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Himanshu M.


$4 USD / hora
Bandera de
India (8:14 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el noviembre 27, 2007
$4 USD / hora
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE over 10 yrs of experience. Professional website designing and development services, Custom web application development, ecommerce web solutions, iphone applications , mobile applications , web design India, offshore website design, php mysql web application development, SEO services, you name it, we do it! Welcome to our world Our services are backed by a professional work portfolio and glowing reviews. We have been providing best-in-class web design, website development, website maintenance & seo, services to Indian & offshore corporate offices. Why Us - 10 Solid Reasons To Do Business With Us 1 On time delivery Every what we promise on time, each and every time . 2 Fixed Pricing Whatever your project, we give a fixed price offer to our clients based on their requirements, You know your financial commitments exactly right from the start . 3 Money back guarantee We offer an unmatched money back guarantee , If you're not satisfied with your new website we will refund your money . 4 High Professionalism We plan and design the website to suit your specific goals and requirements We present you with several basic designs so you can make your own selection ion how your website should look. 5 Source Code That's right, when your website is completed you have ownership of the source code. You are in control 100%. 6 Flexibility We believe in regular interactions with the customer to help deliver the best possible product. Unlike many other web design companies, WebMento offer flexibility and accept design changes during the development phase. 7 Clientele We have a large database of happy customers, Many customers come back to us for their further website development needs. 8 Direct Contact You will have direct contact with the project manager who will be looking after your project from the beginning to the end . 9 Your Visuals We have access to over a million stock images So you have an unlimited supply of images to use in your website to make it impactful and unique . 10 Support Once your new site is up and running you need to know that the company you have chosen to create your website will still be there to provide you with backup, should you have a problem or require an alteration for your site We provide free support for all our clients, there is no time limit on this support and you can ask us as many questions as you like Most of our clients are setting up websites for the first time and have a few questions and queries after their site goes live, so we are happy to provide free after sales support. Thanks & Regards
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0.0 Ā· 1 Review
Although the ad said I would not pay anything upfront, the provider wanted money upfront. I was willing to pay after each 5 sign-ups but have been burnt too many times to pay anything up front. The provider did not do anything wrong though. I was just uncomfortable paying any money upfront.
Bandera de
Candler, United States
hace 16 aƱos
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100 %
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