Create text file using saxεργασίες
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Φιλτράρισμα κατά:
Κατάσταση Δουλειάς
Το πρόγραμμα θα διαβάζει αρχεία PDF που περιέχουν παραστατικό τιμολόγησης ((1) header ημερομηνία / αριθμός τιμολογίου, πελάτης κ.λπ. και (2) line items κωδικός προϊόντος, τεμάχια, αξία, &sigma...
This is a business registration form. I have the main site on drupal 7. i want to design and create a web form with two steps. After creation of web form i want to input the registration data on three sites: 1) on my drupal 7 site (database) 2) on my Yetiforce crm (like vtiger) on module Leads 3) MailChimp Οι οδηγίες κατασκευής υπάρχουν μόνο στην ελληνική γλώσσα.
Ενδιαφερομαι για καθαρη εφαρμογη του παραδειγματος που δειχνει στο ακολουθο link: Θα σας στειλω εγω το mail μου και τον κωδικο ωστε να ερθουν σε ...
I have a php page () on Backend in wich the words are coded inline I want to make this to work from the language file I have Translate it already. They are about 60 words that have to be changed in one file all are ready translated. Example On Line 386 you have to put th definition of Line 83 the code is Line 386 $sup_comment = 'Παλιά παραγγελία, comment: '.$comment; And you have to put from language file Line 83 this: define('TEXT_OLD_ORDER', 'Παλιά παραγγελία'); To change it to be something like this: $sup_comment = ' "TEXT_OLD_ORDER", comment: '.$comment; When I do this it...
To decode a plain text file and let me know what the encoding is, including how to decode it on my end (I am using a Mac). The following is an exerpt from the file <∆™√˚>’Î惺◊““æ≠ È√˚£∫’Î惺◊““æ≠ ◊˜’fl£∫ª ∏¶⁄◊ ≥Ø¥˙£∫Ω˙ ƒÍ∑›£∫π´‘™256ƒÍ <ƒø¬º> <∆™√˚>¡÷–Ú Ù–‘£∫≥ºŒ≈Õ®Ãϵÿ»À‘ª&ra...
Add a number to specific cell on excel and get back a value using PHP or javascript via team viewer. Specifically I need to tr excel to add below field "Ετήσια Αναπροσαρμογή (%)" 6% and get the new " Απαιτούμενο Αρχικό Ποσό Μηνιαίας Αποταμίευσης" value.
Θα ήθελα να κάνω mount ενα NAS share file system σε SAPhana linux
look Only for Greek people. καλησπέρα, Λοιπόν έχω γράψει ένα e-book το οποίο είναι σε Word. 13 σελίδες και θέλω κάποιος απλώς να μου το διορθώσει τα ορθογραφικά και συντακτικά λάθη. παρακαλώ &...
My logo is COUNT ON ME ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΕΥΤΙΚΗ in black and white
Χρειάζεται να κάνω απομαγνητοφώνηση Video File σε Word. Είναι 130 λεπτά. Είναι στα Ελληνικά, συνεπώς θα πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να γνωρίζει άριστα την γλώσσα.
Έλεγχος (συντακτικός, κατανόησης) κειμένου 40-45 σελίδων Α4 μεταφρασμένου από τα Ελληνικά στα Αγγλικά.
Μετάφραση κειμένου αγοραπωλησίας ιδιοκτησίας 4095 λεξεων από Ελληνικά στα Αγγλικά
Διαχειριση Joomla site παρακαλω επικοινωνηστε [REMOVED BY ADMIN]
Greek Text follows We are looking for an experienced video editor to enhance our videos for our customers. We are not good at video editing so we need the help of an expert. Our goal is to create 3-5 videos weekly. Each video will picture our companies experts talking to the camera about a self help / personal development subject of their field of expertise. Contractor will be receiving raw files of video from a DSLR / GoPro / Iphone etc (categorized into folders named after the certain subject) of up to 60 minutes and contractor will be responsible for : Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips. Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements. Creating transitions between clips. Adding free royalty music if...
...I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professional. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας το δικό σου διήγημα! Text: Το MAXMAG και οι Εκ&...
...I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professional. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας το δικό σου διήγημα! Text: Το MAXMAG και οι Εκ&...
...words. I want a banner that is going to advertise that. The banner must be in 3 different dimensions: 500x500, 851x315 and 1200 x 628. You can use your imagination on that, but please make it professonal. I want 3 different versions to pick from. Check our website as well [Removed by Admin]. Bellow you will find the text, which will be edited in some days. ------- TITLE: Διαγωνισμός Διηγήματος Sub Title (smaller): Στείλε μας το δικό σου διήγημα! Text: Το MAXMAG και οι Εκ&d...
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ '1 DAY: Create a Poster for an event'
Θέλω εναν freelancer να μεταφερει ενα pdf αρχειο με 42 σελιδες που εχουν κυριως συναρτησεις μαθηματικες σε ενα αρχειο word. Ειναι σχετικα αραιογραμμενο και τ&omicro...
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'Create a video: Affer Effects Video'
κειμενο σε flyer σχετικο με τις υπηρεσιες που θα αναφερονται
text: Η εταιρεία KNOWHOW παρουσιάζει ένα καινοτόμο εργαλείο για την επιχείρησή σας: την "Διαδραστική παρουσίαση" Η «Διαδραστική παρουσίαση» σας επιτρέπει: 1. Την παρ&om...
text: Η εταιρεία KNOWHOW παρουσιάζει ένα καινοτόμο εργαλείο για την επιχείρησή σας: την "Διαδραστική παρουσίαση" Η «Διαδραστική παρουσίαση» σας επιτρέπει: 1. Την παρ&om...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done w..."Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "3 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 1st image: "2 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σ&...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done w..."Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "3 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 1st image: "2 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σ&...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done ..."Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 8th image: "3 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 9th image: "2 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σ&e...
Hello. Project is urgent. To be done w..."Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 2st image: "3 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου" 1st image: "2 days left" and somewhere "Ανοίγουμε τις πύλες μας στις 22 Σ&...
Έχω συνεχή εργασία που σχετίζεται με το προηγούμενο μας πρότζεκτ 'create dns entries and private nameservers on dedicated server'
Create a design for a teamwear landing page and develop it based on this document and flow:
I need to create 4 new pages in the music site with dummy text and layout.
...populating their website template with my prepared content. I have all the photos and text ready for the tour and need someone to professionally input them into the Bokun platform. Additionally, I’d like assistance integrating Stripe for billing, and I’ll provide access to both Bokun (for guest management and scheduling) and Stripe. This is a straightforward project for someone familiar with Bokun and website content setup, and I’m eager to work closely to get it done efficiently and correctly. Skills Required: Bokun Platform Experience: Familiarity with Bokun, including populating its website templates with photos, text, and configuring tour details. Web Content Management: Ability to organize and input provided text and images cleanly and pro...
I'm seeking proficient Greek speakers for text annotation tasks on the Oneforma platform. The primary focus will be on Named Entity Recognition (NER). Your role will involve: - Identifying and categorizing entities mentioned in the text. This may include names of people, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc. Ideal candidates will: - Be native or near-native Greek speakers. - Have experience in text annotation or NER tasks. - Be familiar with the Oneforma platform. - Have a keen eye for detail and accuracy.
Are you looking for a unique , modern and eye catching logo for your business ?You are on the right track .I am here to create modern logo for your business .Why you will choose me for create your business logo ?Cause I am very experience with this sector . I am confident That I will fulfil all requirement very sincerely . I believe that I will give you a perfect logo for your business .I believe in deeds not 's Start !!!To get started, the seller needs:Give some information like asLogo titleBusiness slogan (optional)Color preferences Favorite logo exampleWhat's included: Multiple color schemes 3D mockup Favicon High resolution Source files Number of logos: 1
Data-collecting Excel file.Data-collecting Excel file.
I have a number of Word documents that need to be converted to PDF. The resulting PDF files will need to have specific formatting, including headers and footers. Key requirements: - Proficiency in MS Word and Adobe Acrobat - Attention to detail for precise formatting - Experience in converting Word documents to PDF Ideal freelancer would have a keen eye for detail and be committed to delivering high quality work.
I will show you a sample page made with WordPress. You can just change the design and have the same functionality.
I am looking for an experienced freelancer with expertise in smart screen management, cloud-based solutions, and digital advertising systems to assist in establishing a digital advertising company utilizing smart screens, similar to the business model of Nitx. Key Responsibilities: 1. Consultation & Planning: Assist in creating a clear strategy for setting up the company, selecting the best available technologies, and evaluating suitable software and hardware options. 2. Technical Development: Identify or develop a cloud-based platform for managing smart screens, enabling remote control and content scheduling. 3. Screen Selection: Research and recommend the best smart screens (LED, LCD, etc.) that support advanced digital display technologies. 4. Software Integration: Develop o...
I am in need of a .step file for a chair, made from a 2D technical drawing and constructed from 12 mm round steel wire. The project specifications are as follows: - Dimensions: All necessary dimensions are clearly specified on the 2D technical drawing. - Preferred Software: The .step file should be created using AutoCAD. - Level of Detail: The model should represent a detailed structure, inclusive of joint details. Ideal candidates for this project should be proficient in using AutoCAD and have experience in creating .step files from 2D technical drawings. A keen understanding of detailed structural modeling is essential, as is the ability to accurately represent joint details within the model.
Looking for some companies who previously worked on travel website - flights/hotels/cars booking it should support multi payment gateways full website build custom all api integration for data Looking for someone who have worked integrating through APIS
I need a Python script for speech-to-text conversion that works offline. The script should: - Convert speech to text with high accuracy - Support the French language - Handle live microphone input The script should not only be able to transcribe speech but do so with a high degree of precision. The ideal candidate would have experience with Python scripting, speech recognition technology, and a deep understanding of the French language. Please, I need this project completed as soon as possible.
Hi I will share the details with the shortlisted candidates. Thanks
I need a logo designed that is modern for a driving school. Urgent
Hello, I have a PDF with hand-written math formulas, I'm looking for someone to just copy them a write them inside a text file. You can look the 2 attached files. I already started the work. YOU DON'T NEED TO COPY ALL FORMULAS, ONLY THOSE WITH A TITLE INSIDE THE TEXT FILE.
Needs to Hire 5 Finnish Voiceover Artists We are seeking skilled Finnish voiceover artists to create high-quality audio samples for a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This remote, project-based role requires recording one hour of clear speech, strictly following our technical guidelines. Essential Requirements: ✅ Format: 44.1 kHz Mono audio ✅ Frequency: Minimum 20 kHz (check via Ocenaudio & share a screenshot) ✅ Sound Quality: No echo, background noise, or music ✅ Clipping: No hard or soft clipping ✅ Pronunciation: Clear and precise Preferred Practices: 1. No long pauses or heavy breathing 2. Remove retakes, clicks, and lip-smacking 3. Maintain a natural pace Usage Rights: Recordings are for AI training only, not for commercial use. Apply with a 30-second sample m...
I require a set of Stationery using my existing designs as the basis for a new company and social media square version of the logo as well. -Please see attached my existing designs to copy from. We want the layout to be the same with different logo and colours. -Please see attached my new company logo. -Please make a square version of the company logo for social media. -Please design an option in the stationery with grey, black and orange to see which looks best. Grey to be the same grey as the current design and then grey and black to match the new logo colour sets. -Please decide a nice font that goes with it for the text and confirm the font name. -Business card size is 85mm x 55mm + 3mm bleed on all sides -Compliment slip size is 210mm x 98mm + 3mm bleed on all side...
I'm seeking an AI Specialist to help my gates company. I need automation for creating SEO-friendly landing pages and fully automated, informative blog posts on my Shopify website. Which I will want full ownership on, Key Requirements: - Automate creation of keyword-optimized landing pages with appropriate meta tags, descriptions, and internal links. - Set up a system for generating and posting informative, AI-written blog posts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Shopify and AI-based automation tools. - Strong understanding of SEO best practices, particularly keyword optimization, meta tags and descriptions, and internal linking. - Previous work creating automated blog systems is highly desirable. translate detailed wireframe specifications into a visually appealing and user-friendly clickable Figma prototype. Scope of Work: Develop high-fidelity UI designs based on provided wireframe specifications. Create interactive and clickable prototypes demonstrating clear user journeys for two primary user types: Salon Managers and Staff Members. Key screens include Login, Dashboards, Scheduling Interface, Payroll & Commission Overview, Performance Analytics, Communication Hub, and Client Booking Integration. Deliverables: Fully interactive Figma prototype Organized Figma file with clearly labeled and easily editable components Any assets and resources used Required Skills: Proficiency in Figma Strong UX/UI design skills with demonstrable experience Excell...
...requirements Project will have two milestones: - slipstream iso image and give instructions on how to create a thumb drive with it (Rufus is available and experience with command line) - see to it that all necessary drivers for that computer are being found This is the current situation: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The laptop computer has an Intel Core i7-660U @ 2.60 GHz · Skylake U, a 6th-Generation CPU. Dell explicitly has Windows 7 drivers for this model on their website (). I already have successfully created two USB thumb drives with W7 that both are able to boot the laptop: One using legacy boot and one using UEFI boo...