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Maher N.



im a 10 years exp DevOps/Solution Architect

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Tunisia (10:41 a. m.)
Se unió el agosto 13, 2023
$10 USD / hora
As a solution architect / DevOps, I provide a range of services to address your specific needs and optimize building cloud platforms. How I can help you: ⚙️ Will work closely with you to design and implement efficient solutions tailored to your unique requirements. We will analyze your current infrastructure, understand your goals, and create a robust architecture that maximizes performance, reliability, scalability, Security, and flexibility. ⚙️ Your platform building: Using DevOps principles, AWS Cloud, GCP Cloud, Infra as Code (IaC), CI/CD practices, and MLops expertise. I will help you to leverage these technologies to streamline your development processes, automate infra management, and enable faster more reliable releases. ⚙️ Leverage MLops capabilities: I optimize your machine learning workflows, ensuring smooth model deployment and management. We will implement processes for version control, automated testing, monitoring, and retraining of my models, allowing you to achieve better accuracy, and faster time to market. ⚙️ Implement CI/CD: I implement CI/CD practices to automate your software delivery pipeline. Integrating continuous integration, automated testing, and continuous deployment ensures that your applications are delivered quickly, reliably, and highly quality. This approach enables you to respond rapidly to changing business needs and reduces the risk of human errors. ⚙️ Harness the power of Kubernetes to orchestrate and manage containerized applications for seamless scalability, performance, and resource optimization. ⚙️Data Integration and Optimization: I design, and build multi-automated pipelines to integrate relevant data from any source into your big data cluster. Enhance data mapping, storage, and search performance, ensuring optimal results and efficient data processing. ⚙️ Platform Security: I prioritize platform security at every stage of the design process. I work with you to guarantee platform security,
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Project management
2012 - 2013
1 año
Bandera de
2012 - 2013
1 año
Computer science
2005 - 2011
6 años
Bandera de
2005 - 2011
6 años
kubenetes administrator
linux fondation
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program provides assurance that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency to perform the responsibilities of Kubernetes administrators.
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