I need a software audio decoder implementation based on STM32F4 microcontroller. You need STM32F4DISCOVERY to work on a project. IAR EWARM is preferable.
You can use open source projects to port it to IAR and Discovery. No need of RTOS, Ethernet, mp3, display and so on...
You can also use FATFS to play files from SD, but playing music files converted to *.h (header) files also allowed.
The result of a work is a source file and IDE project files to build the project by myself and playing WMA on my STM32F4DISCO.
I have experience with audio playback on the STM32F4 discovery board.
In the past I have used WAV files. I would need to test the WMA decoder available from STMicroelectronics.
How do you propose to *control* the player? Using buttons? Commands sent over the serial console?
Without a display, how will you know the names of the tracks?
I have used the serial console for this purpose in the past.
I would prefer to use the STM32CubeIDE for my own development. I can help you import the firmware in to IAR when ready.
This bid is PROVISIONAL until I have full details. I might need to change the price and / or timeframe.