Amazon Order Management Desktop Application

  • Estado: Closed
  • Premio: $190
  • Propuestas recibidas: 6
  • Ganador: mailtoafaqCEO

Resumen del concurso

I'm looking for a developer to create a standalone desktop application for order management from Amazon.

Key Features:
- I need to be able to import orders into aplication with order report file from Amazon.
- All orders imported, should be searchable in the application, for example: I want to enter part of the product name and I should get back the order details.
- I need to have option to edit additional data of the orders in the application, e.g. tracking number, status - shipped, unshipped, etc.

The application should support Windows. The application should be developed using a suitable programming language for desktop applications.

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“ok great ok ok ok ok ok”

Imagen del perfil suwartprzemyslaw, Poland.

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  • abdulm32
    • 2 meses atrás

    #5 #6 please check it

    • 2 meses atrás
  • suwartprzemyslaw
    Organizador del concurso
    • 2 meses atrás

    after I import orders from Amazon. I need to be able to add some details to each order in your app: like for example, shipped or not shipped, tracking number, notes...
    3:37 PM
    I also Need to be able to see all orders in the app at once and filter them shipped or not shipped based on data entered manually before.
    3:38 PM
    Moreover, When I search in the app and get back order details like product name and customer details I need to be able to copy data (for example shipping destination)
    3:38 PM
    can you do it?
    3:38 PM
    and one more thing.
    3:38 PM
    When I import orders to the app, I need that duplicates based on order number in the file I am importing are not imported but the data in the app remains, so it is not overwritten.

    • 2 meses atrás
  • mailtoafaqCEO
    • 2 meses atrás

    Inbox me doot award me now first inbox me please to discuss it

    • 2 meses atrás

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