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R Dodi N.



Web Design and Development for business n E-comm

$30 USD / hora
Bandera de
Indonesia (11:33 a. m.)
Se unió el julio 18, 2015
$30 USD / hora
I am a Graphic Designer, Web/App Developer & Animator with creative and technical expertise. I have over 10+ years of experience in Website Designing and Development I AM PROFICIENT IN : ✓ Adobe Photoshop ✓ Adobe Illustrator ✦WEB DEVELOPMENT ✓ Website Design & Development ✓ PHP/WordPress/ECommerce/WooCommerce/Shopify/React JS ✓ HTML/PSD/BootStrap/CSS/JS ✦APP DEVELOPMENT ✓Andriod ✓IOS ✓Hybrid/Native ✓React Native .
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4.3 · 5 Reviews
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The project is not completed according to the dispute
Marcus B.
Bandera de
Stockamöllan, Sweden
hace 7 años
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This is the only , and the best guy who understand my requirements and did it amazingly fast work. Amazing communication and amazing work and totally creative he understands what he is doing Keep up the great work :)
Muhannad A.
Bandera de
Amman, Jordan
hace 8 años
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He is a great freelancer, highly knowledgeable, dependable and a true professional. He was always quick to respond on any requests/feedbacks. The deadline is something that needs to be a little reassured next time and needs some work there. All in all a THUMBS UP! :) Will repeat hire for the next job for sure.
Chimmera Animations P.LTD
Bandera de
Meerut, India
hace 8 años
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The job turned out to be more than he expected but he stayed with it. Great to work with him
Brian D.
Bandera de
SAint Clair Shores, Thailand
hace 8 años
Very good and fast.
Shuaib C.
Bandera de
Mitcham, United Kingdom
hace 9 años
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
100 %
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