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    2,000 aws elasticsearch access policy εργασίες βρέθηκαν

    Θα ήθελα να δημιουργήσω μια βάση δεδομένων access για την καταχώριση ηλεκτρονικού αρχείου ασθενών.

    €105 Average bid
    €105 Μέση Προσφορά
    15 προσφορές

    Θέλω να κατασκευάσω μια εφαρμογή σε Microsoft Access στην οποία να καταγράφονται δημογραφικά και λοιπά δεδομένα τα οποία στη συνέχεια να παράγουν αρχεία word και pdf βάσει πρό&tau...

    €490 Average bid
    €490 Μέση Προσφορά
    9 προσφορές

    ...with suggested icons, colors, google fonts. Then we can send 5-6 pages that we made at the beginning of the project, for the developer to understand the concept, which do not exist in PDF format. a complete brief will follow for the home page that needs several changes, a list of corrections to the inner pages, and mockup for three more simple pages. Finally, the graphic designer will have access to the application, to adapt the design to the technical axes....

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές

    ...with suggested icons, colors, google fonts. Then we can send 5-6 pages that we made at the beginning of the project, for the developer to understand the concept, which do not exist in PDF format. a complete brief will follow for the home page that needs several changes, a list of corrections to the inner pages, and mockup for three more simple pages. Finally, the graphic designer will have access to the application, to adapt the design to the technical axes....

    €264 Average bid
    €264 Μέση Προσφορά
    17 προσφορές
    Excel Access
    Έχει λήξει left

    Θελω καποιον να κανει 2 εργασιουλες με Excel και Access μεχρι σημερα 19.5.Αμεσα!! Ελληνες!Only Greek Natives

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Μέση Προσφορά
    20 προσφορές

    Η πλατφόρμα είναι έτοιμη και λειτουργεί. Έχει αγοραστεί μαζί με τα source και την έχω εγκαταστήσει στο aws cloud σε ένα server με centos και η βάση είναι mysql, webserver Apache και PHP 7.2 με κάποια extensions. Χρειάζομ&al...

    €510 Average bid
    €510 Μέση Προσφορά
    19 προσφορές

    Θέλω μια βάση δεδομένων συνδεδεμένη με excel να αντλεί στοιχεία μια από την άλλη.στην ουσία θέλω να μπορώ ανά πάσα στιγμή να έχω στατιστικά στοιχεία και όλες τις πληροφορί...

    €192 Average bid
    €192 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές
    Access πληροφορική
    Έχει λήξει left

    Θα ήθελα να με βοηθήσει κάποιος στο συγκεκριμένο μάθημα. Να εχει επιτυχία σίγουρα. Εννοείται αμοιβή.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές
    Έχει λήξει left


    €240 Average bid
    €240 Μέση Προσφορά
    8 προσφορές
    Έχει λήξει left


    €129 Average bid
    €129 Μέση Προσφορά
    2 προσφορές

    Χρειάζομαι κάποιον/κάποια να μου περάσει 150 περίπου εγγραφές σε Access. Θα χρειαστεί φυσικη παρουσία για να δώσω τα χαρτιά με τα στοιχεία των εγγραφών. Η βάση δεδο&m...

    €167 Average bid
    €167 Μέση Προσφορά
    8 προσφορές

    Έχουμε μια access στο γραφείο λειτουργική που μετράει ας πούμε ώρες εργασίας, επειδή ο συνάδελφος που την έφτιαξε έφυγε με μετάθεση κατά καιρούς χρειαζόμασ...

    €320 Average bid
    €320 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    Υπάρχει μία βάση δεδομένων που λειτουργεί με FE & BE που απαιτείται να εξελιχθεί και να διορθωθεί

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές
    Έχει λήξει left

    Ενδιαφέρομαι για την δημιουργία Database σε access

    €363 Average bid
    €363 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    Ζητούνται προγραμματιστές στον Εύοσμο θεσσαλονίκης για πλήρη εργασία, ή και απομακρυσμένη (όταν είναι εφικτό). Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: - PHP, CSS, JavaScript - Java / C++ - Rest API Θα εκτιμηθούν γνώσε&i...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Ζητούνται προγραμματιστές στη θεσσαλονίκη για πλήρη εργασία, ή και απομακρυσμένη (όταν είναι εφικτό). Απαραίτητα Προσόντα: - PHP, CSS, JavaScript - Java / C++ - Rest API Θα εκτιμηθούν γνώσεις: - CMS (Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla) - GitHub...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές

    Πολυεθνική εταιρία HVAC με δραστηριότητα στην Ελλάδα θέλει να φτιάξει μια βάση δεδομένων σε Microsoft Access που θα εμφανίζει την Ελλάδα σε νομούς με δυναμική πελατών / πωλήσ&...

    €1397 Average bid
    €1397 Μέση Προσφορά
    4 προσφορές

    Θα ήθελα να δημιουργήσω ένα excel ή access στο οποίο να ενημερώνετε αυτόματα με data από συγκεκριμένο site και να γίνεται και μια σχετικά απλή επεξεργασία των στοιχείων. Θα ήθ&epsilo...

    €153 Average bid
    €153 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Αναζητώ προγραμματιστή για ανάπτυξη Windows Form Application. Το πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας είναι η μετατροπή μιας υπάρχουσας εφαρμογής ACCESS σε Windows Form App (Πίνακες, Ερωτήματα, Κώδικας VB). Αφού ο&lambd...

    €406 Average bid
    €406 Μέση Προσφορά
    10 προσφορές

    Ανάπτυξη πλατφόρμας hadoop στο cloud (Amazon AWS) η οποία θα ανοίγει instances, το κάθε instance θα εκτελεί ένα script γραμμένο σε matlab και στη συνέχεια τα δεδομένα που θα προκύπτουν από το matlab script θα αθροίζ&omicr...

    €537 Average bid
    Προεξέχον Επείγον
    €537 Μέση Προσφορά
    3 προσφορές

    Θελω μια εφαρμογη στην οποία ο χρήστης θα μπορεί να παίζει tichu offline & online. (μέσω facebook access)

    €6 - €11 / hr
    €6 - €11 / hr
    0 προσφορές
    medinNew improve -- 2
    Έχει λήξει left

    Need to fix some bugs in a program made in Access 2003. The major bug is the absence of proper connections in some fields (need discussion) and after fixing this the fine tuning of the workstations in a network environment that consists of around 20 or more users. Access is split to front/back but I need the opinion of the programmer if sql is more safe/quick. I have installed sql on win server Program should need more improvements but this will be discussed, in a new project, with the chosen coder after testing the above basic steps I have to point out that I do not release any milestone until the coder do some work

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Write a Contract
    Έχει λήξει left

    I need someone to write for me "privacy policy" and "terms and contiditions" pages about an android application/website i prepare. Necessary condition is that those pages must be written in GREEK LANGUAGE. Χρειάζομαι κάποιον ειδικό για σύνταξη "Όρων και προυποθέσεων" για έναν ιστότοπο και μία εφαρμογή για κινητά που &epsilo...

    €118 Average bid
    €118 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές
    €65 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Έχει λήξει left


    €33 Average bid
    €33 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    Ένα πρόγραμμα διαχείρισης ηλεκτρονικού αρχείου απολυτηρίων και βεβαιώσεων για την εξυπηρέτηση των αποφοίτων και την εύκολη λειτουργία της γραμματείας. Σ...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Μέση Προσφορά
    7 προσφορές
    Έχει λήξει left

    Σε πειραματική λειτουργία Access 2003 (front-back) ζητώ την βελτίωση/αναβαθμιση της και δημιουργία νέων λειτουργιών. Απαιτείται συζήτηση με τον προγραμματιστή γιατι ειναι π&omicr...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές

    Εχω προσλαβει καποιον να μου φτιαξει ενα e-shop σε magento και να μου μεταφερει εκει τα δεδομενα απο ενα ηδη υπαρχον προγραμμα φτιαγμενο σε access.

    €543 Average bid
    €543 Μέση Προσφορά
    5 προσφορές
    Company Sourcing in Jalalabad, Afghanistan
    6 μέρες left

    Confirmis () is a Singapore-based business information provider specializing in connecting...executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) M OMAR BUILDING, JALALABAD-AFGHANISTAN • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report li...

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Μέση Προσφορά
    9 προσφορές
    Ek website with app
    6 μέρες left

    most important real time trading 1. Project Overview This document outlines the detailed development plan for a Share Market Trading App with key features such as real-time access to market data, auto trailing SL (Stop Loss) Robo Orders, and auto trailing buy Robo Orders. The platform will allow single-click trade execution, automatic switching between call and put orders, and advanced stop loss settings based on price, points, and percentages. 2. Key Features and Functionalities 2.1 Backend Functionality 1. Auto Trailing Stop Loss (SL) Robo Order: o Auto Trailing SL: This feature will allow the stop loss to automatically trail the price as the market price moves in the favorable direction (either up or down). It will adjust based on user-defined points or percentage.  Modi...

    €278 Average bid
    €278 Μέση Προσφορά
    25 προσφορές
    Homepage two section Design: Hello Elementor Theme
    6 μέρες left

    ...WordPress: Ensure WordPress is installed and working on your website. Install Hello Elementor Theme: Go to Appearance > Themes. Click on Add New and search for "Hello Elementor." Install and activate the theme. Install Elementor Plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New. Search for Elementor and click Install Now. After installation, click Activate. Optionally, you can install the Elementor Pro plugin to access advanced features, such as custom headers, footers, and more advanced widgets. Step 2: Create the Homepage with Elementor Go to Pages > Add New and name the page “Home.” On the page editor, click Edit with Elementor. Step 3: Structure of the Homepage The homepage should be well-structured, with clear sections that are visually appealing and easy to...

    €44 Average bid
    €44 Μέση Προσφορά
    19 προσφορές
    AWS Iaas using terraform
    9 μέρες left

    Step to implement Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) on AWS using Terraform. 1. Create AWS account 2. create IAM policy and assign policy role for required accesss. 3. Design terraform script for AWS setup Design a 3 Tier AWS VPC with NAT Gateways. Create s3 Bucket Create EC2 Key pair and save it Create AWS EC2 using terraform 4. Test and installation and handover

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    ...Advanced with CLI (only if required, not necessary) Jinja2 templates if required (Not to be used for UI) Bootstrap for HTML generation and styling (No other CSS framework is allowed) SQLite for database (No other database is allowed) Redis for caching Redis and Celery for batch jobs Note: All demos should be possible on your local machine. Roles The platform will have three roles; Admin - root access An admin can monitor all the users/campaigns, see all the statistics Ability to flag inappropriate campaigns/users Sponsors - a company/individual who wants to advertise their product/service Sponsors will create campaigns, search for influencers and send ad requests for a particular campaign. Sponsors can create multiple campaigns and track each individual campaign. They can a...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές

    ...Features User Customization: Personalized dashboards, custom watchlists, and saved charts. Responsive Design: Compatible with desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. Educational Resources: Tutorials, articles, and videos for novice and advanced users. Tiered Pricing System: Free, Basic, and Premium subscriptions with varying access levels. Technical Requirements Tech Stack: Frontend: React.js/Angular.js. Backend: Node.js/Django/Flask. Database: PostgreSQL/MySQL. Cloud Hosting: AWS/GCP/Azure. Real-Time Data Integration: APIs for real-time stock data (e.g., Alpha Vantage, Yahoo Finance, IEX Cloud). Security: Data encryption and secure payment gateways. User authentication (OAuth, two-factor authentication). Scalability: Architecture to handle a growing user base and large d...

    €590 Average bid
    €590 Μέση Προσφορά
    27 προσφορές
    Customized ChatGPT Web Portal Development
    6 μέρες left

    ...ChatGPT, but with specific functionalities tailored to my project. The main idea is that users can work with Pinecone indexes, selecting, creating, and assigning them based on user roles. Main functionalities: 1) User roles: - Admin: - Full access to the panel. - Configure Pinecone and OpenAI API keys from the panel. - Manage users: - Create, edit, and delete employee accounts. - Assign permissions to employees to access certain indexes or create new ones. - Manage Pinecone indexes (create, delete, and assign permissions). - Employee: - Access only to the chat interface, similar to ChatGPT. - Interact with the OpenAI model using the indexes and permissions assigned by the admin. 2) Interface: - A clean, functional user experience, similar to OpenAI�...

    €436 Average bid
    €436 Μέση Προσφορά
    157 προσφορές
    Eco-Friendly Landscape & Field Division Design
    6 μέρες left

    I need a comprehensive landscape design and field division plan for a 3,350m2 field housing three houses. The design should be eco-friendly, with a focus on native plants. It should include: - Dividing the field into three equal parts - Creating a shared, paved access road for all three houses - Designing a common area for watering devices - Allocating parking spaces for three cars per house Ideal candidates should have experience in landscape design, particularly eco-friendly projects, and have a solid understanding of land division. A background in using native plants in design is a plus. The ability to create practical, aesthetically pleasing designs that meet all specified requirements is essential. Please include examples of previous similar projects in your bid.

    €445 Average bid
    €445 Μέση Προσφορά
    104 προσφορές

    ...Course Link for Property Listings Objective: Allow users to click on a property listing and access detailed, AI-generated content about the associated golf course. Details: AI Narration: AI will narrate key features of the golf course, including its design, famous holes, course difficulty, history, and what makes it unique. Multimedia Content: Each property page will include embedded images, videos, and possibly 360-degree views of the golf course. Real-Time Data: Display live weather conditions, current course status (e.g., green speed, course open/closed), and upcoming events. Technologies: Frontend: React or Angular (for interactive UI) Backend: Node.js or Python (for API integration) Media Hosting: AWS S3, YouTube/Vimeo API (for images, videos) AI Model: OpenAI GPT-4 ...

    €4021 Average bid
    €4021 Μέση Προσφορά
    121 προσφορές

    I'm in need of a Learning Management System (LMS) primarily focused on client data management. The system should allow for the uploading and storing of client information from an Excel ...spreadsheet, tracking payment histories, and generating reports on client data. Key Features: - Ability to upload and store client information - Functionality to track payment history - Option to generate reports on client data The LMS should have access control for both Admin and agent. It should be secure, user-friendly, and allow for seamless management of client data and payment processing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in LMS development - Experience in creating systems for client data management - Knowledge in implementing secure access controls - Capability to include payment tr...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Μέση Προσφορά
    41 προσφορές
    €240 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    Car Rental Business Website Development
    6 μέρες left

    ...a good understanding of the car rental industry. Key Features: - A user-friendly booking interface: This is crucial for the success of our online reservations. - Real-time vehicle availability: Users should be able to see the current status of our fleet. - Booking history: Customers should have access to their past reservations. - Automated reminders: These will help keep our customers informed and engaged. Additional Requirements: - The website should support online payments and provide API access for future integrations. - Fleet and customer management systems need to be embedded in the site. - A reporting feature to track the business progress. - Implement a digital signature system for rental agreements. - A customer login portal. - The website needs to be multi-ling...

    €320 Average bid
    €320 Μέση Προσφορά
    347 προσφορές
    AWS Instance Setup with WHM/CPANEL
    6 μέρες left

    I need an expert to help me set up an AWS instance with WHM/CPANEL. - OS: The choice of operating system for the AWS instance is still undecided, so your expert opinion on this matter will be appreciated. - WHM/CPANEL Configuration: I'm uncertain about the specific configurations for WHM/CPANEL at this time. A standard setup may suffice, but custom configurations could be necessary depending on your recommendations. - AWS Instance Type: I need guidance on the appropriate AWS instance type based on my usage. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in AWS services - Proficiency in WHM/CPANEL - Knowledge of various operating systems, especially CentOS, Ubuntu, and Amazon Linux - Ability to provide advice and recommendations based on usage requirements.

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Μέση Προσφορά
    16 προσφορές

    ...and experience designing and building them. Experience with version control systems like Git. Familiarity with front-end build pipelines and tools (e.g., Webpack, Babel, NPM). Knowledge of modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token. Excellent communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment. ## Preferred Skills: Experience with cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. Knowledge of DevOps practices and CI/CD pipelines. Experience with testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine. Familiarity with containerization tools such as Docker and Kubernetes. Experience with TypeScript....

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Μέση Προσφορά
    67 προσφορές
    360° Security DVR App for BYD Cars
    6 μέρες left

    DVR Security Application for BYD Vehicles with 360° Cameras The DVR Security Application for BYD vehicles is an in-car app designed to integrate seamlessly with an already-developed mobile companion app. Installed within the car's system, this application provides core functionalities and APIs that the mobile app utilizes for remote access, control, and monitoring. The car app enables live high-resolution video feeds from 360° cameras, customizable recording settings, AI-powered object detection, event alerts, and detailed vehicle status monitoring, including speed, throttle/brake status, and battery health. It also supports intelligent storage management and persistent connectivity features like keeping Wi-Fi or mobile data active after the engine is off. Throug...

    €4316 Average bid
    €4316 Μέση Προσφορά
    39 προσφορές

    I am looking for skilled AWS DevOps Engineer to set up my infrastructure using Terraform. Requirements: Set up AWS infrastructure, including: EC2 instances ECR (Elastic Container Registry) EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Load Balancer VPC and Subnets Ideal Qualifications: Extensive experience with AWS services Proficiency in Terraform Expertise in setting up CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions Prior experience with the listed AWS components and services Strong understanding of networking components and their configuration

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Μέση Προσφορά
    6 προσφορές

    I'm seeking a seasoned Winautomation professional to refine my existing scraper and incorporate additional features for a supplier-site. Key tasks include: - Enhancing the scraper to filt...scrapers to be either fully transformed or seamlessly incorporated into Winautomation. My objective is to have all scrapers consolidated within a single platform. The data I typically scrape includes: - Brand, SKU, price - Text data (HTML, descriptions, name, tags, etc.) - Image-URL - Download image: yes/no, etc. As part of the scraping process, I need to log in to the supplier sites in order to access the correct pricing. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with Winautomation - Proficiency in Python - Previous experience with web scraping - Ability to implement automate...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    94 προσφορές

    ...design concepts into functional applications. Database Management: Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Firebase. API Development and Integration: Skilled in creating and integrating RESTful APIs and third-party services. Version Control: Proficiency with Git and collaborative development workflows. DevOps: Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines, cloud services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), and containerization tools like Docker. Problem-Solving: Excellent analytical skills and the ability to tackle complex technical challenges. Communication: Strong verbal and written communication skills for effective collaboration with team members and stakeholders. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with Agile/Scrum methodologies. Knowledge of automated t...

    €2260 Average bid
    €2260 Μέση Προσφορά
    153 προσφορές

    Confirmis () is a Singapore-based business information provider specializing in connecting...executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) M OMAR BUILDING, JALALABAD-AFGHANISTAN • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report li...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Μέση Προσφορά
    1 προσφορές
    AVR Microcontroller Programming Expert Needed
    6 μέρες left

    I'm in need of an experienced Embedded C engineer with a s...programming. My current project utilizes the ATmega 1284P microcontroller, and the development environment is CodeVision AVR. Key tasks will include: - Debugging and troubleshooting: I need someone who can effectively identify and solve issues in the code. - Code optimization: While I primarily focus on debugging, I also value someone who can enhance the performance of the code. You will have access to: - Detailed Documentation: I have comprehensive documentation for the project available for you. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with Embedded C and AVR microcontrollers. - Proficient skills in debugging and optimizing code. - Previous experience working with CodeVision AVR and the ATmega 1284P m...

    €87 Average bid
    €87 Μέση Προσφορά
    12 προσφορές

    I'm seeking an enthusiastic voice actor with the ability to convey a range of emotions for a series of children's puzzle products. Key Requirements: - Energetic and enthusiastic delivery to engage young listene...products. Key Requirements: - Energetic and enthusiastic delivery to engage young listeners - Versatile emotional range, including: - Joy and excitement to stimulate interest and enjoyment - Calmness and reassurance to provide comfort and support Ideal Skills: - Experience in voice work intended for children - Ability to control tone and emotion for different sections of the narration - Access to high-quality recording equipment A strong understanding of children's needs and preferences, as well as the ability to deliver high-quality audio, are ...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Μέση Προσφορά
    19 προσφορές
    Urgent Android Studio Flutter Build Help
    6 μέρες left

    I am experiencing build errors in my newly installed Flutter version on Android Studio, and I need immediate assistance. My issues could potentially be related to the Flutter SDK or the setup, but I can't pinpoint them. Please reach out if you: - Have extensive experience with Flutter and Android Studio - Can troubleshoot build errors effectively - Are available for an urgent call I have A...errors in my newly installed Flutter version on Android Studio, and I need immediate assistance. My issues could potentially be related to the Flutter SDK or the setup, but I can't pinpoint them. Please reach out if you: - Have extensive experience with Flutter and Android Studio - Can troubleshoot build errors effectively - Are available for an urgent call I have Anydesk set up for r...

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Μέση Προσφορά
    50 προσφορές