Norsk søknadsprosjekt for midler til 90 år gammel båt

Cerrado Publicado hace un año Pagado a la entrega
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Har behov for freelancer som har erfaring, eller god formidlingsevne, til å skrive søknader om midler til å bevare en snart 90 år gammel båt. Den som er aktuell må være i stand til å skrive på norsk og vil få tilgang til all dokumentasjon knyttet til båtprosjektet. Det finnes en rekke private- og offentlige ordninger som gir slik støtte.

Norwegian application project for funds for a 90-year-old boat

Need a freelancer who has experience, or good communication skills, to write applications for funds to preserve an almost 90-year-old boat. The applicant must be able to write in Norwegian and will have access to all documentation related to the boat project. There are a number of private and public schemes that provide such support.

Redacción de artículos Redacción de contenidos Journalism

Nº del proyecto: #37725179

Sobre el proyecto

14 propuestas Proyecto remoto Activo hace 11 meses

14 freelancers están ofertando un promedio de $314 por este trabajo


I am a professional Funds application writer having  more than 6 years of writing experience as I started my online writing career in 2018. In this duration, I have successfully served more than 1000 clients with the Más

$250 USD en 1 día
(77 comentarios)

Affordable, Early Delivery. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I hold a Masters degree which gives me the requisite background to handle writing from various subjects. I am a highly committed person towards my work. You can rely on Qualit Más

$250 USD en 1 día
(18 comentarios)

Hey Trygve B., Are you passionate about preserving history? Do you have experience in grant writing or excellent communication skills? I have a unique project for you! We are seeking a talented freelancer who can wr Más

$250 USD en 3 días
(2 comentarios)

Hei, Trygve B Med betydelig erfaring og fremragende formidlingsevner, tilbyr jeg mine tjenester for å skrive søknader om midler til bevaring av deres nesten 90 år gamle båt. Jeg er flytende i norsk og forstår viktigh Más

$250 USD en 5 días
(5 comentarios)

As a passionate data maestro, I definitely fall within the realm of someone with good communication skills for writing grant applications. I have an impressive repertoire of language tools under my belt, including Norw Más

$250 USD en 1 día
(0 comentarios)

Hi there ! I took a delightful dive into your project description, and boy oh boy, it seems like my skills are a perfect match for this gig! I am an expert which have 5+ years of experience on Article Writing, Conten Más

$500 USD en 6 días
(0 comentarios)

User Please give me one chance write in 100 words ChatGPT Certainly! Please provide a topic or prompt you'd like me to write about in 100 words. User Request to client ChatGPT Dear Client, I appreciate the oppor Más

$500 USD en 7 días
(0 comentarios)

I am writing to express my strong interest in this job. I am well-equipped to create compelling proposals that are tailored to Norway's cultural context. My experience includes successful fundraising for cultural initi Más

$250 USD en 1 día
(0 comentarios)

I make a best candidate for your project. I hope my work satisfied you. How to write a winning bid:?

$500 USD en 7 días
(0 comentarios)

Selvfølgelig, jeg kan hjelpe deg med å skrive et forslag til søknad om midler for å bevare den 90 år gamle båten. Kan du gi mer informasjon om prosjektet, inkludert målene, tidslinjer og spesifikke behov? Dette vil hje Más

$250 USD en 4 días
(0 comentarios)

As an experienced content writer with a passion for both preserving history and bringing unique narratives to life, I'm confident in my ability to draft compelling grant applications for your 90-year-old boat project. Más

$250 USD en 1 día
(0 comentarios)