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Alexandru S.
Professional art for games, animations, clips
$25 USD / hora
Moldova, Republic Of (6:17 a. m.)
Se unió el agosto 1, 2014
$25 USD / hora
Computer Graphics and art for your game, movie, animation, advertising or musical clip.
Graphics can be started from scratch or changed or adjusted if you have any. Successful collaborations with brands like DreamWorks, Marvel, Ford, Mercedes. Main focus is to create awesome and best content for that making the project great.
He didn't complete my project and he left for 1year without contacting me and when he returned back he told me his workers left him
the code of the game was awful, not even work, the design is so bad
he refuse return my money back, even half of it he refused
I don't recommend him at all, be carful be careful be careful
this guy will take your money for bad work