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Petra K.



Project manager

$35 USD / hora
Bandera de
Croatia (5:55 p. m.)
Se unió el septiembre 1, 2012
$35 USD / hora
I am a Project manager with 10 years fo experience and excellent knowledge of English language. I have high MS Office skills and consider myself hard-working, proactive and attentive to detail. A couple of my previous jobs include: - creating complex Excel spreadsheets using multiple formulas and macros - project managment (company aquisitions, software development, process development and implementation,.. - virtual assisting - team leading - English - Croatian translations and vice-versa - web research and data mining - writing articles I can guarantee high quality work and I have strong respect for deadlines. Also I strongly believe in regular communication and honesty.
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5.0 · 1 Review
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"great communication, no problems at all, kind person finished job so fast without any problems Highly recommended"
Alexander B.
Bandera de
Tbilisi, Georgia
hace 1 año
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
100 %
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