Human anatomy and physiology quizlettrabajos


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2,000 human anatomy and physiology quizlet trabajos encontrados

El Proyecto requerido es la creación de un Portal de una Organización No Gubernamental en México que funcione de referencia tanto a los ciudadanos como a las autoridades de todo lo referente a la Tortura en México: Indices, cifras, mapas, Conceptos, videos y las generalidades de cualqueir ONG. (Para más referencia observar el sitio de Aministía internacional en México y Human Rights Watch). El Proyecto es de alcance local, solo México, y es necesario crear la identidad corporativa así como el diseño de la papelería básica, es importante destacar que tiene que estar relacionado con la idea de ¨Alto a la tortura en México¨. El sitio será creado en español con la posibili...

€1107 Average bid
€1107 Oferta promedio
33 ofertas

El Proyecto requerido es la creación de un Portal de una Organización No Gubernamental en México que funcione de referencia tanto a los ciudadanos como a las autoridades de todo lo referente a la Tortura en México: Indices, cifras, mapas, Conceptos, videos y las generalidades de cualqueir ONG. (Para más referencia observar el sitio de Aministía internacional en México y Human Rights Watch). El Proyecto es de alcance local, solo México, y es necesario crear la identidad corporativa así como el diseño de la papelería básica, es importante destacar que tiene que estar relacionado con la idea de ¨Alto a la tortura en México¨. El sitio será creado en español con la posibili...

€811 Average bid
€811 Oferta promedio
17 ofertas

Aquos Human Consulting (Grupo Tobalina) realiza la selección de un diseñador gráfico y desarrollador web para incorporarse en su delegación de Barcelona.<br /><br />Las responsablidades principales del puesto serían las siguientes:<br /><br />Desarrollo, actualización, mejora y modernización de imagen y estructuras de Websites corporativos.<br />Diseño de logotipos, catálogos, newsletters, presentaciones...<br />Diseño de artículos de marketing<br />Realización, edición y diseño de vídeos corporativos.

€225 Average bid
€225 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas
Matlab project
Finalizado left

Matlab code for human pose estimation.

€179 Average bid
€179 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas
human resorces
Finalizado left

Empresa en expancion con mas de 25 anos en la industria, busca freelancer con mínimo 5 anos de experiencia en contratación de personal de confianza, vendedores, cotizadores etc. Interesados enviar su curriculum. Requisito tenga experiencia realizando todo tipo de exámenes a prospectos candidatos. Gracias.

€173 - €519
€173 - €519
0 ofertas
SAP Human Resources
Finalizado left

SAP HR - Proyecto larga duración

€581 Average bid
€581 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

Hi there, I need a bilingual (german and spanish) freelancer to translate the 4 attached pdf files from german to spanish (spain), not latin are aprox. 15 pages each. New freelancers are welcome to apply to the project. The only condition is that it has to be a human translation or interpretation, what i mean is that it doesn´t has to be a literal word by word translation. If there is something that translated doesn´t make sense, feel free to slightly change it so that the main message remains the same. The translation will be proofread by myself. I am bilingual in both languages but don´t have time to do the translation myself. After proofreading is done, payment is issued. The budget is not that big, therefore please don´t bid in high amoun...

€277 Average bid
€277 Oferta promedio
13 ofertas

Alares Human Services, empresa líder en el sector de los servicios sociosanitarios, selecciona Maquetador - Programador Freelance para desarrollo y actualización de herramienta online de la compañía. FUNCIONES: - Actualización del diseño y funcionalidad de herramienta (Tienda Online) a partir de archivos .PSD., para hacer que sea responsive. - Actualización de productos y carga de nuevos productos al catálogo. SE OFRECE - Trabajo a distancia. Sólo se precisará asistencia a reuniones periódicas presenciales.

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Oferta promedio
4 ofertas

Hi there, I need a bilingual (german and spanish) freelancer to translate the 8 attached pdf files from german to spanish (spain), not latin are aprox. 15 pages each. New freelancers are welcome to apply to the project. The only condition is that it has to be a human translation or interpretation, what i mean is that it doesn´t has to be a literal word by word translation. If there is something that translated doesn´t make sense, feel free to slightly change it so that the main message remains the same. The translation will be proofread by myself. I am bilingual in both languages but don´t have time to do the translation myself. After proofreading is done, payment is issued. The budget is not that big, therefore please don´t bid in high amounts. Th...

€45 - €45
€45 - €45
0 ofertas

Hi there, I need a bilingual (german and spanish) freelancer to translate the attached pdf files from german to spanish (spain), not latin are aprox. 15 pages each. New freelancers are welcome to apply to the project. The only condition is that it has to be a human translation or interpretation, what i mean is that it doesn´t has to be a literal word by word translation. If there is something that translated doesn´t make sense, feel free to slightly change it so that the main message remains the same. The translation will be proofread by myself. I am bilingual in both languages but don´t have time to do the translation myself. After proofreading is done, payment is issued. The budget is not that big, therefore please don´t bid in high amount...

€27 Average bid
€27 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

Necesito clases particulares de Inglés; en concreto de Business English and English for human resources. Mi meta es alcanzar fluidez en el idioma y realizar el exámen BEC. Serían 6 horas a la semana, a raíz de 1,5 horas de lunes a jueves en horario de mañana o nocturno a convenir. Las clases online serían 100% conversación y audición, preparadas con antelación. Ejercicios de gramática y redacción para que yo realizase en otro horario, para ser corregidas posteriormente por el profesor. Imprescindible conocer Business English y English for human resources, ya sea por experiencia docente previa, o por experiencia de trabajo en el sector de recursos humanos.  Busco a una persona qu...

0 ofertas

Necesito clases particulares de Inglés; en concreto de Business English and English for human resources. Mi meta es alcanzar fluidez en el idioma y realizar el examen BEC. Serían 6 horas a la semana, a raíz de 1,5 horas de lunes a jueves en horario de mañana o nocturno a convenir. Las clases online serían 100% conversación y audición, preparadas con antelación. Ejercicios de gramática y redacción para que yo realizase en otro horario, para ser corregidas posteriormente por el profesor. Imprescindible conocer Business English y English for human resources, ya sea por experiencia docente previa, o por experiencia de trabajo en el sector de recursos humanos.  Busco a una persona que se co...

0 ofertas

Necesito clases particulares online de conversación, gramática y redacción en Inglés, en concreto de Business English y específicamente de English for Human Resources. Se valorará muy positivamente tener experiencia profesional en el sector de recursos humanos y/o haber dado clases antes específicas de estas materias. Mi meta es alcanzar fluidez en conversación y realizar el exámen BEC. Serían 6 horas a la semana durante 6 meses, con horario de mañana o noche a convenir. Busco a una persona que se comprometa con este proyecto, que sea exigente, dinámica y que prepare las clases con profesionalidad. Necesario experiencia docente demostrable.

0 ofertas

Se trata de un Programa Ejecutivo Intensivo y en Español a desarrolarse en Washington DC. Esta orientado a profesionales de RRHH que quieran avanzar en su carrera, o trabajar en una mejor empresa o conseguir un puesto de mayor jerarquía. El programa le proveerá herramientas sólidas de planeación estratégica de RRH... Innovación de RRHH y liderazgo de RRHH. El programa además contempla visitas a la NASA, Georgetown University, las oficinas corporativas de Marriott Globales y la Oficina Nacional de Administración de Personal de los EEUU. Lo participantes tendrá la oportunidad de estar con alumnos de todo Latam, España, EEUU y Canadá. Y recibirán un certificado/diploma de C&D Business School y la ...

0 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in El Salvador, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid accordin...

€140 Average bid
€140 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Bolivia, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according to...

€143 Average bid
€143 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Puerto Rico, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid accordin...

€143 Average bid
€143 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Dominican Republic, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according...

€256 Average bid
€256 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Ecuador, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according to...

€184 Average bid
€184 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Peru, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according to ho...

€140 Average bid
€140 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Chile, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info 247exports com Bid according to how much you would cha...

€167 Average bid
€167 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Nicaragua, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according ...

€143 Average bid
€143 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Colombia, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according t...

€104 Average bid
€104 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Panama, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according to ...

€105 Average bid
€105 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Costa Rica, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according...

€177 Average bid
€177 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Nicaragua, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according ...

€28 - €231
€28 - €231
0 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Guatemala, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according t...

€247 Average bid
€247 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

...seeking to hire a local freelancer to assist with local marketing campaigns. Primary tasks will include posting ads in local online classified sites (for free) for our products, our services, as well as for Human Resources. Each task will be explained in full detail. Payments will made weekly via PayPal. Everything is very simple--- previous experience is great, but not required. Our only requirements are that YOU MUST BE LOCAL -- that you actually be living in Mexico, that you have access high speed internet, to Skkyyppee, a reliable computer, and be able to finish tasks quickly and correctly. Contact us via this site, or contact us directly. Sskkyyppee ID: info_247exports E*mail: info <at> 247exports <dot> com Bid according to ...

€112 Average bid
€112 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas

...diferentes versiones de exploradores Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari (windows).  2.    La conversión a HTML5 incluye las versiones responsive para los diferentes dispositivos y debe ser adaptable al tamaño de la ventana. 3.    HTML 100% Validado con W3C 4.    Google Page Speed de al menos 90+ El HTML se pondrá a la venta en un Marketplace para archivos HTML y debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos que aparecen en inglés. 5.    No hardcoded inline styles are allowed anywhere. Dynamic inline styles are permitted where necessary. 6.    IDs and classes need to be appropriately named and follow a naming convention. 7.    Use human...

€225 Average bid
€225 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

El trabajo consiste e...bases de estilos musicales con los archivos en MP3. Para lograr el trabajo hacen falta los siguientes pasos: 1.- Hacer un listado de temas que provienen de un listado en Spotify que yo mismo proveeré (aprox 150 canciones). 2.- Buscar esos temas en Youtube en versiones que no tengan introducción y que estén en buena calidad. (lleva 2 minutos x mp3) 3.- Bajar esos temas con el soft Download Media Human. (lleva 1 minuto x mp3) 4.- Procesar ese mp3 con el Soft Audacity. Primero aplicar el proceso de normalización y luego cortar los silencios de las puntas. 5.- Exportar ese archivo a MP3 128 y ponerlo dentro de una carpeta. 6.- Enviarme esa carpeta vía dropbox o subirla a un FTP. Cualquier duda estoy abierto a preguntas. Much...

€225 Average bid
€225 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...y tiempo de carga óptimo, compatible con las diferentes versiones de exploradores Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari (windows). 2. La conversión a HTML5 incluye las versiones responsive para los diferentes dispositivos y debe ser adaptable al tamaño de la ventana. 3. HTML 100% Validado con W3C 4. Google Page Speed de al menos 90+ El HTML se pondrá a la venta en un Marketplace para archivos HTML y debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos que aparecen en inglés. 5. No hardcoded inline styles are allowed anywhere. Dynamic inline styles are permitted where necessary. 6. IDs and classes need to be appropriately named and follow a naming convention. 7. Use human readable selectors that describe what eleme...

€1943 Average bid
€1943 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

Hola, Estoy elaborando un proceso para el desarrollo de nuevos productos para una empresa de consumo masivo. La idea es que ese proceso se traslade a un manual bien presentado y ...para una empresa de consumo masivo. La idea es que ese proceso se traslade a un manual bien presentado y diseñado, para que se vea mucho más atractivo que leer un documento de word tradicional. Todo el detalle del proceso (será proporcionado por mi), y que luego sea estructurado en un manual. Una referencia es el manual de Ideo para el "diseño centrado en personas"   . Finalmente, el manual debe diseñarse dentro de los lineamientos de marca de la compañía y que en todos los aspectos se respire su identidad corporativa, sus valores, etc.  

€225 Average bid
€225 Oferta promedio
17 ofertas

...un contrato laboral indefinido. Evaluaremos candidaturas del 27 de abril al 7 de mayo. <strong>Habilidades requeridas:</strong><ul><li>Bocetos en base a wireframes usando Balsamiq (o similares)</li><li>Diseño gráfico de layouts usando Adobe Photoshop y Adobe Illustrator</li><li>Conocimientos fuertes en UX para móviles</li><li>Buen conocimiento de interfaces iOS, en especial en cuanto al Apple Human Interface Guide (HIG)</li><li>Nociones de ilustración (para crear íconos y efectos visuales para iOS)</li></ul> <strong>Habilidades deseadas:</strong><ul><li>Uso de Interface Builder</li><li>Programación básica de nave...

€6 Average bid
€6 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

...un contrato laboral indefinido. Evaluaremos candidaturas del 27 de abril al 7 de mayo. <strong>Habilidades requeridas:</strong><ul><li>Bocetos en base a wireframes usando Balsamiq (o similares)</li><li>Diseño gráfico de layouts usando Adobe Photoshop y Adobe Illustrator</li><li>Conocimientos fuertes en UX para móviles</li><li>Buen conocimiento de interfaces iOS, en especial en cuanto al Apple Human Interface Guide (HIG)</li><li>Nociones de ilustración (para crear íconos y efectos visuales para iOS)</li></ul> <strong>Habilidades deseadas:</strong><ul><li>Uso de Interface Builder</li><li>Programación básica de nav...

max €6317
max €6317
0 ofertas

This house was designed with two concepts bases. Wood and as a focal point for people with disabilities, for a family , which has breast architect , Pope carpenter and his 15 year old son with disabilities , which was designed so that the child had all the amenities possible and that each area of the house is functional for the development of their skills every day, has an automated system on the part of all rampla , which has the function to move a child from one extreme to another sitting on a chair .. The house have two floors, the upper floor where the kitchen area , bathrooms , master bedroom , secondary bedroom, dining room and kitchen is located , which is ergonomically designed base for children with disabilities, their railings respective holders , so s...

€545 Average bid
€545 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...página, consiga destacar en los primeros puestos de los buscadores y conseguir presencia completa online. (ING/ENG) Gé is an international family business nature , like good Italians, prioritize human relations to any business. We organize exclusive sales of items from major brands at factory prices. We are looking for experts in sales and marketing that through a careful programming that takes into account the semantic web, optimization criteria to implement SEO and appropriate SEM settings, the loading speed of the page, get to stand out in the top of search engines and get a full online presence....

€891 Average bid
€891 Oferta promedio
19 ofertas

...detalles acerca de la App y proyecto. Requerimos: Experiencia extensiva en desarrollo para iOS (iOS 7) Objective-C Cocoa iOS SDK Interfaces: Personalización (botones, barras, etc) y efectos Trabajo previo en apps publicados en el App Store Algunos de los cambios a efectuar son los siguientes : Adaptación a la "navigation bar" estilo iOS7 Adaptarse en su totalidad o mayoría a las Human interface guidelines de Apple ( ) Mejorar las animaciones de la app ( )...

€434 Average bid
€434 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas


€28 Average bid
€28 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

...two municipalities. The web sites haven't been touched since 2000. What I need is to have it so that when someone logs on they can sign up to become a member, take out advertisements all automated with no human beings needed. What I want would be very similar to where you can post ads for free and the premium option lets you take out sponsored ads. I need a community website that can make money. Most websites have contact us links with boxes to fill out for people to call you back to take down your information to make the sale. That way is very poor. Leaves cash on the table and interested people leave the table when faced with unnecessary layers in order to get what they want. The domains that I have will in fact be here long past my life expectancy so failur...

€231 Average bid
€231 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

¿Eres un hacha desarrollando Front-end? Esta es tu oportunidad de sumarte a una startup internacional muy dinamica con HQ en Barcelona. Trabajando codo con codo con un equipo de desarrollo del mas... Requisitos mínimos: - IMPRESCINDIBLE experiencia de al menos 2 años en programación en Javascript,HTML5, CSS3, - Atención a los detalles, cada pixel es relevante - Con criterio artistico/estetico - Química con el equipo Requisitos deseados: - Trabajamos con XML , XLTS (se valora experiencia) - Experiencia en diseño de Human computer interfaces - Conocimientos de las implicaciones comerciales de conversion y navegabilidad en entornos web y mobile. -...

€548 Average bid
€548 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas

...- Automated Betting: The bot should be able to place bets automatically based on pre-set parameters and conditions. - Advanced Bot Detection Protection System: This is a critical aspect of the project. The bot must have an advanced system to avoid detection by Bet365's anti-bot measures. - Connecting to LINE App API: The bot should be able to connect to the LINE app API for notifications or commands. A key focus of the bot will be its ability to emulate human behavior to avoid detection. Therefore, experience with human-like behavior emulation is crucial. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in developing betting bots, understanding of Bet365's platform, and experience with anti-bot detection measures. Knowledge of ...

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Oferta promedio
24 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled machine learning developer to assist with an object detection and segmentation project focused on human nails in photographs. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in machine learning, particularly in object detection and segmentation. - Proficiency in analyzing and interpreting data from photographs. - Excellent communication skills for daily check-ins. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in computer vision and image processing. - Previous work with face detection models. - Ability to modify and improve existing algorithms. Please be prepared for regular updates and discussions on project progress. Clear and timely communication is crucial for the success of this project.

€246 Average bid
€246 Oferta promedio
31 ofertas

India is a land of rich history and diverse culture, and it's no surprise that it's home to some truly mysterious places. Here are 10 locations that often leave visitors astonished: * Lepakshi's Hanging Pillar, Andhra Pradesh: * Within the Veerabhadra Temple, one pillar seems to defy gravity, hanging slightly above the ground. This architectural marvel has puzzled experts for years. * Kodinhi, Kerala (The Twin Town): * This village has an unusually high rate of twin births, far exceeding the global average. The reasons behind this phenomenon remain unknown. * Roopkund Lake, Uttarakhand (Skeleton Lake): * This high-altitude glacial lake is famous for the hundreds of human skeletons that can be seen when the ice melts. The origins of these skel...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Oferta promedio
20 ofertas

...storytelling videos**. The videos should be visually engaging, well-paced, and include a voiceover in **Hindi**. ### **Project Details:** ✅ **Series:** Mahabharata (Followed by Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, etc) ✅ **Duration per Episode:** 10–15 minutes ✅ **Frequency:** 1 episode every 2 -4 days ✅ **Language:** Hindi ✅ **Style:** Animated (2D/3D) or Motion Graphics-based storytelling ### **What I Need from You:** ? **Video Creation:** Animation (preferred) or stock footage with engaging edits **Voiceover:** AI-generated or human voiceover in **clear, professional Hindi** **Background Music:** Suitable epic music and sound effects for storytelling ✂ **Editing:** Smooth transitions, subtitles (if needed), and final polish ## **Ide...

€84 Average bid
€84 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas
Trophy icon Hero Corp Visual Identity Design
14 días left

...defined within the project scope and consistent with our strategic positioning. The visual identity should clearly express our core values: technology, innovation, efficiency, and intelligent support. It should also reflect our modern, agile, and consultative character, highlighting an approach that integrates advanced technological solutions with deep understanding of human behavior. Our services: Workflow Optimization and Automation, Systems Integration, Data Engineering for Business Intelligence, Machine Learning and Software House. **Requested elements:** - Logo (horizontal and vertical versions); - Color palette (base color #3a003c); - Primary and supporting typography; - Icons and auxiliary graphic elements; - Basic...

€185 Average bid
Destacado Garantizado
327 participaciones

I'm looking for a highly reliable, dedicated virtual assistant. You'll be working on general business and online marketing related tasks each week. We have several online websites in Shopify that focused on topics such as Relationships, Education and Health. You'll be working directly with the founder and meeting daily or bi-weekly to check-in and discuss tasks. You will have existing skills or a positive, proactive desire to learn: Virtual assistant tasks: - Trello task management - Schedule/calendar - Basic bookkeeping - AI and human editing - Excellent written English and grammar Marketing tasks: - Social media influencer outreach - Email marketing experience - Email marketing automation Shopify knowledge would be a...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Oferta promedio
31 ofertas

I am seeking an expert to customize an AI chatbot using the OpenAI API, capable of functioning via SMS. The primary function of this chatbot w...chatbot using the OpenAI API, capable of functioning via SMS. The primary function of this chatbot will be to generate customer service responses on my behalf, as I text my clients and vendors. Key Features: - Integration with OpenAI API for SMS - Generating customer service responses - Handling inquiries related to maintenance services - Forwarding unmanageable queries to a human agent Ideal skills for this project include experience with AI and chatbot development, API integration knowledge, and SMS-based service customization. The goal is to streamline customer service through AI assistance whilst maintaining hu...

€136 Average bid
€136 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

...requested for a medical shift and replacement management system. The proposal must include: - Project description - Proposed technologies for development (backend, frontend, database, APIs, WhatsApp integration, etc.). - Maximum development cost. - Proposals generated using ChatGPT or other AI tools will not be accepted. Project Description Currently, the company’s HR team manages medical shifts and replacements manually by calling each doctor to check availability. The goal is to develop a system that automates this process, minimizing human intervention. The system must include: 1. Web App for HR - Intuitive and visual platform for shift management. - Input of required shifts and medical specialties. - Automatic sending of invitations to d...

€3878 Average bid
€3878 Oferta promedio
50 ofertas

... Be clear and concise with proper spelling and grammar. Include a deep and thorough philosophical analysis - go deeper than history and social consequences, ask why events play out as they do, and ask what this says about humanity and human nature. May include personal experience, perspective, and wisdom. Topic of Essay is: "The Dual Burden: Exploring the Intersection of Race and Gender for Black Women in Contemporary Society."  I attached pdfs of the sources that are supposed to be used and it's only those 5 sources. Background information of these sources so you know what to look for and use in paper: 1) Andrea Smith's piece, "Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of...

€90 Average bid
€90 Oferta promedio
75 ofertas

...assistant (VA) agency specializing in enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency for businesses leveraging the Go High-Level CRM platform. At ElevateFlow, our mission is to empower clients by streamlining their operations, optimizing marketing and sales funnels, and delivering tailored support with a friendly, approachable touch. #### Key Features and Services: - Go High-Level Expertise: Our team of VAs is thoroughly trained in Go High-Level functionalities, ensuring seamless support for all aspects of the platform, including pipeline management, automated workflows, appointment scheduling, and client communication. - Efficiency Redefined: We focus on simplifying complex tasks and optimizing processes to help clients save time and ...

€413 Average bid
€413 Oferta promedio
17 ofertas