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Eldi G.
Senior Fullstack Web&Blockchain&Mobile Developer
$30 USD / hora
Albania (2:34 a. m.)
Se unió el febrero 4, 2022
$30 USD / hora
I am a highly skilled and experienced senior developer with 7+ years of hands on experience in Web Development.
I have worked on projects with various programming languages and frameworks such as JS, PHP, Python and also React, Angular, Wordpress, Laravel, Django.
In addition, I have a great deal of experience with Blockchain projects. I am quite experienced with Web3.js, Solidity, solana etc.
- Basic Languages: C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, R
- Front-End: HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React, Angular, Vue, Next, Nuxt, Vux ...
- Back-End: Laravel, Node.js, Django and CMS(Wordpress, Drupal, Magento, Shopify, prestashop, Woocommerce) ...
- Blockchain: Web3.js Ether.js, Binance Smart Chain, Solidity, Defi(AMM models, Yield Farming, Skating, Liquidity Pools), Dex, NFT...
- Other Tech stack: DB(Mysql, Mongodb, FireBase, Postgre, GraphQL), VCS (Git, Gogs) DevOps skill (Vercel, AWS, Heroku)
In my work, I give the best priority to CCF(Customer Comes First!), HQ (High coding Quality), Staying up-to-date with the trend, EW (Efficient work) and EC (Effective Communication).
I am looking forward to creating my successful career with clients.
Thank you.
Fake profile, this is some Asian developer faking to be based in Europe. He will lie about literally everything, it's kinda scary to be honest. He will say "yes' to everything but then he'll either disappear or do sub-adequate work or no work at all. AVOID and I hope he gets banned.
Only billed me for 1 hour but really did nothing in 2 days except setup the environment.
I kept asking for updates and was promised he was working on it - he wasn't.
He had great feedback so not sure what went wrong.