Investment bank firm logo requirementstrabajos
Cuento con ventas en la union europea, en estados unidos por medio de telemarketing comienzo en unos dias, en bangladesh comenzamos a vender, en mercado libre 10 ventas de mayoreo, venta de seguros, tarjetas de credito, y viajes de vacaciones, la meta es lograr todos los tipos de venta y todos los productos en venta, actualmente contamos con todos los productos en venta, perfumes, accesorios, ropa, tenis, muebles, electronicos, herramientas, accesorios para automovil, vinos, cafe de taxca, telas, juguetes, tecnologia, computacion, electrodomesticos, materiales de connstruccion, etc. Estamos por crear una pagina web en primeros lugares de google, Tenemos las primeras ventas y buscamos posicionarnos muy fuerte en el mercado, buscamos inversionistas, firmando contrato de sociedad mercan...
Cuento con ventas en la union europea, en estados unidos por medio de telemarketing comienzo en unos dias, en bangladesh comenzamos a vender, en mercado libre 10 ventas de mayoreo, venta de seguros, tarjetas de credito, y viajes de vacaciones, la meta es lograr todos los tipos de venta y todos los productos en venta, actualmente contamos con todos los productos en venta, perfumes, accesorios, ropa, tenis, muebles, electronicos, herramientas, accesorios para automovil, vinos, cafe de taxca, telas, juguetes, tecnologia, computacion, electrodomesticos, materiales de connstruccion, etc. Estamos por crear una pagina web en primeros lugares de google, Tenemos las primeras ventas y buscamos posicionarnos muy fuerte en el mercado, buscamos inversionistas, firmando contrato de sociedad mercan...
...importación de sitio de comercio electrónico, los nuevos clientes y las órdenes de venta. Debe poseer la programación tiempo de sincronización --------------------------------------- Need integration our ERP with ecommerce systems prestashop and magento integration should be a plugin or windows service The source database is in ms sql server Preferably use an intermediary bank to integration. Must export the products, images, prices, inventory, customers, for ecommerce sites. And import from ecommerce site, new customers and sales orders. Must possess programming synchronization time...
Quiero invertir en un proyecto con escencia Cristiana. Quiero todas las ideas que ocurran. Envíame tu boceto. Quiero convencimiento ¡Quiero que me maravilles! Tengo un presupuesto, y si me gusta AÚN más, puedo invertir más. Quiero un proyecto con preferencia en Misioneros (Apostolado).. Sin embargo, puede ser dirigido a cualquiera de los 5 ministerios, y también a a operaciones que se te ocurran, para Dios. ¡Puede ser,de hecho, con música! ¡Cualquier cosa! Ve a lo SIGNIFICATIVO. Ahora bien, hay diversidad de dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo. Y hay diversidad de ministerios, pero el Señor es el mismo. Y hay diversidad de operaciones, pero Dios, que hace todas las cosas en todos, es el mismo. Pero...
Quiero invertir en un proyecto con escencia Cristiana. Quiero todas las ideas que ocurran. Envíame tu boceto. Quiero convencimiento ¡Quiero que me maravilles! Tengo un presupuesto, y si me gusta AÚN más, puedo invertir más. Quiero un proyecto con preferencia en Misioneros (Apostolado).. Sin embargo, puede ser dirigido a cualquiera de los 5 ministerios, y también a a operaciones que se te ocurran, para Dios. ¡Puede ser,de hecho, con música! ¡Cualquier cosa! Ve a lo SIGNIFICATIVO. Ahora bien, hay diversidad de dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo. Y hay diversidad de ministerios, pero el Señor es el mismo. Y hay diversidad de operaciones, pero Dios, que hace todas las cosas en todos, es el mismo. Pero...
Avolarclub need to own booking system. A people to work as Principal Account Manager Country, this people will should handle all payment of our travelers that paid in spain to travel to any world. This people should have: Bank Account in Spain only, NIF/CIF, Phone Number, Scan Photo Id, Start to work inmediatly, Spanish: Necesitamos una persona para trabajar como director principal de cuentas en españa, esta persona sera la encargada de manejar los pagos de nuestros viajeros que residen en españa y viajan a cualquier parte del mundo, Esta persona debera tener, Cuenta bancaria en españa preferiblemente empresarial o para montos altos o promedios, NIFo CIF, numero de contacto en españa, Scan de su identificacion, entrevista via Skype Comie...
We need a logo for an investment and saving product called "", and it has to be like an app logo. Super Tasas means Super Rates. Requerimos un logotipo para un producto de inversión y ahorro que se llama "" y requerimos que sea un logotipo similar a los de una app.
Requiero un logotipo para un producto de inversión y ahorro que se llama "Super Tasas" y requiero que sea un logotipo similar a los de una app. I need a logo for an investment and saving product called "Super Tasas", and it has to be like an app logo.
Necesito un Plugins para Open Cart integrado con Click Bank. Cuando el cliente escoja el producto y valla a pagar salga el formulario de pago de Click Bank con mi enlace de Afiliado. Que el Plugins pueda usarse en idiomas como Español , Ingles Un Plugins con sistema de pago Click Bank. No tengo mucho presupuesto, pero me gustaria que esto funcionara con la plataforma Open Cart ya que es la que mejor se manejar. Y existen Plugins Click Bank para Work Press, no se si le sea de ayuda este dato. Saludos
...para descargar un programa para adherir a todo tipo de paginas web ( Anuncios clasificados, Paginas de empresas, tiendas, redes sociales facebook, twitter y de todo tipo. Programa.- El botón de descarga gratuita vincula un programa que consta de un conjunto de archivos relacionados y automatizados entre sí para finalizar en una cuenta de banco y ya existentes como por ejemplo Pay pal, click bank, automáticamente, pero que su uso es una novedad previa y debidamente registrada. Este programa, tiene un cumulo de habilidades desarrollados desde archivos Claro que su utilidad es para un servicio nuevo y diferente o modificado. * 1.- Traductor de idiomas. * 2.- Convertidor de divisas. * 3.- Contrato de compra-venta antes de hacer clic en bot&oacu...
...para descargar un programa para adherir a todo tipo de paginas web ( Anuncios clasificados, Paginas de empresas, tiendas, redes sociales facebook, twitter y de todo tipo. Programa.- El botón de descarga gratuita vincula un programa que consta de un conjunto de archivos relacionados y automatizados entre sí para finalizar en una cuenta de banco y ya existentes como por ejemplo Pay pal, click bank, automáticamente, pero que su uso es una novedad previa y debidamente registrada. Este programa, tiene un cumulo de habilidades desarrollados desde archivos Claro que su utilidad es para un servicio nuevo y diferente o modificado. * 1.- Traductor de idiomas. * 2.- Convertidor de divisas. * 3.- Contrato de compra-venta antes de hacer clic en bot&oacu...
...gratuito para descargar un programa para adherir a todo tipo de paginas web ( Anuncios clasificados, Paginas de empresas, tiendas, redes sociales facebook, twitter y de todo tipo. Programa.- El botón de descarga gratuita vincula un programa que consta de un conjunto de archivos relacionados y automatizados entre sí para finalizar en una cuenta de banco y ya existentes como por ejemplo Pay pal, click bank, automáticamente, pero que su uso es una novedad previa y debidamente registrada. ...
...para descargar un programa para adherir a todo tipo de paginas web ( Anuncios clasificados, Paginas de empresas, tiendas, redes sociales facebook, twitter y de todo tipo. Programa.- El botón de descarga gratuita vincula un programa que consta de un conjunto de archivos relacionados y automatizados entre sí para finalizar en una cuenta de banco y ya existentes como por ejemplo Pay pal, click bank, automáticamente, pero que su uso es una novedad previa y debidamente registrada. Este programa, tiene un cumulo de habilidades desarrollados desde archivos Claro que su utilidad es para un servicio nuevo y diferente o modificado. * 1.- Traductor de idiomas. * 2.- Convertidor de divisas. * 3.- Contrato de compra-venta antes de hacer clic en bot&oacu...
...Hello friends are starting a project denomindao Neo .. Golden Challenge , which is to achieve a minimum 400 people who are very active , this process takes you 5 minutes a day and we'll have the results in three months depending on how many people join . .. Highlights of this project is that you only have to click links and sign up as my referral earnings .... that will generate a capital investment that will be the longstanding give us a little economic incentive ... Friends Cheer ! JUST NEED AN INTERNET CONNECTION , BE CONSTANT DURING THE FIRST THREE MONTHS ... REGISTER AS MY REFERRAL .... INCLUDING YOUR NAME AND EMAIL YOUR COUNTRY FOR EARNINGS REPARTCICION LATER ... WE ALSO AGREE THAT PUTTING ALL WE USE OUR NETELLER TO RECEIVE FUNDS TO PAY NO COMMISSIONS IF PAYPAL IS ... Check out 3.- Adultos: 4.- Niños: 5.- Número de habitaciones 6.- Mostrar detalles de la reservación y el precio 7.- Casilla de Cupón 8.- Se debe cobrar el monto total de la reservacion Datos Personales 9. Nombe 10.- Apellido 11.- Email: 12.- Telefono 13.- Direccion 14.- Ciudad 15.- País: (Dropdown) 16.- Método de Pago: a.- Tarjeta de Crédito b.- Paypal c.- Bank Deposit 17.- Casilla Acepto Términos y Condiciones Si se ha seleccionado DEPOSITO BANCARIO crear NUMERO DE RESERVACION y enviar por correo al cliente junto con los datos de depósito al tiempo que se bloquea la habitacion por 24 hrs en espera del pago. Ejemplo: Compatible con **CREAR WIDGET PARA AGREGAR U...
VICKY DANIS FINANCIERA PRÉSTAMO FIRM INC Ofrecemos préstamos a particulares o empresas con una baja tasa de interés de 2 % de garantía Ofrecemos los siguientes tipos de préstamos : Refinanciar préstamos, préstamos a la inversión empresarial , automóvil o préstamos de vehículos , consolidación de deudas , préstamos de vivienda , préstamos personales , préstamos de los viajes y vacaciones, y muchos más. Solicite ahora poniéndose en contacto directamente con el director de la aprobación de préstamos a través de correo electrónico : Al igual que para escribir de nuevo si usted está interesado , rellene este formulario y as&iac...
...for entrepreneurs, at this stage home are looking for people who place advertisements word of mouth and thus earn money invested in them instead of big advertisers enterprises, to learn more about the project is necessary to enter this page and watch the video start and continue if you agree with their data. As you will notice is a high growth company that does not need investment but if you can make money independently Page: http:// alkrz neurs net.....
...project Please take seriously large Wanted: 1 - Responsible for social networking sites and news editor at the same time , will work on a daily basis to break up the time so that there is a new update is appointing him on social networking sites will be a picture of the global external site Salary : 300-700 USD 300 if it would work at home More than 500 if it will work in the headquarters of the bank or sub- 2 - required employees to work in sub- headquarters and the headquarters of both the number 3 and deployed as follows • issuing credit cards to customers and send the latest developments Salary ($ 700 ) • a person is reviewing the main business of the branch so Bassaddar another and resolve problems after returning to the main administration salary ( $ 750...
necesito editar un bank statement que tan seguro esta que lo pueda hacer?
Hola necesito algún español que me ayude a poner la TPV Virtual con La Caixa en un Prestashop. Actualmente tiene con Deutche Bank y lo queremos cambiar a La Caixa. Necesito a alguien que me ayude con el tema. Muchas gracias
...corporativo de Intellectia Bank para modificación del logo y diseño de distintos materiales corporativos. LOGO: Actualmente la Phi del logo se encuentra dibujada a mano sin un trazo limpio y profesional, nos gustaría corregir este defecto. Asimismo, nos gustaría que el manual corporativo que se entregue sea con los siguientes materiales: -Rediseño de Logo -Manual de marca -Papelería institucional -Patrón presentación corporativa -Tarjetas personales y tarjetas institucionales FOLLETO GENÉRICO: Como material adicional queremos que se diseñe un folleto corporativo que hable de la empresa y de toda la cartera de productos. ( textos están anexos) ¿Cuál es el n...
...una de ellas SOLAMENTE si esas personas se asocian a nuestra compañia. Si les parece podemos concertar una cita para mayores detalles, es una oportunidad única de grandes ingresos no se pierda el chance de mejorar su calidad de vida y de su familia! I am looking for people to associate with one of the coffee retail chains larger global expansion, to enter the business is required to make an investment which can earn income in excess of $ 600 per month! It has three types of packages depending on the possibilities for further information, contact message through to bring a presentation via Skype and give them all the data. Also, if you get people who want to join will be given a bonus of $ 30 for each ONLY if those people are associated with our company. If you th...
...una de ellas SOLAMENTE si esas personas se asocian a nuestra compañia. Si les parece podemos concertar una cita para mayores detalles, es una oportunidad única de grandes ingresos no se pierda el chance de mejorar su calidad de vida y de su familia! I am looking for people to associate with one of the coffee retail chains larger global expansion, to enter the business is required to make an investment which can earn income in excess of $ 600 per month! It has three types of packages depending on the possibilities for further information, contact message through to bring a presentation via Skype and give them all the data. Also, if you get people who want to join will be given a bonus of $ 30 for each ONLY if those people are associated with our company. If you th...
Seek investment to realize international project have likes, visits, massive followers social media website at top of google to raise 300,000 products search of potential companies buyers, factories, large businesses massive international recommendations advertising on the internet, blogs, groups, pages of ads, banners, massively advertising on international radio stations team of professional sellers to realize sales ready to beginWe will have for sale, furniture. clothing, technology, electrical appliances, cosmetics, gifts, perfumes, tools, etc. Buscar inversion para concretar proyecto internacional Tenemos likes, visitas, seguidores masivos en redes sociales Pagina web en primeros lugares de google para subir 300,000 productos Busque...
This project one step away from comenzarce, have one page positioned at top of google, list up 300,000 products, accounts in social networks ready for millions of likes, seguidotes and visits, search for purchase dores potentials, massive recomendasiones I want to get investment to realize the project, is a step to begin, will be very strong sales Esta el proyecto a un paso de comenzarce, tenemos una pagina posicionada en primeros lugares de google, lista para subir 300,000 productos, cuentas en redes sociales listas para obtener millones de likes, seguidotes y visitas, busqueda de compra dores potenciales, recomendasiones masivas Quiero obtener inversion para terminar de concretar el proyecto, esta a un paso de comenzar, seran ventas muy fuertes
This project one step away from comenzarce, have one page positioned at top of google, list up 300,000 products, accounts in social networks ready for millions of likes, seguidotes and visits, search for purchase dores potentials, massive recomendasiones I want to get investment to realize the project, is a step to begin, will be very strong sales Esta el proyecto a un paso de comenzarce, tenemos una pagina posicionada en primeros lugares de google, lista para subir 300,000 productos, cuentas en redes sociales listas para obtener millones de likes, seguidotes y visitas, busqueda de compra dores potenciales, recomendasiones masivas Quiero obtener inversion para terminar de concretar el proyecto, esta a un paso de comenzar, seran ventas muy fuertes
Hola, necesito un programador o alguien que sepa implementar una TPV virtual. Actualmente tenemos el Deutche Bank y nos hemos cambiado a La Caixa. Me han pasado todos los datos del comercio. Tengo el CMS con Prestashop, se que existen módulos para implementarlo pero la verdad es que soy diseñador web pero no programador y esta parte no tengo idea. Por favor, necesito que me lo presupuesten. La web es Muchas gracias Un saludo Jaime
Ofrezco mis servicios como traductora de documentos del Castellano al Inglés y del Inglés al Castellano. Edición de textos de todo tipo. He trabajado anteriormente en una firma de abogados reconocida de los Estados Unidos (Firm Solutions Panama) como analista y procesador de datos, pasando documentos originales al computador. Un nivel avanzado de Inglés, aprendido en la escuela Británica The Oxford School. También he trabajado como Gerente de cuenta (VIP Manager) de servicio al cliente en la empresa Platinum Care services, en la ciudad de Panamá.
More details: What type of chat platform will the representative be using? Dating app What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? No time limit
I'm looking for an expert in creating a seamless, user-friendly trading interface for my share market platform. The main focus should be on making trading and investment as easy as possible for our users. Key requirements: - Incorporating interactive charts and graphs into the interface - Ability to design and implement a variety of interactive charts and graphs, such as candlestick charts, line graphs, and bar charts Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in creating user-friendly trading interfaces - Expertise in designing interactive charts and graphs - Familiarity with different types of financial charts - Strong understanding of user experience design in the trading context The goal is to help users make smart financial moves with ease while providin...
...stock after manufacturing 900 units of Product XYZ." 2. Accounting Integration Automate entries into Tally or Marg accounting software. Import and process bank statements automatically. 3. Inventory and Production Management Track raw material consumption for production. Automatically calculate stock adjustments based on production. Send alerts when stock is low. 4. Data Analysis and Forecasting Analyze production trends to predict raw material needs. Generate real-time financial and inventory dashboards. 5. Multi-Device Support The app should work on mobile devices (Android/iOS) and desktops (Windows/Mac). Technical Requirements 1. Core Technologies Voice Recognition: Google Speech-to-Text API, OpenAI’s Whisper, or Amazon Alexa Skills Kit. Backe...
...have the possibility to withdraw/deposit in the user section of the account. Also, it must be possible to export the private key - The user needs to have the following options on the Copytrading tab/section: o Tag for the specific wallet which is copied. o Target Wallet Adress o Buy Percentage (of the initial wallet) o Max Buy: for example, 0.5 sol o Minimum Buy: for example, 0.4 sol o Total Investment for the copied wallet: for example, 1 sol o Each token buy times: for example, 1 o Buy times reset after sell: true/false o Traders’ transaction maximum limit o Copy Pump: True/false o Copy Raydium: True/false o Minimum Market Cap o Maximum Market Cap o Minimum Coin Age o Copy Sells: True/false o Sell by position ratio: True/false o Auto Retry buy or sell: for example 1 time....
I am seeking an experienced Shopify developer to integrate specific payment gateways with my Shopify store. The payment gateways to be integrated include MPESA Express & C2B, and JengaAPI. Key Requirements: - Payment Methods: The store will accept Credit/Debit Cards, Mobile Money, and Bank Transfers. - Customizations: A custom checkout page is needed, along with support for multiple currencies (KES & USD). - Ideal skills for the job: Extensive experience with Shopify, knowledge of the specified payment gateways, and ability to create custom checkout pages. Experience with multi-currency support is a plus. We are looking for a Shopify expert to integrate o MPESA payment gateway (Customer To Business (C2B) and MPESA Express) and JengaAPI () with our Shopify store
Cross-Platform Broker Application Development for Rupeezy/ICICI Direct (Phase 1) & Automated Investment Strategies (Phase 2) --- Project Overview We are seeking a developer to build a Cross-Platform Broker Application (Phase 1) and implement Automated Investment Strategies (Phase 2) for stock trading using APIs from Vortex and ICICI Direct. The project will involve designing and developing trading functionalities, reports, user management, and subscription integrations, followed by automation of investment strategies for real-time trading and backtesting. --- Phase 1: Cross-Platform Broker Application Development Objective: Build a cross-platform broker application for Rupeezy/ICICI Direct that integrates Vortex and ICICI Brize APIs for trading functionali...
...constitute a negative environmental externality using theory and graphical analysis (20 marks) b) Evaluate the relationship between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions using the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, demonstrate this relationship graphically using relevant data on carbon emissions [ World Development Indicators] and per capita income for any country of your choice [ World Bank] (30 marks) c) Critically analyse the efficacy of the tradable pollution permits (cap and trade) as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, using relevant graphs and literature (20 marks) d) Critically analyse the efficacy of the Pigouvian taxes and subsidies as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, using relevant graphs and theory (20 marks) e) Your assignment should i...
¬¬FOR INDIAN PEOPLES ONLY¬¬ I am building a creative agency from scratch and are seeking passionate, talented individuals to join our team in its earliest stages. This is a unique opportunity to grow together as we establish a dynamic and innovative agency. At the initial stage, we are prioritizing investment in marketing and other essential areas, so we are looking for team members who are willing to work without upfront compensation. However, we guarantee that once we secure clients and generate revenue, all payments will go directly to you for your contributions. We are looking for individuals for the following roles: - Fashion Designers (Female) - Graphic Designers - Digital Marketers - Video Editors If you are skilled in more than one area, please in...
I'm looking for a seasoned app developer to assist in creating a comprehensive app tailored for a mutual fund distributor firm. The primary focus of this app will be on: - **Portfolio Tracking**: The app should provide clients with a detailed overview of their investment portfolios, including real-time updates and forecasts. Transaction Types: The app must support a variety of transaction types. These include: - Buying and selling mutual funds - Transferring funds between accounts - Setting up direct debits - Sending reminders for insurance payments - Assisting with the buying and selling of shares User Authentication: Security is paramount. Therefore, the app should utilize Two-factor authentication for user verification. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency ...
I'm looking for a commission-driven salesperson to help our finance service-based firm acquire small business clients. Key Responsibilities: - Finding and targeting clients - Using online marketing methods primarily, with a focus on social media, email marketing, and SEO/Content marketing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in sales, particularly in the finance sector - Exceptional online marketing skills, specifically on the mentioned platforms - Ability to work independently and driven by commissions In return for your hard work and achievement in finding us clients, we will share a percentage of the contract amount with you. Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm launching a Shopify jewellery store in February and need a skilled digital marketer to drive my ad campaigns on both Meta and Google Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Strategically run paid camp...Shopify jewellery store in February and need a skilled digital marketer to drive my ad campaigns on both Meta and Google Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Strategically run paid campaigns with provided budgets. - Focus primarily on sales conversion. - Target new prospective customers. I need you to guarantee results and demonstrate proven expertise in this field. You will be judged on the return of investment from our ad spend. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in e-commerce marketing, particularly within the jewellery sector. Skills in data analysis and strategic planning...
I'm looking for an AI agent specifically designed to operate in the cryptocurrency market. The main goal of this project is to turn a $100 investment into $10,000 through automated trading. Key Requirements: - The AI should focus on cryptocurrency trading, specifically on the Bitmart and Kucoin exchanges. - It needs to be capable of automated trading, making decisions and executing trades on its own in response to market changes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development, particularly for trading bots. - Extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency market and trading strategies. - Experience with Bitmart and Kucoin integration. Please note, while the goal is ambitious, a realistic strategy and risk management plan is crucial.
I'm looking for a modern-style logo that incorporates both text and an icon. The logo should primarily convey a sense of professionalism, as it represents my proprietorship company. - Style: The logo should be modern, so clean lines, minimalism, and a contemporary aesthetic are key. - Elements: The design should cleverly combine text and an icon. The icon should be relevant and complementary to the text. - Message: Above all, the logo should project professionalism. It should be suitable for a business setting and convey a sense of trustworthiness and competence. Ideal skills and experience for this job include graphic design, branding, and a strong portfolio of modern logo designs. Good communication skills are also essential, as I will be provid...
I am in need of an experienced accountant to handle my financial matters. The services I require include: - Bookkeeping: Regularly recording my financial transactions to keep track of my income and expenses. - Tax Preparatio...include: - Bookkeeping: Regularly recording my financial transactions to keep track of my income and expenses. - Tax Preparation: Assistance with filing my GST, TDS, and income tax returns. I need someone who is knowledgeable about these processes and can ensure that everything is filed accurately and on time. - Accounts Reconciliation: I need someone who can regularly check my records against my bank statements to ensure that everything is in order. If you have experience in these areas and can provide these services, please get in touch. I look forward to...
...proposal writer with a deep understanding of the oil and gas refining and distribution sector. The proposal should primarily emphasize the growth potential of my startup, while also highlighting key investment opportunities and the intricate regulatory environment of our industry. Key Aspects: - **Industry Insight**: A comprehensive understanding of the oil and gas refining and distribution sector is crucial. The proposal should reflect an in-depth knowledge of the industry and its growth trajectory. - **Investment Opportunities**: The proposal needs to convincingly present the various investment opportunities within my startup, emphasizing its potential for substantial returns. - **Regulatory Environment**: This sector is heavily influenced by regulations. A clear...
...interactive calculators with graphs into my website. The calculators will span various scenarios, with an initial emphasis on fitness and health, finances, math and others such as age, date, time, hours, GPA, Grade, concrete, subnet and conversion as well as a password generator. Key Requirements: - Incorporate fitness and health calculators first, with a focus on detail and interactivity - Add math calculators covering basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry - Include financial calculators like loan/mortgage, investment, and budgeting planners A reference website will be provided to demonstrate the desired level of interactivity and detail. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in web development - A strong understanding of creating interactive, graphica...
I run an accounting and tax firm in the U.S. and I need a skilled video editor to edit 2-4 videos a week for our YouTube channel. Each video will vary between 1-5 minutes. The ideal candidate will have: - A professional and polished editing style - Experience editing educational and tutorial content - Expertise in editing for YouTube
...create a contemporary, sleek (1) memo and (2) letterhead template for my law firm. These templates will be used primarily for external communications with clients, so they need to convey a polished, professional image while still being modern and stylish. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of our company logo and contact information into the designs - Aesthetic that is both modern and sleek - Use full legal name: Rolf Martin Lang LLP Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design experience, particularly with creating business templates - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to create designs that effectively communicate a professional image Comments - We currently brand with the attached logo (ROLF). We are okay with continuing to use...
I need a software solution for my non-profit organization that allows members to pay their dues online and track their payments. The software should categorize members as 'active' upon payment of their yearly dues, and 'inactive' if they haven't paid. Key Requirements: - Both web-based and mobile app compatible. - User authentication through email and password. - Support for various payment methods, including Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, Bank transfers, and Zelle. Ideal Skills: - Strong software development experience. - Familiarity with non-profit sector needs. - Expertise in secure payment integration.
I'm seeking a driven digital marketing expert specializing in public relations for my intellectual property law firm. The primary aim is to generate leads through strategic outreach and brand positioning. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing targeted social media marketing campaigns on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to boost our visibility and attract potential clients. - Crafting compelling content to engage our audience and showcase our expertise in intellectual property law. - Developing and executing a robust PR strategy to enhance our firm's reputation and reach. - Monitoring campaign performance and adjusting strategies as necessary to optimize results. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in digital marketing and public relations, preferably within the legal sect...
I am seeking a seasoned financial advisor who can guide me on a path to wealth through strategic long-term investment planning. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating and managing long-term investment plans - Proven track record in helping clients achieve long-term financial goals - Ability to provide insightful advice on diverse investment opportunities - Excellent communication skills to explain complex financial concepts in a simple manner Ultimately, I am looking for someone who can help me navigate the world of investments with the goal of building substantial wealth over the long term.
...proficient professional to oversee and enhance my advertising campaigns across various social media platforms and Google. The focus will be on optimizing performance to boost engagement and drive sales, with a primary evaluation metric being the conversion rate. Key Responsibilities: - Establish and manage advertising campaigns on social media and Google. - Optimize ads to ensure a high return on investment. - Analyze campaign performance, providing regular and detailed reports. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful advertising campaigns. - Proficient in using platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Business Manager, and various analytics tools. - Ability to provide examples of previous successful campaigns. Details: - This is a remote, month...