Προσφορά
13 προσφορές
Project for inversegr
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Γεια σου inversegr. Θα ηθελα μια εφαρμογη για iphone. πως θα μπορεσουμε να μιλησουμε γ λεπτομερειες?

€10 Average bid
€10 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
Create a Video
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...experienced video editor to enhance our videos for our customers. We are not good at video editing so we need the help of an expert. Our goal is to create 3-5 videos weekly. Each video will picture our companies experts talking to the camera about a self help / personal development subject of their field of expertise. Contractor will be receiving raw files of video from a DSLR / GoPro / Iphone etc (categorized into folders named after the certain subject) of up to 60 minutes and contractor will be responsible for : Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips. Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements. Creating transitions between clips. Adding free royalty music if needed. Adding intro and outro (ready made fro...

€22 Average bid
€22 Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές
Mobile development
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Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad Μόνο iPhone Το χρειάζομαι σχεδιασμένο και χτισμένο

€807 Average bid
€807 Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές
Mobile development
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Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad iPhone και iPad Έχω ήδη ένα σχέδιο Υπάρχει ήδη το έργο σε swift3 κατά 80%

€2130 Average bid
€2130 Μέση Προσφορά
71 προσφορές

Προγνωστικά στοιχήματος

€10 Average bid
€10 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές
Mobile development
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Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad iPhone και iPad Έχω ήδη ένα σχέδιο

€53620 Average bid
€53620 Μέση Προσφορά
63 προσφορές
Mobile development
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Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad iPhone και iPad Έχω ήδη ένα σχέδιο Βοηθάω σε προβλήματα που έχουν τα Iphon Τα παντα μπορώ να φτιάξω σε ένα iphon

€482 Average bid
€482 Μέση Προσφορά
14 προσφορές
Mobile development
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Εφαρμογή iPhone/iPad Μόνο iPhone Το χρειάζομαι σχεδιασμένο και χτισμένο

€460 Average bid
€460 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

Προγραμματισμος μιας εφαρμογης που βασιζεται στο face scanning.

€185 Average bid
€185 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές
Website responsiveness fix/
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Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια με το website μου. Ένα αγορασμένο theme για wordpress δεν είναι τόσο responsive οσο θα έπρεπε. Συγκεκριμμένα έχει ένα οριζόντιο portfolio που είναι μεν πανέμορφο αλλά δεν αντα&...

€23 Average bid
€23 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές

Χαίρεται! Θα ήθελα να κατασκευαστεί και ανεβεί στο App Store μια εφαρμογή που θα συνδεθεί με το blogspot μου (ειδήσεις). Χρειάζομαι κάτι πολύ απλό.

€199 Average bid
€199 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

θελω καποιον να μ φτιαξει μια εφαρμογη για iphone kai android!!!

€656 Average bid
€656 Μέση Προσφορά
2 προσφορές

η εταιρια μου εχει μια πετυχημενη ιστοσελιδα. θελουμε αυτη την ιστοσελιδα να την κανουμε και εφαρμογη στα κινητα. αν και η ιστοσελιδα κανει προ&sigm...

€555 Average bid
€555 Μέση Προσφορά
4 προσφορές

Ενδιαφέρομαι για την δημιουργία ενός application Για iphone & android. Το app θα είναι για μαγαζί λιανικής πώλησης και κατά κύριο λόγο θέλουμε να ανεβάζουμε τις προσφορές του κατ&alph...

€718 Average bid
€718 Μέση Προσφορά
8 προσφορές

To iPapers είναι ένα μαγαζί με βασικό αντικείμενο τις ΦΩΤΟΤΥΠΙΕΣ. Από εκεί και πέρα έχουμε αξεσουάρ iPhone και εφαρμογές iPhone, είδη δώρων, ευχετήριες κάρτες, γραφική ύλη και λ&...

€114 Average bid
€114 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές
Online Broswer Game
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Έχω σχεδιάσει ένα online browser game με θέμα το ποδόσφαιρο και αναζητώ έναν προγραμματιστή/συνεργάτη για να δημιουργήσει το project σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες μου και τις παρατηρήσει...

€7908 Average bid
€7908 Μέση Προσφορά
13 προσφορές

To iPapers είναι ένα μαγαζί με βασικό αντικείμενο τις ΦΩΤΟΤΥΠΙΕΣ. Από εκεί και πέρα έχουμε αξεσουάρ iPhone και εφαρμογές iPhone, είδη δώρων, ευχετήριες κάρτες, γραφική ύλη και λ&...

€134 Average bid
€134 Μέση Προσφορά
3 προσφορές

Καλησπερα, Θελω ενα application για ενα νεο site το Το application θελω να εχει 6 tabs ή menu με 6 σελιδες οπως και οι σελιδες του site καθως και καποια share buttons και link με τη σελιδα μας στο f...

€108 Average bid
€108 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές

We developing a big market place and we would like to add it to Smartphones (ipnone & android). the site is not online yet, but we hope it will be the next 2 weeks. It will be like so we would like an app like: https://p...id= Through the app the customer will view and buy products, review his shopping list, and change his account. Preferably we would like to buy the apps from one person, but we know that in order to develop them you need different programs and languages. So, feel free to send us your offer even if you can develop an app in iphone or android only. Please send us your offers and how long it will take about to develop one or both of them. We are open to suggestions and comments.

€841 Average bid
€841 Μέση Προσφορά
12 προσφορές
application για ipnone/android
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Εχουμε ενα market place και θελουμε να το μεταφερουμε σε application για ipnone και android. To site δεν ειναι ακομα online, αλλα θα ειναι ενα μεγαλο market place οπου ο πελατ...του πως θα ειναι, μπο&r...

€780 Average bid
€780 Μέση Προσφορά
4 προσφορές

Υπάρχει μία εφαρμογή σε iOS που έχει μείνει στη μέση και πρέπει να ολοκληρωθεί Ως τώρα έχει υλοποιηθεί το 90% της εφαρμογής αλλα λείπουν τα εξής: -H bluetooth επικοινωνία να ...

€904 Average bid
€904 Μέση Προσφορά
6 προσφορές

I'm looking for an experienced Front-end web developer specialized in React to enhance and develop my web project. Your main task will be to ensure the application is built with a fully responsive design. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in React and front-end web development. - Strong understanding of responsive design principles and techniques. - Ability to implement clean, efficient, and maintainable code. Ideal Skills: - Experience with mobile-first design and cross-browser compatibility. - Familiarity with modern web development tools and practices. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Please share your previous work samples that align with these requirements.

€418 Average bid
€418 Μέση Προσφορά
153 προσφορές
iOS App Development for PLC Monitoring
6 μέρες left

Objective: Freelancer will lead and assist in creating an iPhone (and if possible Android) iOS app that will connect to a Exor HMI Runtime running MQTT interface. The HMI Runtime is running on Windows10 and connected on LAN with Wago PLC running Codesys. The other LAN port is connected to WAN/internet gateway with Starlink. iOS App requirement is to read data values and alarms from Wago PLC. Signin or some authentication/login would be required to access PLC data.

€614 Average bid
€614 Μέση Προσφορά
59 προσφορές
Fix Layout & Text Alignment Issues in PNG to HTML
6 μέρες left

I'm experiencing layout and text alignment issues while converting a PNG to HTML. These problems are affecting all screen sizes - desktop, tablet, and mobile. I specifically need these issues to be fixed and tested on Chrome, though it would be beneficial if the solution works across all browser...layout and text alignment issues while converting a PNG to HTML. These problems are affecting all screen sizes - desktop, tablet, and mobile. I specifically need these issues to be fixed and tested on Chrome, though it would be beneficial if the solution works across all browsers. Ideal Skills: - HTML/CSS - Web Development - Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing Experience: - Proven track record of fixing layout issues - Familiarity with PNG to HTML conversions - Experience in...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
58 προσφορές
Interactive Desktop Web Proxy Development
6 μέρες left

I'm looking to create a highly interactive web proxy site aimed at desktop users. The main purpose of this site is to help users access content that may be blocked in their respective countries. Key Requirements: - The site needs to be highly interactive, providing an engaging user experience - Although primarily aimed at desktops, the design should consider future adaptability to other platforms - A simple and fast connection is crucial for usability Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing web proxy sites is highly desirable - Skills in creating interactive web interfaces - Understanding of network protocols and data routing - Competence in ensuring fast, efficient connections Note: While this project does not currently include fe...

€117 Average bid
€117 Μέση Προσφορά
24 προσφορές
Next.js Expert for Responsive Landing Page
6 μέρες left

...to construct a single-page landing site in based on my Figma design. The webpage must be responsive, quick loading, and SEO-optimized. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a pixel-perfect design from Figma. - Ensure cross-browser compatibility with Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. - Optimize the page for a fast loading speed. Essential Skills: - Proficiency in , React, and Tailwind CSS (or a similar modern CSS framework). - Strong experience in responsive design and cross-browser compatibility. - Expertise in performance optimization for web pages. - Familiarity with deployment platforms like Vercel. Project Details: - The design is fully prepared in Figma. - The landing page may include animations, forms, and API integrations. Please let me know if you ...

€41 Average bid
€41 Μέση Προσφορά
60 προσφορές

...Market Shares/ Economic Moat Key Industry Drivers Overall Conclusions about the Industry Management Team Brief bios and photos (if available) for senior management including the Chairman of the Board, CEO, CFO, and heads of Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Information Technology, Legal and Compliance, and others if appropriate. This information can be found in the Proxy Statement, in the 10K, and in Cap IQ. State your overall conclusions about Management. Financial Analysis of the Firm Past 5 Years Financial Statements Ratio Analysis- include comparisons to the industry averages and competitors’ ratios Show the ratios by category. Show the ratios and then discuss the analysis and comparisons. Then do the nex...

€514 Average bid
€514 Μέση Προσφορά
14 προσφορές
Advanced Python Developer for SMM Panel
6 μέρες left

...interactions (mouse movements, scrolling), and diverse IP addresses—to ensure compliance with YouTube's policies. Requirements: Expertise in Python automation (Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer, or custom undetectable browsers). Experience developing SMM panels and integrating APIs for social media automation. Knowledge of residential proxies, browser fingerprint spoofing, and stealth techniques. Understanding of anti-bot detection (CAPTCHA bypass, headless browser detection). Ethical and legal understanding of YouTube automation and SMM services....

€114 Average bid
€114 Μέση Προσφορά
19 προσφορές

We are seeking an experienced freelancer to develop a fully automated web scraping and data extraction system that runs on a scheduled basis with zero manual operation. The ideal candidate should be skilled in Python or relevant automation tools and have experience handling large-scale data collection efficiently. Project Scope: -Develop a fully automated web scraping system that runs on a predefined schedule without manual intervention. -Extract structured data from multiple websites and store it in a database, CSV, or other formats. -Implement error handling, logging, and notification systems to ensure reliability. -Handle dynamic content, CAPTCHA, and anti-scraping measures when necessary. -Optimize performance for efficiency and scalability. Requirements: -Strong prog...

€315 Average bid
€315 Μέση Προσφορά
92 προσφορές

...Android app, allowing users to download and install the latest version directly from our server. The update button should check for new versions, prompt the user when an update is available, and handle the download and installation process smoothly. - The payment page should open in the user's default browser. Currently, the payment page opens within the app, but due to NPCI guidelines, the UPI payment option isn't visible. I need this updated so the payment page opens in the user's default browser (Google Chrome, etc.) instead. - Proper handling of payment status: After the payment, PhonePe redirects to a callback URL. The app needs to handle this correctly and reflect the payment status. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Unity engine & Android app dev...

€78 Average bid
€78 Μέση Προσφορά
13 προσφορές

Small PHP Job $15.00 I have a php game for people to play with that visit my website. It used to keep exact time on every 1/2 hour meaning if it was 10:00 it would start and if it was 10:30 it would start and so on. It no longer does for some reason and is 1 minute late. I can send you the files but no server access

€17 Average bid
€17 Μέση Προσφορά
36 προσφορές

...Features: * Add email/SMS notifications for booking confirmations and flight updates. * Include a FAQ or customer support chatbot. * Enable multi-language and multi-currency support (optional stretch goal). * Technical Specs: * Use modern frameworks (e.g., React, Django, or Laravel) for scalability. * Optimize for speed and SEO to improve discoverability. * Ensure cross-browser compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). * Deliverables: * Fully functional website with source code and documentation. * Testing report ensuring bug-free performance across key features. * Deployment to a hosting platform (e.g., AWS, Heroku) with a live demo....

€302 Average bid
€302 Μέση Προσφορά
21 προσφορές

I'm seeking a skilled and experienced FlutterFlow or developer to build "Temmpo," a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing how talent connects with their clients. Temmpo streamlines the booking process with interactive calendars, personalized questionnaires, and robust team management features. Project Overview: Temmpo is a web app designed for two primary user types: Talent (individuals seeking bookings) and Clients (individuals or organizations booking talent). Key features include: User Management: Secure authentication via verified email/Google SSO and phone numbers Contact management for both Talent and Clients. Team creation and management with role-based permissions. Interactive Calendars: Talent-facing: Displays booking requests, allows for date blocking, a...

€637 Average bid
€637 Μέση Προσφορά
77 προσφορές

I'm seeking a meticulous tester for my website. The primary focus would be on e...meticulous tester for my website. The primary focus would be on evaluating the user interface and performance Key Testing Areas: - User Interface: Ensure all elements are functioning as intended and provide a smooth user experience. - Performance: Identify any potential bottlenecks or slowdowns in load times or transitions. Browser Testing: - Google Chrome: Primary browser for testing. - Mozilla Firefox: Ensure compatibility and functionality. - Safari: Test performance on this browser too. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in website testing. - Strong attention to detail. - Proficient in testing across multiple browsers. - Excellent understanding of UI and perfo...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
42 προσφορές

Project Description: I am looking for an experienced WordPress web designer & developer to redesign the homepage of my roofing website with a modern, visually appealing, and conversion-focused layout while also improving site speed and cleaning up the HTML/CSS for better performance. The goal is to enhance the homepage design, improve user experience, increase lead generation, and ensure fast loading speeds across all devices. Project Requirements: 1. Homepage Redesign Features ✅ Modern, Clean, and Professional Look ✅ High-Quality Hero Section – Large banner image or background video with a strong Call-to-Action (CTA) ✅ Clear & Compelling CTA Buttons – "Get a Free Quote," "Schedule an Inspection" ✅ Overview of Services – Brief service ...

€214 Average bid
€214 Μέση Προσφορά
74 προσφορές
Convert java project to python
5 μέρες left

...to Python using Selenium, Pytest, and relevant automation libraries. Project Scope: Convert existing Page Object Model structure into Python, ensuring modularity and maintainability. Implement Selenium WebDriver with Python to interact with web applications. Use Pytest or an equivalent test runner for test execution and reporting. Integrate logging, exception handling, and utilities for robust test execution. Maintain reusability of page elements, locators, and methods while transitioning to Python. Ensure the framework supports cross-browser testing and parallel execution if applicable. Integrate with CI/CD pipelines (GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or similar). Migrate or create test data management strategies as per the existing framework. Provide documentation and g...

€66 Average bid
€66 Μέση Προσφορά
29 προσφορές

I need a Python code that uses Selenium WebDriver to launch Opera and Mozilla browsers, navigate to the same URL and then perform a few tasks. Ideal skills for this project: 1. Proficient in Python 2. Experienced with Selenium WebDriver 3. Familiar with browser automation 4. Able to troubleshoot browser-related issues 5. Good understanding of URL navigation Please provide your best bid for this project.

€66 Average bid
€66 Μέση Προσφορά
23 προσφορές

I'm looking for a basic web browser automation script using Selenium. The script will be exactly like the attached video( same website, same steps, everything) I will just change some information. the only difference is the script needs to be activated by a sound like clapping into the microphone. This can be achieved using PyAudio or similar libraries. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Python and Selenium - Experience with browser automation - Familiarity with audio input libraries, preferably PyAudio - Ability to write clean and understandable code This project doesn't need to be scalable or complex; it's just for my personal use.

€110 Average bid
€110 Μέση Προσφορά
31 προσφορές

I have an existing project that uses hand gesture recognition for authentication using Flask, OpenCV, and Tkinter. Right now, it works as a local desktop application, but I need a developer to convert the front end into a web-based UI and integrate it with the backend so it runs smoothly in a browser on a PC/laptop. Key Tasks 1. Convert Tkinter-based UI to a web-based front end • The current project relies on Tkinter for the interface. This needs to be replaced with a simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript UI that works in a web browser. 2. Backend Integration with Flask • Modify the existing Flask backend to handle gesture-based authentication. • Ensure the system captures and processes hand gestures via a webcam correctly using OpenCV. 3. Ensu...

€22 Average bid
€22 Μέση Προσφορά
7 προσφορές

I'm experiencing an intermittent issue on my Shopify store where it throws an error occasionally when adding physical products to the cart. I have tested this on my iPhone and everytime the error seems to come up. I have attached the screenshot below: The issue seems to occur randomly without any specific pattern. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge of Shopify platform - Proficient in debugging and troubleshooting - Experience with e-commerce websites - Understanding of physical product listings

€18 Average bid
€18 Μέση Προσφορά
5 προσφορές

I'm in need of a fully white label web browser (influenced by the design of Opera Firefox). This browser must be compatible with Windows10, 11, Mac OSX, Linux, Android, and iOS. This browser should come with custom branding and privacy controls and be built on the Chromium web engine or anything better you recommend. Core Requirements: - Custom Branding: The browser needs to reflect my brand identity. - Privacy Controls: The browser should have robust privacy features to ensure user security and confidentiality. - Our Special Menu: The browser will have a special menu / option / section which will allow user to browse our software services hosted on server from with-in this browser. User Interface Customization: - Mod...

€95 Average bid
€95 Μέση Προσφορά
1 προσφορές