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Monica R.



Mktg | Virtual Assistant | Research | Data Mgmt

$5 USD / hora
Bandera de
Panama (3:19 p. m.)
Se unió el diciembre 13, 2021
$5 USD / hora
I am a professional in Marketing, currently working as a Virtual Assistant. Although I cannot accompany you physically, my purpose is to collaborate with you from a distance with the assigned tasks so that your company/project is well organized so you have the confidence to delegate, to me, those daily tasks that take away your time from being able to focus 100% on growing your business. Areas of expertise include: -Business Support -Business presentations and Business plans -CRM management -Data analysis, Data entry -Market research -Market studies and analysis of the competition -Marketing and social media strategy -Project Management -Product & price strategies I stand out for: -Good command of Microsoft Office tools, especially excel and power point -Having a great organizational capacity and a strong detail orientation -Having a great capacity to carry out repetitive tasks with a high degree of precision -Be able to multitask and prioritize. -Work with a sense of urgency. -Work independently, with little or no supervision. -Be willing to learn new skills and programs that are necessary to fulfill the assigned activities Looking forward to work with you!
A tiempo
100 %
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100 %
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100 %



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5.0 · 1 Review
Avatar del usuario
Perfecto! ha realizado un trabajo excelente, todo según lo acordado, muy detallista y con visión. Realmente profesional y con experiencia, sabe perfectamente lo que hace, con grandes cualidades técnicas, se puede confiar plenamente para un trabajo totalmente satisfactorio, buena comunicación y rapidez. Seguiremos colaborando. A+++
Jesus Manuel L.
Bandera de
Cee, Spain
hace 3 años
Brand Manager
ene, 2013 - Presente
12 años, 1 mes
ene, 2013 - Presente
12 años, 1 mes
ene, 2013 - Presente
12 años, 1 mes
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2011 - 2011
Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y Distribución
Bandera de
2011 - 2011
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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