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Md S.



I am Professional Digital Marketing Expert

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Bangladesh (8:55 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el enero 8, 2025
$10 USD / hora
I am a skilled digital marketing expert who can help you grow your business's online presence. My services include: 1. Facebook Business Manager Setup & Optimization: Set up Facebook Page and Ads Manager for your business, manage marketing campaigns, and create successful strategies. 2. YouTube Marketing, Optimization & Monetization: Grow your YouTube channel, video optimization, and monetization setup. 3. Email Marketing: Establish effective communication with your customers and create email campaigns. 4. MS Excel & PowerPoint: Data analysis, chart creation, and create professional presentations. 5. YouTube Content Video Editing: Edit your videos in an attractive and professional way. 6. Canva Design & Logo Design: Professional logo design and graphics design. 7. Thumbnail & Cover Photo Design: YouTube thumbnail and social media cover photo design. I am always committed to providing you with a cost-effective, timely and efficient service. My services can help your business reach new heights. Contact me for your required work and I will provide you with the best solution! This clearly highlights your skills and services and is suitable for work on or any other platform.
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