Amazon Order Management Desktop Application
- Estado: Closed
- Premio: $190
- Propuestas recibidas: 6
- Ganador: mailtoafaqCEO
Resumen del concurso
I'm looking for a developer to create a standalone desktop application for order management from Amazon.
Key Features:
- I need to be able to import orders into aplication with order report file from Amazon.
- All orders imported, should be searchable in the application, for example: I want to enter part of the product name and I should get back the order details.
- I need to have option to edit additional data of the orders in the application, e.g. tracking number, status - shipped, unshipped, etc.
The application should support Windows. The application should be developed using a suitable programming language for desktop applications.
Habilidades recomendadas
Comentarios del empleador
“ok great ok ok ok ok ok”
suwartprzemyslaw, Poland.
Principales propuestas de este concurso
mailtoafaqCEO Pakistan
abdulm32 Pakistan
abdulm32 Pakistan
shahjadqureshi5 India
nahida59 Bangladesh
mehmoodfaisal61 Pakistan
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