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Riska N.
Bachelor of education | Editing | Writing
$15 USD / hora
Indonesia (1:20 p. m.)
Se unió el marzo 22, 2024
$15 USD / hora
Hi! I’m Riska, a passionate freelance content creator with a background in Science Education. With a strong foundation in writing, editing, and digital content creation, I help businesses and individuals bring their ideas to life with engaging and well-crafted content.
Whether it’s creating captivating blog posts, transcribing audio, or designing clean, eye-catching presentations, I specialize in making content that communicates your message clearly and creatively. I’m also experienced in tasks like data entry, document conversion (PDF to Word/Excel), and photo editing, including background removal and replacement.
I take pride in my attention to detail, reliability, and commitment to delivering high-quality work on time. If you’re looking for someone who can provide creative solutions and produce work that meets your needs, feel free to reach out to me. Let’s make something great together!
As a substitute teacher, I am responsible for filling in for absent regular teachers by continuing the planned lesson material. I ensure that students are able to follow the lesson successfully, provide additional explanation if needed, and maintain discipline and a conducive classroom atmosphere. In addition, I coordinate with the permanent teacher to ensure the continuity of effective learning and in accordance with the existing curriculum.
may, 2024 - may, 2024
dic, 2020 - dic, 2022
2 años
dic, 2020 - dic, 2022
2 años
I have experience as a secretary for 2 years in the organization that I joined in college. In the organization in my home environment, I also served as a secretary for 1 year.
dic, 2020 - dic, 2022
2 años
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
2019 - 2024
5 años
Bachelor of Education
2019 - 2024
5 años
copywriting webinar certificate
I once took copywriting training during college and received a certificate for copywriting.
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