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¿Qué es ASIC?
An Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use, and generally is associated with high-end applications.
Contratar an ASIC Engineer
Hire an ASIC Engineer to help you with your application-specific IC design project.
Cómo contratar a un excelente ASIC Engineer freelance
If you’re looking for a professional to design an ASIC for you, the Application-Specific Integrated Circuit is the choice for your project. It’s a custom-designed electronic device, primarily made to save costs when compared to off-the-shelf, generic integrated circuits. You’ll need to hire a highly qualified ASIC design engineer with the expertise needed to accomplish your goal.
The engineer that you employ may need to carry out a range of tasks, from simulations and analyses, to reviews, to setting up debugging and programming the integrated circuit. Be sure to ask the prospective engineers about their specific experience with ASICs and their approach when developing and working with such projects.
Though industry experts often charge an hourly wage starting at around $75 USD, Freelancer.com gives unparalleled access to highly qualified and experienced ASIC design engineers, enabling you to source great talent and accomplish tasks swiftly and affordably. So, don’t hesitate to search the platform and start connecting with engineers to get your new project off the ground!