SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is a file format for vector graphics. It is used to display a variety of images and graphical objects on the web. SVG Designers are professionals with knowledge in working with this file type and specialize in creating beautiful visuals, layouts, and illustrations.

At we have a network of professional SVG Designers that can make your project a reality. Our expert design team helps clients bring their ideas to life with stunning visuals.

Here's some projects that our expert SVG Designers made real:

  • Animations
  • Extracting icons from Adobe Illustrator files into individual SVG files
  • Creating simple text in SVG Scalable Vector Graphics templates for laser engraving
  • Integrating WordPress websites with interactive SVG imagery
  • Building interactive maps and geolocation resources with HTML5 and interactive SVG
  • Designing .svg Icons for any payment method
  • Designing content illustrations that bring articles to life

At, we’re confident that our experienced SVG Designers can produce the visuals you need for your project. If you have any ideas for new projects, we invite you to post your project on our website and hire an expert SVG Designer to turn your vision into a reality.

De 25,285 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro SVG Designers 5 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a SVG Designers

SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is a file format for vector graphics. It is used to display a variety of images and graphical objects on the web. SVG Designers are professionals with knowledge in working with this file type and specialize in creating beautiful visuals, layouts, and illustrations.

At we have a network of professional SVG Designers that can make your project a reality. Our expert design team helps clients bring their ideas to life with stunning visuals.

Here's some projects that our expert SVG Designers made real:

  • Animations
  • Extracting icons from Adobe Illustrator files into individual SVG files
  • Creating simple text in SVG Scalable Vector Graphics templates for laser engraving
  • Integrating WordPress websites with interactive SVG imagery
  • Building interactive maps and geolocation resources with HTML5 and interactive SVG
  • Designing .svg Icons for any payment method
  • Designing content illustrations that bring articles to life

At, we’re confident that our experienced SVG Designers can produce the visuals you need for your project. If you have any ideas for new projects, we invite you to post your project on our website and hire an expert SVG Designer to turn your vision into a reality.

De 25,285 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro SVG Designers 5 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a SVG Designers


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    3 trabajos encontrados
    React Circular Slider Bug Fix -- 2
    3 días left

    I'm using the below and there seems to be a bug in the slider path where the green part doesn't track the grey path. Just do a simple react library a <CircularSlider size={300} trackWidth={8} // startAngle={0} // endAngle={360} angleType={{ direction: 'cw', axis: '-y' }} minValue={0} maxValue={360} handle1={{ value: value1, onChange: (v) => setValue1(v) }} handle2={{ value: value2, onChange: (v) => setValue2(v) }} arcColor="green" // arcBackgroundColor="green" handleSize={10} /> value1 231.64527821027445 value2 90

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Oferta promedio
    64 ofertas

    We have 48 PNG icons that need to be vectorised to SVG format. The icons are up to 90x90 pixels each and are all contained in a single image for simplicity. The freelancer can choose any method or tool to vectorize, as long as the final SVG is as close as possible to the original designs. (Demo image has been attached)

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Oferta promedio
    129 ofertas
    SVG + Flutter
    17 horas left

    I'm looking for a skilled freelancer who is experienced in both SVG and Flutter to developer a component. I need this developer to create an extended version of the flutter_svg () that can return the absolute (translated coordinate considering pan, scale and rotate) after an onlick inside an Interactive Viewer, considering the full size 100% size original image, regardless of the zoom or clip position. The SVG used is complex (conversion from ground floor PDFs) The component must also be able to draw specific shapes (markers) on the xy positions if necessary, and allow the user to interact (click/hover)

    €129 Average bid
    €129 Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas

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