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    2,000 allcon electronics trabajos encontrados
    Amazon Store USA
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    Escribo en representación de la empresa ImporTech Electronics SL, estamos buscando alguien experto en el mercado Amazon USA y que pueda llevar la tienda en el tema de ventas: SEO , estrategia , etc No podemos dar un sueldo fijo o inicial pero si estamos dispuestos a dar por contrato si es necesario el 10% del beneficio de la tienda al trabajador.

    €127935 Average bid
    €127935 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    Hi there! I'm looking for an expert in Applied Electronics. The idea is for the person to design a sine wave RF oscillator with specific characteristics. I have the guide and specifications that must be met. Please provide a quote for a step-by-step guide to replicate it in LTSpice. And, if you are proficient with LTSpice, I can offer an additional fee for teaching me how to use the tool. Best regards.-

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...Repique (Arco Baleno) Bacurinha (Contemporanea) -Cabassa (LP Latin Percussion). Shekeré (LP Latin Percussion, contemporánea) Agogó (Pearl, Contemporanea). MICROFONÍA -AKG 414 XLII x 2 -AKG 214 -AKG 451 x 2 -Shure sm81 -Shure Beta 91A -Shure Beta 52 -Shure Beta 57 -Shure sm57 x 4 -Telefunken M80 -Sennheiser 421 x 3 -Sennheiser 421 vintage -Sennheiser 602 -Sennheiser e604 x 4 -SE Electronics SE3 x 2 -SE Electronics v7 -The TBone RB 500 X 2 CONVERSOR -Rme Fireface UFX II DAW -Studio One -Logic Pro -Mac M1 PREAMPS -CAPI VP26 x 2 -CAPI 312 x 2 -Neve 1073 x 2 -Golden Age Audio Premier Pre-573 x 2 -DBX 376 Tube Channel Strip -RME Octamic II MONITORES -Dynaudio Bm5 MKII -Beyerdynammic DT 770 Pro -Audio-Technica ATH-R70X -Audio-Technica ATH M40X -C...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Busco a alguien que este certificado en tyco de jhonson controls

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I'm developing a gateway station that receives data over RF from sensor-stations, and send this data to a cloud via WiFi. I need to do 2 improvements to it. On one hand, I need to control a wifi modem. turn it on and off every time the the GW sends new data t...circuit. So i Ask for: 1. Add a transistor circuit to supply 5V to the modem (from the lm2596 regulator) when the ESP32's GPIO commands. Add it to the current version of the schematic and PCB board layout. 2. Do the fixed-5V circuit, according to LM2596 datasheet, in the current schematic and PCB layout. Find the main components (1. transistor; 2. coil, diode, chip regulator) in LCSSC Electronics () so the footprints of the PCB match the solder pins of the packages. Add it to the current version of the PCB bo...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    En PID Electronics estamos en búsqueda de alguien experimentado en IOS que pueda crear las mismas aplicaciones que ya tiene la empresa en Android, misma funcionalidad Se sube flujo para mejor entendimiento, al momento de contratar personal se le proporcionará toda la información de las aplicaciones, así como curso rápido de inducción y conocimiento de la arquitectura del flujo del sistema.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    Necesito ayuda para poder realizar un juego de el ahorcado en microcontroladores PIC. Desarrollar una aplicación que permita simular el juego del Ahorcado. Puntos a considerar: o programe el microcontrolador en lenguaje de alto nivel utilizando un ide de alto nivel...frecuencia adecuada y los tiempos de pausa necesaria. -Para la creación de la interfaz gráfica revise si el compilador y entorno de desarrollo posee las librerias y controladores para el dispositivo elegido. Materiales: herramientas de software • MICROCODE STUDIO + PICBASIC PRO • AVR BASCOM • Compilador PIC CCS • Editor GLCD • Conversor gráfico Herramientas de simulación: • Proteus de Labcenter Electronics LA SIMULACIÓN SE DEBE EJECUTAR EN PROTEUS ...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Necesito ayuda para poder realizar un juego de el ahorcado en microcontroladores PIC. Desarrollar una aplicación que permita simular el juego del Ahorcado. Puntos a considerar: o programe el microcontrolador en lenguaje de alto nivel utilizando un ide de alto ...adecuada y los tiempos de pausa necesaria. Para la creación de la interfaz gráfica revise si el compilador y entorno de desarrollo posee las librerias y controladores para el dispositivo elegido. Materiales herramientas de software • MICROCODE STUDIO + PICBASIC PRO • AVR BASCOM • Compilador PIC CCS • Editor GLCD • Conversor gráfico Herramientas de simulación • Proteus de Labcenter Electronics La simulación debe ser realizada en proteus ...

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 ofertas

    Necesito ayuda para poder realizar un juego de el ahorcado en microcontroladores PIC. Desarrollar un aplicación que permita simular el juego del Ahorcado. Puntos a considerar: o programe el microcontrolador en lenguaje de alto nivel utilizando un ide de alto nivel (microcode studio, pic ccs o bascom- avr) o utilice un microcontrolador Pic o Avr, un teclado matricial y...seleccione la frecuencia adecuada y tiempos de pausa necesarios. Para la creación de la interfaz grafica revise si el compilador y entorno de desarrollo posee las librería y controladores para el dispositivo elegido. Materiales Herramientas de software • MICROCODE STUDIO + PICBASIC PRO • BASCOM AVR • PIC CCS Compiler • GLCD Editor • Graphic converter Herramientas de Simulaci&oac...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Requiero ayuda y guía para la solución de un analisis usando ansys Maxwell y ansys HFSS.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    Se requiere el diseño de un transformador para una fuente conmutada utilizando el conversor CA/DC TOP264VG del fabricante Power Integrations. Deberá contar con un devanado Primario, devanado Feedback y deva...componentes con números de parte utilizados para la construcción del transformador, nucleo (adecuado para la frecuencia de trabajo), carrete (adecuado para el núcleo y la aplicación), detalle con el número de vueltas para las bobinas así como calibre AWG de los alambres magneto utilizados. Es requisito indispensable que el carrete y el núcleo se puedan comprar en Mouser Electrónics, Digikey, Wurth Electronics, o mencionar con que fabricante se podrá conseguir como número de parte activo. Se adju...

    €529 Average bid
    €529 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    The project consists in the development of 5 protocols in C/C++ for an IoT gateway. The people/team accepted to do this project will be supported by our development team. We accept individuals or companies, and we expect to hire 1 senior developer + 2 junior developers. Please, post monthly rate. Total project duration: 2 phases of 2 months, 4 months in total. Project p...- Development: embedded - Unit tests - Testing with the controller - User acceptance tests Requirements: -Experience in C/C++ development for GNU/Linux -Experience in RTOS and ARM architectures -Experience in developing bootloaders or tools like Buildroot / Yocto -Experience in remote teamwork using Git, Jira, Eclipse, VS -Native or advanced English -Chinese not required but desirable -BSc Electronics or Compute...

    €2487 Average bid
    €2487 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    desarrollar un logo y mascota para una marca de tecnología en ecommerce, hogar y comunidad gaming. Que pueda ser utilizado para comunicación comercial y redes sociales. El logo para ecommerce y la comunidad gaming deben de estar relacionados. para ecommerce el personaje debe ser amigable y con enfoque a tienda de consumer electronics, este mismo personaje debe de ser rudo, agil, veloz para la comunidad gaming. también mostrar faceta de vendedor de productos para el hogar como lavadoras, refrigeradoras, cocinas, etc.

    €240 Average bid
    31 participaciones
    Desarrollo de un app
    Finalizado left

    ...the market. Features Should be able to send text messages to the different associates sending job offers, including location,contact name and phone numbers from employees. Geo-location System Review for scoring workers from foreman or managers Data base- There should be capable of delivering reports or time cards based on geo-location tracking systems and registry system. It must have electronics and debit payments active. It must store Personal data information. It has to have an impressive graphic design and marketing platform included Should be able to link to facebook or other platform. Employeers or business owners can select cash or check We are not a hiring app jut intermediation between need and solution please have that clear. Chatbot 24/7 h I am looking...

    €1138 Average bid
    €1138 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas
    APP para iOS
    Finalizado left

    PID Electronics is a hardware and software development company, we are experts and we have a highly specialized engineering team for the development of technological solutions in the area of IOT, Manufacturing 4.0, Automation and Industrial Instrumentation.

    €451 Average bid
    €451 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    SPANISH SPEAKERS ONLY! Necesito un Arduino o Raspberry, al que colocarle una tarjeta SIM, para realizar envío de SMS. Debería estar conectado a internet, vía wifi o ethernet, leyendo una tabla de una base de datos cada cierto tiempo, y si tiene envíos pendientes en la tabla, debería realizarlos. Importante es que el remitente del SMS, debe ser el que se especifique, no el número de la tarjeta.

    €209 Average bid
    Destacado Urgente
    €209 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    Desde Pinout Electronics (www. pinoutelectronics. com) buscamos técnicos freelance para montar y soldar placas de circuito impreso (PCB). Los técnicos deberán ser capaces de soldar tanto componentes de montaje superficial (SMD) como de inserción, y presentar buenos acabados y limpieza, ya que la presentación es algo esencial. Además, se requerirá que los técnicos sean capaces de soldar microcontroladores con encapsulados del tipo TQFP64, etc. La posibilidad de usar horno de soldadura se tendrá muy en cuenta. Las colaboraciones podrán ser esporádicas en función de los proyectos entrantes y se cobrarán en función de la dificultad de la soldadura a realizar.

    €354 Average bid
    €354 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    desarrollar tema para american electronics

    €240 Average bid
    €240 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    Project for deziner313
    Finalizado left

    For my new DR Electronics logo.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...para adecuarlo al sitio web que esta en construcción. Requerimientos y detalles del proyecto: - Se requiere de Logotipo, Manual de identidad corporativa, aplicaciones de uso comunes (Membrete, factura, tarjetas de presentación, portada e icono FB) - La plantilla de Magento a modificar acorde a la imagen corporativa que se defina es: Requerimientos del diseñador: - Experiencia haciendo logotipos y manuales corporativos comprobable (protafolio) - Experiencia adecuando plantillas Magento es un Plus - Disponibilidad inmediata y la habilidad de tener todo terminado en los próximos 15 días....

    €366 Average bid
    €366 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas
    €87 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Akkad Electronics
    Finalizado left

    Es un proyecto acerca de un controlador midi, necesito una muestra terminada, aqui dejo los enlaces con todo el detalle: El arduino debe ser desarrollado totalmente de cero con su propia placa. El proyecto debe tener su propio hardware y que funcione al 100%. Y adicional mente, mi participación estará dentro del proyecto. Saludos

    €350 Average bid
    €350 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas
    €87 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...otras cosas I count on selling the european union, in the united states through telemarketing start in a few days, we started selling in bangladesh, free wholesale market 10 sales, insurance sales, credit cards, and holiday travel, the goal is achieve all types of sale and all products for sale, we currently have for sale all products, perfumes, accessories, apparel, tennis, furniture, electronics, tools, automotive accessories, wines, cafe taxca, fabrics, toys, technology, computing, appliances, materials connstruccion, etc. We create a website on top of google, We first sales and seek to position ourselves very strong market, seek investors, commercial contract signing limited partnership with a notary public We are also working with vendors to achieve sales of 10...

    €534 Average bid
    €534 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...otras cosas I count on selling the european union, in the united states through telemarketing start in a few days, we started selling in bangladesh, free wholesale market 10 sales, insurance sales, credit cards, and holiday travel, the goal is achieve all types of sale and all products for sale, we currently have for sale all products, perfumes, accessories, apparel, tennis, furniture, electronics, tools, automotive accessories, wines, cafe taxca, fabrics, toys, technology, computing, appliances, materials connstruccion, etc. We create a website on top of google, We first sales and seek to position ourselves very strong market, seek investors, commercial contract signing limited partnership with a notary public We are also working with vendors to achieve sales of 10...

    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    0 ofertas

    ...otras cosas I count on selling the european union, in the united states through telemarketing start in a few days, we started selling in bangladesh, free wholesale market 10 sales, insurance sales, credit cards, and holiday travel, the goal is achieve all types of sale and all products for sale, we currently have for sale all products, perfumes, accessories, apparel, tennis, furniture, electronics, tools, automotive accessories, wines, cafe taxca, fabrics, toys, technology, computing, appliances, materials connstruccion, etc. We create a website on top of google, We first sales and seek to position ourselves very strong market, seek investors, commercial contract signing limited partnership with a notary public We are also working with vendors to achieve sales of 10...

    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    0 ofertas

    ...otras cosas I count on selling the european union, in the united states through telemarketing start in a few days, we started selling in bangladesh, free wholesale market 10 sales, insurance sales, credit cards, and holiday travel, the goal is achieve all types of sale and all products for sale, we currently have for sale all products, perfumes, accessories, apparel, tennis, furniture, electronics, tools, automotive accessories, wines, cafe taxca, fabrics, toys, technology, computing, appliances, materials connstruccion, etc. We create a website on top of google, We first sales and seek to position ourselves very strong market, seek investors, commercial contract signing limited partnership with a notary public We are also working with vendors to achieve sales of 10...

    €501 Average bid
    €501 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas
    Vender algo por mí
    Finalizado left

    El proyecto trata de vender Envio el catalogo por Chat, primeramente son celulares, despues tendre en venta muebles, electronicos, electrodomesticos, ropa, tecnologia, computacion, cosmeticos, perfumes, accesorios para automovil etc. The project seeks to sell Chat Post by catalog, are first cell, then I will have for sale furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, technology, computing, cosmetics, perfumes, car accessories etc.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    El proyecto trata de vender Envio el catalogo por Chat, primeramente son celulares, despues tendre en venta muebles, electronicos, electrodomesticos, ropa, tecnologia, computacion, cosmeticos, perfumes, accesorios para automovil etc. The project seeks to sell Chat Post by catalog, are first cell, then I will have for sale furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, technology, computing, cosmetics, perfumes, car accessories etc.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    Vender algo por mí
    Finalizado left

    El proyecto trata de vender Envio el catalogo por Chat, primeramente son celulares, despues tendre en venta muebles, electronicos, electrodomesticos, ropa, tecnologia, computacion, cosmeticos, perfumes, accesorios para automovil etc. The project seeks to sell Chat Post by catalog, are first cell, then I will have for sale furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, technology, computing, cosmetics, perfumes, car accessories etc.

    €7 - €22
    €7 - €22
    0 ofertas
    Finalizado left

    Electronics sales

    €652 Average bid
    €652 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    Buy directly from manufacturers all I have for sale Examples: clothing, shoes, sports, decoration, home, appliances, electronics, the latest technology, computing, furnitures, garden, wine, sweets, perfumes, jewelry, watches, construction materials, automobile accessories, etc.. The work consists of visiting companies, conduct telemarketing job, achieve significant sales, preferably over $ 10,000 We have great prices, delivery time, and guarantee Comprar directamente de los fabricantes de todo lo que tengo a la venta Ejemplos: ropa, zapatos, deportes, decoración, hogar, electrodomésticos, electrónica, la última tecnología, informática, muebles, jardín, vino, dulces, perfumes, joyas, relojes, materiales de construcci&o...

    €305 Average bid
    €305 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    Buy directly from manufacturers all I have for sale Examples: clothing, shoes, sports, decoration, home, appliances, electronics, the latest technology, computing, furnitures, garden, wine, sweets, perfumes, jewelry, watches, construction materials, automobile accessories, etc.. The work consists of visiting companies, conduct telemarketing job, achieve significant sales, preferably over $ 10,000 We have great prices, delivery time, and guarantee Comprar directamente de los fabricantes de todo lo que tengo a la venta Ejemplos: ropa, zapatos, deportes, decoración, hogar, electrodomésticos, electrónica, la última tecnología, informática, muebles, jardín, vino, dulces, perfumes, joyas, relojes, materiales de construcci&o...

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 ofertas

    Buy directly from manufacturers all I have for sale Examples: clothing, shoes, sports, decoration, home, appliances, electronics, the latest technology, computing, furnitures, garden, wine, sweets, perfumes, jewelry, watches, construction materials, automobile accessories, etc.. The work consists of visiting companies, conduct telemarketing job, achieve significant sales, preferably over $ 10,000 We have great prices, delivery time, and guarantee Comprar directamente de los fabricantes de todo lo que tengo a la venta Ejemplos: ropa, zapatos, deportes, decoración, hogar, electrodomésticos, electrónica, la última tecnología, informática, muebles, jardín, vino, dulces, perfumes, joyas, relojes, materiales de construcci&o...

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 ofertas

    Buy directly from manufacturers all I have for sale Examples: clothing, shoes, sports, decoration, home, appliances, electronics, the latest technology, computing, furnitures, garden, wine, sweets, perfumes, jewelry, watches, construction materials, automobile accessories, etc.. The work consists of visiting companies, conduct telemarketing job, achieve significant sales, preferably over $ 10,000 We have great prices, delivery time, and guarantee Comprar directamente de los fabricantes de todo lo que tengo a la venta Ejemplos: ropa, zapatos, deportes, decoración, hogar, electrodomésticos, electrónica, la última tecnología, informática, muebles, jardín, vino, dulces, perfumes, joyas, relojes, materiales de construcci...

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 ofertas

    Buy directly from manufacturers all I have for sale Examples: clothing, shoes, sports, decoration, home, appliances, electronics, the latest technology, computing, furnitures, garden, wine, sweets, perfumes, jewelry, watches, construction materials, automobile accessories, etc.. The work consists of visiting companies, conduct telemarketing job, achieve significant sales, preferably over $ 10,000 We have great prices, delivery time, and guarantee Comprar directamente de los fabricantes de todo lo que tengo a la venta Ejemplos: ropa, zapatos, deportes, decoración, hogar, electrodomésticos, electrónica, la última tecnología, informática, muebles, jardín, vino, dulces, perfumes, joyas, relojes, materiales de construcci&o...

    €2099 Average bid
    €2099 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    Hola Me Intresa Para | Tienda Virtual Electrónica |Electronics Online Store Con Forma Del Pago "tpv Virtual""Paypal"Sofrtbank"transferencia bancaria" Con Nuestro Logo Del Tienda Online Tienes Que Crear El Prof Con slider banner y Offertas  

    max €752
    max €752
    0 ofertas
    Finalizado left

    Tienda web para el comercio de tecnologia. especialmente productos relacionados con conectividad, tablet pec ensamblados y pc de marca HP. equipos de comunicaciones Dlink y HP Networking. Cableado estructurado con TYCO ELECTRONICS.

    €523 Average bid
    €523 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    ...cotizaciones que son muchas Vendedores para vender nuestros proudctos visitando empresas, fabricas o negocios, preguntando si ocupan algo, nosotros enviamos catalogos con muchos productos en muchos casos con mejor precio de venta, pagamos excelentemente por resultados We create an international company new, with excellent price of wholesale and retail, with sales of all, furniture, appliances, electronics, tablets, comptuacion, clothes, footwear, cosmetics, sports, tools, material for factories, etc. Busco, sellers who speak Spanish to make contributions which are many sellers to sell our proudctos visiting companies, factories or businesses, asking if they occupy something, we send catalogs with many products in many cases with best price saleWe pay very well for r...

    €534 Average bid
    €534 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    ...cotizaciones que son muchas Vendedores para vender nuestros proudctos visitando empresas, fabricas o negocios, preguntando si ocupan algo, nosotros enviamos catalogos con muchos productos en muchos casos con mejor precio de venta, pagamos excelentemente por resultados We create an international company new, with excellent price of wholesale and retail, with sales of all, furniture, appliances, electronics, tablets, comptuacion, clothes, footwear, cosmetics, sports, tools, material for factories, etc. Busco, sellers who speak Spanish to make contributions which are many sellers to sell our proudctos visiting companies, factories or businesses, asking if they occupy something, we send catalogs with many products in many cases with best price saleWe pay very well for r...

    €401 Average bid
    €401 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ...cotizaciones que son muchas Vendedores para vender nuestros proudctos visitando empresas, fabricas o negocios, preguntando si ocupan algo, nosotros enviamos catalogos con muchos productos en muchos casos con mejor precio de venta, pagamos excelentemente por resultados We create an international company new, with excellent price of wholesale and retail, with sales of all, furniture, appliances, electronics, tablets, comptuacion, clothes, footwear, cosmetics, sports, tools, material for factories, etc. Busco, sellers who speak Spanish to make contributions which are many sellers to sell our proudctos visiting companies, factories or businesses, asking if they occupy something, we send catalogs with many products in many cases with best price saleWe pay very well for r...

    €515 Average bid
    €515 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional web developer with e-commerce experience to help me create a modern online store. The store will be selling a variety of items, including clothing, accessories, electronics, and home & garden items. Key Features: - The store must incorporate user reviews and ratings to build trust and encourage customer interaction. - An advanced search and filtering system is essential to help customers find their desired items quickly and easily. - A secure payment gateway is a must to ensure safe transactions. - I also need a fast payout payment gateway for quick and efficient processing of seller payments. Design Style: - The overall design of the store should be modern and clean. Clean lines, minimal clutter and easy navigation are key. Ideal Skills...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Oferta promedio
    203 ofertas

    I need a professional designer to create a minimalist style cardboard packaging box for my electronics brand. The design should be sleek, simple, and in alignment with minimalist design principles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in product packaging design, particularly for electronics. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles. - Proficiency in using design software. - Experience working with cardboard materials. - Portfolio showcasing previous packaging design work.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Oferta promedio
    115 ofertas

    I'm currently working on a set of exercises involving diodes, specifically standard and Zener diodes. I need a professional who can guide me through these calculations step-by-step. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong understanding of diode equations and calculations. - Be able to clearly explain the concepts behind the calculations. -...involving diodes, specifically standard and Zener diodes. I need a professional who can guide me through these calculations step-by-step. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong understanding of diode equations and calculations. - Be able to clearly explain the concepts behind the calculations. - Provide a step-by-step solution to each question. Experience with teaching or tutoring in electronics or electrical engineering would...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Oferta promedio
    18 ofertas

    Project Description I need a professional hardware/electronics designer to create a complete ESP32-S3-based pcb. The design will feature: - ESP32-S3 module (placed on edge side of the PCB) with USB-C for programming. - 18 high-resolution analog inputs for NTC 10K/20K/100K sensors with shared COM pins. - 8 solid-state relay (SSR) outputs for controlling contactor signals, with shared COM pins. - One high-reliability 0-10V analog output. - Ethernet port with the W5500 IC and RJ45 connector at the bottom edge. - Integration of an external RTC module (DS3231) with battery backup for accurate timekeeping. - Power regulation, protection circuits, and optimized PCB design. - Milled slits for isolating I2C sensors.

    €468 Average bid
    €468 Oferta promedio
    63 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled engineer with experience in Altera FPGA and electronics to develop a smart automatic door lock system. The system should use an electronic strike solenoid lock and operate based on a 4x3 keypad input. Key project requirements: - The lock should open when a correct passcode is entered. There will be three different passcodes programmed into the system. - If the user fails to enter the correct password after three tries, the system should implement a 20-second cooldown period before allowing attempts to restart. - A display screen should provide feedback when the correct passcode is entered. You will also need to provide guidance on how to connect the GPIO pins of the Altera DE0 Nanobot to a servo motor to simulate the door opening. The ideal candidate...

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Oferta promedio
    33 ofertas

    I'm seeking a dedicated professional to help take my Amazon electronics business to the next level. Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing product listings to enhance visibility and appeal. - Implementing effective SEO strategies to improve product rankings. - Writing compelling, keyword-rich product descriptions. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in Amazon product listing optimization. - Strong SEO skills with a focus on ecommerce. - Excellent copywriting abilities, particularly for product descriptions. - Experience in the electronics sector is a plus. The perfect candidate will also be able to follow precise instructions and work well with my suppliers from around the globe. If you have experience in these areas and can help drive my business forwar...

    €438 Average bid
    €438 Oferta promedio
    118 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced circuit designer to create a circuit for a Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) aimed at consumer electronics. Key Project Details: - The circuit is specifically for a 24V SMPS. - Power Rating 48 W , 2A - Use the IC DP2281 - Experience in designing circuits for consumer electronics is crucial. - Knowledge and experience working with SMPS circuits is a must. Your expertise in circuit design will be pivotal in ensuring the successful creation of this circuit. I look forward to your bids and hope to find a freelancer who can meet these requirements.

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm seeking a proficient developer for creating a Telegram deal-hunting bot. This bot should scrape the web for deals across all categories - Electronics, Fashion, Groceries, etc. - at an hourly interval. Key Requirements: - The bot should primarily focus on a wide array of deals from various sources including E-commerce websites, Coupon sites, and Retail blogs. - It should web scrape deals from the internet and post them in the group channel every hour. Ideal Skills: - Profound knowledge of web scraping - Extensive experience with Telegram bot development - Ability to source deals from diverse platforms Please bid only if you have the necessary skills and experience. Looking forward to your proposals.

    €130 Average bid
    €130 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    I need a technical datasheet designed for a radio. The datasheet should be minimalistic in style and include: - Technical specifications: Detailed information about the radio's capabilities and features. - Usage instructions: Clear and concise directions on how to operate the radio. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, technical The datasheet should be minimalistic in style and include: - Technical specifications: Detailed information about the radio's capabilities and features. - Usage instructions: Clear and concise directions on how to operate the radio. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, technical writing and a strong understanding of minimalistic design principles. Experience working with electronics datasheets will be a si...

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas