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Shivaprasad G.



Embedded Software Expert

$30 USD / hora
Bandera de
India (10:18 p. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el enero 17, 2020
$30 USD / hora
I have strong embedded development knowledge in providing kernel customization, U-Boot customization(bootload customization), custom root file system development. I have strong understanding in system and application programming IPC, Event management, D-Bus, IOCTLS, Multi-threading, Multi-processor & other aspects of middleware development for linux and android. Firmware application programs and linux kernel drivers in c. Develop SDKs and graphics toolkit based on existing frameworks like qt, GTK, WX widgets, mono,python for linux, windows desktops and servers in c and c++. Develope customised toolkits for touch screen, other input devices based on gesture using GTK and QT for embedded platforms for different customers. I have integrated and customized hardware in transaction market like MSR, smartcard,fingerprint,pinpad for android and linux. I have a strong understanding of networking protocols in L2 and L3 layers. Knowledge on PCI driver bring up. Experience in interfacing and developing chip drivers. Experience in NAND/NOR driver bring up on linux kernel and Free RTOS. Experience in memory map tools for chip read and write. Strong understanding of MTD & UBIFS. Developed and contributed to the FTL layer on Verident SoC's. Expert in Design, coding, testing and optimizing the L2 Features for LTE. Have work experience in ESP32 PICOv2, ESP32DWROVER, stm32, pixhawk 2.4.8, drone development, copter, rover, ardu pilot software usage.
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