Develop a Corporate Identity
- Κατάσταση: Closed
- Βραβείο: $175
- Ληφθείσες Συμμετοχές: 3
- Νικητής: hunnychohan1995
Σύνοψη Διαγωνισμού
We are a young family owned remodelling business. We are located in Indiana about 30 minutes from Chicago IL. We are growing and want a modern look for our logo, sales brochures and more. The loge and corporate identity are to strengthen the feeling of confidence, trustworthiness, and professionalism. We are open to any color scheme but blue/gray is what the crew is leaning towards, but I like black and gold. Make an argument as to why you designed what you have, it will greatly improve your success.
Προτεινόμενες Δεξιότητες
Σχόλια Εργοδότη
“Hunnychohan is extremely creative. I will come back to get more work done in the future. We couldn't be happier!”
hammahead, United States.
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