short video

Resumen del concurso

we need to create a short explanatory video of 1 minute for a Digital magazine in English and Arabic voice and text, you can check details from its website

Habilidades recomendadas

Comentarios del empleador

“Great to work with him, Nice work”

Imagen del perfil khouryrichard, United Arab Emirates.

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • DhanvirArt
    • 3 años atrás

    it's not extended sir, we are unable to put our entries. its still in pending

    • 3 años atrás
  • DhanvirArt
    • 3 años atrás

    #extended #extended #extended #extended

    • 3 años atrás
    1. khouryrichard
      Organizador del concurso
      • 3 años atrás

      yes we extended for 3 more days

      • 3 años atrás
    2. DhanvirArt
      • 3 años atrás

      it's not extended sir, we are unable to put our entries. its still in pending

      • 3 años atrás
  • TARE3Q
    • 3 años atrás

    Hi. Just wanted to tell you that I'm super excited in your contest. So, before I start working on your project, I wanted to ask about some more information. 1) Any specific length for this video? 2) Should I make this video highlighting the motives of your website? 3) Should I use stock videos? Reply to this message so that I can finish your video ASAP.

    • 3 años atrás
    1. TARE3Q
      • 3 años atrás

      And should I include anything about the vape show in Dubai?

      • 3 años atrás
    2. khouryrichard
      Organizador del concurso
      • 3 años atrás

      a minimum of 1 minute is required , but it must explains all the Magazine function,

      • 3 años atrás
  • ishmamrayan14
    • 3 años atrás

    Starting to work.i had the same questions .It would be great if you answered.
    1. stock videos ?
    2. any example?

    • 3 años atrás

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