Logo Design

  • Estado: Closed
  • Premio: £30
  • Propuestas recibidas: 269
  • Ganador: sandymanme

Resumen del concurso

Company 40th Anniversary - Attached original logo and the 40 year anniversary design we like: also below are notes and some direction of what we want. however open to something creative. but try stick close to the guide. right one will be picked. Will need file in PSD, JPEG and PNG with transparent background also inverted colour of text

USING OUR LOGO REDESIGN WITH 40th Sign both attached

> Need to reorganise this space
> get rid of GROUP altogether
> maybe reduce size of Prideview -
> maybe make the squares vertical not horizontal to create space for a 40 yrs logo
> change the orange to gold
> squares going vertical

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“Amazing to work with. Great design work. Thank you!”

Imagen del perfil ppa57c42c3155dac, United Kingdom.

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