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2,000 website needs products added trabajos encontrados

...input field should be included. The numeric field should only accept three-digit numbers, defaulting to 140. Another input field, similar to the first, should be included but with a 180-character limit. Selection-option questions should begin with a “Texto de pregunta” field, followed by a section where users can add response options. By default, two options should be displayed, but more can be added using the “+” icon. Each option is a text field with a placeholder like “Opción 1.” The trash icon should trigger a confirmation modal before deleting the option. A toggle next to each option should allow users to switch between text and image-based options. By default, options should be text, but selecting the image option should display t...

$174 Average bid
$174 Oferta promedio
47 ofertas ha desarrollado en Odoo antes. ------------------ Traslate: It is required to extend a module purchased from the Odoo appstore, which modifies the standard behavior of Odoo POS v18, to perform validations. It requests a manager's PIN each time a prohibited button is selected for the employee's level. The development already performs 50% of the validations; only some validations need to be added to other buttons. It is required that when making a return in the POS, the system forces the employee to mark the invoice button on the return if the original purchase has already been invoiced. The pos order model must be reviewed to check if there is an invoice in the order and force the cashier to invoice the return. Professionals who know how to work with Odoo Communit...

$226 Average bid
$226 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

Custom Odoo development for trade show booth quotes with specific calculation logic Project Description: We need an experienced Odoo developer to replicate our trade show booth quoting system. Our current system is based on an Excel spreadsheet with a specific structure that we need to implement in Odoo. A- Summary of Needs: The quotes we create are for projects that we don't know will be approved. Therefore, quotes should not consider production hours or materials, but are based on prices obtained from our suppliers' price lists, who will ultimately carry out the construction work if the stand is built. This implies that we need to be able to dynamically access supplier price lists for each item on the stand (carpentry, painting, electricity, lighting, furniture, etc.) ...

$588 Average bid
$588 Oferta promedio
36 ofertas

...project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 18 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accounting, Purchasing, Point of Sale, Project, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Email Marketing, Studio, Documents, Employees, POS Payment Configuration, POS Products Multi Barcode, Signing, Planning, Events, Conversations, Contacts, Rental, Outsourcin...

$2509 Average bid
$2509 Oferta promedio
53 ofertas

Estoy buscando un desarrollador web experimentado con una habilidad especial para crear sitios web interactivos visualmente atractivos y fáciles de usar. El objetivo principal de este sitio es vender productos digitales. Requisitos clave: - Experiencia en el desarrollo de sitios web de comercio electrónico - Sólida comprensión de los principios de UI/UX - Experiencia con sistemas digitales de entrega de productos - Capacidad para crear interfaces web visualmente cautivadoras El sitio web debe ser fácil de navegar, con un diseño limpio e intuitivo. También debe ser capaz de gestionar la venta y la entrega de productos digitales sin problemas. Si tienes un portafolio de proyectos similares, me encantaría verlo.

$454 Average bid
$454 Oferta promedio
85 ofertas

...ActiveCampaign, y quieres colaborar en este innovador proyecto, ¡postúlate ahora! Al completar el proyecto, entiendes que cedes todos los derechos de los entregables. Especificaciones del proyecto: - Ajustar la integración para que el correo de confirmación que llega desde ActiveCampaign dispare la secuencia en WebinarPress. (Muy importante) - Configuración de disparadores alternativos (Ej: "Tag is added" o "Subscribes to a list") en caso de no poder utilizar webhooks. - Entregar la secuencia de correos automatizada, completamente funcional y probada. Todos los correos ya están creados. ¿Eres la persona que estamos buscando? Haz que esta automatización funcione como nunca antes. ¡Postúlate ...

$24 Average bid
$24 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

...users as owners. If an owner user adds a user to the File that had already been previously added, the following scenarios may occur: If the user was previously an owner and the user is added as an owner, there is no problem, and if the user was already a reader and is added as a reader, nothing happens; but if the user is added with a different access than the one to which he was added, he must be informed that the user was previously registered with such permission and confirm that the type of access will be changed from owner to reader or from reader to owner. Users can upload new documents to the File, but another way to do this is toand adding documents is that a document from another File can be added. Also, when uploading a new document, i...

$153 Average bid
$153 Oferta promedio
34 ofertas

...project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accounting, Purchasing, Point of Sale, Project, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Email Marketing, Studio, Documents, Employees, POS Payment Configuration, POS Products Multi Barcode, Signing, Planning, Events, Conversations, Contacts, Rental, Outsourcin...

$544 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$544 Oferta promedio
20 ofertas

...project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accounting, Purchasing, Point of Sale, Project, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Email Marketing, Studio, Documents, Employees, POS Payment Configuration, POS Products Multi Barcode, Signing, Planning, Events, Conversations, Contacts, Rental, Outsourcin...

$2662 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$2662 Oferta promedio
24 ofertas

...project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accounting, Purchasing, Point of Sale, Project, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Email Marketing, Studio, Documents, Employees, POS Payment Configuration, POS Products Multi Barcode, Signing, Planning, Events, Conversations, Contacts, Rental, Outsourcin...

$1165 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$1165 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

Purpose of the Flow The purpose of this flow is to automate the download of offers received in a specific Outlook folder. Additionally, it adds a supplier code to the name of the downloaded file. This supplier code is retrieved from an existing table based on the sender's email address. If the sender is not found in the table, they are automatically added with a new supplier code. Steps of the Flow Trigger: When a new email arrives (V3) This flow is triggered when a new email arrives in a specific Outlook folder. Initialize Variables FileName: Temporarily stores the name of the attached file. NewSupplierCode: Stores a new supplier code if needed. MaxSupplierCode: Tracks the highest existing supplier code in the table. Apply to Each Attachment Loops through each attached fil...

$212 Average bid
$212 Oferta promedio
13 ofertas

Descripción de la Empresa: Somos una empresa líder en el sector de la belleza y el bienestar, dedicada a la fabricación y distribución de productos aromáticos y cosméticos de alta calidad. Buscamos expandir nuestro equipo con un agente comercial entusiasta y motivado que comparta nuestra pasión por mejorar la vida de nuestros clientes. Responsabilidades: • Desarrollar y gestionar relaciones con clientes nuevos y existentes. • Realizar visitas comerciales para demostración y venta de productos. • Mantener un conocimiento actualizado de nuestros productos y tendencias del mercado. • Alcanzar y superar los objetivos de ventas establecidos. • Proporcionar reportes regulares de actividades y resultados. Requisitos...

$546 Average bid
$546 Oferta promedio
17 ofertas

...Startup method. Ability to make informed and agile decisions. Central coordinator to ensure team alignment with project objectives. Software Developer: Experience in web and application development. Knowledge of technologies relevant to the project -UX Designer/3D Renderer/Fashion Designer: Experience in designing captivating user experiences. 3D rendering skills to create products from clothes, watches, to devices...Knowledge in fashion design and understanding of current trends. -Specialist in SEO/Digital Marketing: Experience in effective SEO strategies. Knowledge of Digital Marketing, including online advertising, social media and digital campaigns. Ability to attract and retain visitors interested in various services, optimizing online...

$725 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$725 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

I'm looking for a frontend developer for create one screen of a POS system, sales (not conected to a back end) for simulate product serching, adding to cart and attemp to make a payment. It's required to develop with html / js / angular Important, its just front with no backend, something like a prototype with interactive. There is a base proyect with angular, no engines for POS. *** Max budget 50 USD *** Urgent Planed time 1.5 days

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas
render 3d 4 products
Finalizado left

necesito render 3d de 4 productos

$132 Average bid
$132 Oferta promedio
68 ofertas

...the code "01var", modify the description, fix the issue of displaying percentage discounts in the POS, and ensure it works for electronic invoices. Enable tax-exempt sales, complying with the requirements of electronic billing legislation in Costa Rica. On the right side of the search bar, allow searching by category and brand. Display the price below each item in each store location (POS and products). The corresponding price should appear below each item when clicking to view the detailed product information, instead of being shown at the top. During the cash closing process, generate and print a report. When making a payment in a reservation sale or credit sale, the system should show and calculate the amount in the closing process and the registration details. Curre...

$151 Average bid
$151 Oferta promedio
19 ofertas

The system must have panels and sessions for: super admin, general users (sellers). Both seller users and super admins must have a panel to generate a preloaded document with specifications added at that moment. The rank of the entrepreneurs cannot be lost; only the right to payment for the unreached month is lost, and it will be charged according to the points and end-of-month structure. The project must be developed as an app for Android and IOS. Administrator functions must include accounting for each user in the network, commission scheme control, qualification scheme control, access to global information (users, lots, sales, appointments, points per user). There cannot be identical appointments where different sellers show the same lot at the same time. User conditionals ...

$2924 Average bid
$2924 Oferta promedio
64 ofertas

..."01var," modify the description, fix the percentage discount display issue in the POS, and ensure it works for electronic invoices. Enable sales with tax exemption, complying with the requirements of the electronic invoicing legislation in Costa Rica. On the right-hand side of the search bar, allow searching by category and brand. Display the price below each item in each store location (POS and products). The corresponding price should appear under each item when clicking to view detailed product information, rather than displaying it at the top. During the cash register closure process, generate and print a report. When making a payment on a layaway sale or credit sale, the system should display and calculate the amount in the closing process and registration details....

$219 Average bid
$219 Oferta promedio
29 ofertas
Maquetación de PDF
Finalizado left

...with different types and sizes of fonts, as well as poorly ordered photographs. Until now we did it ourselves, preparing the document to make it more visual and pleasant. We are looking for a professional in design, layout, graphic editing, who converts the raw file to a final file. We attach examples from the month of April, in raw format, and in final format, as well as other elements that are added, with explanations about the process....

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta promedio
24 ofertas

...Design. El contenido generado por la herramienta tiene que ser responsive. Elementos que debe permitir generar la herramienta (widgets): Rows (full content o in container) Cols (1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6) Text Images Video Button (material buttons) Divider Icon (material icons) Spacer Tabs (material tabs) Acordion (material acordion) Progress bar (material progress bar) Shortcode (ng template custom added by custom id) Custom html Slides (material slides) Galery (material galery) Estas páginas que se creen deben ser guardadas en una base de datos de tipo mongodb, y se deben poder visualizar en el proyecto de Angular. NOTA: Es posible el uso de librerías opensource que cumplan con lo previamente dicho....

$555 Average bid
$555 Oferta promedio
17 ofertas

Se requiere editar o modificar el plugin WOOCOMMERCE BULK VARIATIONS de barn2 (), el plugin fue ...unica disponible, etc. *** ENGLISH **** It is required to edit or modify the WOOCOMMERCE BULK VARIATIONS plugin by barn2 (), the plugin was downloaded for free from the plugin must be compatible with extra add-ons options plugins. It is required to modify the plugin so that a DATE SELECTION field can be added to the products, which comes in extra add-ons options plugins such as: - WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options (By ThemeComplete) the date field must be conditioned by the user on date availability, date disabled, unique date available, etc.

$186 Average bid
$186 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

Necesito crear una pagina similar a o con todas las funcionalidades para conectar un GDS o varios proveedores.

$553 Average bid
$553 Oferta promedio
84 ofertas

ES: Necesito hacer la recarga de saldo a través de PayPal con una app desarrollada en Ionic: de cómo se ve la aplicación. También quiero mostrar estos estados en la sección "Postulación": contratado, analizando propuestas, pendiente, no contratado. EN: I am looking for a developer to improve something in my app. I need to implement PayPal recharge module in the front end of a hybrid app built in Ionic. I have the backend ready, I need to developed the front in the app. I've added a picture of how the app looks like. I also want to show these statuses under the "Postulación" section: contratado, analizando propuestas, pendiente, no contratado. This is my app:

$77 Average bid
$77 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

Somos una empresa que se dedica como broker a facilitar proveedores fiables dentro del sector de fuel commodities. Nuestro objetivo es verificar la autenticidad de estos proveedores, sus productos y los procedimientos para ofrecer una compra venta con todas las garantías posibles.

$638 Average bid
$638 Oferta promedio
20 ofertas

Eso, necesito exportar los productos de woocommerce a shopify, son como 180 productos, de ellos hay productos simples y variables

$409 Average bid
$409 Oferta promedio
50 ofertas

...Wordpress (developed in react and aframe) where we can create virtual rooms. We want to customize the server we have in AWS () and create a CMS for our users, since the system we offer now is not very customized. All development will be done on our AWS servers. We need advice for the necessary permits. We have credits to carry out the project. Needs: We want to create a CMS layer that offers different functionalities to platform users and organize the content we generate (virtual classrooms generated by the mozilla hub platform). The first thing we are looking for is to interconnect with the mozilla hub platform so that we can have control of registered users. We want to divide registered users into several blocks: Users Students

$2572 Average bid
$2572 Oferta promedio
71 ofertas

...need it to be retyped exactly the same (same page breaks, headings, underlines, numbers etc.) and kept in Spanish (no translation required, just a straight copy). I need whoever does this to speak fluent Spanish to ensure it is done properly. Sample of one page is attached. The document is 15 pages in total. THIS MUST BE ACCURATE AND EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE PDF. This is a legal document, it needs to be copied exactly, I dont care about the font etc. I need it delivered back as a word document. We need the legal Spanish document remade into Spanish so that we can then translate into English as a second project, however I require the copy to be accurate so that the translation is also accurate if that makes sense One week timeframe. Must be a Spanish Speaker --- Ne...

$87 Average bid
$87 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

Tenemos una tienda de venta de perfumes, actualmente en producción que tiene una sección o shop con productos visibles a todo el mundo, y otra página con productos que deben no ser visibles y usando el elemento Wocommerce Products de WP Bakery mostramos solo productos de determinada categoría, el tema es que en esta página no muestra las opciones de ordenamiento, como si lo muestra la página que está basada en el Archive page del plugin.

$38 Average bid
$38 Oferta promedio
11 ofertas

Buenos dias, Estamos buscando una persona de habla hispana que pueda cargar y escribir productos en nuestro sitio web woocommerce. ¡Solo se entrevista a personas con experiencia en woocommerce! Gracias !

$167 Average bid
$167 Oferta promedio
55 ofertas

...------ We want to offer our clients a digital menu service for their bars and restaurants through a website with a single domain. the user functions would be: create, update, edit and delete both dishes and your letter. Each user can create their letters and set the status of the same active / inactive. The letter would be a custom post-type, this should allow the generation of a PDF in addition to giving the option of printing and customizing the design. The menu is divided by categories for example: menu, portions, meats ... inside it is composed of dishes, each one has its properties of name, price, allergens, photo, description, allergens have to be like parallel photos that can be added through one click. The personalization must be able to be for Spanish / English an...

$228 Average bid
$228 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

Buenos dias, Estamos buscando una persona de habla hispana que pueda cargar y escribir productos en nuestro sitio web woocommerce. ¡Solo se entrevista a personas con experiencia en woocommerce! Gracias !

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta promedio
28 ofertas

I am interested in developing a mobile application for product management, event services, suppliers, artists, etc. and at the same time as users interested in all those services, we would be in charge of managing the entire process of contracting the suppliers and that the end user interested in receiving these products and services obtains what they need, and we would generate a profit of a percentage for management, users can register directly through the application on both Android and IOS.

$2596 Average bid
$2596 Oferta promedio
43 ofertas

Create 2 Product Box for courses: * COMUNICA Y ENAMORA SOLO CON TU MÓVIL Con este curso aprenderás los atajos necesarios para impactar tu comunicación y hacer vídeos como un PRO Aunque no tengas experiencia y te de algo de miedo la cámara * Second to be defined

$70 Average bid
$70 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

Desarrollo de products, e business para mercado local e internacional Valorar mercadería en % derechos aduaneros trato de mercadería en SISTEMA ARMONIZADO DE DESIGNACIÓN Y CODIFICACIÓN DE MERCANCÍAS Desarrollo de contacto con clientes nacionales e internacionales

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

...portfolio-item').click(function(){ var elementsIndex = $(this).index('.portfolio-item'); //elements current index elementsLength = ; // total amount of elements elementsInRow = lisInRow; //amount of elements in a row elementsRow = (elementsIndex/elementsInRow)+1; elementsOffset = $(this).offset().top + 180; //top position of element clicked (130 was added so only the title of thumbal shows not including the image) contentURL = $(this).attr("data-url"); //get data content id currentWrapPos = (elementsRow * elementsInRow) - 1; //slidedown content wrapper position arrowPosition = $(this).position().left + $(this).width() / 2 - 12; currentIndexHeight = $('.portfolio-item-content').height(); ...

$115 Average bid
$115 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

We need the translation of the technical details and descriptions of two products from English to German.

$74 Average bid
$74 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

(EN)New search fields / filters need to be added; add custom reports; new functions, you can see how the system was built in the attached image. NOTE: There is no previous documentation, the video is referential. (ES)Se necesita agregar nuevos campos de búsqueda/filtros; agregar reportes personalizados; nuevas funciones, pueden ver como se construyo el sistema en la imagen adjunta. NOTA: No se tiene ninguna documentación previa, el video es referencial.

$2164 Average bid
$2164 Oferta promedio
27 ofertas

...Avatar So we need someone to connect the pixels to the correct campaigns. What platform is your website built on? HTML But llok let me explain I created the requied events already it is loading ok User Avatar So the pixels firing are matched with the wrong events? That pixel is an old one it is appearing and I can not change it but it is not in ion my website anymore User Avatar Got it, do you think you would be able to add those details to the project description while I continue inviting freelancers to bid on your project. I think that context you just provided would be helpful. I added the page view, the cintact and the lead pixel they are shown here, they are buttons but I tested

$33 Average bid
$33 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...comisiones por venta) Cada usuario puede incluso tener los 3 roles (ser creador de contenido, promocionar contenido de otros creadores y comprar contenido de otros también) La plataforma ofrece la publicidad y difusión en todo el mundo dando la posibilidad de cobrar con plataformas como PAYPAL, PAYONEER, STRIPE, MERCADO PAGO (y otras). Se necesita en 3 Versiones: WEB, ANDROID e IOS. Skills: Website Design, Algorithm, HTML, PHP, Courses...

$447 Average bid
$447 Oferta promedio
13 ofertas
Finalizado left

Saludos mi nombre es Sigdia Busó y estoy en proceso de empezar mi propio negocio llamado " SM PRODUCTS" este negocio es basado en crear vasos por ejemplo: tumblers, yeti, corkcicle etc pero en brillo, en otras palabras diseñarlos con rhinestones ya que no es algo que se ve mucho pero es algo que muchos desean.

$112 Average bid
$112 Oferta promedio
30 ofertas

...Each course will have the following structure: - COURSE - Level 1 - Topic 1 - Exercise 1 - Exercise 2 - Exercise ... - Topic 2 - Exercise 1 - Exercise 2 - Exercise ... - Topic ... - Topic 1 - Exercise 1 - Exercise 2 - Exercise ... - Topic 2 - Exercise 1 - Exercise 2 - Exercise ... - Topic ... In turn, each topic, exercise, etc. should be able to apply a score which will be added to a total of points for each user. Take as a reference "" you can open a free account on this platform to see what it would be like. At the design level, absolutely everything would be provided. You dare? send me a quote!...

$1991 Average bid
$1991 Oferta promedio
33 ofertas
Products Delivery App
Finalizado left

Necesito una app para Android. Ya tengo el diseño, solo necesito que la creen.

$716 Average bid
$716 Oferta promedio
47 ofertas

...We’re contacting you because we’ve had some trouble sending requests to a webhook endpoint associated with your account in live mode. Webhooks are used to notify your server about events that happen in your Stripe account, such as a payout completing or an invoice being created. The failing webhook endpoint is You or someone on your team has added that endpoint in your Stripe webhook settings, which you can view and edit here: Please note that in most cases a failing webhook does not impact your payments or payouts. However, if you use subscriptions we rely on your webhook endpoint to notify you of new invoices. These invoices may be delayed for up to three days if your webhook is unable

$34 Average bid
$34 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas
Trophy icon Crear Infografía
Finalizado left

- Crear infografía basandose en los estilos añadidos y el contenido del boceto. Similar a la de esta web: - Create infographic based on added styles and sketch content. Similar to this website:

$36 Average bid
16 participaciones

Necesito que alguien modifique unas imágenes.

$17 Average bid
$17 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

...virtual tour of a large area of 30 hectares, allowing to choose about 30 points, where we click to enlarge the image / video to obtain more information. The idea is to reflect a natural reserve where there are certain geographical features/recreation sites that we want to highlight. Experience in map design of this type will be valued. The map created must be editable, so that new areas can be added as they are generated. Concepts, images and videos will be provided....

$168 Average bid
$168 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

Via una api que responde Json leer un set de resultados. Análizarlos, validarlos, ordenarlos y resumirlos. Se lee la información desde una API que responde resultados en JSON, (sólo arroja máximo 1000 resultados por cada llamada). Se requiere guardar la información que se evalua en un XLS para análisis y supervisión de la evaluación. Evaluación: Se valora que el precio publicado para cada número de parte y para cada vendedor cumpla un valor mínimo. Los números de parte y su precio mínimo se leen desde un xlsx (cantidad: 2500 aprox) Los vendedores se leen también desde un xlsx. (cantidad: menor a 30) La combinación de registros a análizar: números de parte * cantidad...

$91 Average bid
$91 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

need an emv software updated... freelance worker must have past expericince updating A program and adding new features.. new features i want is Automatic arcq generate for chip writer and 201 dump track 2 bank card/atm card.../.... i need latest updated features... i will pay $25-$400 for the update and work... my telegram name - @(removed by site admin) message me there if u serious... Question: if i pay you dont you think i should have the best software when your done working? #2 if software not working i will not pay ================================Spanish necesita un software emv actualizado ... El trabajador independiente debe tener experiencia previa actualizando un programa y agregando nuevas características. nuevas caracterís...

$270 Average bid
Destacado Urgente
$270 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

Catálogo productos parafarmacia MakPhar / MakPhar Parapharmacy products catalogue MAKPHAR es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización de productos de parafarmacia. Estamos interesados en realizar un catálogo con 3 productos para la lucha contra el Covid-19, con una página para cada producto. En el catálogo no queremos incluir información del fabricante, si del producto. Buenas fotos genéricas. La estrategia de la empresa en este momento es esforzarse en la comercialización de estos 3 productos, por lo que el catálogo debe transmitir confianza, seguridad, profesionalidad y cercanía. Tenemos entrega inmediata (24-48 horas) en toda España y Portugal. El público objetivo de la empresa son Farma...

$251 Average bid
30 participaciones

Good morning, I need to raise my woocoommerce 500 products in English For this page: Must perform: - woocoomerce create products. - upload and modify psd 4 photos per product. - mounting a short description and characteristics - I put title SEO - description SEO en yoast

$126 Average bid
$126 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas