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Geert B.



XSLT and XML Professional

$50 USD / hora
Bandera de
Belgium (9:37 a. m.)
Se unió el noviembre 20, 2011
$50 USD / hora
Content Architect, Analyst and developer, all things XML. Over 15 years extensive XSLT developer experience (experienced XSLT1, XSLT2 and XSLT3, includes experience with most XSLT processor quirks and extensions ) XSL-FO: experienced in order to get the most complex layouts from XML into PDF. DITA modelling and processing using DITA-OT or bespoke. Managed some pretty complex technical documentation book layouts with complex tables and images Semantic web: good understanding of RDFs, OWL, SKOS. Decent SPARQL development fit for a variety of triple stores with good performance Transformation solutions for automated eBook generation XProc, XQuery, Schematron, XSD, DTD, RelaxNG, ... Experienced trainer offering courses in all of the above Working with Markup languages since 1992 (SGML, HyTime, XML,...) Transformation solutions for XML to MS Word or MS Excel... or back Variety of programming languages: JavaScript, Ruby, Python, C#
A tiempo
99 %
Dentro del presupuesto
98 %
Aceptar tarifa
94 %
Tasa de recontratación
16 %



Cambios guardados
5.0 · 88 Reviews
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One of the best I have ever worked with. Master at XSLT and all things XLM
Jeff M.
Bandera de
Gonzales, United States
hace 4 años
Outstanding experience with a true professional. Exceeded all expectations!
Alan M. N.
Bandera de
Teaneck, Israel
hace 5 años
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Geert is very knowledgable about XML and XSLT. We are completely satisfied with his work. Good communication and ethical standard. Thanks!
Ross G.
Bandera de
Shelburne Falls, United States
hace 5 años
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solve xml prroblem $25 USD
He is professional and very skillful. I had no problem working with him. I will definitely hire him when I have any problem with software in the future.
Yasuo A.
Bandera de
Obu, Japan
hace 6 años
Excellent work, again on time and the XSLT transformation worked perfectly.
Barry S.
Bandera de
Boca Raton, United States
hace 6 años
7 yearly Sniper awards; XML: prodigy; web standards: Ace
Experts Exchange
As member Gertone (Geert Bormans) I managed to hit the top ranking for 7 years in a row as a "sniper" (highest ratio questions participated versus answers accepted). Listed as an XML "PRODIGY" (5000000 points) web standards "ACE" (2500000 points) and XSLT "GENIUS" (1000000 points). Check my Experts Exchange profile for more certificates
US English - Level 1
US English
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