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Lourgene B.



Customer Care Specialist

$15 USD / hora
Bandera de
Philippines (10:12 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el octubre 13, 2021
$15 USD / hora
I have three years of experience as a Call Center Agent, serving as both a Service to Sales Representative and a Technical Support Representative. In 2022, I began my freelancing career, further developing my skills and passion for connecting with and assisting customers. I always strive to provide excellent service to both clients and customers, as I believe this is my calling. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to help others, contribute to business growth, and support my personal growth, all while ensuring customer satisfaction. In my role within the BPO industry, I took great pride in being the voice of the company. I have applied this experience to my duties and responsibilities as a virtual assistant and remote personal assistant. This includes customer support, managing tasks for my clients' businesses, answering customer inquiries, and resolving customer concerns. I always aim to exceed customer expectations by actively listening and addressing their wants and needs. I am highly adaptable, hard-working, loyal, and flexible. My commitment to honesty, motivation, and enthusiasm drives my work ethic. Additionally, I excel under pressure and possess strong multitasking skills, allowing me to handle various tasks efficiently.
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5.0 Ā· 1 Review
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It is great to work with Lou, two weeks into a long term VA engagement
Andrew B.
Bandera de
Sydney, Australia
hace 11 meses
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
100 %
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