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Walid B.
CFD analyst | OpenFoam Expert
$30 USD / hora
Egypt (3:00 p. m.)
Se unió el enero 31, 2024
$30 USD / hora
I'm a CFD Engineer - currently pursuing an [login to view URL]. degree in mechanical engineering (Fluids) - with strong fundamental background in fluid mechanics, turbulence ,heat transfer, and numerical methods.
Experienced and skilled in different CFD analysis types using OpenFoam including:
● Aerodynamic analysis
● multiphase flows (free surface, bubbly, boiling and lagrangian tracking)
● Heat transfer and Conjugate heat transfer (CHT)
● Fluid structure interaction (FSI).
Also high-level CFD code development within the OpenFoam environment.
I do recommend Walid to everyone who needs an expert in CFD, specially working with OpenFOAM. Very supportive, kind, and gentleman. Can't wait to cooperate with him again.
My Role included:
• Analyzing CFD cases and performing simulations for different analysis types such as multiphase flows (free-surface flows), heat transfer (buoyancy-driven flows), porous medium, and rotating bodies.
The projects are solved in OpenFOAM. The work includes CAD cleaning using Salome, meshing using snappyHexMesh, and Salome, then case setup , and finally post-processing with ParaView, and function objects with Gnuplot and Python. Also, write shell scripts to automate the process.
feb, 2023 - jul, 2023
5 meses, 3 días
Cairo University
2019 - 2024
5 años
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Fluids)
2019 - 2024
5 años
Mansoura University
2011 - 2016
5 años
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
2011 - 2016
5 años
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