Project clock avrtrabajos
...bits of the byte to the input of the 74HC595 (serial data in). For each bit present in this input, the Shift_Clock must be set to 1 and returned to 0. This must be repeated 8 times. Once the 2 bytes have been sent, the Latch_Clock must be set to 1 and returned to 0, so that the value sent in the first byte must be displayed in the selected digit. Insert 2 nops between the rise and fall of each clock to avoid the pulse being too short. Look at the following instructions that may be useful: rol , ror, brcc, brcs, cbi, sbi. All the above code should be encapsulated as a subroutine called send_digit that receives the data (7-segment code) and the digit [1-4] in which we want it to be displayed. Remember to preserve the temporary registers using (push / pop) Microcontrollers Part 7 &n...
Tenemos un proyecto que dejaron a medias. Un microcontrolador se comunica con otro por serial y funciona perfectamente. El problema es que de esa vesrión sólo tenemos los compilados. Las últimas fuentes que tenemos, si las compilas no se comunican por serie. ¿Tu tarea? Coger esas funtes y arreglarlo para que sí se comunique. Si aceptas te pasamos las fuentes para que le eches un ojo.
... pic ccs o bascom- avr) o utilice un microcontrolador Pic o Avr, un teclado matricial y un Glcd para dibujar el ahorcado, LCD para generación de mensajes y altavoz para generación de melodías. -Use estructuras de control (bifuración y repetición) e implemente todos los controles necesarios para evitar posibles errores de funcionamiento. -Modos de funcionamiento: el programa deberá permitir el ingreso de palabras de hasta 10 caracteres -Para la reproducción de tonos musicales, seleccione la frecuencia adecuada y los tiempos de pausa necesaria. -Para la creación de la interfaz gráfica revise si el compilador y entorno de desarrollo posee las librerias y controladores para el dispositivo elegido. Materiales: her...
...ccs o bascom- avr) o utilice un microcontrolador Pic o Avr, un teclado matricial y un Glcd para dibujar el ahorcado, LCD para generación de mensajes y altavoz para generación de melodías. o use estructuras de control (bifuración y repetición) e implemente todos los controles necesarios para evitar posibles errores de funcionamiento. o Modos de funcionamiento: el programa deberá permitir el ingreso de palabras de hasta 10 caracteres Para la reproducción de tonos musicales, seleccione la frecuencia adecuada y los tiempos de pausa necesaria. Para la creación de la interfaz gráfica revise si el compilador y entorno de desarrollo posee las librerias y controladores para el dispositivo elegido. Materiales...
... pic ccs o bascom- avr) o utilice un microcontrolador Pic o Avr, un teclado matricial y un Glcd para dibujar el ahorcado, LCD para generación de mensajes y speaker para generación de melodías. o use estructuras de control (bifuración y repetición) e implemente todos los controles necesarios para evitar posibles errores de funcionamiento. o Modos de funcionamiento: el programa deberá permitir el ingreso de palabras de hasta 10 caracteres Para la reproducción de tonos musicales seleccione la frecuencia adecuada y tiempos de pausa necesarios. Para la creación de la interfaz grafica revise si el compilador y entorno de desarrollo posee las librería y controladores para el dispositivo elegido. Materiales Herramienta...
...class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Uso de Trafico</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div id="active_queues_chart" style="height: 250px;"></div> </div> </div> <!-- END LINE CHART --> </div> Codigo Javascript grafica <script> var active_queues_chart=; (active_queues_chart); ({ element: "active_queues_chart", data: active_queues_chart, xkey: "clock", ykeys: ["value", "value_2"], resize: true, postUnits: " Clientes", lineColors: ["#9098a2", "#c7cbd1"] }); </script> ARREGLO 2 En la pagina tengo un formulario que se...
Busco desarrollador de firmware, experiencia en C/C++, AVR, PIC, familia SAM, conocimientos básicos en lora, LoRaWAN, preferiblemente que hable español.
Estoy buscando a una persona capaz de realizar un programa que extraiga todos los resultados de los deportes virtuales de Bet365 todos los días y a todas horas en el deporte de Dardos virtuales: ^1/ en formato excel. Necesito que extraiga: 1° Los rivales que se enfrentan 2° Ganador del encuentro 3° Checkout dardo 4° Checkout color 5° 1º jugador en marcar y resultado (1-X-2)
Necesito el diseño para 2 placas para montar componentes ioT: PLACA 1 Nodemcu Wifi Esp12 Esp 12 Lua Gpio Cp2102 (Para montar) Display Tft Arduino St7789 (board 1) (Para montar) sensor aht10 temp (Para montar) DS3231 rtc clock (Para montar) PLACA 2: Display Tft Arduino St7735 (board 2) (Para montar) Nodemcu Wifi Esp12 Esp 12 Lua Gpio Cp2102 (Para montar) 4 relays (embebido) --> con componentes soldados desde ya muchas gracias
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Se requiere la Integración de un hardware que incluye programación en Arduino para consumir servicios de un API REST. Se deben cumplir los siguientes objetivos: 1- Interconexión del Dispositivo con el API REST. 2- Consumir servicios para envío y recepción de información. Pro...programación en Arduino para consumir servicios de un API REST. Se deben cumplir los siguientes objetivos: 1- Interconexión del Dispositivo con el API REST. 2- Consumir servicios para envío y recepción de información. Programar el consumo de varios métodos del API. Especificaciones del Dispositivo: * IDE: Arduino IDE * Versión: 1.8.15 (última disponible) * Microcontrolador: ATMEGA2560 (microcontrolador AVR de 8...
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Se precisa diseño smartwatch para niños debe ser resistente y atractivo para niños. Debe diseñarse un reloj no un logo de marca. 3D clock design to be produced in a factory
Necesitamos actualizar un medidor de agua caliente para incorporar comunicacion inalambrica el producto esta funcionando alambricamente.
Estoy buscando una persona que me ayude animar el gráfico que dejo como archivo adjunto, lo que me gustaría es que el gráfico pudiera hacer son o algún tipo de animación con el cual el usuario pueda interactuar cuando pase el mouse sobre el gráfico. Algo parecido a lo que dejo en este link
...message can be sent at the same time (5). This limits us a lot of work now that our clients are going to more. So we need those push notifications to be immediate and all customers at once. Our idea is to add a configuration in which the client can activate/deactivate the reception of these notifications, and also select from which categories they want to receive them. Ideally we would also like a clock or holiday mode, where the client can turn off the reception for a certain time. As for the notifications we would like to add two buttons to select as positive and negative, and also buttons to share through whatsapp and social networks. Some of our offers last minutes because of the amount of people who buy them, but others stay a few days and we would like them to be shown ...
Diseñar un convertidor analógico digital con un selector de rango de voltaje 0.00 – 4.99 Voltios 00.0 – 14.9 Voltios 00.0 – 25.0 Voltios Incluir Valor a medir (controlador) Selector del rango de medición Graficas de Tren de Pulsos Diente de Sierra Salida de los Op-amps Clock Compuerta And Selector de Velocidad de Medición 2 seg. 1 seg. 0.5 seg. Display de 7 segmentos **USAR Vi Express(simulated signals) **NO USAR contador y opams hechos por terceros.
...have a base watch and you want to make inlays on the bracelet. The user must have the possibility to choose between different designs (of diamonds) to apply to the same watch. When you select the design you want, an image (layer) overlays the base picture and builds the desired visualization. It must be the same for the other parts of the watch. It is a project that will initially work with 10 watches, between 4 and 6 customizable parts per clock and between 3 and 6 designs for each part. On average 140 layers (images) are expected. Initiative, creativity, style and good taste are expected from the chosen designer since many of the designs have to be proposals made by the designer. Selection Process: The interested designer is expected to send us a sample of what his w... name,language, country people see other on the wall page, can click on the address and triggers the call caller triggers and the receiver answers the redux store has to handle: 1) state of user logged into the signaling server 2) states like RtcPeerConnection, audio video etc (all states needed to verify that the connection between users is set and working) when the connection opens a clock or timer has to appear for both user counting the time opened, would fine if it's possible to set some message alert at some time for example every 30min of opened connection. a screensharing to the other user is required too. I would need also eventhandlers for the state changes in the store. Everything except the signaling server should stay in the frontend. i'd like ...
Sistema automatico y invent... (IDENTICO) -Calcular los precios de compra de cada dispositivo dependiendo de la condicion mas otros factores EJEMPLO: (IDENTICO) Calcular el precio de cada dispotivo dependiendo de varios factores algo asi: EJEMPLO: -Usuario MANAGER+EMPLEADOS (Poder agregar+editar+borrar empleados) -Registro de entrada(clock in) y salida(clock out) que muestre las horas trabajadas de cada empleado por semana total. -Registro de ventas de cada empleado. (Cada empleado pueda agregar lo que a vendido) *Inventario* (Poder agregar+editar+borrar+) (con opciones de categorias y subcategorias) Eso seria todo, busco alguien que tenga experiencia mas si ha realizado proyectos algos parecido.
Aplicacion ios, android, webpage para el manejo de varios salones de bellezas, en donde se puede ofertar sus servicios y costos de ellos; donde el usuario puede agendar viendo horarios disponibles; y que estas agendas las pueden ver los salones de bellezas. Ejemplo miora
Necesito hacer un programa en VHDL de un reloj (formato 24hs), con cronometro y con alarma. Cuando cambio a cada uno. no se debe perder la cuenta de la hora, cronometro o la alarma seteada. El reloj, la alarma y el cronometro se debe poder cargar/modificar manualmente. Detención y reinicio del cronometro. Cuando la hora del alarma coincida con el clock, prender los (o algún) led. Se deberá implementar algún tipo de barrido multiplexado para el uso de los 4 dígitos “7 segmentos”. to other proposals, I also like green or pink. - I would like to have several versions of the logo: with the icon above and the letters below, with the icon to the left of the letters, and white version for dark backgrounds and black for clear backgrounds. - I would like the typography easy to read. - As soon as the icons had thought about a combination of a kettlebell with the shape of a clock and that the needles were a knife and a fork, giving the time for example. It has to convey fitness, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. But I am open to other proposals that fit with what I want to convey. -The target audience of this website are mostly women. - Attached some visual ideas that I like, but the logo must be original and creative, not a literal copy of the images...
Se desea programar un microcontrolador AVR (atmel2561) mediante una Orange PI descargando el hex file desde un servidor web mediante WS (web socket). La conexión a internet se realizará mediante un modulo GSM.
Se requiere desarrollar una aplicación móvil de tipo reloj despertador compatible con Iphone y Android, preferentemente desarrollado con framework Ionic. Los requerimientos de la app son los de cualquier app de despertador: Ingresar nombre de la alarma Selección de hora y frecuencia (Días de la semana a ejecutarse) Selección de sonido y volumen Posibilidad de registrar más de una alarma. Debe a su vez tener la posibilidad de seleccionar como método para apagar la alarma la resolución de un problema de táctica de ajedrez. Para ello la aplicación debe tener una base de datos en formato pgn de problemas tácticos. Se debe también tener la posibilidad de cambiar de idioma La aplicación ...
...background. The description is as follows: His name is Electrokito It is a fantasy character, who lives inside the power lines, and they can travel through electrical connections wherever they want. It has an electrician's helmet (with a small solar panel), gloves, shoes with a protective tip, big eyes, the nose are two small spaces like those of a power outlet, mouth something small, has a clock integrated in his hand to know the electrical power, a belt with a lightning bolt in the buckle and feed into the electrical network. It is focused on children. There is the possibility of animating the rest of the story. High quality images are required....
El trabajo consiste en desarrollar el tema: programación me microprocesadores mediante lenguaje ensamblador. De preferencia, PIC o AVR, utilizando al menos 5 libros del 2010 al presente como bibliografía. Los subtemas más comunes dentro de este tema son: direccionamiento de memoria, puertos entrada/salida, operadores aritméticos/lógicos, saltos, subrutinas, banderas, temporizadores, convertidor AD, e interrupciones.
...necesito que la simulacion funcione. ¿En cuanto tiempo crees lograrlo? Tengo planos, tengo las piezas, tengo el ensamble, y tengo imagenes del proyecto de como deberia quedar... Hi, I have a pending project, it's about a pendulum clock. The clock has many gears and the biggest problem is the weight because I do not know how to make it work with this one and I do not know how to tie a rope, I already have the pieces and the assembly, I just need the simulation to work. How long do you think you can achieve it? I have plans, I have the pieces, I have the assembly, and I have images of the project of how it should be ......
The project is control systems (motors, sensors) in a marine environment and will be controlled by a smart phone. I am based near Barcelona, and whilst the developer will be working remotely I would like the ability to sit down from time to time - so someone in the general area of Barcelona would be ideal. (english or spanish spoken) The Arduino will have connected: - relays - GSM / Cell board - Real time clock - GPS - A display El proyecto son sistemas de control (motores, sensores) en un entorno marino y serán controlados por un smartphone. Vivo cerca de Barcelona, y mientras que el desarrollador estará trabajando de forma remota me gustaría tener la capacidad de sentarse de vez en cuando - por lo que alguien en el área general de Barcelona s...
Deseo empezar a trabajar en mi proyecto personal, un video juego de genero survival horror y gameplay point and click (novela gráfica). Tengo algunas ideas pero me gustaría verlas plasmadas en un papel o en su defecto en digital. Espero poder contar con un ilustrador para llevar a cabo este proyecto. Influencias: Resident evil, the curse of monkey island, silent hill, the wa...empezar a trabajar en mi proyecto personal, un video juego de genero survival horror y gameplay point and click (novela gráfica). Tengo algunas ideas pero me gustaría verlas plasmadas en un papel o en su defecto en digital. Espero poder contar con un ilustrador para llevar a cabo este proyecto. Influencias: Resident evil, the curse of monkey island, silent hill, the walking dea...
Hola Erwin, tengo un proyecto el cual te puede interesar. es con microcontroladores ATmel AVR y programación en C. saludos
-Data logger con comunicación GPRS, 4 entradas para sensores (2 sensores de T° digitales, 1celula de carga Analoga, 1sensor de humedad analogo o digital) -sistema de muy bajo consumo -debe tener acceso via Internet para realizar configuraciones(tiempo de muestreo, tiempo de envio de datos, etc.) -envio de datos a una dirección IP -Familia de microcontroladores ATmel AVR -Modulo SIM900 GSM/GPRS o equivalente. -ANSI C (todo comentado)
Deseo empezar a trabajar en mi proyecto personal, un video juego de genero survival horror y gameplay point and click (novela gráfica). Tengo algunas ideas pero me gustaría verlas plasmadas en un papel o en su defecto en digital. Espero poder contar con un ilustrador para llevar a cabo este proyecto. Influencias: Resident evil, the curse of monkey island, silent hill, the wa...empezar a trabajar en mi proyecto personal, un video juego de genero survival horror y gameplay point and click (novela gráfica). Tengo algunas ideas pero me gustaría verlas plasmadas en un papel o en su defecto en digital. Espero poder contar con un ilustrador para llevar a cabo este proyecto. Influencias: Resident evil, the curse of monkey island, silent hill, the walking dea...
Necesitamos incorporar un desarrollador freelance con amplios conocimientos de programación en C a bajo nivel, tanto en entorno Linux como en microcontroladores (preferiblemente AVR y/o ARM), para que entre a formar parte del equipo de I+D en nuestras oficinas de Vilafranca del Penedés. Periodo inicial de 2 meses, con posibilidades de pasar a plantilla pasado este periodo. Si estás interesado rellena el siguiente test/formulario:
...performance. - Colaborar con el Departamento de Marketing y Comunicación en la implementación de la estrategia de marketing online y de redes sociales. - Conocimientos técnicos deseados: AJAX, JAVASCRIPT, FLASH, CSS3, HTML5, Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIN API, PHPframeworks - Supervisión, monitoreo y reporte de las métricas de performance de toda nueva funcionalidad del e-commerce. CONTACTO: referencia "CLOCK-NUB" Adjuntando CV y remuneracion pretendida....
...idea del Startup a conceptos y términos claves (En conjunto con nosotros) - Diseño del Storyboard (En conjunto con nosotros) - Desarrollo y Edición del mismo. Ejemplos de videos para tomar como guías de lo pretendido: - - - CONTACTO: Empezar el mensaje con el asunto "VIDEO CLOCK". Preferentemente enviar trabajos o experiencia relacionada....
...usuarios. Skills / habilidades deseadas para los diferentes recursos a contratar: - Lenguajes de Programación: Magento, PHP, HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScrpit, MySQL - Experiencia con Content Management System (CMS) - Optimización SEO/SEM/SMO - Social Networking. Lenguajes de Programación: Facebook API, Twitter API, LinkedIn API, JavaScript. CONTACTO: Al responder al comenzar el mensaje con la palabra: "CLOCK". De esta manera sabremos que te tomaste el trabajo de leer todo el aviso....
...additional 3mm on each edge to make sure that during the cutting process at the printing house they will have margin for error. Every file needs to be precisely 11 cm x 8.5 cm. 2) BOX - We need to change the left side of the box, we got to add there writing:”Check The Game” and QR code. Writing should match with the text " 2-4 players" and other icons on the side and be the more or less in the size of clock icon on the side of a box. 3) Regarding our box, we have graphics ready in AI and PDF extensions and we have printable grid on wich you will need to put our graphics. Box size need to match guidelines in grid attachment. All colors on the box need to be in CMYK colors to be printed as pure black Here are all of the files:
...being applied around the upper arm and chest. Ensure the tape lies flat and snug. Illustrate cross-over strips being applied to stabilize the front and back of the shoulder. Use arrows to show the direction of application. Add a final view showing all strips clearly labeled and positioned correctly. 4. Additional Elements Important Tips Infographic: Create a simple visual summary with icons: Clock to indicate "Apply 30 minutes before activity." Scissors for "Cut tape to desired length." Hand for "Rub tape to activate adhesive." Keep the infographic in black-and-white for consistency. 5. Delivery Timeline Provide detailed drafts for review within 7 days. Final versions to be delivered within 14 days after feedback. 6. Submission Details ...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to create a series of videos from a set of time-lapse footage I have, in order to help me build a solar clock for my living room. The time-lapse footage I have captures the way the light moves across my living room wall each day throughout the year. There is a timestamp in the bottom left corner of the videos marking the time of day. What I want is a series of videos showing how the light looks at each hour of the day throughout the year. These videos will help me design and build a solar clock for the wall. For example, one of the videos would be of the 3:00 p.m. hour, which is composed of all the 3:00 p.m. still frames, one still frame from each of the time-lapse videos starting from Jan 31st through Nov 26, 2024. The 3:00 p.m. ...
...- Part of this job involves watching movies and television. Yes, for real! Stuff to NOTE before Applying - I have hired many people over the years. - I give clear instructions, but I expect a LOT of those who work for me. Those who don’t pull their weight will be let go quickly. If you want to keep this job, know you’ll have to prove yourself an asset quickly. - Treat this like a job. Clock in, clock out, check in with me, etc. I’m not a monster – if you are sick, if you have a conflict, I understand you may be late, but you must communicate this to me, just as you would any boss in an office. Flat out not showing up without letting me know will result in termination of our contract. - Treat. This. Like. A. Job. While you can miss days for em...
...for a talented 3D designer to create a sleek, modern desk clock. The clock should be visually appealing and functional, featuring an unusual mechanism. Key aspects to consider: - Design: The clock should embody a modern and sleek aesthetic. - 3D Model: The 3D model should be optimized for 3D printing, and simulate PLA material. - Clock Mechanism: While no specific clock features are required, creativity in the design of the clock mechanism is a plus. This project is for an introductory university course in product design. The goal is to produce a simple prototype - this clock will not be manufactured or produced. Ideal skills for this job include: - 3D modeling expertise - Experience in creative clock designs - Knowledge ...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a modern-themed New Year card for me. The card should include elements such as fireworks, snowflakes, and a clock striking midnight. It's intended for my family and friends, so it should have a warm, festive feel, yet maintaining a sleek, modern aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in card design - Understanding of modern design principles - Creativity in incorporating specified elements Please share your portfolio highlighting relevant design work.
...C engineer with a strong background in AVR microcontroller programming. My current project utilizes the ATmega 1284P microcontroller, and the development environment is CodeVision AVR. Key tasks will include: - Debugging and troubleshooting: I need someone who can effectively identify and solve issues in the code. - Code optimization: While I primarily focus on debugging, I also value someone who can enhance the performance of the code. You will have access to: - Detailed Documentation: I have comprehensive documentation for the project available for you. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with Embedded C and AVR microcontrollers. - Proficient skills in debugging and optimizing code. - Previous experience working with CodeVision ...
I'm looking for an Android app that counts time with a simple 1x1 widget. The widget should look identical to "zero" the fasting app, with a GREEN circle instead of a red one. Key Features: - Resetting...with a GREEN circle instead of a red one. Key Features: - Resetting the counter: I should be able to reset the counter at any time. - Displaying current time: The widget should also display the current time of the counter, in the same format as Zero fasting app does, and the circle fills as time passes. full circle when hit the goal - can set the ammount of time i want the clock to count too, aka the goal. This project requires: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Experience in creating minimalist, modern design interfaces. - Ability to develop si...
...development Ensuring data protection (encryption, secure login/authentication, etc.) Preventing vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Implementing secure coding practices and performing security audits. Project Title: Create Website for Cyber Security and IAM services List of requirements: Communication Skills: Ability to clearly communicate ideas, challenges, and progress to stakeholders, including designers, back-end developers, and project managers. Attention to Detail: High attention to visual and functional details to ensure the website looks great and functions smoothly. CSS3: Strong understanding of styling, layouts, and design principles; experience with modern CSS features l...
...Requirements: - Duration: The track should clock in between 1:30 and 2:00 minutes. - Style: The composition should blend intense electronic elements, catchy melodies and dynamic tempo shifts that reflect tension and release. - Unique Sound Design: The track should incorporate a prominent aspect of Toby Fox's unique sound design, making it stand out. The ideal candidate for this project should be highly skilled in music composition, particularly in creating catchy melodies and dynamic tempo shifts. A deep understanding and experience with electronic elements is crucial, and a familiarity with Toby Fox's style will be a distinct advantage. Your ability to create an engaging, danceable groove with a clear electronic focus will be key to the success of this proj...
Project Overview: We are seeking a talented freelance developer or development team to design and build a custom HR software solution tailored to our needs for payroll processing and attendance tracking. The solution will automate employee payroll, manage attendance, and generate reports for HR. We aim to build a secure, user-friendly, and scalable system that will improve the efficiency of our HR team and provide a smooth experience for employees. Project Requirements: Payroll Processing: Employee Salary Calculations: Automate the calculation of employee wages, tax deductions, overtime, bonuses, and any other variable payments. Pay Stub Generation: Create automated pay stubs for employees. Tax Calculations: Implement a feature for tax calculations based on regional tax laws...
Hi, I have a challenge for you. Have a (like the one in the link above) to show the audience how the "StarterStopper Alarm" works and the video needs to cause a reaction so people share it with friends and buy a StarterStopper Alarm to protect their car. All the videos and infos for you to make the video are online: you can also create parts with AI etc What do you think? Can you create a video that will clock in over 50M views? StarterStopper is a great product that is used in Australia, but we want to show it to the rest of the world as well now. Please be advised that general submissions like "I can do the job" will be ignored. Let me know what you can do and show me video you have created etc. What would be your price? Looking forward to hear ...
I'm seeking an FPGA expert proficient in VHDL for a multi-part project. The centerpiece is a digital alarm clock displayed on an LCD, with the following tasks to be completed: 1) A counter that counts from 0000-9999. It should be able to reset and be controlled using a pushbutton, displaying in decimal on 7-segment displays. 2) A digital alarm clock. The clock should display on an LCD and turn on an LED when the current time matches the alarm time. 3) Generation of a waveform. 4) Configuration of pins. 5) A demo video of the completed project. The digital alarm clock is the highest priority, so experience with time-based VHDL projects will be advantageous. Please note, the digital alarm clock does not need to include additional featur...