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    2,000 simulation project trabajos encontrados

    ...seeking for a developer that can develop an app web using a service architecture using: FrontEnd: -React to construct the frontend, create some interfaces like: login user, recover password, a dashboard with some menus and submenus like Materially: - In the frontend also need that have 1 menu to create a simulation schema using REACTFLOW LIBRARY to create - The frontend receive and send querys and response to the backend Backend: - The backend need to work with an APIGATEWAY that receive all Request from the frontend and send this request using RabbitMQ service to send an receive messages, create queues to other services: - Mongodb service that receive user information, simulator information and save

    €577 Average bid
    €577 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Busco a alguien que me pueda realizar una simulación de iluminación de una carretera. La carretera está dibujada en en CAD (.dwg). y consta de rectas, curvas, redondeles y partes rurales. La persona debe de conocer perfectamente todos los criterios lumínicos de carreteras, aceras peatonales, etc. Además, debe de conocer perfectamente los parámetros y criterios de valores a tomar en cuenta como por ejemplo: nivel de iluminación según norma de Estados Unidos, factores decisivos según materiales de carretera como concreto, asfalto, etc. factores de reflexión, flujos lumínicos, niveles de iluminación (m1, m2, m3, m4 y m5) y todo lo relacionado para entregar un diseño y simulación completa y profes...

    €356 Average bid
    €356 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    Requiero a un profesional con conocimientos para simular una propuesta : UBICACIÓN ÓPTIMA DE DISPOSITIVOS COMPENSADORES SVC EN SISTEMAS DE TRANSMISIÓN USANDO LA METODOLOGÍA DE DECISIÓN MULTICRITERIO Se puede simular en Digsilent o Power Factory o alguna otra plataforma, para de ahí obtener el multicriterio de en donde quedaría bien el SVC instalado en la línea de transmisión en que barra en qué línea como mejora

    €452 Average bid
    €452 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    Optimization Project for Frozen Fruit Distribution Center: a web application that performs accurate calculations of weight, dimensions, and container type (10, 20, or 40 feet, considering the need for refrigeration). Additionally, the application will allow the selection of packaging type (pallets, box, or bag) and the identification of the merchandise. Subsequently, it will provide the total weight of the container with the load. A 3D simulation feature will be incorporated, allowing users to adjust the arrangement of the merchandise in the container as needed. The application will also have a mobile version for tablets and mobile devices, providing flexibility in service management. The database will play a crucial role in obtaining information about containers and stored ...

    €621 Average bid
    €621 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Diseño y desarrollo de una prótesis de mano para niños de bajo costo y una ortesis de mano para el tratamiento de la espasticidad en niños mediante impresión 3D. Se busca diseñador de piezas mecánicas en SolidWorks para rediseñar el diseño mecánico actual de la prótesis, y con el desarrollo de la prótesis comenzar a la par el diseño me...bajo costo y una ortesis de mano para el tratamiento de la espasticidad en niños mediante impresión 3D. Se busca diseñador de piezas mecánicas en SolidWorks para rediseñar el diseño mecánico actual de la prótesis, y con el desarrollo de la prótesis comenzar a la par el diseño mecánico de...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    ...llevar a cabo, realizaría la medición de la viscosidad de la sangre en diferentes estratos para poder utilizarlos en el modelo de simulación. translation: I am writing to you to see if there is the possibility of doing a simulation using finite elements or other software to carry out a fluid viscosity study. The work consists of assessing in a test tube the turbulence that occurs when blood is aspirated in different strata after centrifugation. If it could be carried out, it would measure blood viscosity in different strata in order to use them in the simulation model....

    €638 Average bid
    €638 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    Busco un Ingeniero experto en el diseño industrial, que domine perfectamente el programa tecnomatix plant simulation. El proyecto consiste en realizar una simulación de una planta que produce madera, la cual consta de tres procesos. Se tendrá que calcular cuántas piezas se producirán durante un turno, las probabilidades del estado estable Pn de n piezas, porcentaje de ocupación relativa, porcentaje de tiempo ocioso o vacío, porcentaje de tiempo trabajando de las estaciones, fallas, etc.

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Develop a stochastic model in Python to determine the behavior and charging habits of electric vehicles, and forecast their electricity demand through Montecarlo SMC simulations.

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 ofertas
    Simulador SIVTC BBOR
    Finalizado left

    Soy estudiante de Ingeniería Mecánica y estoy realizando mi trabajo de Grado, requiero determinar la respuesta de un gas expuesto a diferentes valores de temperatura mientras circula por una tubería determinada con un volumen inicial y a una presión constante, utilizando SolidWorks fluid simulation

    €129 Average bid
    €129 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Creation of a web platform to manage 6 simulation software (Densitometry, Mammography, X-rays, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Tac Scanner), the latter will be carried out jointly by a team. These simulators must be able to load the exercises and evaluate them according to specific protocols that will be created with people of our team. Finally, there must be a lite version for creating exercises and uploading images, all this in a database and CDN (exercise and images of each exercise). The hub must be made in UNREAL ENGINE, for windows and mac in 32 and 64 bit versions, it must be connected to a database and it must validate that the entered credentials are not in use. In addition, according to the user's selections, the exercise and images necessary to perform the protocol re...

    €63061 Average bid
    Destacado Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    €63061 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    ...simulación. No es necesaria la visita a los edificios objeto de las simulaciones. ______________________________________________________________ The work would consist of the realization of 8 energy certifications by means of the Calener Unified Leader Tool (HULC), to 8 buildings of between 1,000-3,000 m2. We provide the necessary data for both construction and facilities to carry out each simulation. It is not necessary to visit the buildings object of the simulations....

    €2977 - €5953
    €2977 - €5953
    0 ofertas

    ...generalized description of the project to be executed: The present project aims to generate a simulation, computerized recreation based on the following software : - Unity 3D - Blender - Unreal Engine 5 or Simulation (Preferable) - SolidWorks Through these softwares a visual simulation should be generated in which a Mexican lottery known as Melate and Tris will be detailed by computer, using probability and formulas through the following variables that should be changeable. VARIABLES : - 56 balls of two colors (red and green) numbered with the following characteristics: * 2.3 to 3.0 grams. * 38mm to 40mm . - Urn: ATTACHED IN FILE #1. -TIME: 20 sec. to 38 sec. -AIR PRESSURE: unit of measure: PSI (27 to 30) Pascals: 186158 to 206843 DATA TO CONSIDER AB...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    Se requiere obtener un scripts en python para la ejecución de forma automatica un archivo desde la aplicación simio simulation. el script solo debe ejecutar los siguientes pasos abrir software cargar archivo desde la opción "abrir" ejecutar "run" espera a que termine Cerrar tambien se puede proponer otra herramienta de automatización, si y solo si, se pueda ejecutar despues vía web.

    €57 Average bid
    €57 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Consistencia y descripción generalizada del proyecto a ejecutar: El presente proyecto tiene la finalidad de generar una simulación, recreación computarizada basada en los siguiente softwares : - Unity 3D - Blender - Unreal Engine 5 o Simulation (Preferible) - SolidWorks A través de estos softwares se deberá generar una simulación visual en el que se detallará por ordenador una lotería mexicana conocida como Melate y Tris, usando probabilidad y formulas realizando a través de las siguientes variables que deben de ser cambiables. VARIABLES : - 56 pelotas de dos colores (rojo y verde) enumeradas con las siguientes características: * 2.3 a 3.0 gramos * 38mm a 40mm . - Urna: ADJUNTO EN EL ARCHIVO #1. -TI...

    €834 Average bid
    €834 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Consistencia y descripción generalizada del proyecto a ejecutar: El presente proyecto tiene la finalidad de generar una simulación, recreación computarizada basada en los siguiente softwares : - Unity 3D - Blender - Unreal Engine 5 o Simulation (Preferible) - SolidWorks A través de estos softwares se deberá generar una simulación visual en el que se detallará por ordenador una lotería mexicana conocida como Melate y Tris, usando probabilidad y formulas realizando a través de las siguientes variables que deben de ser cambiables. VARIABLES : - 56 pelotas de dos colores (rojo y verde) enumeradas con las siguientes características: * 2.3 a 3.0 gramos * 38mm a 40mm . - Urna: ADJUNTO EN EL ARCHIVO #1. -TI...

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Necesito un programador que me ayude a desarrollar un script que funcione con un software llamado SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) usando TraCI que realice una serie de reservacion a camiones al entrar a un puerto, basado en reservacion de espacio tiempo que funcione con sumo. -Softare SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) -Python -TraCI

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Creo parametric simulation, according plan. 2 hours estimated, if more, will be prorated.

    €288 Average bid
    €288 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas
    Finalizado left

    Necesitamos diseñadores de renderings en Fusion 360... Inventor Professional. ... AutoCAD. ... Autodesk CAM (Inglés) ... Vault (Inglés) ... Autodesk Simulation (Inglés) ... Fusion Lifecycle. ... Tinkercad.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Si tenes la capacidad de adjudicar proyectos y no te dan los tiempos, contratame y lo realizo yo y por adjudicarme el proyecto te entrego el 25% del total del presupuesto. DISEÑO DE PRODUCTO DISEÑO GRAFICO DISEÑO CAD DISEÑO 3D RENDERING MASTER EN SOLIDWORKS Y CATIA V5 SIMULATION FEA TENGO MUCHA EXPERIENCIA Y GRAN PORT FOLIO

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    ...up the headquarters in Argentina. You can consult the opinion of our graduates and the qualification obtained among the most important bootcamps in the world: Switch-Up (4.84 / 5) and in CourseReport (4.81 / 5). We are looking for our launch to a Mentor profile, whose job description is below. The key to this profile is the candidate's coaching ability since the learning methodology is the simulation of a real work environment. And we believe that this is an excellent opportunity for the selected mentor since it will allow him to carry out management and training activities, strengthening his leadership profile and team coaching. Here is the job description: Position: web and mobile development mentor Location: City of Buenos Aires Modality of work: Full Time (Monday t...

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas
    Omnet++ simulation
    Finalizado left

    Necesito simular 3 redes sencillas que utilicen 3 protocolos iot distintos. Soy principiante utilizando Omnet+ +.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas
    Creacion pagina web
    Finalizado left

    ...Realisations, Telechargements, Distributeurs,Simulation, Contact QSN?===} Quienes somos? Produits===} Productos; y contiene categoria de productos y fotos de realizaciones Realisations===} Realizaciones: Contiene fotos de realizaciones clasificadad por espacios Telechargements:===} Descargas: Y contiene videos, catalogos, montage, Fichas tecnicas, ... Distributeurs:===} Distribuidores; Aqui si que hay un poco de desarollo web: hay que darle a cada distribuidor o punto de venta un login y contrasena para poder acceder a su espacion dentro de nuestra pagina web, en este espacio puede encontrar, Notas a hacer, Facturas, Facturas pendientes de pago, pedidos expedidos, pedidos en curso..... en general su situacion con nuestra empresa. Simulation:===} Simulacion: quiero ...

    €187 Average bid
    €187 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas
    Omnet++ simulation
    Finalizado left

    Necesito simular una red 802.15.4 en Omnet++

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 ofertas

    Flow Simulation de dos inyectores diesel. Lineas de flujo, puntos de presión, animación del flujo

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas
    Do some 3D Modelling
    Finalizado left

    ...necesito que la simulacion funcione. ¿En cuanto tiempo crees lograrlo? Tengo planos, tengo las piezas, tengo el ensamble, y tengo imagenes del proyecto de como deberia quedar... Hi, I have a pending project, it's about a pendulum clock. The clock has many gears and the biggest problem is the weight because I do not know how to make it work with this one and I do not know how to tie a rope, I already have the pieces and the assembly, I just need the simulation to work. How long do you think you can achieve it? I have plans, I have the pieces, I have the assembly, and I have images of the project of how it should be ......

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    Desarrollar una simulación con el software EJS 5.2 (Easy Java Simulation). El proyecto consiste en la creación un circuito de carreras, que contenga al menos 5 motocicletas dando vueltas a través del circuito de manera aleatoria. Simular que el circuito tiene una longitud de X metros, y que cuando una moto esté muy proxima a la otra (5 metros, por ejemplo), aparezca un mensaje, que, claramente, salga de la moto en concreto que se está acercando, indicando los metros de distancia a los que se encuentra, para evitar el accidente. Obviamente, las motos no puede montarse una encima de otra. Tiene que ser una circulación aleatoria, pero fiel a la realidad, y como digo anteriormente, si la distancia entre ambas es menor que 5 metros, algun me...

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Desarrollar una simulación con el software EJS 5.2 (Easy Java Simulation). El proyecto consiste en la creación un circuito de carreras, que contenga al menos 5 motocicletas dando vueltas a través del circuito de manera aleatoria. Simular que el circuito tiene una longitud de X metros, y que cuando una moto esté muy proxima a la otra (5 metros, por ejemplo), aparezca un mensaje, que, claramente, salga de la moto en concreto que se está acercando, indicando los metros de distancia a los que se encuentra, para evitar el accidente. Obviamente, las motos no puede montarse una encima de otra. Tiene que ser una circulación aleatoria, pero fiel a la realidad, y como digo anteriormente, si la distancia entre ambas es menor que 5 metros, algun me...

    €55 Average bid
    €55 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas
    Space simulation game
    Finalizado left

    Nuestro nuevo juego de simulación espacial:<br /><br /><br /><br />Cómo nos pueden ayudar a publicitarlo? Necesitamos saber qué haran en base a su jugabilidad. Revisar la app antes de hacer sus propuestas.

    €253 Average bid
    €253 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    desarrollo de un sofware de uso personal para pintar modelos 3D especificamente -simulador de envejecimiento de texturas - -simulador de oxido sobre materiales metalicos pintados -simulador de envejecimiento de madera y superficies solidas pintadas (muro de ladrillos y rocas - silulador de expocicion de un material ( pintado, metal ,madera etc.) a la inclemencia del clima ( sol, lluvia, vientos con polvo, etc.) - creacion de normal maps y diffuse y especular map - todas exportables- -barras de desplazamiento en donde se indicaran el tiempo de expocision del material al simulador del clima el resto de la informacion se dara en interno

    €4529 Average bid
    €4529 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    Transducto BL200
    Finalizado left

    Necesito un profesional que maneje software de simulación de flujos hidráulicos como ser CDF Solid Works, o NX Flow Simulation. Nosotros tenemos el diseño en Auto Cad de nuestro modelo hidráulico y deseamos hacer simulaciones de flujo para entender y eficientar el flujo de agua en el sistema - I need a professional to handle software simulation of hydraulic flows such as CDF Solid Works, or NX Flow Simulation. We have in Auto Cad design of our hydraulic model and wish to flow simulations to understand and streamline the flow of water in the system

    €11 / hr Average bid
    Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    €11 / hr Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas
    Crear una página web
    Finalizado left

    ...something 2.1) Each page displays 50 ads. 3) The Web System will be able for searches with filters and tags. 3.1) Only leave a "white box" for now for each add. 3.2) When clicking on the ad, it directs you to a new page that displays the listing description is given. 3) System structure that let the administrator to post and delete ads. Notes: 1. I'm only asking this platform. 2. Make a simulation with 150 ads ( White Boxes) 3. If you occupy a WordPress theme, tell me wich. 4. The style of the page is like this: 5. You have to teach me how to post an ad (White Box) 6. You must teach me how to put content inside the White Boxes. ...

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    El proyecto consiste en analizar por elementos finitos -usando Solidworks simulation 2012/13 (FEA)- la estructura metálica de una parrilla de bus con el objetivo de optimizar su geometría y reducir su peso.

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    necesitamos realizar animacion maquinarias. y planos en 3d deseable conocimientos en inventor u otros programas de animacion virtual en el campo de la ingenieria y maquinarias tambien en autodesk simulation

    €481 Average bid
    €481 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas

    ...considerations for the termination process to ensure users are fully informed. • Penalty Information Display: Calculate and present any fees or interest reductions that will apply upon early termination. • Collecting Termination Reasons: Use surveys to gather users’ reasons for termination, providing valuable insights for service improvements. • Interest Calculation Tool: Equip users with a simulation tool that calculates potential interest earnings based on inputted deposit amounts and periods. This feature assists users in selecting the most suitable deposit plan by including: • Input Fields: Allow users to input or select variables such as deposit amount, period, and interest rate. • Calculation Results Display: Show real-time calculations o...

    €3875 Average bid
    €3875 Oferta promedio
    112 ofertas

    I need a digital circuit designed that will sequentially display the number "210707069" on a seven-segment display. The design should be built using a should be built using a 555 timer-based oscillator, JK flip-flops (7476 IC), and a BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) encoding system. The circuit should continuously loop the number, correctly displaying it in sequence. Key requirements: - Use of 4-6 bit BCD encoding for each digit. - Simulation using Proteus software. - Deliver a fully functional circuit and a detailed report at the end. Primary focus: Accurate number display on the seven-segment display using Proteus. The circuit's simplicity and the simulation setup's ease are secondary considerations. The final report should provide a detailed a...

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    Project Description: We are looking for an experienced CFD freelancer to work on a buffer tank simulation project. This task is designed to gauge your capabilities in solving complex mixing and heat transfer problems. If successful, we have additional buffer tank projects and a pipeline of CFD work in the future. Objective: The goal is to analyze the tank's performance and propose effective internal design modifications to achieve strict compliance with the following requirements: Compliance: The outlet temperature must meet 14°C ± 1°C at 240 seconds. Tank Parameters: Adiabatic conditions: The tank is thermally insulated, with no heat gain or loss. Dimensions: Tank diameter 3100mm, height 6100mm. Pipe Orientation: Current inlet and outlet pipe ori...

    €430 Average bid
    €430 Oferta promedio
    49 ofertas

    We are seeking assistance from an experienced freelancer who has worked on executing AI models on Xilinx-based FPGAs through TVM. Th...guidance on adjusting compatible versions beyond the official documentation. If incorrect, we require assistance in identifying the root cause and resolving it. 3. DPU Virtual Implementation and Simulation When using VTA in the past, we could verify functionality through the VTA simulator () . We need to know if a similar simulation method exists for the DPU in Vitis AI. Specifically, we are looking for an example to simulate the relay model on a virtual DPU to validate functionality and obtain test vectors. The simulation must confirm proper operation on the Ultra96v2 board.

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas

    Title: Visual Simulation of an Immersive Pod Concept We aim to create a **visual simulation of an immersive pod** that provides users with a calming and engaging environment tailored to their preferences. The pod is designed to be a self-contained space for activities such as **meditation, relaxation, education, or entertainment**. This initial phase focuses on building a **3D on-screen simulation** to visually demonstrate the pod's **design, structure, and basic features**, laying the groundwork for future development. #### Context on the Idea: The immersive pod is a futuristic concept aimed at creating a personal retreat for users, offering a multisensory experience to enhance their mental focus, relaxation, or learning. The pod will feature **customizable...

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    I need a simulation expert to help model various scenarios within the halal meat supply chain using Anylogic. The focus will be on the slaughtering and processing phases, specifically: - The Halal Certification Process: Understanding how this impacts the overall supply chain and identifying potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement. - Processing Time and Efficiency: Assessing current processing times and evaluating the efficiency of our systems. The goal is to gain insights into the supply chain's logistical challenges and to pinpoint opportunities for optimization. Proficiency in Anylogic is a must, as is a good understanding of food supply chains, particularly in relation to halal meat. Previous experience with supply chain simulations will be highly beneficial.

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    ...Description: I am looking for a skilled web developer with experience in building applications using Twilio APIs to create an educational simulation tool. The project involves developing a web-based interface for controlled, ethical demonstrations of social engineering techniques, particularly focusing on OTP (One-Time Password) interception scenarios. The tool will strictly be used for educational purposes within a controlled environment and with explicit consent. Responsibilities: Integrate Twilio’s SMS and Voice APIs to send and receive messages. Configure webhooks to capture SMS replies for OTP parsing and logging. Develop a user-friendly web interface to manage simulation workflows: Trigger OTP requests. Send spoofed messages mimicking trusted entities. ...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Oferta promedio
    46 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced professional to assist with the installation of pressure sensors on gloves. These sensors will be used to measure the forces applied on an airplane yoke during training and simulation sessions. Needed in Ireland Key Details: - Sensor Type: Pressure sensors - Installation Location: Fingers of the gloves - Data Usage: Forces measured will be used for training and simulation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in sensor installation and calibration - Experience with training and simulation equipment - Knowledge of pressure sensors and their application - Ability to ensure durability and functionality of sensors under various conditions

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional to conduct a discrete element simulation in LIGGGHTS primarily aimed at analyzing the behavior of particles under the external force. Necessary files and extension will be avoided to help the freelancers. The freelancer will have to replicate results from a published paper. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background and experience with discrete element simulations. Proficiency in simulating metal behaviors specifically is highly desirable.

    €76 Average bid
    €76 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    To help in developing a custom Battery Management System (BMS) for electric vehicles, adhering to IEEE P2686 standards. The project involves advanced modeling, simulation, and report preparation, requiring a deep understanding of battery systems, MATLAB/Simulink, and automotive standards.

    €197 Average bid
    €197 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    I am looking for a skilled ROS developer with a strong background in control systems engineering to design and implement advanced local planner obstacle avoidance algorithms on a TurtleBot3 in the Gazebo simulation environment. Key Deliverables: - Fully documented Python source code with clear and detailed comments - Launch files for efficient setup and testing - A comprehensive report explaining the equations, controller design, and algorithm details

    €115 Average bid
    €115 Oferta promedio
    45 ofertas

    I'm currently pursuing a PhD in engineering, and I need an expert in AI modeling to help me develop a stochastic simulation model for my research. This model is crucial for the simulation study aspect of my project. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in AI and simulation modeling. - Extensive knowledge and experience in stochastic models. - Background or strong understanding of nanoelectromechanical engineering. - Excellent data analysis and prediction skills. - Ability to deliver on time and work independently.

    €240 - €719
    €240 - €719
    61 ofertas

    The ResQMedic system is a platform specifically developed for the simulation of fire and rescue service operations in online role-playing games. Its goal is to enable a realistic flow of operations while simultaneously ensuring efficient communication, documentation, and management. The system integrates various modules, including a central app called ResQProtocol, which is essential for operation documentation. This is complemented by a variety of functions and tools that serve both administrative and operational purposes. Thanks to its flexible architecture, ResQMedic is easily adaptable to individual needs and provides a comprehensive solution for all aspects of operation management and execution. Core Features of ResQMedic 1. Modular Design: ResQMedic consists of three main mo...

    €721 Average bid
    €721 Oferta promedio
    107 ofertas

    I’ve been working on an exciting VR driving simulator project for the Meta Quest 2, but I’m looking for an experienced developer to help refine the controls and take it to the next level! I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Virtual Reality driving simulator primarily for entertainment purposes. The simulator should focus on cars and include driving through city streets and highways for the Meta Quest 2. I’ve already built some of core mechanics. Key Requirements: - Hand Tracking: The player will use hand gestures for full control of the vehicle. - Developed using Unity to ensure high-quality performance and immersive experience. - Experience in developing VR applications - Proficient in vehicle simulation and physics - Ability to design enga...

    €366 Average bid
    €366 Oferta promedio
    33 ofertas who is proficient in Arena Simulation and process mapping. The goal is to enhance our operations in inventory management, logistics and transportation, and production scheduling. Key Areas of Focus: - Improving our inventory management system - Streamlining logistics and transportation processes - Optimizing production scheduling Current Tools: - We primarily use Arena simulation and Power BI for our supply chain management. Arena Simulation Assistance: - I need help with model building, data analysis, and process optimization in Arena Simulation. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in supply chain management - Proficiency in Arena Simulation - Skilled in model building, data analysis, and process optimization - Familiarity with Power BI ...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I need to design the supercapacitor block in matlab simulation with any supercapacitor data sheet .. Already supercapacitor block is Available. I just need to assign the parameters of the block with data sheet

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented game designer to bring to life my game concept 'Royaumes & Conquêtes'. This title is a grand strategy, city management, action RPG and simulation game aimed at PC and console. Game Overview: Players choose a class that affects their journey: Vagabond (survival), Soldier (combat), Noble (politics), or Leader (empire management). The AI adapts to player decisions in real-time, creating dynamic challenges. Key Gameplay Elements: - Combat: From broad strategic planning (like Total War) to immersive action (inspired by Bannerlord). - Management: From local survival (Vagabond) to empire oversight (Leader). - Progression: Players can either lead battles directly or oversee from a strategy view, based on chosen version (Standard, Premium...

    €2269 Average bid
    €2269 Oferta promedio
    74 ofertas