How to find a free lance jewelry designerεργασίες
Θα βαφτίσω την κόρη μου τον Ιούνιο και η βάπτιση θα ήθελα να έχει ένα συγκεκριμένο θέμα το οποίο χρειάζεται να κάνει ένας illustrator-graphic designer. Το θέμα είναι ένα μικρό κοριτσάκι τκα&...
Έχουμε αναπτύξει μια εφαρμογή για ένα σύστημα που έχουμε δημιουργήσει. Μάς ενδιαφέρει να επανασχεδιάσουμε το interface της εφαρμογής. Είμαστε εταιρεία κατασκε&upsi...
Δημιουργία και σχεδίαση ιστοσελίδων μέσω του WordPress.
Η kΙEFER αναζητά έναν έμπειρο σχεδιαστή Web και Graphic Design για μια θέση εργασίας στην περιοχή μας, με διάρκεια απασχόλησης από 1 έως 3 μήνες. Αναζητούμε κάποιον που θα είναι διαθέσιμ...
Ψάχνω web designer/γραφίστα για (κυρίως γραφιστικές) αλλαγές σε υπάρχον site. Το site είναι personal brand, WORDPRESS και 95% ολοκληρωμένο (από άποψη περιεχομένου), ωστόσο θέλει δουλειά για να καλλ&ome...
Ζητείται γραφίστας για σχεδιασμό περιοδικού με ποδοσφαιρικό περιεχόμενο. Θα πρέπει να σχεδιάσετε το εξώφυλλο και όλες τις σελίδες κάθε τεύχους (περίπ&o...
In the context of a research project I would like to write an abstract of a ~500 words scientific article on a bioethics issue, which would concern the bioethical dimension of the use of artificial intelligence applications in the field of theranostics. The language of writing will be English. The abstract should state the topic and its importance, the questions asked and the research methods/tools. Most importantly, a search of databases of authoritative literature (Pubmed, Scopus) should be carried out in order to find recent developments in the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of theranostics (perhaps some concretisation will be done afterwards) and where the regulatory framework is currently located. The deadline is 3...
Γεια σου WP Coders, έχω προσέξει το προφίλ σου και θα ήθελα να σου προσφέρω την εργασία μου. Μπορούμε να συζητήσουμε οποιεσδήποτε λεπτομέρειες μέσω της συνομ&iota...
Hello, We are looking to find the SMEs (small-medium enterprises) in a specific geographical area, to collect data. 1) The SMEs should be (cafe, hotels, restaurants, bars, beach bars) 2) The area is designated on the attached google map. 3) Those SMEs could be inside a city or at the countryside. We are focusing to the countryside mainly so we want quality and thorough research (for example a restaurant on the mountain). 4) They have their own parking for customers 5) The SME is located to an autonomous or semidetached building (for example a café on the basement of a multistore building doesn't interests us) 6) Deliverable is the location of the SMEs on a google maps list for our android phones as...
Αναζητώ συνεργασία με freelancer Graphic designer που να γνωρίζει after effects για δημιουργία social media περιεχομένου.
Θα βαπτίσω το γιό μου σε ένα μήνα και η βάπτιση του θέλω να έχει ένα συγκεκριμένο θέμα το οποίο χρειάζεται να κάνει ένας illustrator-graphic designer ένα μικρό αγοράκι το οποίο θα κάνει SUP στ&e...
...που πρόσφατα άρχισε να μαθαίνει τις παραπάνω γλώσσες. Επίσης καλό θα ήταν στους κώδικες σε όλα τα αρχεία να υπάρχουν σχόλια στα ελλήνικά και για μένα και για τ&omicro...
Ζητείται γραφίστας για σχεδιασμό περιοδικού με ποδοσφαιρικό περιεχόμενο. Θα πρέπει να σχεδιάσετε το εξώφυλλο και όλες τις σελίδες κάθε τεύχους (περίπ&o...
Senior Designer based in Greece for working with us on a regural basis
Ανοιξα το μαγαζάκι μου τέλη Ιουλίου 2020. Είναι ένα απλό λιτό μαγειρείο που αλλάζει κάθε μέρα τα φαγητά τα οποία είναι πάντα φρέσκο μαγειρεμένα τελείως χωρίς χημικά ή &chi...
Θέλω κάποιον να μου φτιάξει το σχέδιο, τα χρώματα και το logo για το brand μου και τις ετικέτες μου
Αναζητω shopify expert για να κανοθμε καποιες αλλαγες σε ηδη υπαρχων site.
...Description: Find two transforms for the vectorial alignment op with the y-axis unitary y vector, where the center of the coordinate system and p is given a 3d point. Then implement them by applying them to various archaeologists. General instructions 1. Documentation ranges from 4 to 10 pages. 2. Part of the documentation should consist of at least the following chapters: Inscription, Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapters or Modules Representing each question, Conclusions, Epilogue, References or Bibliography, Index. THE the source code of the art, if any, is attached to the documentation both in an appropriate appendix and as a stand-alone file. 3. Record all sources used (work, books, etc.) in documentation in the appropriate ...
For education reason i want to create a smart play bot to play ultimate tic tac toe game. The target of my project is that bot to be unbeatable against the user. All programming languages are free to use. Χρειάζομαι να δημιουργήσω ένα AI bot για το παιχνίδι Ultimate tic tac toe το οποίο να είναι ανίκητο εναντίον ενός χρήστη που θα παίξει &a...
H Skyline Simulations θέλει να προσλάβει συνεργάτη 3D Designer, ικανό να χρησιμοποιήσει Blender, 3DS Max και Photoshop. Η γνώση Substance Painting θα εκτιμηθεί δεόντως. Η πληρωμή γίνετε με το κάθε έργο που θα αναλαμβάνει. Δ&upsilon...
...βάση είναι τα εξής: Ονοματεπώνυμο ασθενούς, φύλο, εθνικότητα, ημερομηνία γέννησης, διεύθυνση κατοικίας, τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας, ημερομηνία επίσκεψης στο νοσο&kap...
Θα ήθελα ένα site στο οποίο θα απευθύνονται για να πάρουν συμβουλές για θέματα νομικά και ψυχικής υγείας, πχ συμβουλές για παιδιά, αυτο βελτίωση κτλ Θα είναι &t...
Διαμόρφωση συγκεκριμένου λογότυπου για ένα project με βάση το υφιστάμενο λογότυπο της εταιρίας. θα χρησιμοποιηθούν τα ίδια χρώματα, το ίδιο μοτίβο και θα αλλάξε&iota... editor to enhance our videos for our customers. We are not good at video editing so we need the help of an expert. Our goal is to create 3-5 videos weekly. Each video will picture our companies experts talking to the camera about a self help / personal development subject of their field of expertise. Contractor will be receiving raw files of video from a DSLR / GoPro / Iphone etc (categorized into folders named after the certain subject) of up to 60 minutes and contractor will be responsible for : Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips. Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements. Creating transitions between clips. Adding free royalty music if needed. Adding i...
NO AUTOBIDS - WILL BE IGNORED AUTOMATICALLY. We are about to run a contest where the people are going to send their novel of maximum 1.500 words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professional. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας τ&...
NO AUTOBIDS - WILL BE IGNORED AUTOMATICALLY. We are about to run a contest where the people are going to send their novel of maximum 1.500 words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professional. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας τ&...
NO AUTOBIDS - WILL BE IGNORED AUTOMATICALLY. We are about to run a contest where the people are going to send their novel of maximum 1.500 words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professonal. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας το...
Ασχολουμαι με την Μαγειρικη σε γνωστο Εστιατοριο, ζωγραφιζω comic και γραφω ποιηματα.
Γράψτε μερικά άρθρα Μηνιαίο free press που διατίθεται στη Δ.Μακεδονία με θέματα ποικίλης υλης και , ανθρωποκεντρικου ενδιαφεροντος που σχετίζονται με τον πολ&io...
1. Έχω αυτήν την στιγμή GPS ( Μια παλιά έκδοση για τους πελάτες μου -server GPS software ) σύστημα και τρέχει στον δικό μου server . • Οι πελάτες μου είναι ευχαριστημένοι από την εφαρμογή που τ&...
We need to find a content writer in Greek, highly skilled, no mistakes, juicy stile
Γεια dawngopi, παρατήρησα το προφίλ σου και θα ήθελα να σου προσφέρω την εργασία μου. Παρακαλώ, ρίξε μια ματιά στην περιγραφή της εργασίας και μετά, μπορούμε να συζητήσ&omic...
Αναζητώ υπάλληλο με γνώσεις στο web design και Graphic Design. Επιθυμητές γνώσεις Adobe after effects.
Αναζητώ υπάλληλο με γνώσεις στο web design και Graphic Design. Επιθυμητές γνώσεις Adobe after effects.
text: Η εταιρεία KNOWHOW παρουσιάζει ένα καινοτόμο εργαλείο για την επιχείρησή σας: την "Διαδραστική παρουσίαση" Η «Διαδραστική παρουσίαση» σας επιτρέπει: 1. Την παρο&...
text: Η εταιρεία KNOWHOW παρουσιάζει ένα καινοτόμο εργαλείο για την επιχείρησή σας: την "Διαδραστική παρουσίαση" Η «Διαδραστική παρουσίαση» σας επιτρέπει: 1. Την παρο&...
Θα ήθελα στον οδηγό escorts να ξεχωρίσω στο φίλτρο VIP και Free τις πληρωμένες από τις δωρεάν αγγελίες. Θα ήθελα να εμφανίζονται οι VIP μόνο στην πρώτη σελίδα που είναι και ο&iot...
...Australian supplier to help us find a filling supplier with a The National Standard for Organic Certification and a GMP & food-safe certification. Ideally, the certification would be accredited by the TGA. We will supply the USDA Certified organic oils, which have been sourced from various countries, directly to the filling supplier. We also prefer if the supplier can manufacture vegan softgel capsules filled with Black Seed Oil, which we will provide. Our Product Requirements: 100ml Bottles: Black Seed Oil with a screw lid (preferably with an easy-pour insert) - 1,500 bottles Rose Water with a spray cap - 750 bottles 30ml Bottles: Oregano Oil with an essential oil-style lid - 1,500 bottles Sea Buckthor...
I need a professional to help me recover my crypto wallet and show me the steps. I've installed Bitcoin Core wallet on my Windows machine but unfortunately, I have not backed up my file. Now, I need assistance to import this file into Bitcoin Core so that the program displays the balance and makes it possible to try to find the password. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Bitcoin Core software - Experience with Windows operating system - Expertise in wallet recovery procedures Please note, I do not have any clues about what my wallet password might be.
...perks (like free drinks or discounts), and in return, customers promote them on social media. It’s a win-win for restaurants and influencers. We’re currently looking for motivated Sales Representatives to help bring local restaurants onto our platform! This is a commission-based opportunity where you can earn $100 to $300 per acquired restaurant, with no limit on earnings. You’ll be responsible for identifying and approaching restaurant owners/managers, explaining how Swayze can help them grow their business, and closing deals. The job is simple and flexible: - Earn $100-$300 per restaurant you sign up - The more restaurants you know, the more you make! No limits. - Visit restaurants in person and pitch Swayze’s platfo...
I'm looking for a beginner Figma UI/UX designer to join my team. You'll be working on both website and mobile app designs, following custom guidelines. Sallary: 10000 INR Key Responsibilities: - Full-time 8 hours daily (9AM - 6PM) - 6 Days a week (Friday is off) - Learning and applying design principles under my guidance - Completing tasks assigned in English Essential Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong background in UI/UX design - Able to converse in English Please share your portfolio demonstrating relevant experience.
I'm seeking a talented illustrator or designer to create three unique elements for a branding project centered around surf, skate, snow, and fitness. The three elements include: - A small design with an emblem of the four elements within the brand - A standalone design representing the four elements of the business - A unique background design All designs should strike a balance between minimalistic and detailed. A monochrome color scheme is preferred, one that can seamlessly integrate with our brand colors. Ultimately, these designs should embody a bold and adventurous feel, in line with the spirit of the brand. These are a selection of concepts we will be looking at of which one will be selected for use....
So I need an Instagram outreach expert who is able to do outreach for Instagram and or Facebook. You'll need to be reaching out to either people in the marketing agency space or for the staffing agencies. Marketing agencies is very broad so you can do SEO agencies, CRO agencies, e-commerce agencies, etc. Right now I just need someone who is able to run the whole system himself and knows himself how to find leads. Twitter outreach
I'm looking for a talented Wix website designer with e-commerce expertise to help me set up an online store to sell physical goods. The site needs to be user-friendly, responsive and engaging, reflecting the quality and value of the products on sale. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience designing e-commerce websites on Wix - A portfolio showcasing previous work with online stores and physical goods - A strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Great attention to detail and a knack for aesthetics While I haven't yet determined specific features, an understanding of potential e-commerce necessities such as SEO, integration with social media, and mobile compatibility will be crucial. I look forward t...
I'm seeking a reliable Assistant Designer for daily tasks, who is skilled in graphic design, photo editing, layout design, and product packaging. You will be working in the CST timezone and must have Adobe Cloud. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Cloud - Experienced in Graphic Design - Skilled in Photo Editing - Layout Design experience - Product Packaging expertise -Skilled in Adobe Illustrator -Skilled in Adobe Photoshop Please ensure you are available to work in the CST timezone and can communicate daily. You'll be working with me directly at the start and I will be relaying our projects to the client for their feedback. They are quick to reply and demand the same. They also have deadlines but are great to work for. I could pay...
...requirements of the device and how the prototype was created and you’ll be required to plan and design/improvise it, create schematics for pcb components bom etc which are available/accessible on common/popular platforms for fabrication and assembly. You’ll also be required to check and fix any issues on the designed unit ensuring a compliant final product. Need someone experienced in prototyping and designing, spl related to medical device.. Need to build a reproduce-able mvp in med tech category, we have initial unrefined version. Need to sign nda before sharing any in depth details. Key Features: - Low Power Consumption: The device will be used in various settings and the PCB should be designed to optimiz...
I'm looking for a logo for my jewelry company that embodies a classic style, with components that reflect the uniqueness and charm of our brand. The ideal candidate will have experience in creating timeless yet engaging designs. Key Elements: - Incorporate our company name into the logo - Use of letter beads to add a distinctive touch (see my current logo attached here) Font Preferences: - Use a fun and recognizable font that's easily legible. - Serif, Sans-serif, or Script options should be explored, but the final design must prioritize legibility. -I want the name to be able to stand alone so that it can be engraved very tiny, as well, onto the little gold coins that are on my jewelry Skills and Experience: - P...
...seeking a professional exterior facade designer to guide me in selecting materials and colours for a modern style facade. Key Responsibilities: - Evaluate and recommend suitable materials and colours for a modern facade using brick, Janes hardy, render, and potentially aluminium clad. - Prioritize recommendations based on durability, low maintenance and ease of installation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in modern exterior facade design. - Proficient in using a variety of materials, particularly brick, Janes hardy, render, and aluminium. - Strong understanding of durability, low maintenance requirements and ease of installation. - Excellent colour and material selection skills. I'm looking for an expert who can pr...