Why did constantine convert to christianitytrabajos
Convert a Sale&Buy platform already in function, into a mobile App. Convertir plataforma web de servicios de compra-venta en funcionamiento a móvil App
...y lograr iniciar debates de como enfrentar el problema ya que muchos lo ignoran. Me gustaría contar con animaciones para expresar datos y cifras sobre el crecimiento poblacional de los próximos años. I am currently working on an expository documentary on household food waste. I intend to expose the problem as it is one of the main reasons why climate change worsens. My goal is to raise consumer awareness and initiate discussions on dealing with the problem that many ignore. I would like to have animations to express facts and figures about population growth in the coming years....
I need to modify a menu that I have to convert it into an acodeon type menu
English We are an online shop located in Spain, dedicated to the sale of machinery. And we are looking for people with skills in both wordpress and woocommerce to upload new products from the catalogues offered by our distributors. The task is simple, you will be given a catalogue like the one we show in the images, and you will have to convert that catalogue into products, with their respective images, features and technical specifications. Experience and knowledge will be valued. This is a long term work. Español Somos una tienda online con sede en España que se dedica a la venta de maquinaria. Y estamos buscando a gente con habilidades tanto en wordpress como en woocommerce para subir productos nuevos a partir de los catálogos que no...
Se trata de realizar un boceto/diseño para poner la publicidad en un Mitsubishi Montero 3.2 DID del año 2.002. Se añaden los logos principales del patrocinador principal (Eprox) que debe ocupar gran parte de ambos laterales. al menos de la parte trasera. Tambien hay que dejar huecos publicitarios de forma rectangular de 20 cm de largo por 8 de ancho en la zona de puertas y aletas delanteras que son para sponsors mas pequeños. Ojo, en las puertas hay que dejar zona libre para las pegatinas con el número de participante en el rally. El color actual del coche es verde cristal, pero la idea sería repintarlo antes de color blanco. Por seguir una linea anterior, llantas y espejos irán en naranja o en color corporativo de Eprox. Se pasa tamb...
...contacto :) Muchas gracias. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! We need a logo for our brand of sustainable and organic urban style clothing or streetwear. The company axes are the support to art, music and the planet, that's why the name of the brand is Artik Planet. We would like you to be inspired by brands like Vans, DC Shoes, Pukas Surf, Volcom or Element. Ideally, the logo should be in black so that it can be easily adapted to the platforms. Attached are some images of the styles we are looking for. Any doubt, you can apply without problem and we are in contact :) Thank you very much....
...quality images for instagram highlight stories. I made some myself and they look low quality and unprofessional. I want 2 models, some for an instagram cell phone page and other images for a jewelry store. • Attached I leave the examples that I did with both pages. • I want them to keep the same color but cleaner. • I want them to keep the same names, that is, the images they are looking for have the same meaning as the names of each image in the example. • That images are eye-catching and professional. • And add the image of customers to the cell phone store. There are 7 images of the virtual cell phone store 1- Phone Cover. 2- Cell phones. 3- Headphones. 4- Shipping. 5- Accessories. 6- Smart watches. 7- Happy Customer. ...
Me ofrezco como Data Entry. Rapidez y responsabilidad en los trabajos encomendados. Además cuento con habilidades para atención al cliente chat o e-mail. Soy una persona perseverante y aplicada en mis trabajos, cuando me propongo algo lo cumplo, incluso antes del tiempo estimado. Cualquier propuesta será bienvenida consultas a: zafirom90@ o por mensaje Saludos y gracias por leer mi propuesta.
I need to convert a date field of type int to DATE (d-m-Y) in SQL query
SPANISH Basicamente hay que elaborar el LOGO para una tienda de Cuentas y Hardware de videojuegos de clase Premium, es decir exclusividades, la tienda es operada por un CEO...SUPREME por ejemplo, exclusividad, brillo y poder en los videojuegos, algo relacionado con CEO (puesto maximo de una empresa), debe ser algo divertido, gamer pero premium ---------------------------------- ENGLISH You have to design the logo for a premium gaming accounts and hardware, selling mostly exclusive things, the store is operated by a CEO from a Petroleum Company, thats why is CEO Gamer, the guy plays games, but is also a CEO on its petroleum company STORE NAME: CEO Gamer Store Logo must reflect power and exclusivity, similar to SUPREME logo, must be related to fun, but fun a...
Queremos integrar whatsappp a nuestro CRM tanto para mensajes entrantes como salientes. Adjunto requerimientos: 1-Módulo de configuración de sesiones 2-Modulo supervisión de mensajes Whatsapp 3-Poder configurar más de 1 DID 4-Asociar gestores a DIDS de whatsapp 5-Crear colas de mensajes entrantes de whatsapp 6-Que los gestores puedan iniciar conversaciones 7-Que los gestores puedan enviar documentos e imágenes 8-Si un cliente escribe que el mensaje le entre al gestor que inicio la conversación con el cliente (Poder configurar tiempo) 9-Que las conversaciones se guarden en el CRM con la información de fecha, hora, agente, caso 10-Crear variables con la información del cliente y caso 11-Poder crear plantillas predeterminadas pa...
se trata de una encuesta que quiero enviar en la red,para obtener hice por mi misma pero no he obtenido .si me pueden ayudar. ______________________________________ This is a survey that I want to send online, to get a response. I did it by myself but I have not obtained it. If you can help me.
Hola Oussama B., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles. I did some design and I need in CAD and some renders and after do Solidwork. The design is in paper
Hi, I have a code using php and html that a fiver guy did, but I don't like what he did, especially in the style part. my requirement was to do something similar, when it comes to functionality and design (especially in design) to put it on my wordpress page, this is what i have: https: // but I want something similar in style, appearance to this spanish: hola, tengo un codigo usando php y html que un chico de fiver lo hizo, pero no me gusta lo que hizo, sobre todo en la parte de estilo. mi requerimiento era hacer algo parecido, en cuando a funcionalidad y diseño( sobre todo en diseño) para ponerlo en mi pagina de wordpress, esto es lo que tengo: pero quiero algo parecido en estilo,apariencia a esto https://www
...online, por lo general pasa cuando una de estas páginas tiene una gran cantidad de visitas Hablamos con el hosting y nos dijeron lo siguiente: "I'm seeing that you have a lot of tables that are corrupted which would cause the site not to be able to connect to the database. Databases can become corrupt if you send too many queries to the mysql server overlaading it or sending conflicting queries to the same table or the php script not closing the connection to the database properly, which would all be coding issues with the sites. I would suggest that you reach out to a web developer for help with fixing the sites so they aren't corrupting the database tables." Traducido al español "veo que tiene ...
Traducción del ingles al español (archivos php de una web de idioma) total 1400 frases convert EN -> ES
...sells THC / CBD-infused groceries, we want to expand our reach to Latinos with spicy Mexican sweets. What we need. A logo that people can interact with and be identifiable, that can be used as a single (without the name of the logo or all its full logo components) that can be personalized in all colors or color gradients and B and N , mainly for social media purposes. In addition, we want it to be economical to print, or in basic colors, or simply a silhouette. what we think we want it to be. Something sophisticated, nothing oriented or Mexican themed, our brand will be revealed when you contact us, but basically, we want or are thinking of a MJ candy leaf, made with chilies or jalapeños, or any type you want to introduce us to. ...
I am looking for articles published about the effect of light pollution on insects. There is plenty of stuff publish in English referring to various countries. I am looking for any research that has been done in Spain. Spanish, Catalan and English language publications. Ideally the articles should be available for download. I will send you some references as a starting point which is why you need access to citation index and online access to a suitable library. This is just a short project. If you are already working on this, you may even have the required information in your own bibliography. Google translate. "Estoy buscando artículos publicados sobre el efecto de la contaminación lumínica en los insectos. Hay muchas co...
We need to create a web page for a client, where it would be a wordpress web for a car repair shop. Necesito crear una pagina web para un cliente, donde seria una web wordpress para un taller de reparación de coches. _____________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT: ONLY WORDPRESS ACCEPTED. At this stage we just want to know your price for this work. So we can move futher with our customer. That's why, at this point we are not yet able to send texts + image. We are looking for some stable web designer who we can trust, because we have some projects to work with. If you are interested, contact us so we can send you some samples! Thanks! ______________________________________________________ IMPORTANTE: SOLO WORDPRE...
Necesito convertir un archivo que tengo escaneado, y que se encuentra en superficie, a un solido, cerrado perfectamente con su relleno, ara conocer su peso real y poder hacer modificaciones mas fáciles. El archivo es en step, y me sirve igual que se devuelva en step, iges o parasolid entre otros, o sw2017. I need to convert a file that I have scanned, and that is on the surface, to a solid, perfectly closed with its padding, to know its real weight and to be able to make modifications easier. The file is in step, and it serves me the same as it is returned in step, iges or parasolid among others, or sw2017.
Quiero una persona para estar de continuo en mi agencia de embudos automatizados, quiero una pro-activa y resolutiva, con perfil técnico, que sea organizada.. y que tenga conocimientos en Wordpress, Elementor, Thive Architect, Convert Pro, Thrive Leads y Active Campaign. Tareas a realizar de continuo: Creación y diseño de paginas de embudo Creación e integración de formularios entre formularios Crear Integraciones y Automatizaciones en Active Campaign, Hotmar y Thrive Cart Se realizará una prueba inicial para comprobar habilidad, (se pagará trabajo suelto)
Dear Freelancer, Please convert from PDF to WORD the 12 pages of contract. Only text. Regards Estimado profesional independiente, Convierta de PDF a WORD las 12 páginas del contrato. Solo texto Saludos
Notice, if you don't know Prestashop please don't apply for this project. I need a person capable of modifying the texts (truncate) of the categories and products of my website, since this is not shown in full, for example: Blue dress of ... or Black car painted in color ... It is a simple 10 minute job, I had done it before but they did a backup and it was erased.
Job I want to get done: I am a domain expert and want to train algorithms to extract data from my industries must common documents. Deliverables I expect - A plan on how you will get this job done and a brief explanation on why you would choose some tools, algorithms and techniques over the others. - A hybrid (supervised machine learning / rule based) text classifier. - A guide showing the guidelines and process I should follow to make best use of the tools including a golden standard. - Future support when needed.
Autocad drafter to assist to create a landscape design. 2D work is required Looking for a fast and economic proposal to convert into plans a Sketch I am showing
Necesito convertir el dibujo adjunto en formato vectorial svg sobre fondo transparente I need to convert the attached drawing into svg vector format on transparent background
We need to convert a design in photoshop to an HTML inventory template mounted on the ZOHO CRM. You need to use the product table to add several products to a quote using the design attached in photoshop. Combination fields Guide: 1. Prado Sur 136, Lomas de Chapultepec IV Secc, CDMX, México 2. ${Organizacióéfono} 3. ${Organizació web} 4. hola@ 5. LOGO 6. ${Lookup:} 7. ${Lookup: Destacada} 8. ${Lookup: Desarrollo} 9. ${ Entrega} 10. ${Lookup: Original} 11. ${ de Propiedad} 12. ${Lookup:ón del Desarrollo} 13. ${Propiedades.M² Totales} 14. ${Propiedades.M² Habitables} 15. ${Propiedades.M² Balcón} / ${Propiedades.M² Terraza} 16. ${Propiedades.M² Roof Garden} 17. ${Propiedades
I need to add a Multi Tenant structure to my SaaS PHP application written in Laravel. Requirements: - Multi-tenant - Maintain and improve the SAAS Administration Panel using Tency for laravel - Improve the Administration Panel view using Voyager () In summary, I need to switch to Multi-Tenant and use Voyager as an administration panel view.
Diseñar portal web sobre asterisk que incluya opción registrarse, login (ingresar), DID para seleccionar o escoger (activar).
Requiero plataforma (sofswitch) con módulos: Clientes Troncales Tarifas Planes DID SMS CallBlasting Medios de pago Reportes CDR
Hello, I am currently embarking on a new advertising, marketing, web page development company. That is why I am in search of a corporate identity. For it, you are given total freedom of creation in all aspects. The only requirements are: the proposed name should be easy to remember and be available as a .com domain. —————- Hola, En estos momentos me encuentro emprendiendo una nueva compañía de publicidad, mercadeo, desarrollo de paginas web. Es por eso que estoy en búsqueda de una identidad corporativa. Para la misma se le provee total libertad de creación en todos los aspectos. Los únicos requisitos son: el nombre propuesto deberá ser fácil de recordar y estar disponible como dominio .c...
...applied to sport and elite athlete. The psychology of sport is the science dedicated to studying how, why and under what conditions athletes, coaches and spectators behave in the way they do, as well as investigate the mutual influence between physical activity and participation in sports and psychophysical well-being, health and personal development. TARGET It is mainly aimed at young athletes internationally and promoting diversity. Also to sports teams, clubs, coaches, referees, fathers and mothers with sports children WHAT DO WE DO We offer a complete guide, advice and support service to athletes to work on competition management, trust, decision making, coping with sporting successes and failures, teamwork, communication skills, concentra...
...agency that we want to offer our public "an experience in every visit". We want our internal and external design to be creative for a travel agency, that can be striking and that customers can feel at ease. In the photos the size we have for the office is sent, somewhat reduced and that is why we need creative help. The place should have a waiting area, two or three desks for customer service and on the "C" side possibly an area to show tourist places with a screen and that customers can appreciate the place where they want to go to visit. We want our logo to be on the "B" or "D" sides and that there is a place where people want to take a picture. The logo could have a backlight or some d...
Hola, Tengo mi empresa voip , mi negocio es una pequena tienda voip , vendo terminacion de llamadas voip A to Z , proveo DID , Toll Free , Servidores Vicibox o goautodial , FreePBX. Estoy en busca de una persona que pueda desarollarme un pequeno website ,
...dynamic programming algorithm that selects me which is the best range where more packages pass without having to evaluate all the options without using the exhaustive method. The problem basically deals with the following: Before it is necessary to understand the following, the same letters make up 1 packet, but there is also a restriction variable where only M packets can be passed, for this case M is worth 2 M = 2, that is, only packets can pass where the letter is not repeat more than 2 times 1. I have an arrangement C C D F B B B A C A E A 2. I need to know which is the best range where more packages pass 3. For this case the best range is: 1 - 10 {C D F B B B A C A E} Explanation of why is the best range, remember that the same letter makes a package...
...search in google and for sure you want to visit me ..., I am the father of 3 beautiful children who are my life, I am CEO of: JSP Medios is a communication company led by professionals that make up a multidisciplinary, multicultural and multigenerational team. All collaborators are involved in the development of content with creative, disruptive and intelligent characteristics, which are directed to a target audience that receives useful and truthful information. I have a lot of faith that some of you wise, intelligent and capable men have the necessary skills to help me in my next task: I require a system that scan my direct competition in real time (ie other means of communication), extract the information and use the style of writing my brand to...
Se necesita maquetar varias páginas PSD to HTML para un nuevo sitio web informativo.
Tengo una central IP PBX Issabel 4.0 ya instalada con extensiones configuradas que funcionan correctamente dentro de la LAN pero no se escucha audio si son registradas fuera de la LAN, a pesar de estar el NAT en yes. Los puertos del router/firewall ya estan abierto. A su vez, necesito configurar un numero DID de mi proveedor DIDWW y 3 gateway grandstrem HT03 para las lineas analógicas.
We need to create a program to massively generate Qr codes. We need to upload some codes that we have in excel, and we need the program to convert those codes into qr, and allow us to export those qr, so they can be printed. Necesitamos crear programa para generar masivamente codigos Qr. Necesitamos subir unos codigos que tenemos en excel, y necesitamos que el programa convierta esos codigos en qr, y nos permita exportar esos qr, para que puedan imprimirse.
...SINCE I DID SUMMARIZED. I am interesting to create a very dynamic website, similar to (hotel search) or Skyscanner (flight search) those searches looking for products in other websites. This time there are no hotel searches or flight searches, in this time I need website of appliances search such as TV, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. and I know that a search algorithm of that size is very expensive. As I understand that the webpage with a large algorithm is very expensive so I will also do my work and will study the markets of the appliances and I will upload to the website all the information that I collect from physical stores and online stores. but I also want to remind that the website needs to perform the online search in other web ...
Buenos días, Necesaria realizar un artículo con mínimo 800 palabras donde se hable de los seguros de vida. ¿Qué es un seguro de vida?, ¿Por qué contratar un seguro de vida?, Tipos de seguro de vida, ect.. Todo ello adap...un artículo con mínimo 800 palabras donde se hable de los seguros de vida. ¿Qué es un seguro de vida?, ¿Por qué contratar un seguro de vida?, Tipos de seguro de vida, ect.. Todo ello adaptado al Español (Mexicano) utilizando la jerga y el vocabulario típico del país. ____ Good Morning, You need to make an article with at least 800 words where you talk about life insurance. What is life insurance? Why buy life insurance? Types of...
I currently have a site built in HTML and I need you to build it with bootstrap. Home page Section page Article view Video home Video view
Quiero convertir todo el codigo de una dll desarrollada en C# a una dll nativa de C++ sin perder ninguna de las funcionalidades. La solucion final debe ser 100% exacta a la original pero en C++ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to convert all the code of a dll developed in C # to a native C ++ dll without losing any of the functionalities. The final solution must be 100% accurate to the original but in C ++
I have an Adobe Muse template that I need converted to a working wordpress theme. It must be fully functional and extendable. the website is
Necesito convertir un Filtro Kalman Extendido codificado en lenguaje mathlab a visual basic 6.0. Requiero una sola funcion a la cual pasandole como parametros: X_GPS, Y_GPS, Z_GPS, Velocidad_GPS, Bearing_GPS, Acel_X_IMU, Acel_Y_IMU, Acel_Z_IMU, ROLL, PITCH, YAW, me devuelva unas coordenadas X,Y,Z,Bearing filtrados por el filtro de kalman extendido. Adjunto fichero PDF con el codigo que deseo traducir de Mathlab a Visual Basic 6.0. En el apendice D aparece el codigo que deseo convertir. Cuanto me costaría y que tiempo tardaría en realizar el trabajo. Muchas gracias.
...Source App is an Android Game App running on one Android Emulator for Windows. 2) Target App is a Windows desktop application. We want to obtain source app events, clicks and movements then convert each one into target apps clicks and keywords inputs. We are getting source events analyzing images from the app: a) making a copy of the screenshots (print screens) from the source app b) making an OCR from some sections of the screenshot c) define the case logic (what to do) according to the text obtained from the OCR process d) execute click and key inputs on the target apps We need someone to complete the code, improve OCR process speed and analyze if it is possible to complete the project. The code is Visual Studio C#. Programador experto en C...
What I need is to apply JWT annotations to the REST endpoint generated by Spring Boot with the @RepositoryRestResource annotation. As this annotation (@RepositoryRestResource.) Makes an incredible and huge magic, I can not place any annotation in any of the restpoint that creates me. Automatically for each Entity I create: POST, PUT, PATCH, GET necessary and also generates HATEOAS and HAL Browser. The issue is that I want to occupy JWT; and to occupy JWT what I need is to place annotations like @PreAuthorize ("hasRole ('ADMIN')") in each endpoint REST. The previous thing is impossible occupying the magic @RepositoryRestResource since the endpoints create them automatic. So, I accept 2 solutions, the first being the ideal one. 1) ...
...are potential entrepreneurs between 18-28 years, so in this case I would like the logo to be something young and professional. LOGO 1: I need the design of my personal logo, which must have my name (Juan Carlos Julio). I always wear glasses and a tie, which is why they are two elements that identify me as a professional (photo attachment). So if you could integrate the glasses and the tie, to my name. or to make a single silhouette of the tie and the lenses that simulate my figure, would be creative. The colors that I like are black, wine red and grayscale. LOGO 2: In addition, I am in need of a sub logo for the first workshop that is going to be called "Business 4 Millennials". This is what we want to focus on with business illu...
Alrededor de 20 minutos. Guion es proporcionado. Animacion debe ser semi realista. Algunos ejemplos incluyen -Flashpoint Paradox -Constantine Animated Series
Hello, we are looking for names for a branded shoe store like Adidas, Nike, Puma, Reebok, Hi-tec, CAT, Converse, Vans, etc. Fashion accessories and sports things. The name we want must be and represent Originality, must have Strength, Resistance, Quality, linked to health or well-being. Must be Young, Independent, fresh, something that represents tenacity and will to overcome obstacles and difficulties. With the Power to Grow or Promote, why families will grow using our products and catalog sales advisors will also grow with us. Thank you (Y) Founders: Diana Mantilla y Pablo Guerrero pd.: photo of one side of the store /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hola, estamos en la bús...