I have been working as a professional web developer for over 5.6 years. I have a solid understanding of Angular and Node.js web development. Additionally, I have extensive knowledge of JS frameworks like React and Vue.
My credentials include:--
-Using Node.js and tools like MEAN, MERN stack, and Koa
- PHP (WordPress, Laravel)
- PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB
- Sequelize (Relational DBMS ORM)
- The template engines EJS, HAML, and SLIM
- Passport (authentication middleware, which supports authentication for social networks)
- JWT (token-based RESTful API authentication)
-Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, Lambda, API Gateway, AWS EC2, etc.
I can provide you with good outcomes in the time you desire if you allow me to assist you. Let's chat so we can go through more specifics. Looking forward to hearing from you.