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Maksym T.
App and Backend developer
$20 USD / hora
Ukraine (4:52 a. m.)
Se unió el mayo 18, 2020
$20 USD / hora
Hi, I’m Maxim. My team and I, we are a team of developers. Our team consists of 5 people, and each of us is a specialist in his field.
I specialize in developing iOS apps for Swift. I also develop a system architecture for companies. My second specialization is a backend developer. Previously, I came up with writing a server in PHP, and I moved away from developing in PHP and switched to Node Js. My third specialty is blockchain technology and smart contracts.
Sergey - specializes in developing Android applications in the Java language. Specialize in Kotlin.
Alexander - Web developer specialize in Angular framework.
Vadim - artificial intelligence developer.
Renat - Tester.