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Caro B.



WordPress Web Developer & French Translator

$25 USD / hora
Bandera de
Canada (3:36 p. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el junio 1, 2015
$25 USD / hora
I'm a Canadian Web Developer who specializes in WordPress. I love converting design files into HTML/CSS/PHP or directly into WordPress. I specialize in tweaking CSS to make websites responsive (ie., adjust to fit smaller/different-sized screens). I also offer English to Canadian-French translation services, I'm a native French-Canadian woman with an engineering degree. I am fluent in both English and French. I'm a trained copywriter and my grammar is excellent in both French and English. I can translate your English documents (resumes, letters, website content, audio files, etc.) into Canadian French or vice-versa. I've translated numerous technical and non-technical documents over the course of my career. I also have a decent understanding of Spanish. P.S. I'm new on, so that's why I don't have any reviews (yet). Please don't hold that against me! I'm reliable.
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French to English Translation
French to English Translation
US English - Level 1
US English
Basic Numeracy - Level 1
Basic Numeracy
French - Level 2
Spanish to English Translation
Spanish to English Translation
HTML - Level 1
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