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Con la confianza de las principales marcas y startups
¿Qué es DFM (Design for Manufacturing)?
Design for Manufacturing is the practice of specializing a design to comply with commonly adopted manufacturing processes for the physical production of that design.
Contratar an Electrical Design Engineer
Hire an Electrical Design Engineer to help optimize your design for commercialization and mass manufacturing.
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Cómo contratar a un excelente Electrical Design Engineer freelance
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) is a valuable engineering practice that involves designing products that can be manufactured and assembled with cost-effectiveness and efficiency in mind. It eliminates unnecessary development costs associated with errors and simplifies the whole process.
When looking for the perfect freelance DFM engineer, the tasks you’d like them to complete should be at the forefront of your mind. Some of these may include creating and monitoring production drawings, maintaining CAD design protocols, testing prototype designs, researching and invigorating new materials, formulating production processes for new products, resolving issues related to existing products and ensuring documents are kept up to date.
You can start your search by drafting a job post with the exact descriptions of what help you need and then delivering that out to multiple candidates. Ask them questions that will overtly test their knowledge of DFM methods and be sure to request samples of past jobs they've completed. When it comes to Hiring a DFM Engineer through Freelancer.com, be prepared to pay somewhere between the rates of $30-$80 per hour, depending on their degree of proficiency.
When selecting a DFM engineer that's suitable for you project, take into account the reviews they've been given, their level of friendliness, professionalism and expertise on DFM engineering principles. With due diligence, you can be certain that you’re making the best investment for your business.